Names and Ethnicities In the Principalities of Glantri Written by Emanuele Betti Names and Ethnicities In the Principalities of Glantri SUMMARY INTRODUCTION..................................................................2 What's in a name?.................................................................2 THE ETHNICITIES ..............................................................3 Aalbese humans....................................................................3 Alphatian humans..................................................................6 Averoignese humans.............................................................9 Belcadiz elves........................................................................12 Belcadiz humans....................................................................12 The image on the cover of this handbook has been taken Boldavian humans.................................................................15 from internet. The image is owned by its drawer. If the use of Erew an elves.........................................................................18 that image violates any form of copyright, the author of this book is available to change it anytime. Ethengarian humans..............................................................21 Flaem humans.......................................................................24 Klantyrean humans................................................................27 Dungeons & Dragons and the connected trademarks are a property of Wizards of the Coast. In this book, they are used Mornei gypsies.......................................................................30 only for a decorative reason. This book is not and is never to be Nagpas...................................................................................31 considered an official supplement for the game. Reproduction Thiatian humans....................................................................32 rights are property of the author, Emanuele Betti. The game informations in this handbook are based on D&D rules as described in the original handbooks in Basic, Expert, Companion, Master and Immortal sets, in the official Gazzetteer expansions, in some non-official books published in Italy by Master : fantasy publishing company and on the work of Marco Dalmonte, with a special mention on his Codex Immortalis. To play with this book iyou must have the original Basic, Expert, Companion and Master set rules for Dungeons & Dragons. 1 INTRODUCTION Have you ever had an annoying You can roll the d% to random player that asks for the name of every determine the names, or you can just single NPC in your campaing, even the scroll them dow n and pick the ones you least important shopkeeper or beggar prefer. found aong the street? If you did, then you know the feeling of frustration that ETHNIC TRAITS takes you w henever the players expect Ethnicities w ill be described in their you to come out w ith a nice and w ell peculiar traits to give a short overlook of thought name, and you must improvise, the people from w hich the character is often coming out w ith something very coming from. This may help you in the inappropriate. choice of the names and surnames. This short supplement is an essay A total of 13 ethnic groups make up about ethnic groups and names in the the mosaic of cultures that the Principalities of Glantri: this big nation is Principalities of Glantri are. In the next a big pot-pourri of cultures and pages each one is going to be ethnicities, and in the campaign this described, and for each one there w ill must be show n properly. be given some guidelines for the choice of names. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Some informations about how the names in the tables have been picked Names ae often one of the w eakest may be given as w ell. If the reader spots of any campaign. A w ell-built w ants to use different names, or to campaign can be undermined by silly invent his ones based on the names in names, or by names that don't mirror this volume, he may alw ays do that. the place w here the campaign is set, or the tone of the campaign itself. DISCLAIMER There's nothing w rong in calling a Please note that the original material character "Billy the Fart", but it may be for the w ord of Mystara w as full of at least a little embarassing w hen the similarities w ith some historic spokesman tells the king that the populations that inhabited our w orld. kingdom has been saved by Cordelia Therefore, some stereotypical traits of Heaven, Rudo Thunderbolt and Billy those populations are mirrored in the the Fart. Most probably, the last one w ill ethnic descriptions or in the names not be recorded in any history book. picked for this volume. This w as done Moreover, a character w ith a very out- so that the reader w ill immediately have of-context name can spoil the fun for a clear picture of how the ethnic group everyone else. is, and w hich names are commonly Therefore, picking the right name for used in it. If you feel offended by the the characters of an adventure, or depiction of any of these ethnic groups, campaign, becomes an important (I please keep in mind that this w ork is w on't define it vital, though) matter. fictional and any similarities w ith our Players should alw ays consider the w orld are just functional to the game, DM's suggestions and guidelines to and don't mirror the real thoughts of the chose a name for their characters. author. In this volume, there w ill be tables to help you pick a name that is appropriate for a character that's living in the Principalities of Glantri, based on his or her ethnicity. These tables can be used both by players and DMs, and all of them present tw o different results for each score obtained by rolling 1d%. 2 ETHNICITIES AALBESE MALE NAMES ALBESE UMANS A H d% Name Name d% Name Name Aalbese humans actually are a mix 1 Aaron Fritz 51 Liebw ald Sintbert of different ethnic groups. Their base 2 Adalmar Fulke 52 Lothar Stanel 3 Adam Gabriel 53 Ludolf Stanko is made of Thiatian settlers w ith 4 Adolf Gandolf 54 Ludw ig Stasch german-like names, w ho mixed up 5 Agilbert Geert 55 Luitbrand Stefan after the w ar w ith other ethnicities, to 6 Albrecht Georg 56 Lukas Sven promote cooperation and peace- 7 Alexander Gerw in 57 Malte Tankred keeping. They mainly live in the 8 Anderl Giselbert 58 Märten Tarek Principality of Aalban, but may be 9 Ansgar Godehard 59 Mathias Thaddäus present in every big city, w here the 10 Arbo Gottfried 60 Maximilian Thaisen 11 Arnulf Gregor 61 Meinhard Themke cultures tend to merge more than in 12 Axel Grimw ald 62 Moritz Theobald small villages. 13 Baldo Günther 63 Nathanael Thimo The most common ethnicities that 14 Bendix Gus 64 Niklas Thomas make up the Aalbese group are: 15 Bernhard Hans 65 Norbert Thorbrand Alphatian, Thyatian, Flaem, 16 Bertram Hartw ig 66 Norman Thorw ald 17 Billo Heinrich 67 Odin Tobias Klantyrean and Boldavian. The other 18 Björn Heinz 68 Odomar Tobrjön ethnic groups may still be 19 Bodow in Hellmut 69 Olaf Trautw ein represented, but are minorities. Most 20 Brandolf Heribert 70 Olfer Tristan of the Aalbese only speak Common 21 Bürk Hermann 71 Oskar Udo Glantrian, but it's not uncommon to 22 Caspar Holger 72 Osw ald Ulf find people that is able to speak 23 Christoph Holm 73 Othmar Ulrich Alphatian or Thyatian as w ell. 24 Cornelius Hugbert 74 Ott Ursus 25 Dankmar Hugo 75 Patrick Valten The choice of the names for 26 Derik Igor 76 Phöbus Viktor Aalbese characters is obviously 27 Diedrich Ilian 77 Radolf Virgil based on german ones. 28 Dietw ald Ingolf 78 Raimund Volkmar 29 Dirk Ingram 79 Rathmar Waldemar 30 Dolf Isaak 80 Raul Waldo 31 Eberhard Isger 81 Reinhold Walter 32 Eckbert Ismund 82 Renke Warner 33 Edgard Jacob 83 Richmar Weigel 34 Egon Jannis 84 Richmunt Welmot 35 Elias Johan 85 Robrecht Wendelberth 36 Elko Jörg 86 Roderbrecht Wernher 37 Emelrich Josef 87 Roderich Werno 38 Engelbert Jürgen 88 Rolf Wieland 39 Erik Klaus 89 Rosw in Wiggo 40 Ernst Klodw ig 90 Ruben Wildfried 41 Eugen Knut 91 Rudo Wilhard 42 Ezra Konrad 92 Rufus Wilhelm 43 Falko Konstantin 93 Rütger Wilke 44 Felix Kunibald 94 Sebastian Wilmut 45 Ferdinand Kurt 95 Siegbald Wingolf 46 Florian Lambrecht 96 Siegbert Witold 47 Frankobert Lando 97 Siegfried Wolf 48 Franz Lars 98 Siegmund Wolfgang 49 Friedmann Lazar 99 Sigisbert Wolter 50 Friedrich Leopold 100 Silko Yanneck 3 ETHNICITIES AALBESE FEMALE NAMES d% Name Name d% Name Name 1 Abigail Eva 51 Liselotte Regina 2 Adelheid Evelyn 52 Lola Renate 3 Adelrune Fei 53 Lotte Rhoda 4 Adriana Felicitas 54 Ludmila Rina 5 Agnes Filiberta 55 Luitberga Robine 6 Alberta Flora 56 Lydia Romy 7 Alexandra Franka 57 Magdalene Rosa 8 Algunde Franziska 58 Malika Rosalind 9 Amalinde Frieda 59 Malw ine Rosamunde 10 Amanda Gabriela 60 Margarete Row ena 11 Anastasia Gerda 61 Margot Roxana 12 Angelika Gerlinde 62 Maria Rudelfine 13 Anne Gertrud 63 Marilis Runa 14 Anneke Godelinde 64 Martha Ruth 15 Annika Greta 65 Mathilde Sanna 16 Astrid Gretchen 66 Melanie Sieglinde 17 Barbara Griselda 67 Melina Siegrid 18 Bathilde Gunhild 68 Melusine Silke 19 Beatrix Gw endolind 69 Merle Sissy 20 Belinda Hanna 70 Meryl Soraya 21 Berinike Hannelore 71 Mia Sultana 22 Berta Hannerose 72 Mildred Sw etlana 23 Bianca Hedw ig 73 Miltraud Tabitha 24 Birgit Heidi 74 Mimi Tamina 25 Britta Helga 75 Minerva Tanja 26 Brunhilde Herlinde 76 Mirjam Teudelinde 27 Cäcilia Hilde 77 Monika Thilde 28 Cara Hildegunde 78 Muriel Thyra 29 Caroline Hilke 79 Myrta Tilse 30 Chlothilde Ilse 80 Nadja Toska 31 Christabel Inga 81 Nette Traudlinde 32 Clara Ingrid 82
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