DOCUMENT RESUME ED 059 146 SP 0051211 AUTHOR Wright, William R., Ed. TITLE The Wabash Valley Education Center, FinalReport. INSTITUTION Wabash Valley Education Center, WestLafayette, Ind. I SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Elementary andSecondary Education (DHEW/OE), Washington, D.C. REPORT NO 0E-Prol-67-03337-1 PUB DATE [70] NOTE 446p.; An ESEA Title III project EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$16.45 DESCRIPTORS *Curriculum Development; *Curriculum Study Centers; *Demonstration Centers; *Inservice TeacherEducation; *Resource Centers; Resource Materials ABSTRACT The Wabash Valley Education Center serves a13-county area in north-centraland northwest Indiana. The Center has two goals: 1)to assist local school systems indevising and developing curricular innovations and aiding in thedevelopment of teaching procedures and teaching materials and 2) to serve as ademonstration center. Two main services areoffered 1)specialists in several fields work with individual teachers andschools in the region to improve various content areas and 2)a wide variety ofmaterials and resources are available forloan to teachers and schools. The detailed information provided in thedocument includes 1)meetings, conferences, and workshops funded by theadministrative budget 1967-1970; 2)report of special studies commissionedby the Center; 1967-1970; 3)a survey to determinethe over-all impact of the Center 4) inservice program planning andimplementation; 5) instructional materials center; 6) language artsproject; 7) special education project; 8)secondary science projeAct; 9)social studies program; and 10) elementary science project. OW U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EOUCATION THIS DOCUMIINT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT. 00INTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATI:D DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. FINAL REPORT FOR PROJECT NUMBER 67-03337-1 Under Title III, P.L. 89-10 The Wabash Valley Education Center WABASH VALLEY EDUCATION CENTER University Square 500 By Pass 52 West West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 Serving 30 School Corporations within a Twelve-County Area of West-Central Indiana Director: William Floyd anf 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Completion of this report would not have been possible without the cooperation, diligent efforts and hard work of theprofessional staff members of the Cepter. Various staff members were responsible for writing and putting together the respective sectionsof the report. Credit should be given where credit is due. Thus, the following recognitions are given: Instructional Material Center Report - Constance Hayman and Charles Bryan Elementary Science Prolect Report Howard Poole, Camille Cardoza, Lola Washburn and Kristin Grigsby Secondary Science Report - Lowell Knoop L Language Arts Report - William Floyd Social Studies Report - Emma Lou Gist Specipl Education Report - James Taylor and Doris Housh Inservioe Program Planning and Implementation Section Report - William R. Wright and Harry 0. Leader Special Reports - William R. Wright and Harry G. Leader 11" Special recognition goes to that group of people who are often missed when recognition and praise are _given - the secretaries and typists. Thus, to Barbara Brown, Sue Harner and Judy Brookbank goes a special word of thanks for their Ykiiii:u1translation of some very rough copy of the report into a readable one. William R. Wright Final Report Editor TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Part IStatistical Data ESEA.Title III Statistical Data Report Forms 1 Part II Narrative Section I Background and History of the Wabash Valley Education Center 6 Section II Subsection A - Meetings, Conferences and Workshops funded by the Administrative Budget 1967-1970 22 Subsection B - Report of Special Studtes: Studies for and Commissioned by the Wabash Valley Education Center . 30 Subsection C - A Survey to Determine the Over-all Impact of the Wabash Valley Education Center1967-1970 33 Section III Subsection A - Inservice Program Piaaning and Implementation Section 59 Subsection B - Instructional Materials Center 66 Subsection C - Language Arts Project 79 Subsection D - Special Education Project 87 Subsection E - Secondary Science Project (Audio-Tutorial High School Physics) 104 Subsection F - Social Studies Program 119 Subsection G r Elementary Science Project (Audio-Tutorial Instruction) 147 Summary 360 Appendix A 363 Appendix B 372 It Appendix C 377 Appendix D 405 Appendix E 415 MM. PART I ESEA TITLE III STATISTICAL DATA AND FORMS (OE 4381 - 4382) OE 4381(REV 2/17) DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE BUDGET BU RE AU NO. 51RGOO APP ROV AL EXPIRES 6/30/68 OF FICE OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON D.C. 20202 ESEA TITLE III STATISTICAL DATA ;- Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-10) PROJECT NUMBERVENDOR CODE COUNTY CODE REGION CODE STATE ALLOTMENT THIS SPACE FOR umemom> U.S.O. E. USE ONLY SECTION A - PROJECT IN FORMATION 1. REASON' FOR'SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM (Check one) 2. IN ALL CASES EX6EPT APPLICATION. GIVE OE ASSIGNED r--INITIAL APPLICATION FOR TITLE Ej APPLICATION FOR PROJECT NUMBER A III GRANT CONTINUATION GRANT 1 END OF BUDGET B 0, 67-03337-1 RESUBMISSION 113PERIOD REPORT 3. MAJOR DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 4. TYPE(S) OF ACTIVITY (Cbeck one or more) (Check one only) PLANNING OF CONDUCTING CONSTRUCTING A X INNOVATIVECID ADAPTIVE PROGRAM EE A PILOT ACTIVITIES PLANNING OF D El OPERATION F REMODELING EXEMPLARY B CONSTRUCTION OF PROGRAM 5. PROJECT TITLE(.5 Words or Less) Wab as h Valley Education Center 8, BRIEFLY SUMMARIZE THE PURPOSE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AND GIVE THE ITEMNUMBER OF THE AREA OF MAJOR EMPHASIS AS LISTED IN SEC. 193,.P.L., 89-10.(P,einstructions) The central purpose.of the project reported herein was:(1) to develop imaginative solutions to educational problems;(2) to more effec'tively utilize research findings; and,(3) to make intelligent use of supplementary materials and services. ITEM NUMBER 7. NAM E OF APPLICANT (Loral Ed:tett:ion 8. ADDRESS (Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code) Agenry) . West Lafayette 141 Andrew Place Community School West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 Corporation p.NAME OF COUNTY 10. CONGRESSIONAL DIOTRICT Tippecanoe Indiana - Second 11. NAME OF PROJECT DIREbTOR 12. ADDRESS (Number, Street, Citytate, Zip ele) P HO NE NUMBER William Floyd University Square 463-1589 500 By Pass 52 West AREA '.:.7"1---!-- West.Lafayette, Indiana 47906 31.7 13. NAME OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO 14. ADDRESS (Number, Street, City, Statg Zip Code) PHONE NUMBER RECEIVE GRANT (Please type) 141 Andrew Place 743-9631 Bruce Moore West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 AREA CODE 317 15. POSITION OR TITLE Superintendent SIGN ATU RE OF PERSON AUTHORIE 0 TO RECEIVE GRANT DATE SUBMITTED PAGE 1 i, Continued SECTION A 16. LATEST AVERAGE PER PUPIL ADA 16, LIST THE NUMBER F AC 17A. TOTAL NUMBER OF COUNTIES SERVED EXPENDITURE OF LOCAL EDUCA- CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 12 TION AGENCIES SERVED SERVED B. TOTAL NUMBER OF 30 LEA'S SERVED s 535.87 2, 6, and 7 ,xcludes: textbooks, cafe- I. C. TOTAL ESTIMATED teria, joint services,leasc POPULATION IN GEO- GRAPHIC AREA SERVED 310,000 rental, debt service, capi- from iterW2c below) tal ou tla taKs.:_y_Tr ansp -qv SECTION B TITLE III BUDGET SUMMARY FOR PROJECT (Include amount PREVIOUS BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATE FUNDS REQUESTED 1- OE GRANT NUMIBER ('Wnth, Year) (*nth, Year) Initial Application or r. Resubmission 6-29-67 6-28-68 $685,313 Application for First Continuation Grant 6-29-68 6-28-69 $585,000 , Application for Second $325,000 Continuation Grant 6-29-69 6-28-70 0.Totol Title III Funds End of Budget Period Report Complete the following items on/y if this project inc/udes construction,acquisition, remodeling, or /easing 2.of facilities for which ritle /// funds are requested., Leave blankif not appropriate., A Typ e of frinction (Check applicable boxes) EI REMODELING OF FACILITIES 212,LEASING OF FACILITIES 3 El ACQUISITION OF FACILITIES 4[11 CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES 5El ACQUISITION OF BUILT-IN EQUIPMENT 1. TOTAL. SQUARE FEET IN THE 2. TOTAL. SQUARE FEET IN THE FACILITY AMOUNT OF TIT,..E III FUNDS PROPOSED FACILITY I TO BE USED FOR TITLE III PROGRAMS REQUES1.11D FOR FACILITY 7350 7350 25,728 SECTION C SCHOOL ENROLLMENT PROJECT PA TI IPATI N DATA AND STAFF MEMBERS E ED . - STAFF MEM- PRE. BERS ENGAGE KINDER. GRADES GRADES ADULT OTHER TCTALS IN IN-SERVICE KINDER. GARTEN 1.6 7. 12 GARTEN TRAINING FOI PROJECT ......... ....... - ASchool (1)Public 2,000 77 735 Enrollment 3 618 4i 27830,839 1% In Geo. Non.. graphic - - 4,183 Area Served public - 67 2,792 1,324 ()Public - 3,618 41,27830,8392,00G 77,735 600 Persons ..1.,% Senred "'Non. 67 2,792 1,324 - - 4,183 50 by public Pmlect 04101 ... Entailed ,... - 11) Public - - _ _ 2,000 - 2,000 Additiona) ,, Persons 44Non. .,. .. .. .. '- Needing publin Service 0)Not ... Enrolled zTOTAL NUMBER OF AMEPICAN OTH ER TOTAL PARTICIPANTS BY RACE WHITE NEGRO INDIAN NON.WHITE (.4top/ ica,h/e to figures given/17 -- -- 81,918 item /8 above) 80 606 1533.2 PAGE a .N. SECTION C. continued 3. RURAL/URBAN DISTRIBUTION OF PARTICIPANTS SERVED OR TO BE SERVED BY P ROJECT RURAL METROPOLITAN AREA NON- PARTICIPANTS FARM NON-FARM CENT R AL-4ITY OTHER URBAN CEN TR." L CITY PERCENT OF TOTAL NUMBER 45.9% 47. 5 % SERVED 6.6% SECTION D. PERSONNEL FOR ADMINISTRATION AND IMPL EMENTATION OFPROJECT v 1. P ERSONNEL PAID BY TITL.E III FUNDS REGULAR STAFF ASSIGNED NEW STAFF HIRED TYP E OF PAID TO PROJECT FOR PROJECT PERSONNEL FULL-TIME FULL-TIME, FPLL-TIME PART-T1ME EQUIVALENT FULL-TIME PART-TIME EQUIVALEN*,* 4 5 6 1 2 3 A.ADMINISTRATION/ 1 1 SUPERVISION B.TEACHER: WEB 111 (1)r RE-KINDERGARTEN (2)KINDERGARTEN MED (3)GRADES 1-6 MED VINO (4)GRADES 7-42 1=D (5)OTHER OWN C.PUPIL PERSONNEL SERVICES MEP D.OTHER PROFESSIONAL 7 8.5 E. ALL NON-P RO FSSI ON AL 11 2 12.0 (2.)TOTAL CALEN DAR F.FORALL CONSULTANTS PAID P.11-..T6TAL NUMBER RETAINED DAYS RETAINED 150 BYTITLEII FUNDS moor.
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