Russian Entomol. J. 24(2): 133–144 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2015 A first list of vespid wasps from Vietnam (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Ïåðâûé ñïèñîê ñêëàä÷àòîêðûëûõ îñ (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Âüåòíàìà Phong Huy Pham1 & Tingjing Li2 Ôîíã Õàé Ïàì1, Òèíäæèíã Ëè2 1 Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Hanoi, Vietnam; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Institute of Entomology & Molecular Biology, College of Life Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, 401331, P. R. China; e-mail: [email protected] KEY WORDS: Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae, distribution, species list, Vietnam. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae, распространение, список видов, Вьетнам. ABSTRACT: A first list of vespid wasps (Hy- area, distributed from India and Sri Lanka to New menoptera: Vespidae) recorded from Vietnam as of Guinea. Five of the seven genera (Eustenogaster van the end of 2013 is presented. A total of 109 species der Vecht, 1969, Liostenogaster van der Vecht, 1969, belonging to 32 genera of four subfamilies, including, Parischnogaster von Schulthess, 1914, Metischnogaster Eumeninae (33 species), Stenogastrinae (10 species), van der Vecht, 1977, and Cochlischnogaster Dong et Polistinae (50 species), and Vespinae (16 species), are Otsuka, 1997) occur in southern Asia, while the remain- treated as valid. 19 new distributional records and the ing two (Stenogaster Guerin, 1831 and Anischnogaster information of the distribution of the species are also van der Vecht, 1972) are found only in New Guinea and provided. its adjacent islands. The Polistinae are cosmopolitan, with two of the four tribes, Polistini and Ropalidiini, РЕЗЮМЕ: Приводится первый список складча- occurring in Old World. The Vespinae are Holarctic токрылых ос (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Вьетнама. По and Oriental, and Southeast Asia is the only area where состоянию на конец 2013 года он включает 109 all the four genera (Dolichovespula Rohwer, 1916, видов из 32 родов четырёх подсемейств, в том числе Vespula Thomson, 1869, Vespa Linnaeus, 1758, and Eumeninae (33 вида), Stenogastrinae (10 видов), Provespa Ashmead, 1903) occur, and Provespa is en- Polistinae (50 видов) и Vespinae (16 видов). Для 19 demic to the area. видов приведены новые точки находок. Vietnam, spread from north to south along the eastern margin of the Indochina Peninsula, covers a 2 Introduction total area of approximately 331210 km with 4639 km long of the land boundary, and 3444 km long of the The hymenopteran family Vespidae, with more than coastline. Vietnam’s land is mostly hilly and densely 5000 species worldwide, is divided into six subfamilies. forested. Mountains account for 40% of the country’s They are Euparagiinae, Masarinae, Eumeninae, Steno- land area, and tropical forests cover around 42%. So gastrinae, Polistinae, and Vespinae with 10 species in 1 Vietnam is expected to have high magnitude of biodi- genus, 344 species in 14 genera, 3579 species in 210 versity. Especially North Vietnam, which is within the genera, 58 species in 7 genera, 958 species in 26 genera, Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot and shows climati- and 69 species in 4 genera, respectively [van der Vecht cally more or less warm-temperate characteristics, is & Carpenter, 1990, reviewed in Pickett & Carpenter, expected to be one of the centers of divergence of 2010]. The social wasps are comprised of three subfam- vespid wasps, as has been demonstrated for the polis- ilies (Stenogastrinae, Polistinae, and Vespinae), in the tine genus Polistes Latreille, 1802. Nevertheless, the family Vespidae, while the wasps in the three other vespid wasps in the area are yet poorly studied. An subfamilies (Euparagiinae, Masarinae, and Eumeninae) annotated distributional checklist of social wasps of are solitary. Vietnam was performed by Nguyen et al. [2005]. In South-East Asia is a special place for the wasps: it is this checklist, they listed 45 species in 10 genera the center of higher-level diversity. Four of the six occurring in Vietnam. However, this work has hitherto vespid subfamilies occur (Eumeninae, Stenogastrinae, been for 8 years, and many new species of the social Polistinae, and Vespinae). The Eumeninae are cosmo- wasp are added to the Vietnamese fauna since then. politan and include more than 3500 described species. Specially, subfamily Eumeninae only treated formal in The Stenogastrinae are endemic to the Indo-Malayan the middle of 2012. 134 Phong Huy Pham & Tingjing Li Well corroborated taxonomic works would of course Anterhynchium de Saussure, 1863 contribute greatly to the study of the biology of these 3. Anterhynchium mellyi (de Saussure, 1852) wasps, which exhibit considerable divergence in social Rygchium mellyi de Saussure, 1852: 116; Rhynchium mellyi organization and nesting behavior [reviewed in Turil- Saussure, 1855: 172; Odynerus mellyi Dover, 1929: 44; Anter- lazzi, 1991]. As the basis for perusing revisionary taxo- hynchium mellyi van der Vecht, 1963: 76–77. nomic works and catalogs, a present list provides basic DISTRIBUTION. Allahabad; Bengal; Burma; China; taxonomic information and distribution records for wasps Vietnam: Hoa Binh [van der Vecht, 1963]. so far recorded from Vietnam. Apodynerus Giordani Soika, 1993 4. Apodynerus formosensis continentalis Materials and methods Giordani Soika, 1994 The present paper is based mainly on published Apodynerus formosensis continentalis Giordani Soika, 1994: faunistic records and also on specimens housed in Insti- 217. tute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR), Ha- DISTRIBUTION. China: Fukien, Guangdong, Kwang- tung and Yen Ping; Laos; Vietnam: Vinh Phuc [Giordani noi, Vietnam. In each subfamily the genera are listed Soika, 1994]. alphabetically. In each genus, species names are listed alphabetically insofar they are considered as valid in the 5. Apodynerus nitidiclypeus Gusenleitner, 2013 most recent citation, and species are numbered, with a Apodynerus nitidiclypeus Gusenleitner, 2013: 121, 125. sub-number for each subspecies, if any. Distributional DISTRIBUTION. Vietnam: Dac Lak [Gusenleitner, data are summarized by country for a taxon treated as 2013]. valid. Provincial distribution and references are only for Coeleumenes van der Vecht, 1963 records from Vietnam. Vietnamese provinces are given in bold and given in alphabetical order in the lists. The 6. Coeleumenes burmanicus (Bingham, 1897) specimens examined are listed by provinces in Vietnam. Montezumia burmanica Bingham, 1897: 349–350; Montezumia Because Ha Tay province merged into Hanoi capital 1 bisulcata Cameron, 1900: 535; Montezumia burmanica var. malay- ana Dover, 1931: 253; ?Montezumia (Pseudozumia) thoracica August 2008, the distribution of some species in this Sonan, 1939: 132; Pseudozumia burmanica Giordani Soika, 1941: province is recorded for Hanoi. Abbreviations and sym- 165; Pseudozumia burmanica var. malayana Giordani Soika, 1941: bols are as follows: National Park — NP; Phong Huy 168; Coeleumenes burmanicus van der Vecht, 1963: 46–47. Pham — PP. DISTRIBUTION. India: Sikkim, Assam, Siam; Malay- sia; Vietnam: Tonkin, Than Moi [van der Vecht, 1963]. Results and discussion Delta Fabricius, 1775 7. Delta campaniforme campaniforme Mainly based on previously published data and on (Fabricius, 1775) specimens housed in IEBR, the present list of vespid wasps from Vietnam presented in this paper consists of Vespa campaniformis Fabricius, 1775: 371; Sphex campani- formis Christ, 1791: 312; Eumenes campaniformis Fabricius, 1804: 109 species in 32 genera of four subfamilies (Eumeni- 287; Eumenes esuriens F. Smith, 1861; Eumenes esuriens var. nae, Stenogastrinae, Polistinae, and Vespinae). 19 new campaniformis Maindron, 1882: 270–272; Eumenes edwardsii von distributional records are added. Schulthess, 1914: 263; Eumenes caffer var. gracilis Dover et Rao, 1922: 237; Eumenes gracilis var. esuriens Dover, 1926: 233; Subfamily Eumeninae Eumenes campaniformis var. campaniformis Giordani Soika, Allorhynchium van der Vecht, 1963 1934(1933): 227; Delta campaniforme campaniforme Giordani Soika, 1987: 147. 1. Allorhynchium chinense (de Saussure, 1862) DISTRIBUTION. Nepal; China; Thailand; Cambodia; Rhynchium chinense de Saussure, 1862: 186; Allorhynchium Indonesia: Sumatra, Java, Moluccas, Papua; Papua New chinense van der Vecht, 1963: 60; ?Allorhynchium argentatum Guinea; Australia; Philippines; adventive in U. S. A.: Ha- Baltazar, 1966: 32. waii, Vietnam [de Saussure et al., 1904]. DISTRIBUTION. China; Taiwan; Philippines; Vietnam NOTE. de Saussure et al. [1904] recorded this species [Giordani Soika, 1986]. from Vietnam, but did not show exact locality. NOTE. Giordani Soika [1986] recorded this species from Vietnam, but did not show exact locality. 8. Delta esuriens (Fabricius, 1787) Vespa esuriens Fabricius, 1787: 293; Eumenes esuriens Fabri- Antepipona de Saussure, 1855 cius, 1804: 286; Delta companiforme esuriens Krombein, 1991: 6; 2. Antepipona biguttata (Fabricius, 1787) Delta esuriens Giordani Soika, 1992: 62. Vespa biguttata Fabricius, 1787: 291; Antepipona injucunda DISTRIBUTION. India: Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Gu- Giordani Soika, 1973: 104; Antepipona biguttata biguttata Gior- jarat, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttara- dani Soika, 1981: 205, 207, 221; Antepipona biguttata takaoensis khand, West Bengal; Arabia; Indonesia: Borneo, Java; Iran; Giordani Soika, 1982: 207, 224. Iraq; Myanmar; Pakistan; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Thailand; DISTRIBUTION. China: Hainan, Kwangtung, Kiangsi, Vietnam: Ninh Binh [Nguyen
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