T h e Couri er-Gazette. ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1848. , TWO DOLLARS A TEAK IN ADVANCKl ROCKLAND COCKIER ESTABLISHED 1874. $]ress is tbc &rtjjitncbtan JCcber that Xttobes tbc Otorfb at £tuo Dollars a J,) car (SINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVE CENTS. V o l. 8 . — N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1889. N umber 3-4. SARATOGA SPRINGS that through the use of this weed, these won EDITORIAL CHAT. Job and Repair Shop. derful little buttons were invented. However, ABOUT TOWN. NEW this little specimen did not compare favorably Searsport had the first circus this month in Where Diamonds Flash and Gaiety with those ia the Boston Art Museum, and 44 vears. TIN AND SHEET IRONWORK. good Rock landers could spend some time profit­ I have taken part of the More occupied by Rules the Hour. ably examining these really wonderful and ex­ W. 8. Wright & Co. and shall be pleaoed to Skowhegan village corporation pays $2,000 receive a cull from the people who may quisite examples of carving. We only re­ want the service* of a workman in the tin a year for 20 years for 75 hydrants. DRESS GOODS work line. I will give my personal atten­ gretted being deficient In Japanese classics and tion to all orders for Tin and Sheet Iron Health Seeking, Art Advancing and mythology. From this little shop we passed Work. Furnaces and stoves repaired. Lin­ Pleasuring Commingle. the millinery parlors of Mr. Howes, who has Southern California expects to make 2,000,- ings furnished and repairs promptly made 000 pounds of honey this year. How Bweet! on cook and parlor stoves. Water pipes made hats for Rockland’s fair ones—an artistic The Ocean street sewer is being laid—18-inch At the popular price of looked after and repaired. Second-hand pipe. Stoves bought and sold. The Dwelling Place of the Goddess little place with fine rugs, etc., and "coat of arms”—but then "a coat of arms” is reason­ The September term of the S. J. Court opens Hygeia—Nature's Medicinal Waters The best time to visit 'Maine is during the able this summer. The shop of Madame Con the 17th. months of September and Oetolicr when fho JONATHAN CROCKETT, —Entrancing Music—Women Gam­ nelly, the dress importer, is another attractive Creamery butter sells in Boston at wholesale air is crisp and cool and the woods dressed In blers— Fancy Turnouts—Ride on a spot to feminine hearts, and I would so much for 18 cents. their beautifully colored foliage nnd roast corn 5 0 Cts. Per Yard Tally-Ho—Men With Millions—The like to tell you of the gowns, but time forbids and baked clams are in order. Come now, M. F. W h ito n . A. M. J ameson. Rather a lovely color on the Purchase street Streets by Gaslight—A Japanese Store A enmbrie dress $75, surely only 100 per cent school-house! come then! M. F. WHITON & CO., —Millinery and Dressmaking — A profit! We were shown beautiful dresses for —AGENTS FOE— the great garden party next Saturday evening. Harry Mather is the Rockland correspon­ ..........AT ........... Beautiful Place,—The Mecca of Fair dent of the St. John Daily Globe. GRANITE CHIPS. Women and the Stamping Ground of The most costly dress was one of Worth’s, a Hingham Cordage Co., dinner dress of the new flame red and brocade Clarence Ulmer was cut in the face by flying Precious Stones—Of Interest to Chau- Little Flying Fragments From Busily — DEALERS IN — or cloth of gold. I noticed all skirts had the chips in the O'Brien quarry a week ago. tauquans—Some of the Notables. Booming Yards. W. 0. H ew ett & Co.’s LAWRENCE MILLS COTTON DUCK. small steel so comfortable, waists very much The L. R. R. R. Co’s crews are busy laying Wire Rope, Chains, Anchors, Bolt Rope, Oakum, WRITTEN FOR THE COURIER-GAZETTE. It is predicted that the population of Con­ Bunting, Etc. General agents lor the Russell trimmed and many milliner's folds; a dust branch tracks an-1 spurs and gravelling. Frictionless Pump. I wonder if the readers of your bright puper cloak also from Worth, unlike anything 1 ever cord, N. H., will be increased 2500 by the en­ 31 and 33 Commercial Street, - Boston. would care for a word from Saratoga, so rightly saw, and indescribable, $125, possibly there Miss Belle Thomas has been substituting in largement of the granite business nnd the 10-35 named Queen' of Spas, so beautiful, so gay, was $10 worth of material, but Worth made it. the telephone office the past week in the absence building of a new woolen mill at Pcnacook, in ....A FULL LINE OF.... so new to us. Aside from its glory as a water­ Could some of Rockland’s accomplished of Miss Spear. which case there will lie a Hharp competition between Concord and Nashua ns to which will .BEFORE YOU GET A. ing place, there is much of historical interest maidens have seen those creations, how quickly We need an iron foundry, want a sh oe fac­ be the second largest city in the state under associated with Saratoga, but perhaps in sum­ they would uppreciate and appropriate ideas! tory and must have Sea street straightened, the new census. mer days 'twill bore you to recall such. 'Tls Sashes are arranged in little quaint upright widened nnd paved. said the Goddess Hygeia dwells here. She has loops, 3 or 4 spread out fan like against the A new polishing mill is soon to be erected T R I C O T S ! DINNER OR TEA SET A business card in T h e C o u r ie r -G a z e t t e chosen wisely. Despite the rainy weather wo hack. I suppose Rockland men have appeared will do more good than a hundred advertise­ near Montpelier, Vt., nt Twlngsville by the in the new sashes, in place of vests. Must be Wetmore and Morse Granite Co. The new .Be sure and see the. have had, people continue to come as there is ments painted on barns and fences. At the low price of but one Saratoga in all the world. Probably decidedly cool and comfortable! The building of this company, which is now being its fame depends in a measure on the springs MOST BEAUTIFUL SPOT Joseph Emery recently sustained some inju­ erected on the Hubbard meadow, will soon be New Stock Pattern that bubble up in many places,nnd there seems In Saratoga is the court of the Grand Union. ries in the Atlantic quarry,Spruce Head,by the ready for machinery. A side track 800 feet slipping of a “dog,” a broken rib being the to be a mania among property owners to bore Surely it beggars descriptions and 1 never go long is being made from the Wells River most serious injury sustained. Which I sell separately or in sets, at the for water, and among the first questions to a there without wishing for my friends. Stately branch to the stream near the new mill site at 25 Cts. Per Yard new comer, is: trees, undulating lawns, beds of flowers, wind­ Hiram Hall of South Thomaston has re­ Twingsville, where a stone dam will be built. WHAT WATER ARE YOU TAKING? ing walks, and flashing fountains, intoxicating ceived offers from all parts of the United The new engine and boiler for the Lake As all seem to be advised for every ill tha strains of Lothian’s waltzes, a bevy of hand­ States und across the big pond for his patent Champlain Granite Co. at Barn Rock, West- Boston 5 and 10c Store, port, Vt., has been placed in position at the ..........AT ......... man is beir to, 'tls puzzling to decide, but her some women, and when the colored lights,ever axe handles. There's big money in it. that is wise drinks understanding!)’ and in changing, are thrown on, one is bewildered by quarry. G. II. COPELAND, Proprietor. The Rockland Beef Co. received two ear- homeopathic doses. They are very wonderful the beauty and I thought Undine is tossing her loads of beef last week. A look into their big aud seemingly inexhaustible, in some cases two jewels, if a soulless goddess has jewels. Here MARINE MATTERS. Oppo. Thorndike Hotel, Rockland, Maine. refrigerator disclosed 100 fore-quarters,05 hind­ W . 0 . H e w e t t & C o . ’s springs but a few feet apart are of altogether is where one sees the beauties, feminine mag­ quarters und smaller pieces, hung up in tempt­ nificence, diamonds and opals, everywhere. different properties. The season is at its height, ing array. I Seh. Corvo, Kennedy,from this port for New and how to see and hear everything that at­ I saw in some papers recently that "woman York, put into Edgartown 20th with cargo on The Newest and Prettiest thing for tracts each day is puzzling. Every morning seems to think she has reached the orbit of The engine for the tramway in the Engine fire. She has been sealed up. Venus when she reaches Saratoga and robes quarry was put together on its arrival by Leon­ Trimmings are the hundreds go to Congress Spring Park, a beau­ The first vessel built in Bath was the sloop View h/ousE, tiful spot naturally, aud thousands of dollars herself accordingly.” Certainly 1 never saw, ard Jackson, one of our most expert young Djlphin, which was built by Jonathan Phil- have been spent to increase its beauties.
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