CIRCULATION LARGER THAN ALL OTHER RADIO MAGAZINES COMBINED 20 Cents RE%'DIO December 1921 Over 100 Illustrations Edited by H. GERNSBACK NEWAM. UA. T.01111. J r "THE 1 00 ' WIRELESS MAGAZINE" www.americanradiohistory.com CONTENTS VOL. 2 FOR DECEMBER NO. 6 PAt,i PAM( Ideas- Seventh Spasm, The t ausc of Freak Messages, By Thos. W. Benson 367 By H. Gernsback 349 A Three -Tube Combination Radiophone The Eiffel Tower Radio Station 350 Transmitter and Receiver, By Robert L. Lacault 368 The Amateur Trans -Atlantic Feat, as Reported By Pierre II. Bouchcron 353 \ Shor¡ Wave Coupler, i Pocket Radio Receives Time Signals.... 354 By Geo. Mitchell 366,i I Practical Receiver, \ The Spirit of Christmas, By Volney G. Mathison 355 By Erald A. Schivo 370 An International Radio Achievement 356 Raided by Radio, By Herbert \Varren Dodge 371 The Audios -Its Action and Applications, By Lee DeForest 358 Radio Digest 377 Comparison of Modulation Methods in Club Gossip 373 Radio Telephony.. By A. S. Blatterman 360 With the Amateurs 374 }iad;n T,3,!"., -.Reception 363 Junior Section 376 \ Method of Producing Musical or Other \edible Notes...By Victor If. Laughter 363 1.'ctiooary of Radio Tcrmc 37; Awards of Portable Radio Prize Contest. 364 Junior Constructor 378 A New Land \Vire and Radio Trans- I- Want-To -knob 379 mitter of Photographs, By Umberto Bianchi 366 CorLespondencc from Readers... 380 _-.'uw:ma9fwselliff --. ,^mlSvüm1VMN :a,tes!a-a- -- _ -- .,.,...-ir.' It A II I O NEWS Is publislrt on the 25111 of each month - at included... ALL accepted conlributions are paid for on publication. A 2:3 t. New York. There are 12 numbers per ye a . Suls rrip- spacial rato is paid for novel experiments: good photographs m,ompaning ti m price Is $2.00 a year in U. S. and possessions. ranurlaandr foreign them are highly desirable. merles. $2.50 a year. IT. S. coin as well asa U: S. Stamps accepted (no RADII() N E W S. Monthly. Entered as and -class matter .1 ac e Igu coins or lnrpsl Singlegle copies. 20 cents each. A sample copy will 6th, 1019. at the Post Ocoee at New York. N. Y., under the Act. or :fit grails on request. Checks and money orders should be drawn to March 3. 1397. Title registered U. S. Patent Office. Copyright. 1920. ty of EXI'EIIISIENl'$at PUBLISHING CO.. INC. If you should E. P. Co., Inc., New York. The Experimenter Publishing Co.. 233 btiSaI go your address notify us promptly. In order that copies be not mis- Street. N. Y., N. Y. The Contents of this magazine are copyrighted and c.( lost. No coplea sent after explralen. must not be reproduced without giving full credit to the publication. i communications and contributions to this Journal should be ad- RADIO NEWS is for sale at all newstands in the United 8tttes . to: Editor, RADIO NEWS, 233 Fulton Street. New York. and Canada: also at Brentanti s. 37 Avenue de l'Opera. Paris. tenir accepted contributions cannot be returned unless full postage has been Great Britain: Goriry. Parker & Gregg. 62 & SA, The Mall, Ealing, London. Publisht by EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING CO , INC. 233 Fulton Street, New York City H. GERNSBACK, President S. GERNSBACK, Treasurer R. W. DE -MOTT, Secretary .0 -`!I \---1,.. v%= :»:.-- -- 346 www.americanradiohistory.com An Amateur Copies POZ With the Connecticut Variable Condenser An amateur in Southeastern New York says in a recent letter:. "I have purchased four of your CONNECTICUT Variable Condensers and it is possible to get better results with them than with the multiplate type of Variable. "I spent several weeks trying to get signals from the European stations. At first I was unstccessful. I bought one CONNECTICUT condenser for trial. It tuned the radio signals so sharply (and better than other variables) that I bought three others. Much to my expectation they did remarkably well and I was soon copying POZ and other European stations without much diffi- culty. "Hereafter I will use CONNECTICUT Variables in all my circuits as they are actually cheaper in the long.run and are far more efficient for radio re- ceiving sets." Your set will be a better one.with the CONNECTICUT Condenser. The instru- ment is set at .00i mfds., adjustable either higher or lower. There's a booklet with fill information waiting for you. Send for your copy. CONNECTICUTCON '!ELECTRIC COMPANY . Meriden Connecticut www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for December, 1920 Now Dad -Hear the %nor "I can listen in on all the radio concerts now, Dad. Those Baldwin phones you bought me for Christmas are corkers. Just listen to that famous tenor singing over the wireless telephone. Every note records just as clearly as though it were a phonographic reproduc- tion right here in our own home." Actually Baldy Phones reproduce in identically the same manner as do the high grade phonographs. In- stead of a heavy iron diaphragm, as in most phones, a selected grade of mica is used. This is much more susceptible to distortion and as a result responds more readily to the thousands of overtones and harmonics of the human voice or any musical instrument. Baldy's are the most sensitive phones in the world. This is attested to by the fact that the leading radio engineers, with every facility at their command for Slit. testing the audibility and sensitiveness of every make Wtun ü! of phone, choose Baldwin for their personal use. Our new booklet will give you some interest- Study this \Ray photo of a ing facts about Baldwin Phones, in addition i atdwin earpiece and feu will see why they are world to prices. Ask your dealer for a copy. If he famed for their sensihiveness. can not supply you write direct, giving his name and address. JOHN FIRTH & CO., Inc. 18 Broadway New York Sole Distributors of EIdriree Electrical Instruments holster Decremeter U. S. Bureau of Standard 1Vavemrter Navy Standard Lyden jars FOR LAND.SEA BALDY AIRAND IN THE ONES www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for December, 1920 Ilililll I .1 w écoóôn ized Symbol of-Superior Pef rmance Our New Complete Receiving Equipment is Here and must be seen and used to be appreciated. Ask your dealer to show it to you. It is the most compact, convenient and efficient apparatus ever offered -only 5 °x5 "x7 ". Absolutely noiseless in operation, sensitive, reliable, scientific. An Excellent Gift How often have you marvelled at the mystery and wonder of "Wireless "? How often have you wished for a simple, reliable instrument complete that would bring the "magical messages of the air" right into your own home? You need wish no longer. Produced by a nationally known manufacturer of commercial radio apparatus, the new Amrad Receiving Set admirably meets the wishes of those who have desired for so long to engage in wireless experimentation. Hear the Voices in the Air Easy to Set Up and Operate Year every large city there are now one or more The Amrad Receiving Set is not a "mechanical powerful wireless telephone stations. Speech toy." It is a high grade commercial product from anyone of these stations can be clearly bearing the Amrad stamp of quality. Yet any- heard with the Amrad Receiving Set a score or one who can use a few simple tools can within more miles away. Frequently, these stations give an hour erect his complete station and actually radio "concerts." By means of the Amrad Re- hear messages. Explanatory directions accom- ceiving Set you can easily hear these "concerts" pany each set. The operating is simplicity with surprising clearness though you are miles itself. Set the switch and detector adjustment distant and in the seclusicn of your own room. and then turn the control knob until the de- sired messages are audible and "tuned" to Radio telegraph messages, press reports, etc., maximum intensity. from commercial stations and ships several hundred miles away, as well as the constant in- The instrument is always ready for instant use. tercommunication of the amateur stations in your There are no batteries to charge or replace. The general vicinity can be heard any hour of the day. first cost is the last cost. A Complete Unit in Our Established Policy of Standardized Design Receiver $25.00, Telephone Head Set $3.00, Antenna Equipment $12. Complete $40.00 Send for Descriptive Bulletin Order from your nearest Amrad Dealer. His name was published in August Radio News. AMERICAN RADIO AND RESEARCH C9RPoITIoN 15 Park Row Address all Communications Factory and Laboratory New York to New York Office Medford Hillside, Mass. www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for December, 1920 A Practical Receiver By VOLNEY G. MATHISON TI IE radio receiver illustrated here - with is one that 1 have recently designed and built with the idea in view of producing a strictly prac- tical instrument, capable of cover- ing all wave- lengths in use today, either dampt or CW. This receiver affords an example of what can be done through a judicious selection of materials and a care- ful assembling of the various units. The materials and finished pieces of apparatus were selected from among the products 01 seven manufacturers and while in two or three instances the exact article desired was not to be had, nevertheless a quite satisfactory result has been obtained. As can be readily seen in the photo- graphs, the receiver comprises a Loney - comb -coil tuning system, a vacuum tube detector and a two -step amplifier. The hookup employed is of the standard, to generative type, with one of the Loin comb -coils acting as at tickler in the de- tector plate-circuit.
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