rn» «uat b* tt**t«4 6.4» a. PLAINFI1XD. «SW m»K\\ FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 311. l»08. ' 'I How Leading Newspapers ^ DN WIFE'S Heap Big Indian* Smoke the' Bev. J. A. Ohambliss Chosen WERE WOUlOBf CALLERS Daughter Weakens Under View Civil Service Meas- Nicholas Kelly Is In a cell alt North Pipe a* Representatives of , President of the Plainfleld "Third Degree* and Tel* Attended by hundreds, of prom- ; Three Polaks. one of whom was ure Passed by Senate. Plalnfield headquarters, charged with 183 Tribes in V. J. , nent business *nd professional men, Ministers'Association. i looking for his sister, who la em- of Family's Wrongdoing. an attempt to beat hU wife whom j friends from every w*lk of life and ployed as a servant at a residence on previous attacks forced her to leave Prospect place, got an' awful scare COMPMMKNT I NIOX'H HKXATOR. j him and take lodgings on PUIXnEU)ER8 AT CX>VSCII^ ^^ <>f~hool children .swell a. HOLD FIVE MEETINGS A Pearl i public school, teacher*,: who have re~ early last night when they were ar- vom MTORKI is snew VORK. i street. Mrs. Kelly bears marks of a ! i alized what he did fof* the cause of rested by the borough police as sus- New York Tribune PraineH Bill, brutal attack made by the husband Hecend Htroajceat Order In State No- education, the fnneral of Dr. John Chatrrh Pariah Hoaof to picious characters. None of them when he met her on Grant avenue Robbed Hotel* la All Parts of tfc* Buck Probasco was held |n the First could "speak-a da English" or even WlMwr Author It Hay* Is One Wednesday night, bruising her about avricallr Holding Besaiosw To- Baptist churc/h this afternoon. The the Meeting Placr^—Coaunlt- i , give their names intelligibly, but Mtatr—PrtwiMMf* HeM ta SBOS the face and head before she could i gathering wa* one of tie largest that of the Greatftt of Jer- day at the Y. M. V. A. there were three distinctly interpret- escape from his wrath. La*t night i has attended a similar Service in this te*» Are Ap- •'•'•. ahle sighs of relief, when, after a Bail Each for tht Oraitd . Chief Marshal Weiss was notified by ; aey Uwimkm. Building n Trenton. < city In years and included delegations pointed. f|; th^-d degree hearing, in which sev- I telephone that Kelly, again on the ! from nearly a dozen organizations to eral interpreters figured, they werei Following are some editorial refer- jwa r p^n, wag breaking doLn the Great Sachem Prank P. Jackson. whlcj, ne belonged, f he schools of Plainfleld pastors, both active aftd allowed to depart In freedom from Efforts on the part of the local ences to the Ackerman bill which are . door of niB W|fe-g lodging oU Pearl of Camden. is presiding today over ,th e c!ty do^a at nood ,n order ,nat retired, met yesterday afternoon In the green-lighted home of the Som- P°l*ce to secure a confession from the worth reading: the , street, in an effort to again attack the sessions of the Improved Order •ln e teachers and pupil* might honor parish house of Grace Episcopal erset street brass-buttoned blue- j Chapey family met wkh success last the frightened woman who had tak- of Red Men in their nfty-seventh an-jthe memory of the departed presl- church for tile purpose of effecting a > coats • night, when Gertrude Wallenbagen, the NEWARK EVENING XKW8. len refuge behind the locked iloor. nua) council fire, and the town is full jde m of the Board of Education and reorganization off thhe PJainflelPflldd MiMinn- Mrs. Samuel Cunningham noticed i daughter, succumbed to th« I The Chief arrested the m;in after of "Indians," »t Trenton. The r— j practically every local physJelan was isters' Association. The body h*d the men standing at Grove street and j'thlrd degree" aad gav« Chief Klely c The indications are now favorable , g i J, sions are being held In the Y. M. - ,I In attendance. , |»eebeen alloweaiioweda t1o0 becomoecome inactiviu«cn»e op-b>1 Prospect place early In the evening,)* complete statement as to the a 8hort trugg e and took nlI to the wl for the enactment by the Legislature lockup, where he ,„ aWaltlng| a hear- A. building in that city. District, Tne service wag (n jtha#ge of Rev. j cause there was no president and at jan «i borough police headquarters was » «»d'»ng and thievery of herself and of a civil service law that will be ac- t ing Court Judge William Newcorn and j A. CbambllaS; pastor of the I the suggestion of several members notified Marshals Pope and Kellerhusband, her mother and brotherm. Borougn Recorder Dolll- ; Dr ohn when tn ol er ceptable to the people and that will ( ver Kell>. hag a sentence hangin„._g„ Charles Holstein were prominent j| church and co-workerrff witith Dr.PrDr. Pro-o | the association met.. elected office**?, went out to arre,t the men but the * » « hecame convinced bring about greater efficiency in the j nt u to arre|!t tne men but tJle over hu head from the >orough i among the Plalnfield delegation. j hasco. who has held jth> office of dea- adopted a constitution and by-laws th 1 h B d conduct of public offices. The Ack-, Jljd and wll, probably ge foreigners'fear of the uniformed offi-I * » « * weakened, they broke p „.. a stiff j| In the annual addresdd s yesterdad y |con iI n thhe congregatioi n for many '! andd transacted otheth r businessbi . rials caused them to take flight mtj the silence they had maintained sine* ttneln r erman bill that passed the Senate yes- . term tonjght. Mrs. Kelly wild Wist j Great 8achem Jackson declared that j years. The clergymen paid a de- j Rev. Dr. J. A . Chambltss. of (he the approach of the officers. They i *•rrer' tt h»"» d corroboratehd itid dal l toldi , T terday. with only three votes against! gne wouid appear against him to It gave him much satisfaction to an- i serving tribute to the man who had First Baptist churchurchh. was choMn j were taken to headquarters, petrified j helr operations have covered even It, is a well digested measure. It g chargeg at the hearing but she | nounce that the spirit of unrest which I been a friend to all men and who in president; Kev. Dr. J. S. Zelie. iMjwith fear, but after much discordant!11 wlder n<*W tn*n w»" at nnt "op- mll>ed n<l li m y was drawn with infinite pains, after j nag gucn fear of the man nat she j prevailed in the ranks of the Red < the rush and hurry bf?every day life the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian " conversation through Interpreters. » * °* •*'•«• "**>** long consideration, and was then re- :maj . not put [n an ap,,earance. This 1 Men one year ago had almost entire- i had not neglected to show considera- church, vice, president, and Rev. A. satisfied the court that they were j hefore the amount of money they se- cured on vised with the advice of experts from jha g been the ca8e.on other occasions, jly disappeared. j tion for others. Howard Case pre- C. McCrea. of the First M. E. only looking for the sister of one of | worthless checks and from lne of lolen tbis and other States, who have made | Keny-B rerord is a stries of | He said he had traveled thousands aded at the organ and during the church, secretary and treasurer. Rffr. the trio. and. instead of being out "•'" " property . can b» a serlouH study of civil service re- j cnarge cnargegg of cruelty against Ills wife. of miles, and suggested the redlstrl.t- ', service several selections were ren- E. Vicars Stevenson. Rev. Dr. Zejle on Black Hand businesa. were deck- determined. \ Mrm form. not only theoretically, but ]Th e two iivinf; He also jderedd d b y a quartett . JrhJrh e floralfl tri- and Rev. E. E. Roberson were named ed for a social call. Through the I Wallenhagen told phlef Klely not togeth- ling ot the reservation. that lne fam had tol n practically TThh e bbest t ffeaturet s of oth-th i ,. t, a committee on program and enter- proprietor of an Intelligence office. I "y " " »»*«rware. er for BveraB verall yearyear8 pagpagt, Mis. Kelly [ recommended the order's org:»n to I butes numbered over a score or set [ tainment for the coming year. ; the sister was located late,r in tneiclotblng and other property from ho- er bills that had been presented to | boards w,th the juggeg ij*ne, on I every member and tribe. In coiclud- i pieces, among them bping one from tels In all parts of the State and that the Legislature were engrafted In the | .. , husbalnd lives ! ing-he said. "I wish yon all the ! the school children. Rev. Dr. Zelie. Rev. Dr. ChamblISs, evening. Ackerman measure, and there can be pe r 8treeli and her Rev. L. R. Howard and Rev. Mr. Mc- | most of It had been taken to New a free life as far as lodgings are con-1 blessings that can come to a well- Burial was made In Hillside ceme- 'York and placed in a storage ware- no good reason offered why it should jier'ned.* The aUack on her <i>n Grant | ordered life, and that when we are tery. the following acting as honor- Crea were appointed a committee on not be made into law.
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