PACIFIC Project Bureau of Justice Assistance U.S. Department of Justice Planning Alternatives & Correctional Institutions For Indian Country PACIFIC Advisory Committee Agency Directory September 2010 Northern Cheyenne Youth Services Center Bureau of Justice Assistance James H. Burch, II, Acting Director Andrew Molloy, Associate Deputy Director Gary Dennis, Senior Policy Advisor Julius Dupree, Policy Advisor 810 Seventh Street, NW Washington, DC 20531 Phone (202) 616-6500 Fax (202) 305-1367 Prepared under Grant No. 2008-IP-BX-K001 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance to Justice Solutions Group, Shelley Zavlek, President. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a com- ponent of the Offi ce of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Offi ce of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Offi ce for Victims of Crime. Table of Contents PACIFIC Advisory Committ ee Members ..............................................................................ii PACIFIC Project Advisory Committ ee Overview.................................................................. 1 Directory of Technical Assistance Providers ....................................................................... 3 Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service (IHS) ............................................................................................4 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrati on (SAMHSA) ....................5 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Offi ce of Nati ve American Programs (ONAP) ................................................................ 6 Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Aff airs Offi ce of Justi ce Services (OJS) .................................................................................7 Offi ce of Faciliti es, Environmental, and Cultural Resources (OFECR) .......................8 Offi ce of Faciliti es Management and Constructi on (OFMC) .................................... 9 Bureau of Indian Educati on (BIE) ................................................................................ 10 Department of Justi ce Bureau of Justi ce Assistance (BJA) .............................................................................. 11 Executi ve Offi ce of the United States Att orneys (EOUSA) ...........................................12 Justi ce Programs Council of Nati ve American Aff airs (JPCNAA) ..................................13 Nati onal Insti tute of Correcti ons (NIC) ........................................................................14 Offi ce of Juvenile Justi ce and Delinquency Preventi on (OJJDP) ..................................15 Offi ce of Tribal Justi ce (OTJ) ........................................................................................ 16 Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking (SMART) .............. 17 Justi ce Soluti ons Group (JSG) ........................................................................................... 18 i PACIFIC Advisory Committee Members U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Indian Health Service (IHS) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrati on (SAMHSA) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Offi ce of Nati ve American Programs (ONAP) U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Indian Aff airs (BIA), Division of Correc- ti ons, Offi ce of Justi ce Services (OJS) U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Indian Aff airs (BIA), Offi ce of Faciliti es Management and Constructi on (OFMC) U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Indian Aff airs (BIA), Offi ce of Faciliti es, Environmental, and Cultural Resources (OFECR) U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Indian Educati on (BIE) U.S. Department of Justi ce (DOJ), Executi ve Offi ce for United States Att orneys (EOUSA) U.S. Department of Justi ce (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Nati onal Insti tute of Correcti ons (NIC) U.S. Department of Justi ce (DOJ), Offi ce of Justi ce Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justi ce Assistance (BJA) U.S. Department of Justi ce (DOJ), Offi ce of Justi ce Programs (OJP), Offi ce of Associate Att orney General (OAAG), Justi ce Programs Council on Nati ve American Aff airs (JPCNAA) U.S. Department of Justi ce (DOJ), Offi ce of Justi ce Programs (OJP), Offi ce of Juvenile Justi ce and Delinquency Preventi on (OJJDP) U.S. Department of Justi ce (DOJ), Offi ce of Justi ce Programs (OJP), Sentencing, Monitor- ing, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking (SMART) U.S. Department of Justi ce (DOJ), Offi ce of Tribal Justi ce (OTJ) Training & Technical Assistance Providers Fox Valley Technical College, Criminal Justi ce Center for Innovati on (CJCI) Justi ce Soluti ons Group (JSG) University of North Dakota, Tribal Judicial Insti tute (TJI) ii PACIFIC PACIFIC Project Advisory Committee Overview PACIFIC Project PACIFIC Advisory Committee The Planning Correcti onal Faciliti es on Trib- Tribal justi ce systems are markedly and al Lands Discreti onary Grant Program (BJA rightf ully diff erent from federal, state, Planning Grant Program) provides federal and county systems in ways that present resources through Bureau of Justi ce Assis- a unique set of challenges to planning tance (BJA) grants to American Indian and justi ce-related faciliti es in Indian Country. Alaskan Nati ve Tribes to assist in cost ef- There is a complex web of jurisdicti onal, fecti vely planning faciliti es associated with administrati ve, and funding issues that the incarcerati on and rehabilitati on of ju- impact the constructi on and operati on of venile and adult off enders subject to tribal Indian Country jails and justi ce services. jurisdicti on. Tribes must work cooperati vely and collab- BJA provides training and technical assis- orati vely with multi ple agencies to ensure tance (TA) services to BJA Planning Grant the success of their new detenti on or cor- Program recipients through the Planning recti onal faciliti es. Among the many agen- Alternati ves and Correcti onal Insti tuti ons cies/departments that play a role in Indian For Indian Country (PACIFIC) Project. BJA Country Correcti ons: working through its TA provider Justi ce So- • Department of Justi ce (DOJ), Offi ce of luti ons Group (JSG), and in collaborati on Justi ce Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justi ce with an advisory committ ee comprised of Assistance (BJA) representati ves of federal agencies and organizati ons that have a stake in Indian • DOJ, Offi ce of Juvenile Justi ce and Country correcti ons (PACIFIC Project Ad- Delinquency Preventi on (OJJDP) visory Committ ee), is supporti ng the de- velopment of curricula and publicati ons, • DOJ, Offi ce of Tribal Justi ce (OTJ) the provision of technical assistance, and • Department of Health and Human the disseminati on of informati on to as- Services (HHS), Indian Health Service sist tribal planning teams. These materi- (IHS) als present justi ce system and correcti onal facility planning as an interacti ve, dynamic • Department of the Interior (DOI), process that Tribes engage in to: Bureau of Indian Educati on (BIE) • identi fy local or regional factors that • DOI, Bureau of Indian Aff airs (BIA), Offi ce contribute to crime and delinquency; of Faciliti es Management and Constructi on (OFMC) • identi fy local or regional strengths and resources that prevent crime and delin- • DOI, BIA, Division of Correcti ons, Offi ce quency; of Justi ce Services (OJS) • understand the conti nuum of services • Executi ve Offi ce of the United States and sancti ons that address crime, delin- Att orneys quency and recidivism; and • Substance Abuse and Mental Health • plan appropriately designed and sized Services Administrati on (SAMHSA) faciliti es that are integrated within an • Department of Housing and Urban eff ecti ve conti nuum of services that Development (HUD) are responsive to tribal and/or regional needs. 1 PACIFIC (cont’d) Representati ves of the foregoing agencies have come together as part of the PACIFIC Project Advisory Committ ee. This Directory provides the following informati on for each of the member agencies/departments: • Brief descripti on of agency/department; • Contact informati on; and • Summary of relevant services, resources and assistance off ered. 2 T/TA Providers Bureau of Justice Assistance Training & Technical Assistance Providers Substanc nd e A l a b o educatione u h d s ty u e o ni ca c u t P l m io m n r A o o c g n r a a i m d n I en f n or io ce ntit m ve en e t pr Justi ce Soluti ons Group Fox Valley Technical College, University of North Dakota 10 McKinley Street, Suite 1 Criminal Justi ce Center for Innovati on School of Law, Tribal Judicial Insti tute Closter, NJ 07624 1825 N. Bluemound Drive 215 Centennial Drive, Stop 9003 P (201) 768-6839 | F (201) 768-6855 Appleton, WI 54914 Grand Forks, ND 58202 Email tt a@justi cesoluti onsgroup.com P (888) 370-1752 | F (920) 996-7192 P (701) 777-6306 | F (701) 777-0178 Web www.justi cesoluti onsgroup.com Email [email protected] Web www.law.und.edu/TJI Contact(s) Shelley Zavlek, President Web www.fvtc.edu/CJCI Contact(s) BJ Jones, Executi ve Director Anthony H. Jones, Senior Associate Contact(s) Edward Krueger, Director Michelle Rivard Parks, Deputy Director Beckie Murdock, Programs Manager Alaska Nati ve Justi ce Center Nati onal Criminal Justi ce Associati on 3600 San Jeronimo Drive, Suite 264 720 7th Street, NW, Third Floor Anchorage, AK 99508 Washington,
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