MHR Review Issue #15 June 2013 ISSN 1839-8707 Contents MHR Review no.15 published in June 2013 as a survey of the preceding March - May 3 Reeker Reeks and the Slav Racism of the US State Department by George Vlahov AMHRC, MHRMI and Vinozhito Condemn the US State Department’s Negation of the 6 Macedonian Minority in Greece 7 Letter to Mr. Thomas Hounslow, The Age – Orthodox Easter by Dr. Chris Popov 9 How Does It Feel? by Jim Thomev 16 The Poetry of Gane Todorovski by Dr. Michael Seraphinoff 20 We Want to Learn our Mother Tongue: Macedonian—Ovchareni 26 March 2013 22 САКАМЕ ДА ГО УЧИМЕ НАШИОТ МАЈЧИН МАКЕДОНСКИ ЈАЗИК—Овчарани - Март 2013 24 MHRMI and AMHRC Call on Nimetz to Resign Post and to Denounce Name Negotiations 25 Irreparable, Pathetic, Ridiculous… by George N. Papadakis 29 Jelko Kacin: Euro MP or Anti-Macedonian Lobbyist? by Dr. Chris Popov 32 NLA War Crimes by Tom Vangelovski 34 The Annual Melnik Gathering in Memory of Yane Sandanski by Stojko Stojkov 36 MHRMI and AMHRC Congratulate Nova Zora on its Third Anniversary 37 The Third Annual Nova Zora Celebration of the Struggle for Rights by Dimitri Jovanov 39 Johnny Tsiglev’s Detsa Begaltsi Multimedia Art Showcase AMHRC presents an International Scholarly Conference on the Partition of Macedonia and the Balkan 41 Wars of 1912-13 Reeker Reeks and the Slav Racism of the US State Department by George Vlahov On the 19th of June it was reported by tinuing. A will is needed for dialogue Balkan Insight that: and progress, not only by the leaders but also by the public,” Reeker said. Deputy Assistant US Secretary of State Philip Reeker told Macedonian At first, we can safely assume that no- officials in Skopje that brave deci- body believed the nonsense about sions need be taken in the “territorial pretensions” least of all Ath- longstanding dispute with Greece ens, but the Greeks have now repeat- over the name of the country. ed the lie so often over the last two decades, that sensible people are be- “A middle ground has to be found ginning to become weary of the neces- that will enable progress in solving sity to continually expose it. We, on the the name dispute,” Reeker added, other hand, make no apology for our after meeting Macedonian President rather unromantic or even rustic, re- Gjorge Ivanov and Prime Minister gard for the truth in this abusive con- Nikola Gruevski on Monday. Greece text; or for our refusal to endorse an insists that Macedonia’s name im- iniquitous tumble into the basement of plies territorial claims to its own north- an edifice, the EU, which, in these cir- ern province, also called Macedonia. cumstances, might deservedly be per- Greece is blocking Macedonia’s en- ceived as having been constructed try to NATO citing the failure to re- upon a foundation made of excrement. solve the issue. The saying that if a person is capable He noted that solving the Macedoni- of expressing his thoughts clearly and an name dispute is crucial because honestly, then he should have nothing its resolution will open the way for the to do with politics, is obviously one that faster integration of Macedonia into Reeker subscribes to; the same, just the EU. “Brave decisions are needed as obviously, cannot be said for his over the 'name', just as they were in present interlocutor. the dispute between Serbia and Ko- sovo,” Reeker said, according to par- Yet another attempt has been made to ty sources. Representatives of the lure the Macedonian political elite into opposition said that the US diplomat an abyss, with a neatly trussed up chi- had highlighted the fact that mera, Reeker has named, apparently “statesmanlike skills are needed”. without blushing, “bravery”. Good old fashioned diplomatic, “statesmanlike” In a statement to the media, Reeker crinoline, based on the precept that noted that the US was satisfied with more flies are caught with honey than the latest compromise proposals of vinegar; designed to disguise as at- the UN mediator on the name dis- tractive, a suggestion to murder certain pute, Matthew Nimetz. intangibles, which are no less precious “The process that we support is con- for being so. Phenomena that cannot possibly be touched, but which are be as good a gentleman … as Luci- grave diggers, the heads of West- known to exist, like one’s dignity, fer himself, it is necessary … that he ern industry; most definitely an ex- one’s identity, the memory of how keep his vow and his oath” (Henry ample of when it is better to give one’s self came to be, in short, V) as enunciated in the UN Charter. than to receive. Plucky little Mace- one’s rights; all to be abandoned for donians; though we would like them a deal to do what? To join a union, Resistance of a Sort to strive more openly for the princi- the dysfunctional bearing of which is pled victory, known in this context, given exemplary demonstration by Having enough sense to perceive as self-determination, erga omnes. the very conditions of Macedonia’s that it exudes the odor of Hades, membership! Veritably, after signing Macedonian political leaders ap- That said, it should be repeated that such an agreement it might be pear to be refusing to accept Reek- the Republic of Macedonia is not in more fitting for one to reside with the er’s “bravery” award, quite unlike an enviable predicament. David Lord of the Flies himself, Old Nick, those missionaries of old who often only faced one Goliath, but the on the Isle of Almas Perdidas. We accepted gold watches and alike, “progress” of Modernity – modern- also remind ‘neutral’ observers in for their “bravery” in “educating sav- ists all too often, unthinkingly equate the media, regarding Reeker and ages” just enough, so that they quantitative increases with qualita- his cohorts, that: “Though he may would prove to be hospitable to their tive improvements – has pitted three oversized Philistines against forbids this and the Macedonians ing there is no truth or consolation in tiny Macedonia – Athens, backed aptly reply that their beliefs – legally the reflection that it’s just a name, or up by coryphaeus’s based in two of enshrined universals which should that many peripheral others are ma- the current wannabe Zeus like cen- indeed be governing the actions of terially treated even more disdainful- tres, Brussels and Washington, all all those involved in the so-called ly – how does one measure such three gasconading, in their own pe- dispute, forbid ineffable absurdities. things any way?! If it is so trivial, culiar fashion, yet in a manner, ge- then the opposite argument is even nerically speaking, congruent with It has all been previously said and in more applicable, seeing as it is in the original big bully. the not too distant future, we might fact prescribed by the rules of the again view Washington and or game: just accept the Republic of All the same, little Macedonia still Brussels, with contradictory slip- Macedonia’s choice of nomencla- seems to be clinging to some of its page, offer a rejoinder in which the ture and let’s move on to matters of rights, to some semblance of its re- “bravery” carrot is dispensed with more importance. maining dignity. Athens posits that and replaced by the “it’s just a its beliefs, based on an incongruous name, change it and we’ll let you Maneuvering in a Difficult Posi- combination of deep affinity for both live” stick. Optimistically, one imagi- tion Eastern Orthodoxy and ancient nes the Macedonians again re- Athenian polytheistic paganism, sponding in the negative by assert- It has been related in the treasury of chess lore, lamentably and probably namically persistent motivator and it home. Thus at bottom, the whole apocryphally, that the Englishman is necessary for Macedonians to notion of denying fundamental legal- Sarratt, well bestowed of skill by shift the weight from their backsides, ly enshrined human rights (spelled Caissa, drew game after game with to their feet. out in the UN Charter) to a particular Bonaparte. The latter, for all his abil- ethnic or national group, is a form of ity on the various grounds of Eu- Racism and the most recent US racist discrimination, whatever has rope, in the ‘management’ of the State Department Report been used as the ‘basis’ for the de- continent’s royalty, clergy and their nial. Moreover, the Greek authorities castles, cavalry and infantry, was in Some scholars have argued that refuse to respect the self-ascription reality no match for Sarratt’s usage racism strictly refers to discrimina- or even the existence of a Macedo- of symbols of the same on the 64 tion in the case when the members nian ethnicity in Greece and be- squares. Apparently, for Sarratt, it of the ethnic/national group discrimi- yond, this again qualifies as racist was a struggle between dignity and nating against another ethnic/ discrimination; not only according to courtesy, the non-results giving just national group, have decided that it the Charter, but also the Copenha- enough to each; thus it is that stale- is not permissible for members of gen human rights criteria, by which mate positions are continually the discriminated against group, to Greece, as an EU member, is sup- reached in the so-called name ne- alleviate the discrimination by joining posed to be bound. Generally, gotiations. A process which the gap- their group or by making some other Greek state policy is to refer to the ing acolytes of tossing veracity aside sort of cultural conversion, because Macedonian minority as Slavo- in favour of simply pummeling the they lack some essential biological phone Greeks – in other words, not line of least resistance, in order to characteristics.
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