-Thursday, October 9,1980- $ I million is given for veterans ^pmr»nititBtnMiitnis'lHifs—n^tHnioiiK~ror"VTep~Highcri—Education:—Afcff R€WS bqcn allocated by the stale arc available from college plications received after Prudential- Insurance Bedminstorfor 12years. pany's, accounts, include , l.EE STANFORD of the human resource manage- -legislature for the veterans' rnnrHlnnthrs nr Nov. 1 will hn rnndrimwl Co.. promoted .RlCIIAllD O'NEHX. of the City. o£ Linden and the Briton & Selig Agency in ment'in May 1979.nl Up-Vetcrnns' Tuition Credit Ihe state Department of for Spring payment. : - Elizabeth was appointed Program (VTCP) for the JOSEPHINE M. PAGMA Mountainside has marked Linden • Board of 'Educa- sala College and' joined The Zip Code of Linden .to assistant his lOlli anniversary with tion. District-HI chairman of Lincoln Federal as a 1980-81 academic year, ac- group systems analyst in Elizabethlown Gas Co. lie the Catastrophe,. Planning supervisor at. the Murray cording to T. Edward LEE BURGESS BERLIN, M D, for Springfield Is thq firm's computer is Vice president of ad- -Directors of Mldlanlic Committee of the Indepen' Hill Square office. She was Hollander, state Announces th« Opening •' - 07081 systems and services of- ministration and customer Banks. ;Inc, declared' dent Insurance Agents of named acting supervisor chancellor of higher _ Of Ills Offices At fice at Rosoland.' Paglin service. •.' regular quarterly New •Jersey: The district last April. She also is a rul- education. was an English teacher at dividends of 5!> cents per includes Union County. ing elder and-youlh ad- The program, which 19 PROSPECT ST., SOUTH ORANGE Mother Seton High School, share of common slock Pupose of Ihcrcbmnliltc'c's viser in the Townlcy prqvides a maximum an- For The'Practice Of Clark, before joining the and 50 cents.per share, of. program is to educate the Presbyterian Church. .' nual award of $200 to each Published Every Thursday by Trumar Publishing Corp. \V / :; eligible •'veteran, may be /ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY . 37MountnlnAv).,Stx-lnofl<>ld,N.J.07061 iti-17O0 [-prbfpifed-stock^paynfajo- bliUiii "• ~. Sports Medicine and TotuI : T~ She holds -a- bachelor's Oct. J5 lo shareholders of- loss in Ihe event of major -used • for any -Mailing Addrtu: Joint Replacement' • ~^ 7* P.O D«K 49. Sprlnolleld, N.J. 07081 Subscription Rale Second Class Postage' degree in English froiVi record on Oct. <i. The; com- slonns und olhcr natural undergraduate or SPRINGFIELD, N.J., TRURSDAY.October 16,1980 H3.56Ye»rlv Paid-at Sprlnflflekl.' N.J 30 cents Per Copy Montclair Slate College./ pany, lists assets of' $:). 1 disasters and lo train Caldwell graduate course of study Office Hrs. By .•••.. ' Phone billion. ., . - JEFF I. RAUCHBAOH of nficnls.in special cmi-rRcn- ill professional and voca- Appointment 761-7755 Rust-Oleum Corp.. n&nv courses tional institution^. ed MICHAEL J. HOBOiR. ."WonieF p>oSidont- ' Ten non-credit Bh.D.formerly of Lmden. Homes" will.be Ihe lopic Eitl lil l admlnlstraHon-o<-thc-J-lr^- ^ r-V 'Ijhinn Hiinmr- $ Start YoiirChrietmas •'I . to!fnewlycreatedposition of a seminar to. be con-«islak Roalty' Corp of l)onlllnn -announced .Unit during October, —of -vice pres/ldenl- dueled for Ihe public nexl inmi Klizi bo l 1 rlls «*•••' Shopping Early! p Newark. Ho will coni'inuo ^ !,* ' l . Tf ; November ancTpecember marketing.' He Will have Co. would become the first Wednesday.7:30lollp.m.. in'hli"capiiiVy o("chio"l Jiy the Caldwell College' overall responsibility for "•' Ok. :JIHPH In the. upper Icvefcon- iinancialToHlecr In- add)'- !:inlmcil11 institution lojoin 1 ils sh red Office- of Continuing -consumer .and /industrioI THOMAS-HOYE ol Mpun- -Terence room at Menlo tjo)1 to takjng chargBo( all: " ..ne'tworkv-nf. Education. The fees ($15 product, marketing proi. tainsido was nameddlroc- Park Bainbcrgors. II is Internal services of the «•"Iprnu11c teller to $30) include all grams and a/livilies, in; mut>h tor of'': advertising o« the second of three free cOm^a~n7. Rauchhath' .")os. Fidelitys teller materials.' Tho timely gill tor . from thp.Omooa'Gold Col new eluding advertising, sales" Wakofern Food Corp , the seminars sponsored by-Ci- |oined Kislakin l?7) as an"netwark_is.lho largest "on . The workshops: Paren- lection. ' Superbly—tr*Hod gew l ilV0 promotion ai/dpubllcTcl'a- cooperative distribution ~l.v. Federal Savings and=a<-countant and became , "" «.vslem in Newting- in" I he '80s, the Low- _ richly loxtufDd,' HK gold Jcrs0 : , ANRItlKI Under the presenl ordinance, han- drive, Bosco suggested "No TrucksV —'- lions. arm otmstiopRitosuper; Loan Associjilion of controlldMn 1977. •''• .y.' Luslonu'rij, may,Income Child "^in" the World Series fever struck lhe_J>pr..-™dic-«pped parking spaces art required- since the pelilionhad been filed police ' markets In Now Jersey Elizabeth lo help women • use aiyv or Iho company s Classrojmi.-theFuture of signs be irtslalled aUenlrances to. the radar units: .had patrolled Tooker l a infificld Township Co'nit»iittec-meelinft-Hn^t>ul»lie7pitrkinij lots, me ammend~~l'rive. •'^* _: _ , •' __.'' The 25llf anniversary of. and five other nAr- understandarid mod their- The National ' Slate '"7 ^ Education, A' Pocket, Full, * .Tuosdayj' ' - ~. ' _^_- ••- ... men! also would require handicapped Avenue fprfnur hours during the pasl 21 . service/ .. with C - - - gel cash, .lylaygf'.'llobert Weltchek said'-ap- days. thoastorn States. Ho financial needs. The third. Bl n"k -gSS of Pooins-, Communica- '>'.' The 17 residents who at(eri(|ed the piirkinRspa'cesinprivaUipar-kinRlots. • ElizabetMowh Gas ^oformorJ. y directed sdvor- iobeheld.aUtfO-p.mibhldl73> .O Octt . poinied.IWARTftKliviilJS m^° deposits., transfer tion: It's '.More-than • Just- praval lo^niilall the signs would be a "We've gat :I5 kids on tharblo.ck.and'': meeting speculated the opening Rame Springfield resident^Ed 'Roll SUR-^ lengthy process. • • : ; '. • was marked •by.. '.10.1 IN'" tislng for the Family'Mart 2!) al the same place, will LAYVON o' Unden o money-bolween_accounls, Talk, MathomaticsJorJhe —between Philadelphia and.Kansas.Cily Rested" the ammendmenl also 'inclut}cv they come . flying_out . (if the-those ' KE'ANythc firm's'chief ex- -StoresTa division srA &'P j^nsider Ihc uSe of trusts. assistan!:.."„'".t. .......,.cashie"r 'L:.. make loan payments, and Gifted Child, Religious , probably contributed to the lowjilcnout'. insl.illinK special parking signs in froni '. The. township committee must-first.. .driveways like .therels.no tomorrow," ecutive officer and chair- Atlanta. • ' ininsuranc' e and retirement Sludicsitrtho-'llOsTWriting ',.' Appropriately, the' main lopic of ol'.ouch parking space. Committee• iniroduce'an ordinance..to install tho. Crosetl said. "' ., ' -. • - • • innn Mthp hhnrd. Kean for Business-^AnB; lor isiness was bids-for- alhlcli.c equip- members agreed'lo"consider including truck signs. Traffic sludies then haveto He asked the committee to consider ' .catne to the company as '/Formation of Ihe Will- Results, Opportmiily- meiit. ''"——• •'• • . .'IhesuimcslioninlhcammcMidmonl. be mii(|e. Finally, the state .Department- sending police cars more, often, and at vice/presiflcnt of sales and Qard Group, a consolida- Khocks: Owning Your iuiigcsiion in the ammendmenl. hi Transportation must approve the or- differentliours. :- '"""' •"• .' The township 'committee- approved a dinance. • . « . public • relations—irr-t955. tion of, three insurance Own Business and Percep- $3,!)HH>id-froin Masco Sports Inc. to The handiciiDiied parking sign sug- "The mayor did what he promised," . Last year he was elected specially companies with tion: Art for the Gifted. All -••<-•'-."•" """; '"""^" ",r"",u"^ ""•••'gestioit*~|)pece'dcd uuhlic comments Township committee member Stane- : ^^^_ —«««CluborUnion• •"••"•••. • • JOSKPII II. I1AI.IMN, t'X- supply athletic equipment or the Spr- ^ u r f. |)|o j ,,p , Crosettsaid.."Butthci'ccOuld;beanim elmirman ol' trje American offices al Union, Palerson are conducted by Caldwell ly Kaish suggested changing the drive.. proverrienli a big improvement." :.- • ras. Association'and.is a" and, Toms River, Jvas an- — '^H Nationals a eBankalso fcculivviccsidcnl of .College faculty members. • 1 mgfield Kecreation Department. The--.|m>.|.oofcc,,..A^,nue ,„sprinKiiettf . in-ii-ono Wily ' J A.brochure Is avuilable Jtf.1.1" bid included baseball caps and .T-shirts. ... •-..'• — Afler" the meeting, Capt;,.Calabrt.'se ifiember'Of the assoeia- hounded..'Headquarters-of- 0to"M &u»t£ic lo vice "presi ^-.FidelityUnion- s • 54th ANNIVERSARY Weltcheek said the traffic problem ion's board of directors.-the grolip is- Route- 22- by writing Office of Conti- • - .Jbrry-Gohpn,- lown"sliip commitloe . Br'. Tlippo Bosco pi'gstfnie'd a iralTjc. would be. discussed With Springfield- _explained a shorU|gc_of school ci;ossing- dent; officer in charge of nuing Education, Caldwell member, was absent from the meeting, control Volition on behalf of Ihe LaurcJ guards had curtailed sorrie traffic en- I[c served as mayor, of West,'Union. The com- commercial loan ace'oun- iPoliceCapt.SamCalabre.se.. ,. •' College, Cajdwoll, 0700flr- In other bu'siiii'ss.'.llie cornm.ftleOap- Drive Homeowners Association. Took.er. Avenue .residents' bad_. forcement efforts in other areas of Spr- ting, rrfain 'office, fmiiKHTKON and ED.or 'by calling 22IH424, ExC proved a resolution for Edward Pann-" Motorisls are using the drive as a Tngriolcir "'"' • • "•_• •. Sewing The Public presented a Iralficconirol petition In, Elizabeth. She'-resides-in K'T^ERm to 214.
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