APPENDIX A – REFERENCES APPENDIX A ▪ REFERENCES Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) 2008 National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended). Available online at <http://www.achp.Gov/docs/nhpa%202008-final.pdf, accessed April 2016. BCCW/Casey Architects-EnGineers 1988 City of Joplin Historic Survey SprinGfield, MO. Bowen National Research 2014 Rental & For-Sale HousinG Needs Assessment, Joplin, Missouri. PickerinGton, OH. Brown, Priscilla Purcell 2013 Joplin, ImaGes of America. Arcadia Publishing, Charleston, SC. Casey/Hill Architects-Planners 1990 City of Joplin Preservation Plan. SprinGfield, MO for the City of Joplin. City of Joplin 2002 Joplin Downtown RevitaliZation Plan. Prepared by Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation, Kansas City, MO Joplin, MO. 2012 Joplin Recover TIF Revelopment Plan & Project. Prepared by PCAV Planners for the City of Joplin, Joplin, MO. 2012 Comprehensive Plan 2012. Prepared by Lochner, Kansas City, MO for the City of Joplin, Joplin, MO. HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN A-1 APPENDIX A 2013 Joplin Community Phase II Recovery Plan. City of Joplin, Joplin, MO. 2014 Joplin, Missouri, ReGional Disaster and Economic Recovery and Resiliency Strategy. Report funded by the Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce, Joplin, MO. 2015 Fact Sheet⎯Joplin, Missouri hit by EF-5 Tornado on May 22, 2011. City of Joplin Public Information Office, Joplin, MO. 2015 ZoninG Regulations, Appendix 29-A⎯ZoninG. City of Joplin, Joplin, MO. Grand Lake Watershed Alliance Foundation (GLWAF) 2008 Grand Lake Watershed Plan. Grand Lake o’ the Cherokees Watershed Alliance Foundation, Grove, OK. 2015 Grand Lake Watershed Map Available online at: http://Glwaf.orG/about_Glwaf.html Accessed December 2015. The Joplin Globe 2011 32 Minutes in May: The Joplin Tornado. Pediment PublishinG, Battle Ground, WA. 2014 Joplin Memories, The Early Years, Presented by the Joplin Globe. Pediment PublishinG, Battle Ground, WA. 2015 Murwin Mosler’s Joplin in the 1940s. Pediment PublishinG, Battle Ground, WA. Kansas GeoloGical Survey (KGS) 2001 Lead and Zinc MininG in Kansas, Public Information Circular 17. Available online at: http://www.kGs.ks.edu/Publications/pic17/pic17_1.html Accessed December 2015. Kmussler 2015 Neosho River Watershed Map. Available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.orG/wiki/File:Neoshorivermap.png# /media/File:Neoshorivermap.pnG A-2 City of JOPLIN REFERENCES Accessed December 2015. Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MO DNR) 2015 The SprinG River Watershed Map. Available online at: https://dnr.mo.Gov/omw/spring.htm Accessed December 2015. National Main Street ProGram 2016 The Main Street Four-Point Approach. Available online at: http//www.preservationnation.orG/mainstreet/ about-main-street/the-approach/ Accessed August 4, 2016. National Park Service 2016 Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives ProGram. Available online at: http://www.nps.Gov/tps/tax-incentives.htm Accessed August 4, 2016. 2016 National ReGister of Historic Places. Available online at: http://www.nps.Gov/nr/ Accessed April 2016. 2016 Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Available online at: http://www.nps.Gov/hps/tps/standguide/ Accessed April 2016. 2016 Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, Guidelines for the Treatment of Cultural Landscapes. Available online at: http://www.nps.Gov/tps/standards/four-treatments/landscape- guidelines/ Accessed April 2016. 2016 Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for RehabilitatinG Historic BuildinGs. Available online at: http://www.nps.Gov/hps/tps/standguide/rehab/rehab_index.htm, Accessed April 2016. NovoGradac & Company LLP 2012 Updated Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis. Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri. Overland Park, KS. HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN A-3 APPENDIX A Renner, G. K. 1985 Joplin, From MininG Town to Urban Center. Windsor Publications, NorthridGe, CA. Rosin Preservation, LLC 2015 MurphysburG Historic Distirct, Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri, National ReGister of Historic Places ReGistration Form. Kansas City, MO. Schwenk, Sally F. 2008 Historic Resources of Joplin, Missouri, National ReGister of Historic Places, Multiple Property Documentation Form, Prepared for the City of Joplin by Sally Schwenk Associates, Inc. Kansas City, MO. 2008 Joplin Downtown Historic District, National ReGister of Historic Places ReGistration Form. Prepared for the City of Joplin by Sally Schwenk Associates, Inc. Kansas City, MO. Shanon1 2015 Arkansas River Watershed Map. Available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.orG/wiki/File:Arkansasrivermap.jpg# /media/File:Arkansasrivermap.jpG. Accessed December 2015. Sheals, Debbie and Becky Snider 2006 Fifth and Main Historic District, National ReGister of Historic Places ReGistration Form. Columbia, MO. Simpson, Leslie 1999 From Lincoln LoGs to lego Blocks, How Joplin Was Built. The Winfred L. and EliZabeth C. Post Foundation, Joplin, MO. 2009 Now and Then and AGain: Joplin Historic Architecture. The Winfred L. and EliZabeth C. Post Foundation, Joplin, MO. 2011 Joplin, Postcard History Series Arcadia Publishing, Charleston, SC. Taylor and Taylor Associates, Inc. 2010 Joplin and Wall Avenues Historic District, National ReGister of Historic Places ReGistration Form. DuBois, PA. A-4 City of JOPLIN REFERENCES 2010 South Main Street Historic District, National ReGister of Historic Places ReGistration Form. DuBois, PA. 2011 Main and EiGhth Streets Historic District, National ReGister of Historic Places ReGistration Form. DuBois, PA. 2012 Survey Report: Historic/Architectural Survey of the MurphysburG Residential NeiGhborhood. Brookville, PA. Teal, Keri 2013 Watershed Characteristics and EcoloGical SettinG. Presentation at the SprinG River Watershed Summit, Available online at: http://dnr.mo.Gov/omw/spring.htm Accessed December 2015. University of Missouri DiGital Library (U MO) 1900 Sanborn Maps of Joplin, Missouri. Available online through the Search function at: http://diGital.library.umsystem.edu Accessed December 2015. University of Texas Library (U Texas) 1900 USGS Map, Joplin District of Missouri and Kansas. Available online at: https://archive.orG/details/usGs_mo?sort=titleSorter&and[]=Joplin Accessed June 2016. 1913 Map ShowinG Lines of Joplin and PittsburG Company in Missouri and Kansas. Available online at: http://www.lib.lib.uteas.edu/maps/historical/ txu-oclc-6445490-electric railway-joplin-1913.jpG. Accessed June 2016. US Bureau of Labor Statisitcs (US BLS) 2016 Joplin, MO, 2015 Labor Data. Available online at: http://www.bls.Gov/eaG/eaG.mo_joplin_msa.htm Accessed March 4, 2016. US Census Bureau (US Census) 2015 Joplin (city) QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. Available online at: HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN A-5 APPENDIX A http://quickfacts.census.Gov/qfd/states/29/2937592.html Accessed December 28, 2015. US Environmental Protection AGency (US EPA) 2002 EcoreGions of Iowa and Missouri. Available online at: https://archive.epe.Gov/wed/ecoreGions/web/ html/moia_eco.html Accessed December 2015. 2003 OronoGo-DuenweG MininG Belt, Missouri, EPA ID# MOD980686281 Available online at: http://cumulic.epa.Gov/supercpad/ csitinfo.cfm?id=0701290 Accessed December 2015. 2014 EcoreGions of Oklahoma. Available online at: http://www.eoearth.orG/view/article/152152/ Accessed December 2015. 2015 EcoreGions of Arkansas. Available online at: ftp://newftp.epa.Gov/EPADataCommons/ORD/ EcoreGions/ar/ar_eco_lG.pdf Accessed December 2015. US GeoloGical Survey (USGS) 2009 The OZark HiGhlands, A Distinctive Landscape. Fact Sheet 2009-3065, available online at: http://pubs.usGs.Gov/fs/2009/3065/ Accessed December 2015. A-6 City of JOPLIN .
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