Hflicial Gazette;

Hflicial Gazette;

aba ; © fees Hflicial Gazette; No. 93 / LAGOS- 19th November, 1964 Vol. 51 sf CONTENTS | . 4 s . _ Page Te Page. Presid’ Departure on a Visit to Eastern Loss of Treasury Receipt «£765 Nigeria “ - - . 1751, . Loss of Local Purchase Orders 1765-5 . Me vements ‘of Officers . .. ‘1752-9 Benniseed Purchasesfor the month ended Ministry of Defence—Staff Movements 1759-61 25th September, 1964 1766 Probate Notites Soba ae oe a 1761 1964.65 Castor Seed Marketiny Scheme 1766. Supplementary List of Legal Practitioners who 7 Copra Purchases for the month ‘ended 29th . have paid their Practising F° ees for1963° «2. 1762 October, 1964 wf . se .. 1766. "Corrigendum tothe List ofLegal Practitioners 1762 Treasury Returns—Statement Nos. 35. 1767-71 Application for Registration~of Trade Unions — 1763 Lagos ConsumerPrice Index Middle Income ‘ Appointment of a memberof the¢ Nigerian Coal Group . oe ee fe fae “. 1772 Corporation. ua ~" «8 “F763 Lagos Consumer Price Index~ “Lower Income i Granting ofa Pioneer Certificate we 1763-4 | Group: +e 1 .. ~. 1772 ~Application for Repaymentof Import Duty 1764 Lagos City Council—Native Liquiig Licences neg “5 International Electrode and Chain Manifactur- 1965 .. “yh $ : AR ing Co.(Nigeria) Limited—Notice ofResolu- Tenders a ae 3. 1772-3 tion to wind up voluntarily ws 4. 1764 ¥, a . "7 . : . : . - Vacancies +s ee oe ae, TANF Federal Land Registry--- LostCertificates .. 1764 ; ‘ Rate- , of Royalty on Tin . 1764 Board9 ofor Customsi . and ExcisePeepica ValeSale uf Goods2 477%1775"¥i) Price of Tantalite—Provisional Royalty ” 1764-5 Offcial Gazzette—Renewal Notice (ist Price of Columbite—Provisional Royalty 1765 : INDEX: TO LEcAL NOTICES IN SUPPLEMENT Price of Thorium Concentrates—-Provisional Royalty Te we -* oe oe 1765 L.N. No. Short Title Page Price of Zircon Concentrates—Provisional . 126 Refistration of ‘Titles (Application) Royalty a . .. «+ 1765" Order, 1964 . “BSS3 ° ;ke ’ Government No tice No. 2064 . * PRESIDENT’,3 DEPARTURE ON A Vv;ISIT TO EASTERN. Nicerias : * It is notified for general information that His Excellency Doctor Nnamdi Azikiwe, President of the _. Federal Republic of “Nigeria, left Lagos on 13th November, 1964 on a visit to Port “Harcourt and thence ti, Enugu. His Excellency will return to Lagos on0 22nd November, 1964. 1gth November, ‘1964. a GG0025 (1751) ee i "4752 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - No. 93, Vol. 51 = 4 Government Notice NO, 2065 |» NEW. APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER STAFF> CHANGES The following are: notified for general information : —, NEW APPOINTMENTS . ANG .- Department Mame’ Appointment Date of Date of . I, = 7 oe ‘> Appointment Arrival | Agricultural Research .. Ajileye, O. A. 3rd' Class Clerk . 5~10-64 Federal Public Service 4Onuigbo, ¥. Typist, Grade III -1+4-63 Commission’ ™ ae \ Inland Revenue .. Ezenekwe,J. .. Tax Collector . 3-664 "Junaid, Miss A. T. .. Assessment Clerk, Grade HI.. 2-1-64 © . Ogunleye, T. O. Assessment Clerk, Grade III. 2-1-6 Ministry of Commerce Nwagwu,LC . 3rd Class Clerk 1 6-10-64 and Industry ' Ofo, D. F +. Produce Inspector, Grade Wl 14-9-64 \ Ministry of Communi- Akinpelu, AL loca Postal Officer 11-9-64 Ln . cations Akpom, J. O. ~ Postal Officer 11-9~64 - Anachebe, S.C. - Postal Officer . 11-9-64. dd Awontyi, L. A.~ Investigation Officer ~ . 7-7-64 bl Barnby, D. J. © Senior ‘Telecomrunications mo ; Engineer . os 7-7-64 Bem,D. G. .. Technician-in-Training - 2-1-64 - a Bishi, M.- : Postal Officer 6-10-64 - Eghareuba, G. U. ’ Postal Officer 15-9-64 | Ene, N. .. .. 3rd Class Clerk 8-10-64 > bring Tfedili, S. O. Meteorologist, Grade II 15-9-64 & Igwilo, P. O. Postal Officer . 23-9-64 * Ike, G.O. Postal Officer. we 11-9-64 Tkupolati, E. AL af 3rd Class Clerk. .. 8-10-64 REEd “ Izedonmiwen; iL.B. Postal Officer 15-9-64 * "* Sey, ALK. Engineer = . 84-64 EE - Shode, M. A. , Investigation Officer 27-8-64. fo Umolu, J. I, Postal Officer — 11-9-64 ° Ministry of Defence ..i Abano, 5. ° Stores Assistant .. ~.. 1-8-63 . °. Osutorji, P. A. Typist, Grade II » 4-12-64 * Ministry of Education ” Ogunleye, 5. A, Manual Instructor 5-10-64 Oyebolu, J. O. , Lecturer 30-9-64 Ministry of External Onwubere, T.C, AL 4.9% Assistant Executive Officer 10-6-64 PPTLIDE . Affairs - i ue Ministry of Finance .. Braide, R. * 3rd Class Clerk * 6-11-62 | Minis of Health Adelabi, H. F. 3rd Class MedicalLaboratory . - Technician +» 5-10-64 Aiguanfo, B. Artisan, Grade III . oa.) 14464 Azubuike, HN... Hospital Orderly "1-464. ffl Fadairo, Miss FA. + 3rd Class Medical Laboratory oo on . Technician: .. 5-10-64 _ Fatodu, Miss E. B. Staff Nurse le 1+9-64 | | Lawal, MissS. A. .. 3rd Class Medical Laboratory . So ' Technician — 21-9-64 Oke, A. :. 3rd Class Clerk 19-9:-64 “™. Okeoma, B. Hospital Orderly 14-64 WNkanga, E. H. ClericalAssistant 14-64 Odo,Mrs M. E. Staff Nurse ~ .: 14-10-64 Osayie, E. A. Driver-Mechanic +; 1-464 dsuori, F. EB. Driver-Mechanic: - . 14-64. Dannnn Tomori, E..G. 3rd Class Medical Laboratory % . ‘ , Technician woe 4-5-64 Ministry of Information Adenuga, A. O. Grapnic Arts Assistant, / : Grade ITI { 8-10-64 0 _ Mustafa, MC. Mechanician, Grade ITI 1~5-63 - dl _ Nweke, G. A. Librarian, National Library Olukoya, .. 5-8-64 0. M.O. 2.) Assistant Publicity Officer , 1-7-64 Ministry of Justice. <.. Adedeji, Miss-P- B. °K. Executive Officer mc (Litigation) “9-964 fy Akinseye, S. I, -. Pupil Crown Counsel -. | '28-7-64 Jackman, Mrs G.O. - State Council, Grade I 3-8-64 + Etthi Lott ‘ Kester, A. T. ++ Clerical Assistant . 29-83-64 Ministry of Labour <:. Bissong,J. - -. 3rd Class Clerk .. (4. 2 28-9-64 ° Nwokocha, M. I. -- Typist, Grade III -- re 10-964 PIT . AES a yesh > “Hy. - 19th November, 1964 ORFICLAL GAZETTE 1753 i. 4 NEW APP.OINTMENTS—con tinued . Department >, Name Appointiunent Datevuf Date of a . : ~ dppuimntment Arrival Misery of Mines and "Mental, D. T. .« . 3rd Class Clerk . 29-964 —_— ower “ :: Ministry of Transport Ambakederemo, F.O. Technical Assistant 25-9-61 “wees . Amifor, J. C. ++ Technical Assistant 1-8-60 — ; _- Kenedinum,P. E. Artisan, Grade IIT “1 -+-64 — Ministry of Works and aAkinkunmi, Y.O, .. Technical Assistant 22--Y-64 —_ Surveys Batin, C. C, ; Mechanical Engineer 4-7 O04 7-7-64 : Fasasi, MI. Air Mapping Assistant 18-5--64 _ Ndu, R. E. Timekeeper, Grade U 1-11-62 — Y Odunuyi, f. Artisan, Class II . 1-£-62 , — Omisakin, S. O. Survey. ‘Assistant, ‘Grade Il 10-2-64 2 =~ ‘Willams, S. O. Electrical Superintendent 29-5-64 = Police Fasanya, "M. O. Eduication Officer (Southern : : . : Police College, Ikeja) 1--)-64 ~ Prisons e Itemeka, C. .. Prison Teacher, Grade III 1-8-64 a Statistics . Apata, A.A. -- 3rd Class Clerk 15-8-64 ~~ Ogun, QO. OY 3rd Class Clerk 13 -5-63 — . - Ramamurti,DrB. .. Chief Statistician 1-10-63 12-10-63 Veterinary Research .. Alaka,J. N. .» Laboratory Assistant 1-10-64 = —~ ' - .- Daminabo, R. M. ‘Laboratory Assistant Sy: . 14-64 ~— . Haalstra, R.T.- . Veterinary Research Officer _ -. 20+64~- — West African Institute -Agunyegoh, P. I. - Driver-Mechanic .. eee 14-64 —_— for Oil Palm-Research Ojongbede, J. Drivér-Mechanice .. 14-64 — “4 Obiadi, C. Ww, + Laboratory Technician, Grade .. ; . , : lil . 1-6 63 _ - Osaghae, U. .. Driver-Mechanic. 14 -o4 _ 1 Notification ini Gazette No. 85 of 15-10-64 amended. \ PROMOTIONS © ) Department Name ' Appointment | Date of - Promotion Administration: , Lever, Miss E. Personal weeretary‘Grade l . {1-9-64 Audit’ Adesanya, J. I. 1st Class Clerk - 19-64 Chiedozi, M. 1st Class Clerk .. 23-10-64: : Fakiye, I. A. Ist Class Clerk . -. 21-10-64 Customs and Excise ..- Edu, M. A.’ ist Class Officer .. , 1-10-64. Sg Okokon, A. B. ” 1st Class Officer .. - . 1lr6-64 ° Onyeike, N. E. Senior Officer, Grade I . 27-2-64 Uchendu, I. C. 1st Class Officer .. » 1-6-64 Ministry of Communi- Ogbu, J. N. Senior Assistant Telecommunications cations . x : . Controller 4 1-11-64 . Songonuga, E: A. Senior Assistant Telecommunications . a Controller . 1-11-64 Ministry of Education .. .Akingbehin, Mrs A... Woman Eduéation Officer (Domestic : ot a , Science) 1-11-44 Marquis, Mrs.L. Y. .. weoman Education Officer {Domestig : Science) . 1-11-A4 Ministry of External Emuwa, A. O. " Fligher Executive Officer a 1-10-6H4- Affairs Joda, A. M. - Htigher Executive Officer os 1-10-64 Mumuni, D. A. Higher Executive Officer 1-10-64 0 Uduigwome, A. I... Higher Executive Officer ° “1-10-84 Ministry of Justice Braithwaite, Mrs R.A. State Counsel, Grade I 1-10-64 oo": “oker, D. S. State Counsel, Grade I 1-10 -64 . Okunribido, S.-O. Principal State Counsel . 4-11-64 . Thomas, J. O. Principal State Counsel . 1-11-64 ” Ministry of Works and Monu, H. M. Executive Engineer, Grade te 1-664 Surveys ‘. \ (CONFIRMATION OF ‘APPOINTMENTS AY - ‘+, Department - Nante Appointment \ Date of yO ' . Confirmation Administration Okwuosa, E. A. 3 Administrative Officer, Class iV,| 9-1-64 Customs and Excise - Ohasa, A. Clerical Assistant: 31-5~64 Ministryof Aviation Obot, O. N. 3rd Class Clerk .. 14-9-A4 ae 1754 + # OFFICIAL GAZETTE ° 4. No. 93, Vol. 51. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS—continued Department Name Appointment Date of . Confirmation Ministry of Commerce #’Balogun, Y. A. Trainee Inspector of Weights and Measures 30-10-64 and Industry Olawoyin, J. A. ‘Trainee Inspector of Weights and Measures 4-10-64 | _ Ministry of Communi- Anthony, G Postman o .. -. - 1-463 . cations Jack, D. 3rd Class Clerk .. 3—10-64 . Oduntan, F. O. .. Postal Officer .. .. .s «. 11-763 ' Okafor, B. M.-C. {Technical Officer ; oe _ 1~7-61 -. Okonkwo, G. U. ‘Pssnsane Technical Officer .. 1~7-63 Osuyi, R. B. A. Clerical Assistant .. 1-11-63 a Otusi, O.. .. 2nd Class Clerk . ~. > 15+9-64 & Ministry of Education..

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