. .wwiv.inagic^cvajley.com ^ 'JOfa-32 1-'^/16/2«>' ' ■ .■ ■ s t- ir ‘ ^ J IM PA R K f _____ -----2^T7-E—fflNSElJ-; ----------------------------------- TX .79'->0J EL PA SO ■ > :-.■ ..... / * i l i e m = m -- --- ij— , V ^Twin FdU ,: . Monday, June 1 1 50 cents C6oO:MC40RWBNC - I RResidents r W E A T F p li T r ~ r . ^ ’;fr,»i ■^'.' ■• l i i ................. — i£.8howen$.tOr_:.... s i n i S - mse-sonl^— UQ»&ndtomghV ■ 75, low 43. ;■ ^,y,.P^A 2- 'M Dverodor J V I a g i c V Ati-t-EY I _W ||L aX)mmittjee g to add more. "771^ J* ’ --------By fJer Jennifer Sanditiann:: ; “ ' oiQ?hosptMVT '■■■ Tln!»mes-News %w<tef ’ ”■ TWIN PAULS - A snite comiml- : p l i todayday to advise the stale 0 9 rules forr Idaho’sId new agriculture odor mana;anagement law includes a cross- ction of interests, bul mostly dustry representaoves.___ “It appears on the* surface that the foxesf( are watching the hen housi>use,” said david Mead, a tired Twin Falls banker who worke>rked in.tlie agricultural sector. Mead is among local citizens hcem ed about = ^ = bss= thee impacts big vyhn’e nn iiry operators wwiiw » uu h av e neighl iniereare' ' 7'"B The industries er.Creelccanip- - .'H presented on che state’s odor . minittee “are all good outfits, - P ^ e A 4 I d they are all needed,” Mead . id. But] th eir num bers are not balanlanced with representatives' io:ho^d-other-viewpoints,-he'-------- MaklhgailH- - uudouj»u«vn.i_U_ . m Mid, ., “and I don’t mean anti- dairy.’iry.” ' . : « ■ ■ ..ferenM:. f ; Bpvayi s'^luiiaelr M.Murtaugh losto st Eer grandson, kameroii Thi‘hackflf? In a car accident !wheirhen he was'16 years old. Thathacker attended Murtaugh Highgh Scbooi, “Oij“Our.point is, it needs more . Idahols first ■■ *W*vMch ha» toen leVeral «rf K» ttwitu d an ts M IM over th e p ast;.deMde. d indiviiiividu^ who are affected by .; v.MV-:*;-'-:'.■•■■;.■.'V. :•'. theodi odor problem," he said. JuJulie li Pipal, communications , icer for the Itiaho departmeni iiceideAts5 claim glgraduate fromlasiJ St four ckasses • f/zAgriculture, said t|ie commit- tee: nroster x isn’t set m stone. before that fat<;teful June 1, onlyy two miles .frpm whehere - each has lostt • a m em b er,” “We^We want it to viroric,” she said, Bjacttcom- TImM^^?^iiuii '6^hm aeir said,'d^ e had accom- Thackicker’s life ended, anothnher Strohmaeir said. ““I keep wonder- ^ Therhe agriculture department -V ------ r - r-p ^ e d hergrandsoson-when hew as----- ^Murtartau^ryoungsiefi^lfryeaisjiis>Jd ----- ing-^yh^-ohrw^Vf s-received-odoi:-complaints--------- B S w i! :;■■.:■';■•' ' mIVRTAUGH-Wliof'ff.I u hachad • driving (0 m ake sisure : Jesse Perkins, diedied in k ttp going throui^gh this?*” ahouiout the industries represented, ■ e said. They were chosen p | ^ ^ . , A 6 ' ie'^this?.:.WfaQt' if Xhad domone he - was gettiti n g a truck rollover. She said every’ JuJ n e 1, commu- ' sh e s ' The recent acddeident nity members go1 0out of their way becaujcause they wiU b e affea ed by .... (jglrr.“rbefor^ he - dro ' is still under ihvesvesti* to console her. the! nenew regulations. r'.toV ' aloti^' ' g atio n , Id a h o SState ta . *Tobing a childd is th e hardest !‘Thj‘This is a starting point," she t^:'.' •', “VI .'Police .dispatch'cher.' ' thing anyone everjr fw es. but if it d. “We have to iht^e sure we '.'■ " m m ^ ■ - Wayne-Sharp said.sa -happens,’ypu-getL tthroug it,” she keepep tthe .^ u p small enough so I-^SS said. fW hen yoii firstfi flnd-ou£.it?3---w®«“con.aqually- make^me ded- . in a 1;^ the house th at aft .as if someone hitcyouinthebeUy y ns.” ' :.'Vieaf'jU( j;! •■ .-oboiJ, iiit'v after. H i ^ ^ t o o v , ■ with »» KammeK; You‘ feel as if Therhe com m ittee’s meecinAS are ' ^^9^ — ^tfie j-to‘■ t( • fllled'the^ck wlW ith r ■ yo^hearrhasb«beemthredded: ------?p een a 'to-the public, and-public--------- —3T0U1^^ i n d 7fef.WfiBtrTdid-I;a(;do.t-;-g^‘rshe heardlate H ^^m m on event-l_— — •TTienyou'cry^yoajtrnyB veryilay:------- lui-will-be- accepted- along^ the--------- one he went without bu'm'ck- ' Murtaugh'r^derdenis “But then thertire comes a day - ''?y*y, ^Pipal said. I^iblic hearings ■ h < IS^aber the fu h e ^ 'b f aoedie]her ' ling up.'Theh ^ e/e : r ^ V 9 1 ^ have iinforturiateitely ' when you realizeze you thought 11 be° held oh the proposed rtaugh te e c f^ i^ ^ lu d '^ .eUe^ i: , miles ^ m home,’Jjj® t '• -'.Kam^TliackerJf . ■ grown familiar withwi about your child ddozens of times, Please see OdOR, Page A2 d accident.', 16-y^-old ran a st . , such tragedies. OverOv. but you didn’t crjry . That’s when to'ck three yearslago ^ . t u m trohma^i.who h ^ i^ e^ ' raislais* s ig n 'b n b.iisy. Ro ‘*® the past 10 years,5, tlthe you know you’re; ggetting' through « g hher e grandson, , ishe ron- C reek R oad;south o f : - ■ ’ community of seververal i t lesearchen B i^rfga£[^;'^nio^touse, 5<«';: whac'would ha'velhd'ppraecned Hansen.. He hit a smaller,vehicleSI .'hundrdrcd people has lost eigijighc “You don’t ever‘X get over i t It’s iehadn*tletHini drive to.wor]<x)rk — a n d wa^thrown-oumt^of.the-tfuck,, . teen^t^eis, all except one 1 0 acd-ao . always;there,-but.it.youjust-leam- — r -aisafi^coSi^t»l?“tp ^ rP a ^ -;. fortiMdie first tjme by himself onin ca. Fbitunately,.Sarphrhmaeir.saidi.no - dents.S. • . to accept it’:’ - ;. ticul^.atteationitobsjv-itfits.. to . V rcuioa cnc clzKTfashurtr - f .jcu look back at the-la •wine did . otecoinitryi^d;' ic.'- lURTAUQH, Pagefe___ - 7:^age Bl - -Tliehe-four-previous- month:ths ^—^’<^Thr^ye{irs-Iaterer plus oiie dayt----- four-<J■classes who have graduatea l S - - —— - in1 Mozart . r^ ^ fs ahe^: mie'L : ak^ trjiv- ■ a )eath tollII rises fex)rri^oiittheast UJ.S. floocding t Associated Press — - phiainacon- •' • ^ CHI<IHICAGO - Forget rheumatic te ^ for tiie lead iai a thte.NBA. TheAMOCIa^Preta to • out,”’ Guillen saidid with a laugh . fever,e r, kidney stones, h e a rt dis- . Cl^^onsbipseriends': '• • ■' ■ — damage inHir ousronraulcId to p $ l billion;^ Sunday after beindng rescued by ease,«, pneumoniai and even pol­ dUSTON - The death toll . th e National Guardrd. sonineling. What may have really I flooding caused by th e rem-sm-. Louisian;naprispnersrapnIture 7-foot fish At. the Loui:lisiana State killed^ed Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ■••. .}■'..'.;. ' ' -riantsts ofI Tropical Storm AlUsonson ■ ' Penitentiary, prisisoners Friday werepre pork cutlets. C jpiN lbN '.''. rose-.5 .to 16 "in Texas andind - dc»th was reportedid in Louisiana, a n d Saturday,Si when the wwc et pulled a 6-foot-S-ininch, .164-pound The*he la te s t th e o ry ab o u t th e tyipT^a, and one official’s esti*•sti- ahd Texas officialss 2said the d ^ t h w e athther swung around ondon alligator gar fromI ana overflowing compo ,: — T ia»taik;lfeE, M S - : - ' nposer’s untimely death on :e of dama'ge in Houstonron toll in the Houstonjn area was up ■ retumemed from Lpu^ana. ditch as water'ss flooded the dec.:. 5,1791,5, at age 35-in Vienna RepubHCTnBIakft]ceHail-wants nearedred$lbiUion. :- • . .to IS .--- ■••• : ..................... • - “Thi’his is -overwhelming,ng.” 'g ro u n d s .................■ ■ ‘ .......... sugges:gests the culprit was likely toej^andtheroleileandmis- Houou sto n M a yw Lee Brownwn ‘ Brown', urgfidd . downtown - Houstoston police S g t C.J. Klausncsncr “I callcd the statelte to see if it’s a tricWnil^ o sis. a r a of Idaho Publiblic- ; estiinjinated^Sunday that 5,000100 : em ployers to :give'e workers the ' said ^ he watched'crews puUinUing record,” W arden BurlB Coin said. Theh e Ulnessi is usually caused by ' f."’ • ^ ' ■'. homesies and ousinesses had beenien day off today. > • J__ _ _ d o zi^_ns_of. care, and tractorrtrailtailer ----- “Theysaid it.had.u-to.becaughton . eatinging undcricooked pork infest- rffg^h^lftcft:HiFTld?)dm8rnr=-'^^T«^«M r9it)00' i P , ; ^ M 0 ; r pcbple- w e re-''n ^ ' fram-lhterstatef« 610,'whichich - a rod and reel. WiIVe caught him cd by the- worm, and-could — - an Friday. At least 10,000)00 bSing helped itL'nmoire than 30 • was dodosed for a third day. with a hay string,;, like you bole expla^•la^ all of Mozart’s symptoms, ies were believed dam agedl in . ^ ^ t e r s . Red Cjrosss director John. '.. Snakakes and lizards floatingig ini . hay wilh. The inmalates got a little ..'which : S E C ^O til’BY'Sf ^ i s g ^ O N ich induded fever, rash, limb oup4in8.Hatcis'.C9unQr, Tax[’(Eix . M cdivittsaid. '. ■.-— • : t h e Si ffeet of water in his hous01^ . old rope around1 h1 is n ec k an d painn andai swelling, .says dr. Jan. ’Assessiisscv fau lB ettw co tirt said.L . : ^'A rain gauge ohI the> dry’s east . forced;d Al Guillen and his familmily dragged him out.” V. Hir:EBrschmann of Pug^i Soun^_______ w ^ o n B : . .“If l Jt-_ .^d e. ha^-measuredd nearIy-3-feet mov:oye to the.second floor,ir.of. c ; The.high.waierBf. also, helped- . Vetenuerans Affoirs'Medical Center wnUd; aid • of rain since'Allisison, th e firs’! . then- homeh< in the Houston subdibdi- Cain and on inmatete catch a Sfoot in Searleattie.
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