Parish: Brompton Committee Date: 12th November 2015 Ward: Northallerton North and Brompton Target Date: 15th October 2015 1 Planning Officer: Janine Laver Application Number: 15/01083/HYB Proposal: 1. Full planning application for Phase 1 residential comprising 150 dwellings to the east of Darlington Road and 141 dwellings to the west of Stokesley Road, including earth works across the site, engineering works for drainage associated with Phase 1 residential, associated infrastructure, construction of strategic link road from Darlington Road to the west and Stokesley Road to the east including roundabouts and road bridge crossing railway line and village green; and 2. Outline planning application for a mixed use development of 900 dwellings (C3) which includes the residential development comprising Phase 1 referred to above, employment (B1, B2, B8), neighbourhood centre comprising shops (A1), restaurants (A3) and drinking establishments (A4), extra care facilities (C2), medical facilities (D1), primary school (D1), community uses including recreation playing pitches and allotments, car parking and means of access (all matters reserved apart from means of access). The proposal is a major development, which is accompanied by an Environmental Statement. Location: Land To The East Of Darlington Road, West Of Stokesley Road, and North Of Thurston Road Industrial Estate, Northallerton Applicant(s): Mulberry Homes, Taylor Wimpey, Persimmon Homes, Messrs G, B, E & I Gill EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The application site forms the majority of a strategic allocation (NM5) within the adopted Hambleton Local Development Framework and the proposal comprises a total of 900 dwellings, mixed uses including retail, commercial, and extra care provision, a primary school, formal and informal recreation space including a village green, and a link road and bridge over the Northallerton-Middlesbrough railway line through the centre of the development. The application is in hybrid form, with full planning permission sought for the link road and bridge, 291 of the 900 dwellings, a village green near Darlington Road and sustainable drainage features. Outline approval is sought for the balance of the development. As the largest allocation site in the Local Development Framework, which has undergone extensive consultation, independent review, adoption and masterplanning, the principle of the uses applied for in the application, as well as the quantity of housing proposed, has been established. The proposal was received in May 2015 and advertised to the general public by way of letter (334 sent in total), site notices displayed in the surrounding area, a press notice and Hambleton DC website releases. Statutory consultee notification was also undertaken in accordance with the relevant Town and Country Planning and Environmental Impact Regulations. To date 15 objections have been received from the public primarily raising issues of the lack of housing need in Northallerton, traffic congestion, the lack of a solution to queuing at the Low Gates rail crossing, off site flood impacts, and noise impacts to future residents from Allerton Steel operations. Statutory consultees raised some concerns regarding drainage and flooding, potential ecological impacts, lack of formal cycle provision within the scheme, noise impacts from Allerton Steel and the location of the school. Brompton and Northallerton Town Councils have also objected on various grounds. The comments made by statutory bodies, interested parties and private individuals have been taken into account. However, it is concluded that for the reasons set out in this report the objections do not amount to reasons for refusal of the application either individually or collectively, and that the relevant planning issues that have been raised can be adequately addressed by the imposition of a range of planning conditions and/or legal agreement. Furthermore, design refinements will also undoubtedly occur in the detailed design phase in advance of submission of reserved matters. It is considered that the Environmental Statement contained sufficient information to enable an assessment of the main or likely significant effects and appropriate mitigation measures, while subject to various conditions being met, and bearing in mind that reserved matters applications will need to be submitted for all development not included within the ‘Full’ part of the application, the proposal is satisfactory in terms of the mix of uses being sought and the traffic generated. Furthermore, with regards to the Full Application for 291 houses, the link road and bridge, SUDs basins and Village Green the proposal is considered to be satisfactory in terms of layout, architectural expression and urban design and will largely accord with the provisions of the Site Allocations Policy and the guidance within the adopted 2011 Masterplan for the site. The development would also realise the North Northallerton Link Road, which is a major piece of infrastructure on the Council’s priority list for spending receipts under the Community Infrastructure Levy and the subject of a £6 million Government Grant issued via the Local Enterprise Partnership. It would also help deliver a new primary school and recreational land, which would be of wider benefit to local communities. The proposal provides the Council with the opportunity to meet part of its required housing provision, and based upon the viability appraisal can provide the district with some essential affordable housing, albeit below the policy level. In any event, due to the proposed review mechanism to be contained within an associated legal agreement, there may be opportunity for increased affordable housing provision at later phases within the development if the housing market improves. Overall, the proposal is considered acceptable and it is recommended that planning permission be granted in OUTLINE for a mixed use development of 900 dwellings (Use Class C3), employment (Use Classes B1, B2, B8), neighbourhood centre comprising shops (Use Class A1), restaurants (Use Class A3) and drinking establishments (Use Class A4), extra care facilities (Use Class C2), medical facilities (Use Class D1), primary school (Use Class D1), community uses including recreation playing pitches and allotments, car parking and means of access (all matters reserved apart from means of access) on land to the East of Darlington Road, West of Stokesley Road, and North of Thurston Road Industrial Estate, Northallerton It is also recommended that planning permission be granted in FULL for Phase 1 of the 900 dwellings granted approval in Outline by this permission, comprising 150 dwellings to the east of Darlington Road and 141 dwellings to the west of Stokesley Road, including earth works across the site, engineering works for drainage associated with Phase 1 residential, associated infrastructure, construction of strategic link road from Darlington Road to the west and Stokesley Road to the east including roundabouts and road bridge crossing the Northallerton to Middlesbrough railway line and a village green on land to the East of Darlington Road, West of Stokesley Road, and North of Thurston Road Industrial Estate, Northallerton. 1.0 PROPOSAL 1.1 The applicants have lodged a hybrid planning application comprising a) an ‘outline’ application for the entire site identified on the ‘Proposed Application Boundary Plan’ Nod. 0000-0001, dated Jan 2014, as well as b) a ‘full’ application for the land identified on ‘Phase 1 Red Line Boundary Plan’ Nod. 12003-SK-01, Rev B, dated August 2015. The total site area of the ‘outline’ application is 52.8 hectares. 1.2 An application for outline planning permission allows for a decision on the general principles of how a site can be developed. Outline planning permission is granted subject to conditions requiring the subsequent approval of one or more ‘reserved matters’. 1.3 The ‘outline’ application comprises: 900 residential dwellings, comprising 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms, mostly of two storey scale but some bungalows are also proposed; 3,250 sqm of employment uses including B1 Commercial, B2 General Industrial and B8 Storage and Distribution; A neighbourhood centre including A1 Shops, A3 Food and Drink, A4 Drinking Establishments and C1 Hotels uses (1,965 sqm floor area in total); A care home (Use Class C2); A primary school (Use Class D1); Community uses in the form of recreational playing fields/pitches, playgrounds, allotments and a Village Green; Associated car parking for the aforementioned uses; Flood and surface water retention basins/tanks, known as SUDs; and A link road and bridge to cross the Northallerton to Middlesbrough railway line. 1.4 The ‘outline’ application is detailed on the Plan entitled ‘Illustrative Masterplan Scaled’ Nod. 0000-0019 Rev A, dated May 2015, to which any planning permission should be tied. This Plan provides a guide to where the various uses sought may be located, with further detail provided in plans contained within the submitted Design and Access Statement. 1.5 However, it must be highlighted that the ‘Layout’, ‘Scale’, ‘Appearance’ and ‘Landscaping’ of the development are all matters that have been ‘reserved’ for later determination, which means that the detail provided on the aforementioned ‘Illustrative Masterplan Scaled’ or within the Design and Access Statement is subject to change. However, those documents are intended to illustrate the quality of development that could be achieved within the parameters of the permission now sought. The
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