You Cannot Vote Nov.'4 unless You Are Made a Voter Today home of .M r and.Mra Keith Cook ‘ ^ Gaidtier-hqM£L ... 'Jjliyg.. ..j; MM U it T u f Of S41 OeaUr are welcome. ' 18 awmNr of the Welfare of tlte Martao Coipa licketa for the Manchester Reg­ Averagg Daily Net Press Run The Weather A fSiW Aawelation of Jfew York, istered Ndraes hafveat dance to­ Set Coal 4>l^ $ 7 ,5 0 0 to For'tha Week Ended Forecast of t],' 8. Weather ' wea i ^ n a rtstng vote of morrow. night at theTOuntry Club' Oct. 11. 1853 on at a refular meet- are availaBle at the gift-vhop at Su p p ^ 1 ,1 0 0 Girls in : ’ the aaaodation In the MM- the hoepltal. Tonight fair, cold; low In lower itm Houao in Hew York Ctty ------- ■ ' Manef^tee'h Program' 10,641 SFe; froot In" low plaeoa. Sunday ’soSkMattay nifrht for hie outatandlng Ail girls participating in the fair, a little warmer; higB In low­ Girl Scout community service pro~ " n i chairman ' qf the Manches- Member eT the Abdlt er ere. - waA' In helping Marine veterane. Bf.OrwUatleBa. , , ■s. ' ^— eepeetanjr tn the fleld ofTjtrtamtnB gram 'in ■«»« ■ window of W ilkins l^ G lirl K out' flilance' cqrnmtttK;' M ancheM ler-^4 City o f Viliage Charm- store next ,>(i'*ek are urged to Be amptl^inenL Mr. Markey la the i . R< Monahan, announce! that thCi OMUMCticut welfare repreaentatlve at the Girl Seput office. 983 Main street, tomorrow' morning at 10 annual houae-tO-houae . drive for (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE n V E CENT9 eCYte Marine Corps Fathera As- VOL. LXXII, NO. 18 (Claaetlied Advarttalag an .Page tO) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1952 < hdemoii. o'clock for instruction. funds will begin Sunday. Lettera Fall have been mailed to Business,- pro­ ne^ The Mary McClure group ofv fessional. and industrial concerns and Mra. l9iomaa P. Toomry of 24 the Second Congregational Worn-1 and to> other townspeople .asking Park a tre e C ^ s tieen selected for en'a League will meet tonight; for their financial support in main­ Dresses Truman Hit aorellaiant- n^ha Air Pdrer Re- with Mrs. David Williams of ISl i taining tha Manchester Girl Scout •erva Officers Yraininr Corps. Unl- St. J6 M ifnset. Hostesses will Be; program. ...keratty ef-N otrh , Dame, Notre, Mrs. Kingsley Kuhney and Mrs. I ' ‘ '1 3 A goal of $7,500. has been ■ set J>a>Be.*®wt CkdH TWWWy. a irrad- Fred McCurry. ( "r A-* to continue the present high stand­ Line for line-we - 'uate of S t Thomas Seminary, en- ards of Girl Scouting, now serv­ have' captuTed the The* Manchester Associdtion for fOUad in the College of Commerce Ifo.i :»J ing, over 1.100 girln ln Manches­ very essence of the\ at the -University of Notre Dame the Help i of Retarded. Children ter. As there is no local Commu­ tkU aenester. will hold a food sale tomorrow Maj. fJharles A. Plaaey nity Chest campaign, the Girl new season in our iS t morning from 10 o'clock on in beautifully detailed * W i l l B e .^oUt organization must rely on i f Maura McGuire.'e,' daughterdau^ter Hale's store. If it is desired, dona­ A Manchester man. Major' this one concentrated drive for fall - into . winter Chartes A. Pinney, this week re- ad U . Col. and Mrs. M. J. McGuire tions will be called for by Mrs.' J , fimda each year. With the excep­ dresses . ^ keyed Washington, Oct,^ 18— {IP) ' eC Hell street, will receive her cap R. McElraevy of 394 Porter street. ceivM 'orders transferring, him to tion ^ a '$5 charter fee which is New’York, Oct. 18—<A»)^-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower says —Vehement ^protests have Mcifie Division of the Military sent to 'the National Girt Scout to the demands of False to UVS. Mothers and gown on Sunday, Oct. 2d, at his decisions “have been and will be mine alone” and that he Air Transport Service with head­ greeted PresidOnt Truman’s the investiture eeremmiy at Ann- Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Headquarters all the money ren- your budget. WSB Holds still is s "No Deal” man. In a speech last night at Newark,. hasat Cdiege la Putnam. At this, Carmen Burleigh, ds delegate and quarters at Hickam Alr_Forie triteit^ w iu ^ used here in Men- statement that 6qn. Dwight eeremony transfer students and in- sltemste, relpectlvely; will re'pte- Base, Hawaii. .......■ ’ clMster. N.- J„ the GOP presidential nominee alsb gave-a pat on the D. Eisenhower is willing to eoming treshmss fdll Be formally sent Memorial Temple. Pytmsn Since his recall to active dut.v Assisting Mr.'*‘M(mahan on the \ Back to Gen. George C. Marshall. , ---------------- — embrace Nazi practicOs to .be­ eested with the academic regalia. Sisters, at the 52nd -session of the in SeptemBer. 1951, Major Pinney' finance committee, ate Mrs. .Al­ Coal Strike tn hlz “no deal” statement, Eisen- j come President. Solace for the Wounded Grand Temple on Tuesday at 9 has B^n at Weatover Air Force fred Sundquiat, treahiiter. and Bower appeared obviously to be re- I General Hit. a. m. in Stamford, writh hMdquar- Base, Mass., as chief of ground plying to Demecratlc accusations ^ Truman, now whistle-stopping Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F. Charles Crockett, EdwamsS. Dik. Adlai Raps through New England, made the r ? and A.M., will o w m past mas­ ters at the Davenpqrt Hotel. training for MATS Atlantic Divi­ John M. Dormer, Gordon G>Fogg, that____ h,e^ had ■come under the thumb'] Meetings will be in the^auditmium sion. In Balance of ^ n . RoBert A Taft of Ohio and ] charge in a message left Behind ters* night at a special oernmuni- Carl Furs”. George MarlowNjs- In Vyashington and read yesterday eatten a t the. Masonic Temple on of the Connecticut. Light and ' An-Air Force pilot since 1941, tqB F. Miller, Miss Geneva Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wls-! For Deceit Power Company, y amford, Major Pinney bad overseas war felA-frent c|iockorBeard .......................... • > 3 *^ conain, ' GOP Plans at the mobilization conference of •aturday, Oct. 25. at T:30 p.m. The Pentland,' John Picklea and Lee K Washington, Oct. "^18—(4^ i the 'national Jewish Welfare work « ( tta evening will be pre- service In the Aleutian Islands fol­ Stiles. In doing so, he replied also to Eni4^ the ihirt thof* checked ond fucked-ond puts op o bib frontl Board. dedad.hy a tprkw dinner in the Charlsa L. Dent of Prince Al­ lowed by stateside duty in I ’enpes- — A full resumption of soft President 'Truman's charge at .hanouet hall at 6:30. It la abao- see, Ohio and California. He holds Second Floor coal production or an almost Hartford. Conn., on. Thursday that He denounced tha McCarran To Get Vote Bert, Sasketchewan, Canada, and SHIP’f* SHOWi »mort new frick for »uiti. luJie’r-peorl boHoned. - In Red War Immigration Bill, passed over his kitety neefcaadry for those planning his son. Charles L., J r , are visit­ the air medal and riBBons for the certain all-out strike hung in he was not "aUcking By" Marshall. Biaenhower’s mentor and wartime veto, as amounting to "the philo- to attend the dinner to have reser­ ing Mr. Dent's Brother, Frederick Aaiatie-Pacific and North Amer­ the balance as the Wage vations, which can Be made By con­ ican theaters of operation. Crisp-woven Briflht-on-wh'rte checked ginflhoms with sparkle* chief. Bophy of racial superiority de­ Aboard Tfuman Train in L. Dent and Mra. Dent of 41 Apel veloped By the Nazis." tacting Malc^m RobartSon Before place. This is the first time the In 1949 Major Pinney left mili­ DUE TO ILLNESS Stabilization Board (WSB) Technically, Eisenhower was Shu Antonio, Tex,, Oct. 18 New Engiflhd, Oct. 18— (4f) Tuaaday. ____ tary service, returning to. Man­ white BiBs..: ever loVely, ever washable. SizM 30 to 38. got set for a vote early today resting today But actually he was — (A*)— Gov. Adlai E. Steven He said Elsenhower' "can not President Truman said to­ Brothers have seen each other for < escape reaponsiBility" for endora- 43 years, and is the Canadians' chester Where he wrent Into busi-. on legality of the recent 81.90 preparing speeches snd strategy son declared today the Re­ day that Dwight D, EisOR- Group B, Center Church women, DR. L. H. BLOCK'S Ing three RepuBlican Senators Arst visit to the .United States. ness as nw’ner of a local Dairy dail.v wage boost for' John L. for hla first campaign swing into publicans offer in the fight hower has sunk so low as ^ lirs. Newell Smith, leader, will They mad# the trip by automobile Queen store. He is a former mem­ New England on Monday, hat'd on among those who voted for the anaat Monday night a t d o'clock at and plan to do conalderable sight­ ber of the Manchester Exchange Judy Bond Lewis’ 350,000 miners. the heels of Truman. The general against world Communism Bill—Richard M; Nixon of Califor­ hold out “a false hoiM to ttie the church. This will be a work seeing, CluB. OFTTCE W ILL BE PuBlic memBers' of the WSB. waa due to spend today and to­ only a political D D t “guar nia, now GOP candidate for Vice mothers of America, in an ef­ headed By Chairman Archibald President; William B. Jenner of •Mating for t^e Holiday Basaar. Ma.ior Pinney Is married, has morrow in New Yo^k, with no an­ anteed to contain no taxes, fort to pick up a few votes.” Cox, held the Balance of power on Indiana, and Joseph R McCarthy Sunset ReBekah Lodge No.
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