THE MANITOU MESSENGER Page Three All girls who own Norwegian cos­ teach, take any steps to secure posi­ tumes or have any at home, are re­ tions. | quested to notify Miss Post, if they A new bulletin on certification of will be available for the gym meet. teachers has been prepared. A copy The hygiene questionai res for will be sent you as soon as it is off Freshmen will be distributed early in the press, which will probably be March. In "School Science and Mathema­ America, which met in Spokane on about March 1. tics" for February there appears an January 10 and 11. Very truly yours, article entitled "The Biological * * * J. M. McCONNELL | Science in Minnesota High Schools," Mrs. J. G. W. Johnson died re­ Board of Education Commissioner of Education. cently at her home in Red Wing, by A. M. Holmquist. The article is It is the keeping, and not the mak- 1 Minn., from an attack of pneumonia. based on information gathered from Makes New Ruling ing of resolutions which brings re-! MISS® ^ Mrs. Johnson, formerly Mary Linjer, replies to questionaires sent out last suits. spring by Mr. Holmquist. was a student at St. Olaf college dur­ Teachers' Certificates to Be Issued ing the years of 1885 and 1886. Only on Basis of Complete Creden­ * * * tials—Supply of Teachers Ade­ Helen Weeks, '21, has recently re­ * * * Miss Inez Berg, youngest daughter quate. ceived a call to China from the Mis­ IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A sion Board of the Norwegian Luth­ of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Berg The following communication from To St. Olat eran church. She will take charge of Madison, Minn., died at the hospit­ J. M. McConnell, state commissioner SKATING SWEATER OR A PAIR OF LONG al in Dawson, on Friday, January 27, Students of a mission station to be established of education, was recently received WOOL GLOVES and maintained by the Ladies' aid at the age of 22 years. Death was by President Boe, and should be of due to ill health caused by an oper­ A WORD WITH YOU society of Badger, la. Thai place interest to all who expect to enter the Depend upon us for your has not yet been decided upon. Miss ation for acute appendicitis in the fall teaching profession: See Us. Weeks expects to leave sometime in of 1918. Miss Berg attended St. Olaf Feb. 2, 1922. DRUG, college during the school year of the fall. During the last two or three years STATIONERY AND * * * 1917-1918. we found it necessary on account of a Bargains in all departments. * * * Bev. C. C. A. Jenson, '06, is devot­ teacher shortage to issue certificates TOILET GOODS ing his time as solicitor for the St. Col. A. W. Bjomstad, post com­ to undergraduates in college at the NEEDS Luke's Hospital in Mason City, la. mander at Fort Snelling, was formal­ request of school authorities who * * * ly awarded the title of the French were unable to secure fully qualified Quality Goods. Expert Service. Legion of Honor at a ceremony at the Right Prices. Juliana Kistvedt, '17, and Elmer teachers. Since there now appears to fort Tuesday, Feb. 7. Col. L. H. Up­ Komsaas were married on February be an ample supply of fully qualified ton, chief of staff of the Seventh teachers, the Department of Educa­ first at Watertown, S. D. Rev. O. T. corps area, representing Maj. Gen. Storaasli, '05, brother-in-law of the tion expects to discontinue this prac­ Stucky&Orban Omar Bundy, made the presentation tice and certificates to new applicants bride, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Rom- in behalf of the French government. REXALL DRUGGIST saas will make their home at Boyd, will be issued only on the basis of The ceremony was a confirmation of Minn. complete credentials—a bachelor's de­ THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN MUSIC » * * the award made while Col. Bjornstad gree with fifteen semester hours' FOR CHURCH, HOME OR CONCERT USE was in France. MUSIC The congregation in charge of Rev. work in Education including observa­ AND MUSICAL Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, Ukuleles, and Other String Col. Bjomstad is a former student Instruments; Cornets, Flutes, Clarinets, and Other Wind O. L. N. Wigdahl, '08, at Mason City, tion and practice teaching. INSTRUMENTS Instruments; Music Stands, Music Rolls, and Bags, at Low- la., has pledged $32,000 towards the of St. Olaf and a real booster. He We are giving you this information est Prices Consistent With Quality. building of a large church in the near has already sent in his five dollars in advance in order that you may towards the St. Olaf bronze memor­ "Say It with Flowers" PAUL A. SCHMITT, Music Dealer future. communicate it to your students be­ Corner Nicollet Ave. and Eiaht St. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN ial. He has also expressed his de­ » * • fore those who cannot qualify for a from The Santalmissionaeren is accept­ sire to speak to the student body. Let certificate, but who may wish to ing contributions to be used in pro­ us therefore, honor Col. Bjornstad by curing a Ford for Missionary M. A. having him come to Northfield to THE Pederson, '93. speak to us. CITY FLOWER STORE * * * Paul Gerhard Vigness, '18, who last | PHYSICAL EDUCATION 105 E. 4th St. year was athletic coach at Jewell Lu­ theran college, Jewell, la., and this Student orders given year coach at the high school of Story WOMEN. Miss Post, Director. City, la., has made an enviable rec­ special attention. ord as a coach. In the past two years The interclass games at Carleton are being played on Thursday eve­ his quintets have won 25 out of 31 H. GRAVES basketball games. nings in the Congregational church J. M. WARDELL PHOTOGRAPHS, PROGRAMS, * * * gym, and an invitation is extended to LUNCH ROOM 508 Division St. Rev. B. O. Steffenson, '05, and Rev. St. Olaf girls to attend these games. Florist MENUS, SOUVENIRS OF Andrew Korshavn, '17, were elected There will be a swimming meet Confectionery, Tobacco, and Soft Drinks. president and secretary respectively late in March, and all who are inter­ COLLEGE LIFE of the pastoral conference, Spokane ested in this, are asked to sign up in circuit of the Norwegian Church of Miss Post's office. EMBLEMS Where Will You Put Them SERVICE QUALITY FOR ST. OLAF They will be a record of the good times at IDEALICIOUS ABE MADE BY ST. OLAF, for a life-time of pleasure and CHOCOLATE CAKE enjoyment—if you PIES LUNCHES Do Not Lose Them St. Olaf Alumni! THEY ARE ALWAYS GOOD KEEP THEM IN IDEAL CAFE The JOSTEN MFG. CO. Have you a boy or a girl for PETERSON & BORLAUG, Manufacturing Jewelers The St. Olaf Memory Book Props. Since 1897 OWATONNA, MINN. St. Olaf? With the beautiful cover embossed with the "OLD MAIN" and college seal—The If so, it would be wise for you to make provisions now "MEMORY BOOK EXCEPTIONAL." for his or her college expenses. PANTORIUM "STEPHEN UNEFOLCER, INC" The Up-to-Date Manufacturing Jewelers Get Yours at the The Puritan Life Insurance Company of Providence, Cleb and College Pins and Bings DRY CLEANING Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals ST. OLAF BOOK STORE Rhode Island, issues a Child's Educational Fund Con­ PLACE 180 Broadway, New York tract for boys and girls under eight years of age which Cleaning. Steam Proasing, Repairing, Alterations, Etc. MOHN PRINTING COMPANY will pay them $500 a year for four years beginning at JOIN OTTR PRESS CLTTB Printers—Publishers—Manufacturers WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED STUDENTS ! age eighteen, and will insure your deposits in event of COLLEGE HEADQUAKTEHS ALL WOOL SUITS AND Room 63, Ytterboe Hall OVERCOATS your prior death. Made to Order for $40.00 Phone 251 and up PtmiTAN O. S. NORDGAARD LIFE ins. co PHOV., E, I Kindly send me LOOK FOR information regarding PURITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. your Child's Educational Fund SWENS0N FURNITURE CO. Contract. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND Remember JH Lunch JH Head quarters for AH Kinds of Name HENRY S. REDSTONE, Furniture, Rugs, Pictures Address Actuary & Asst. Secy. West Side Brunswicks FLOWERS CANDIES CIGARS C. C. HEIBEL IDEAL RESTAURANT ICE CREAM SHOE REPAIRING Quick Service LUNCHES Announcement West Side MEALS AND LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS WE HAVE RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED XLhc (Ersstal NORTHWESTERN REPRESENTATIVES OF ED PETTIT, Prop. STYLE Ice cream orders delivered promptly HEADQUARTERS THE Phone 555 The Hall Pipe Organ where Which Stands for White House Cafe Under New Management Superior Workmanship and Tone Quality. Society GIFTS THAT LAST—REPAIR WORK THAT 36ran& Clothes CHICKEN DINNER PLEASES For Particulars Write to SUNDAYS are sold Light Lunches at All Hours SPENCER & SPENCER HOLSTAD MUSIC CO. PIES, CAKE. ICE CREAM. Jewelers and Watchmakers Phone 341 109 So. 9th St. Minneapolis CHAS. STERN SOFT DRINKS SPECIAL TABLES FOR BANQUETS PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Northfield Northern States Power Co., Minnesota State Bank of TELEPHONE 217 Minneapolis, Northfield Northfield Gas—Light—Power iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii & Southern Ry. ACCOUNTS OF TEACHERS AND More Trains—Clean, Comfortable Cars. THE STUDENTS Have Your Clothes Made 1 LOWEST FARES, 2 /2c PER MILE 2^2 MILLION DOILAR SOLICITED to Order Our Satisfied Patrons Our Biggest Asset Roll of Honor Your patronage will be arid your repairing, cleaning and pressing done at appreciated Special trains at nominal rates. NORTHFIELD For further information apply to NATIONAL BANK The Bon Marche S. A. NETLAND, 5 Suits Pressed for $2.25 G. C. WRIGHT, T. M. Minneapolis. Strongest Bank in Rice County Cashier OPEN EVENINGS .
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