Sponsored by: Puto CITY OF MARATHON, FLORIDA RESOLUTION 2015-139 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MARATHON' FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE 2015 UPDATE oF THE LOCAL MITIGATION STRATEGY AS REQUIRE,D BY STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS TO QUALIFY FOR CERTAIN MITIGATION GRANT F.UNDING; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Marathon Council adopted a Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) update in2005, and an update in2011; and WHEREAS, Monroe County and the cities of Key West, Key Colony Beach, Layton, Islamorada, and Marathon have experienced hurricanes and other natural hazañ,events that pose risks to public health and safety and which may cause serious property damage; and WHEREAS, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Management Act, as amended by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, requires local jurisdictions to adopt mitigation plans in order to be eligible for post-disaster and pre-clisaster grants to implement Ãrtain mitigation projects; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Section2TP-22, the County and municipalities must have a formal LMS Working Group ancl the I-MS Working Group must review and update the LMS every five years in order to maintain eligibility for mitigation grant programs; and WHEREAS, the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994, the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004, as amended, require local jurisdictions to aclopt a mitigation to be eligible for grants to implement certain flood mitigation projects; and WHEREAS, the planning process required by the State of Florida and the Federal Emergency Management Agency offers the opportunity to consider natural hazards and risks and to identiS' mitigation actions to reduce future impacts of such hazards; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida has provided federal mitigation funds to support the development of the Local Mitigation Strategy; and \ryHEREAS, the 2015 Update of the Monroe County Local Mitigation Strategy was revised by the LMS V/orking Group composed of representatives of MonroeLounty, the ciiies of Key West, Key Colony Beach, Layton, Islamorada, and Marathon, and a numbei of nonprofit organizations have reviewed and updated the LMS; and \ryHEREAS, the 2015 LMS Update identifies mitigation initiatives that will improve the process used to identify and manage mitigation initiatives intended to minimize and reduce safety threats and damage to private and public property; and WHEREAS, the 2015 LMS Update was made available to the public and apublic meeting was held on May 27,2015, to solicit questions and comments and to piesent the LMS; and \ilHEREAS, the 2015 LMS Update was submitted to the Florida Division of Emergency Management and FEMA for review and minor revisions were made in response to comments; nnât approval by the State and FEMA will be issued after the LMS is adopted. NO\ry, THEREFOREO BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' MARATHON, FLORIDA, that: Section 1: The 2015 LMS Update is adopted as shown in "Exhibit A" as an official plan of The City of Marathon, Florida, contingent upon approval by the State and FEMA. Section 2: Any initiative identified in the 2015 LMS Update shall be subject to, and contingent upon, budget approval, if required, which shall be at the discretion of the City Council of the City of Marathon, and this resolution shall not be interpreted so as to mandate any such appropriations. Section 3: The Monroe County Emergency Management Department is directed to coordinate with appropriate County departments and to perform the annuafreport requirements set forth in the Florida Administrative Code Chapter 27p-22.004. Section 4: That this Resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signature of the presiding officer and Cierk of the Counðil. Section 5: The Clerk is directed to mail copies of this resolution to the Florida Division of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Region IV Office. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' MARATHON, FLORTDA, THIS 8rH DAy OF DECEMBER, 2015. THE CITY OF MARATHON, FLORIDA Mark Senmartin, Mayor AYES: Bartus, Coldiron, Kelly, Zieg, Senmartin NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: AùIJLW Diane Clavier, City Clerk (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO F'ORM AND LEGALITY FOR THE USE AND RELIANCE OF THE CITY OF'MARATHON, FLORIDA ONLY: Migut, Exhibit A Local Mitigation Strategy Monroe County and I ncorporated Mu nicipalities Key West, Marathon, Key Colony Beach, Layton, and lslamorada Villa e of lslands Local Mitigation Strategy 20I 5 Update Florids Keys 1935 Hurricane MemorÍøl November 2015 Table of Contents Ghapter 1: lntroduction l.l Authority.. 1-l t.2 Working Group Membership................ l-l 1.3 Acknowledgments ..... l-4 1.4 Key Terms t-4 1.5 Acronyms. l-5 1.6 References l-5 Ghapter 2: The Plann¡ng Area 2.1 Geography and Planning Area........ 2-l 2.2 Population 2-2 2.3 Land Use and Growth Trends....... .....2-3 2.4 The Florida Building Code (5th Edition, 2014)................ .....2-6 2.5 Number and Value of Buildings and Structures.......... 2-8 2.6 Economic Characteristics............ ....2-9 2.7 Transportation ........................ r. !........... ..2-9 2.8 Environmental and Historic Resources 2-10 2.8.1 Environmental Resources........ 2-10 2.8.2 Historic Resources 2-11 2.9 Critical Facilities... 2.10 201 5 Updates .............. Ghapter 3: Mitigation Planning 3.1 Introduction................ 3-1 3.2 The Mitigation Planning Process... ........3-l 3.2.1 LMS Working Group Annual Meetings r3-4 J.J Public Involvement in Mitigation Planning................ .................. 3-5 3.4 The 2015 Update: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment .................. 3-5 3.5 2015 Updates .................. 3-5 Chapter 4: Mitigation Goals 4.1 Introduction 4.2 LMS Mitigation Goals 4.3 Florida's Mitigation Vision & Mission Statement 4.4 2015 Updates Monroe LMS (2015 Update) Ghapter 5: Hurricanes & Tropical Storms 5.1 Introduction 5-1 5.2 Defining theHazard. 5-3 5.2.1 Future Flooding Conditions 5-5 5.2.2 Flood Insurance Rate Maps 5-5 5.2.3 NFIP Flood Insurance Policies & Repetitive Loss Properties 5-6 5.3 Hurricane Effects in Monroe County 5-7 5.4 Some Major Hurricanes.................... 5-9 5.5 Losses Due to Major Disasters......... s-l I 5.6 Impacts of Hurricanes....................... 5-1 3 5.6.1 Buildings 5-22 5.6.2 Transportation Infrastructure and Considerations for Evacuation .......... 5-22 5.6.3 Communications 5-24 5.6.4 Water Supply..... 5-25 5.6.5 Electric Power... 5-27 5.6.6 WastewaterFacilities 5-28 5.6.7 The Economy, Tax Base and Major Employers ......... 5-29 5.6.8 Public Health Considerations s-30 5.6.9 Environmental Resources and Natural Functions..... 5-30 5.6.10 Historic Resources 5-32 5.6. 1 I Hazard Profile Summary..... 5-33 5.7 Climate Change and Sea Level Rise 5-33 5.7.1 Hazard Profile Summary..... 5-37 5.8 2015Updates.............. 5-40 Chapter 6: Other Hazards & Risks 6.1 Introduction 6-l 6.2 Strong Storms, including Tornadoes & Water Spouts........ ..............6-2 6.3 Rainfall/Fresh Water Flooding...... 6.4 Drought..... .. 6- l5 6.4.1 Florida's Keetch-Byram Drought Index ..6-16 6.4.2 Drought in the Florida Keys ..6-17 6.5 WildlandFire............ ..6-t9 6.6 CoastalErosion...... 6-23 Monroe LMS (2015 Update) 6.7 Overview of Monroe's Hazards & Risks..... 6-28 6.8 2015 Updates...... 6-29 Ghapter 7: Monroe Gounty 7.1 Capability Assessment: County Government Structure 7-l 7 .l.l Emergency Services Division 7-2 7 .l .2 Emergency Management Department .............. 7-3 7.1.3 Growth Management Division.. 7-4 7.1.4 Public Works & Engineering Division 7-6 7 .1.5 Florida Department of Health in Monroe County...... .......7-7 7 .1.6 Monroe County Budget and Finance .... .......7-7 ,| 7.1.7 Monroe County School District .......7-8 7.2 Regional Agencies & Organizations .......7-8 7.2.1 South Florida Regional Planning Council. 7-8 7.2.2 South Florida Water Management District 7-9 7.2.3 Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority............. 7-10 7.2.4 ElectricUtilities 7-tl 7.2.5 Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys... 7-ll 7.3 Planning & Development Processes ............... 7-tl 7.3.1 Comprehensive Plan: Year 2010. 7-tt 7.3.2 Floodplain Management............... 7-14 7.4 Communicating about Hazards..... 7-18 7.5 Recent and Near-Term Mitigation Actions 7-t9 7.6 2015 Updates 7-20 Chapter 8: Gity of Key West 8.1 Overview of Key West ......... .............8-l 8.2 Capability Assessment: City Organization and Agencies ........... ............8-3 8.3 Hazards and Risk in Key West......... ..................8-9 8.4 Damage Reduction Activities ..........8-20 8.5 2015 Updates .............. ....................8-22 Chapter 9: City of Layton 9.1 Overview of Layton.. 9-l 9.2 Capability Assessment: City Organization and Agencies 9-2 Monroe LMS (2015 Update) iii 9.3 Hazards and Risk in Layton.. ......9-3 9.4 Damage Reduction Activities ......9-7 9.5 201 5 Updates .............. ......9-8 Chapter 10: City of Key Golony Beach l0.l Overview of Key Colony Beach 10.2 Capability Assessment: City Organization and Agencies 10.3 Hazards and Risk in Key Colony Beach 10.4 Damage Reduction Activities 10.5 2015 Updates.............. Ghapter 11: lslamorada Village of lslands I 1.1 Overview of Islamorada . 1l-1 I 1.2 Capability Assessment: Village Organization and Agencies ................... .tl-2 I 1.3 Hazards and Risk in Islamorada ... .ll-s ll.4 Damage Reduction Activities....... l1-12 11.5 2015 Updates.............. 1t-14 Ghapter 12: Gity of Marathon l2.l Overview of Marathon t2-l 12.2 Capability Assessment: City Organization and Agencies ..........
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