RICE UNIVERSITY Fi.fty~si.xth Conlrutencetnent Exercises SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969, 7:00 P.M. EAsT SmE oF LovETT HAu. ACADEMIC PROCESSION Veni Creator Spiritus INVOCATION ROBERT I. KAHN Rabbi, Temple Emanu El COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS "Unity and Variety in Education" DR. HARRY H. RANSOM Chancellor, University of Texas System Lord of All Being, Throned Afar CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE ANNOUNCEMENTS America BENEDICTION RECESSIONAL The audience is requested to remain in place until after the recessional. VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS Veni, Creator Spiritus, 2. Da gaudiorum praemia, Mentes tuorum visita, Da gratiorum munera, Imple superna gratia Dissolve litis vincula, Quae tu creasti, pectora. Adstringe pacis foedera. 3. Sit laus Patri cum Filio, Sancto simul Paraclito, Nobisque mittat Filius, Charisma Sancti Spiritus. Amen. LORD OF ALL BEING, TI-IRONED AFAR Lord of all being; throned afar, 3. Our midnight is Thy smile withdrawn; Thy glory flames from sun and star, Our noontide is Thy gracious dawn; Centre and soul of every sphere, Our rainbow arch, Thy mercy's sign; Yet to each loving heart how near! All, save the clouds of sin, are Thine. Sun of our life, Thy quickening ray 4. Lord of all life, below, above, Sheds on our path the glow of day; Whose light is truth, Whose warmth is love, Star of our hope, Thy softened light Before thy ever-blazing throne Cheers the long watches of the night. We ask no lustre of our own. 5. Grant us Thy truth to make us free, And kindling hearts that burn for Thee, Till all Thy living altars claim One holy light, one heavenly flame. AMERICA 1. My country, 'tis of thee, 3. Let music swell the breeze, Sweet land of liberty, And ring from all the trees Of thee I sing: Sweet freedom's song: Land where my fathers died, Let mortal tongues awake; Land of the pilgrims' pride, Let all that breathe partake; From every mountain side Let rocks their silence break, Let freedom ring. The sound prolong. 2. My native country, thee, 4. Our fathers' God, to Thee, Land of the noble free, Author of liberty, Thy name I love: To Thee we sing: I love thy rocks and rills, Long may our land be bright Thy woods and templed hills; With freedom's holy light My heart with rapture thrills, Protect us by Thy might, Like that above. Great God, our King. CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY CHRISTINA VoN HuLPHERSHAUSEN ABDELLA. A.B. (University DoNALD HERBERT CoPLIN. B.S. (University of Oklahoma) I959; of Illinois) I962; A.M. (University of Illinois) I963 M.S. (Rice) I96I Dissertation in French: "Donneau de Vise and Moliere." Dissertation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Ma­ terials Science: "Stress Relaxation Study of Monocrystals of some ALEXANDER S. ADORJAN. B.S. (Technical University of Budapest) BCC Metals and Alloys." I953; M.S. (State University of New York) I965 Dissertation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Ma­ DoNALD RoY CowsAR. B.S. (Louisiana State University) 1964 terials Science: "The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Radiative Dissertation in Chemistry: "I. The Attempted Synthesis of Hydro­ Properties of Absorbing and Emitting Media." xycyclopropenone II. The Mechanism of the Tropolone Rear­ rangement." KENNETH HERBERT ALBERS. B.A. (Rice) I96I Dissertation in Chemistry: "Synthetic Approaches to Kaurene." KAREN PADGETT DAvis. B.A. (Rice) I965 Dissertation in Economics: ((A Theory of Economic Behavior in ]AMEs EDWIN BAILEY. B.A. (Rice) I966 Non-Profit, Private Hospitals." Dissertation in Chemical Engineering: "Improvement of Catalytic Selectivity by Periodic Operation." ANNELISE M. DuNCAN. B.A. (Texas Christian University) 1958 Dissertation in German: "A Study of Ethics and Concepts of CHARLES JACKSON BARNETT. B.A. (Vanderbilt University) I964 Justice in Two Sagas of Icelandic Outlaws." Dissertation in Chemistry: ((Studies in the Synthesis of Vindoline." JosEPH STEPHEN DuvAL. B.A. (Rice) I964; M.A. (Rice) 1966 VICTOR ALLEN BELFI. B.A. (Rice) I965 Dissertation in Physics: "A Study of Elastic and Inelastic Scatter­ Dissertation in Mathematics: "Non-tangential Homotopy Equi­ ing of Proton by 4 °Ca." valences." jAMEs WILLIAM EDMONDS. S.B. (Harvey Mudd College) 1965 KARL-HEINZ WILHELM BoEWE. A.A. (St. Joseph Junior College) Dissertation in Chemistry: "The Crystal Structure of Ammonium 1962; B.A. (University of Missouri) I964 I, I, 2, 6, 7, 7 Hexacyanoheptatrienide." Dissertation in German: "Paul Scheerbart: Romanthemen und Erzahltechnik., EsTHER Nms ELsTUN. B.A. (Colorado College) I960; M.A. (Rice) I964 RoBERT WILLIAM BURcH. B.A. (Rice) I965 Dissertation in German: "The Aesthetics of Richard Beer­ Dissertation in Philosophy: ((On Rules." Hofmann." KENT RANDALL CARSON. B.S. (Stanford University) I963; M.S. JuDITH ANNE FENNER. B.A. (University of Maryland) I964 (Northwestern University) 1965 Dissertation in History: "Confederate Finances Abroad." Dissertation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Ma­ terials Science: "The Fabrication and Properties of Boat Evapo­ ANN HEY FERGUSON. B.S. (University of Sheffield) I964 rated Permalloy Thin Films." Dissertation in Biology: ((Carbohydrate Metabolism in Actinomy­ cetes." lNG CHANG. B.S. (National Taiwan University) 1961; M.S. (Rice) I965 ARTHUR ALLEN FEw, ]R. B.S. (Southwestern University) 1962; Dissertation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Ma­ M.B.S. (University of Colorado) 1965 terials Science: "Radiant Heat Transfer in an Absorbing-Emitting Dissertation in Space Science: ((Thunder." Gas Flowing through a Long Circular Pipe." DAVID OWEN FINDLEY. B.S. (Emory University) 1964; M.A. CHARLES RICHARD CHAPPELL. B.A. (Vanderbilt University) 1965 (Rice) I967 Dissertation in Space Science: "The Interaction of Auroral Elec­ Dissertation in Physics: ((Production, Acceleration, and Utiliza­ trons with the Atmosphere." tion of Polarized Helium Three Ions." CoNRAD HoNG-JONG CHEN. B.S. (National Taiwan University) MARGARET CARVER FLOWERS. B.A. (Smith College) 1962 1959 Dissertation in French: "The Role of the Individual in the Novels Dissertation in Biology: "A Variation of the Embden-Meyerhof­ of Andre Malraux." Parnas Scheme in Molluscs." DouGLAS IKE FoRD. B.S. (LeTourneau College) 1965 HEINz C. CHRISTIANSEN. B.A. (Weber State College) I965; M.A. Dissertation in Chemistry: "The Symmetric Top Spin-Rotational (Rice) I967 Partition Function." Dissertation in German: "Craft Guilds Versus Meistersinger Schools: Their Proper Relationship." DoNALD JoAQUIN GARCIA. B.S. (Tulane University) I959; M.S. (Tulane University) I966 VIDOJKO V. CIRIC. Diploma in Engineering (Belgrade) I962 Dissertation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Ma­ Dissertation in Electrical Engineering: "Design of Minimum Sen­ terials Science: "A Study of Theories of Mixtures with Several sitivity Control Systems." Tempera tures." MicHAEL DAVID CocHRAN. B.S. (Tulane University) 1963; M.A. KENT LAVERNE GoERING. B.A. (Rice) 1965; M.S. (Rice) I967 (Bowling Green State University) I965 Dissertation in Civil Engineering: ((Optimization of Steel Beam­ Dissertation in Geology: "Long Period Leaking Modes." Columns." DOCT01R OF PHILOSOPHY (Continued) MARGARET ANN GoLDSTEIN. B.A. (Rice) 1965 GEORGE JoHN KEHBERGER, ]R. B.C.E. (Manhattan College) 1962; Dissertation in Biology: "The Cytochemical Localization and M.S.E. (Manhattan College) 1963 Characterization of Potential Calcium Binding Sites Associated Dissertation in Environmental Science and Engineering: "Effect with Membrane Systems of Muscle." of Recirculation on the Performance of a Trickling Filter." JoHN JosEPH HAAG. B.A. (City University of New York) 1963; ERNEST LessoN KisTLER. B.S. (University of Texas) 1955; M.S. M.A. (Rice) 1966 (University of Texas) 1957 Dissertation in History: "Othmar Spann and the Politics of Dissertation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Ma­ 'Totality': Corporatism in Theory and Practice." terials Science: "An Investigation of the Stability of Flows Using the Direct Method of Liapunov." CARL SIDNEY HAcKER. B.S. (College of William and Mary) 1963 Dissertation in Biology: "Physiological Studies on the Host­ RuDOLF MANFRED KLEIN. B.S. (University of Wisconsin) 1962 Parasite System; Biomphalaria glabrata-Schistosoma mansoni." Dissertation in German: "The Nature and Effect of Tragedy in the Nibelungenlied." MAX ALLEN HANEY. B.S. (University of Houston) 1966 DouGLAS ERWIN KLEINMANN. B.A. (Rice) 1964 Dissertation in Chemistry: "Translational Energies of Products Dissertation in Space Science: "The Infrared Continuum of Non­ of Mass Spectrometric Reactions." Thermal Sources." DAN RAE HARLOW. B.S. (University of Oklahoma) 1960; M.S. L. GARY LAMBERT. B.A. (University of California) 1963; M.A. (University of Oklahoma) 1962 (University of California) 1965 Dissertation in Biology: "The Structure and Function of Mito­ Dissertation in French: "Rousseau and Thoreau: Their Concept of chondria from a Flatworm." Nature." JoHN KEY HERDKLOTZ. B.A. (Rockford College) 1965 DAVID FRANK LAPP. A.B. (University of Pennsylvania) 1962; M.S. Dissertation in Chemistry: "The Crystal Structure of 4-methyl­ University of Rhode Island) 1964 thiomorpholine-1, 1-dioxide." Dissertation in Biology: "Isolation of the Rat Trypanosoma! Ag­ glutinating Antibody and the Arypanosoma Lewisi Agglutinating MARTIN HAROLD HmscH. B.M.E. (The College of the City of New Antigen." York) 1960; M.S.M.E. (Columbia University) 1964 Dissertation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Ma­ RoBERT EuGENE LAQUEY. B.A. (Rice) 1963; B.S. (Rice) 1964 terials Science: "An Experimental Evaluation of the Total and Dissertation in Space Science: "Kinetic Theory
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