4956 CONGRESSIONAL REO.ORD- SENATE. APRIL 20, SEN.ATE . Mr. DICK pn-esented a petition of sundry citizens of .Akron., Ohio, praying for the enactment of legislation providing for the ~fO)WAY, Aprril ~0, 1908. construction of at least one of the proposed new battle ships at Prayer by the Chap'lain, Rev. EDWARD E. HALE. one of the Government navy-yards, which was· referred. to the The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the :proceed­ Committee on KaT"al A!fairs. ings of Saturday last, when, on request of l\1r. KE.A.N and by He alsO' presented a petition of Local Union No. 4, American unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with.. Federation of l\Iusicians, of CleTeland, Ohio, praying for the The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal stands approved. enactment of legislation to prohibit Navy and Marine bands from entering into competition with civilian bands, which wns LIST OF VOLUNTEER OFFICERS. referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ He also presented a petition of the Board of Trn..de of Bisbee, tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to a Ariz., praying for the enactment of legi ·lation requiring a resolution of the 21st ultimo, a list of officers of United States strict construction of the laws relating to mining claims, which volunteer organizations under the act of March 2, 1899, for was referred to the Committee on Mines and 1\Iinip.g. service in the Philippines, showing the difference between the He also presented a petition of the Merchants and Manufac­ amount paid each officer tmder tlae act of May 26, 1900, as travel turers' Association of Milwaukee, Wis., praying for the enact­ pay, etc., and the amount each would have received under the ment of legislation providing !or ocean mail service between the law in force ai: the time of their muster into the service, which, United States and foreign ports and to promote commerce, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee which was ordered to lie on the table. on Claims and ordered to be printed. He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of l\1edina, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Ohio, and a petition of sundry citizens of Randolph, Ohio, pray­ A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. ing for the passage of the so--culled " rural parcels post and postal savings banks billsl" which were referred to the Com­ BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed a bill (H. R. 20345) making appropriations for the diplo­ mittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. ma tic and consular service for the fiscal year ending June 30. He also presented a memorial of Local Union No. 68, Ameri­ can Federation of Labor, of Bellaire, Ohio, remonstrating 1909, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. against the passage of the so-called •• Penrose bill," to exclude The message also communicated to the Senate resolutions periodicals from second-class mail privileges, which was re­ commemorative of the life and public services of Hon. GEORGE W. SMITH, late a Representative. from the State of illinois. ferred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads.. He also presented a petition of J . H . Stewart Lodge, No. PETITIO ""S AND MEMORIALS. 243, Brotherhood of Railroad TI~ainmen, of Chillicothe, Ohio, The VICE-PRESIDENT presented memorials of Local Lodge praying for the passage of the so-called "employers'' liability No. 24, of Berlin; of Local Lodge No~ 9r of Franklin, in the bill," which was ordered to lie on the table. State of New Hampshire~ of Local Lodge No.3, of South Glens He also presented a petition of Local Union No. 24, Photo~ Falls; of Local Lodge No. 5, of Ticonderoga, in the State of engravers' Association of Cleveland, Ohio, praying for the repeal New York; of Local Lodge No. 10", of 'Vilder, and of Local of the- duty on white paper, wood pulp, and the materials used Lodge No. 19~ of Milton, in the State of Vermont, all of the In­ in the manufacture thereof, which was referred to the Commit­ ternational Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mills tee on Yrnance. Workers, remonstrating against the repeal of the duty on white He also presented 3. petition of the New Connecticut Chapter, pape:r, wood pulp, and the materials used in the manufacture Daughters of the American Revolution, of Painesville, Ohio, thereof, which were referred to the Committee on Finance. praying for the enactment of legislation to regulate the employ­ Mr. PLATT presented a petition of Buffalo Council, No. 184, ment of child labor, whi:Ch was referred to the Committee on Knights of Columbus, of Buffalo, N. Y., praying for the enact­ Education and Labor. ment of legislation making October 12 a national holiday, to be Mr. BRIGGS presented a petition of the Ferracute Machine knDwn as" Discoyexy Dny," which was referred to the Commit­ Company, of Bridgeton, N. J., praying for the enactment of tee on the Judiciary. legislation to create a tariff commission, which was referred to He also presented a petition of the Central Federated Union the Committee on Finance. of New York, of New York City~ praying for the enactment of He also presented: the petition of D. B. Stevens, of Trenton, legislation praviding for the· construction of at least one of the N. J ., praying that an appropriation be made for the necessary proposed new battle ships at a Government navy-yard, which expenseS" incurred by railway postal clerks in the performance was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. of their duties while away from home, which was referred to He also presented a petition of Wide Awake Grange, No. 747, the Committee on Post-Offi-ces and Post-Roads. Patrons of Husbandry, of Phelps, N. Y., praying for the passage He also presented a memorial of the National Bank of Had­ of the so-called "rural parcels-post bill," which was referred donfield, N. J ., remonstrating against the enactment of legisla­ to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. He also presented a memorial of the New York Board of tion to secure deposit§! in national banks against loss, which T:.;ade and Transpo:rtation, of New York City, remonstrating was referred to the Select Committee on National Banks. against the adoption of certain amendments to the so-call€d He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Madison and "Sherman antttrust law," which was: referred to the Committee Hackensack, and of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty on the Judiciary. to Children, of Morris County, an in the State of New Jersey, He also presented a petition of West Shore Lodge, No. 213, praying for the enactment of legislation to regulate the employ­ Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, of Syra­ ment of child labor in the District of Columbia, which were re­ cm:c, N. Y., praying for the enactment of legislation to promote ferred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.. the safety of employees upon railroads, which was ordered to He also presented a petition of District Council No. 2, Metal lie- on the table. Polishers, Buffers, Platers, Brass Molders, and Brass and Silver He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Pough­ Workers' Union of North A.merica, of Newark, N. J., praying keepsie, N. Y., praying for the adoption of a certain amendment for the enactment of legislation providing for the construction to the so-called " Sherman antitrust law " relating to labor or­ of all the proposed new battle ships at the Government navy­ g::mizations, which was referred to the Committee on the Ju­ yards, which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. diciary. He also presented a petition of Loca.l Branch No. 63, Glass He also presented memorials of Gilbert & Bell, of Waterford,; Bottle Blowers' Association, of Williamstown, N. J., and a peti­ of Local Lodge No. 1, of Fort Edward ; Local Lodge No. 3, of tion of Local Branch No. 7, Glass Bottle Blowers' Association, Sou.th Glens Falls; of Local Lodge, of Ticonderoga; of Local of Millville, N. J., praying for the adoption of certain amend· Lodge No. 11, of Morrisonville, all of the International Brother­ ments to the so-called " Sherman antitrust law " relating to la­ hood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, in the State of bor organizations, which were referred to the Committee on the New York, remonsh·ating against the repeal of the duty on Judiciary. white paper, wood pulp, and the materials used in the manu­ He also presented a petition of the State executive commit­ facture thereof, which were referred to the· Committee on tee of th€ Young Men's Christian Association, of Newark, N. J., Finance. and a petition of the Woman's Club of Orange, N. J ., praying Mr. NELSON presented a petition of the Twin City Imple­ for the enactment of legislation providing.for the investigation ment, Vehicle and Hardware Club, of Minneapolis-St. Paul, and the development of the methods of treatment of tubercu­ Minn., praying for the enactment of legislation to authorize the losis, which were referred to the Committee on Public Health Interstate Commerce Commission to decide the merits of freight and National Quarantine. rates placed in effect by the vatious railroads, which was re­ He also presented a petition of the Political Study Club of ferred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. Elizabeth, N. J., praying :for the enactment of legislation pro-- 19.08.. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-.SEN_A!llE.
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