Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica ñ Drug Research, Vol. 72 No. 2 pp. 297ñ401, 2015 ISSN 0001-6837 Polish Pharmaceutical Society SHORT COMMUNICATION CYTOTOXICITY AND ANTIGLUCOSIDASE POTENTIAL OF SIX SELECTED EDIBLE AND MEDICINAL FERNS TSUN-THAI CHAI1, 2,*, LOO-YEW YEOH2, NOR ISMALIZA MOHD. ISMAIL1, 3, HEAN-CHOOI ONG4 and FAI-CHU WONG1, 2 1Center for Biodiversity Research, 2Department of Chemical Science, 3Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 31900 Kampar, Malaysia 4Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Keywords: anticancer, antidiabetic, fern, phytochemical Globally, bioactive phytochemicals are gaining Nephrolepis acutifolia and Pleocnemia irregularis. popularity among consumers, as evidenced by the The leaf and root of C. arida are traditionally used to steady rise in the demand for botanical dietary sup- treat dysentery and skin diseases (10). C. dentata is plements. One driving force behind this is the per- an edible fern (11), which is also a folk remedy for ception of herbal medicine being a safe and relative- skin diseases (12). C. interruptus is a medicinal plant ly inexpensive alternative in the management of used for treating sores, burns, liver diseases, gonor- human diseases (1, 2). There is currently intensive rhea, cough, and malaria (13). C. interruptus-derived effort worldwide to search for bioactive phytochem- coumarin derivatives are cytotoxic to human icals for potential applications in the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (KB) cell line and exhib- novel or alternative nutraceutical, cosmetic and ited antibacterial activity (14). Juice extracted from pharmaceutical products (3, 4). Phytochemicals the fronds of M. punctatum is used as purgative, with cytotoxic and antiglucosidase properties, for diuretic, and wound healing agents (15). N. acutifo- example, can be exploited in the formulation of lia and P. irregularis are both edible ferns (16, 17). P. chemopreventive and antidiabetic drugs (5, 6) as irregularis is also used to treat diarrhea, skin dis- well as in the development of nutraceuticals and eases (18) and weak muscles (19). At present, the functional food (7-9). anticancer potential of these six ferns, except C. Ferns are rich sources of natural products with interruptus, has not been reported. Neither has the diverse bioactivities, including anticancer, antibac- antiglucosidase activity of any of the six ferns been terial, antioxidant, and antiinflammatory activities investigated. Information on the polyphenol, (7). Nevertheless, less emphasis has been given to hydroxycinnamic acid, flavonoid, and proantho- ferns than to other plant groups in bioprospecting cyanidin contents of the six selected ferns is scarce. research aiming at discovering natural therapeutic or Such phytoconstituent classes are known to have bioactive agents. Many ferns have been traditional- important health-promoting and therapeutic effects ly used as remedies for human diseases as well as (7, 9, 20). Hence, our goals were to fill in current being consumed as vegetables. Thus, ferns are gaps of knowledge about the bioactivities of these potential candidates for the discovery of bioactive ferns, in addition to identifying a promising fern constituents and bioactivity which can be exploited species which can be used in the future investiga- for the development of nutraceutical, cosmetic and tions for the isolation of active compounds. The spe- pharmaceutical products (7, 8). cific objective of this study was two-fold: first, to This study focused on six medicinal and edible assess the cytotoxicity and antiglucosidase activity ferns, namely Christella arida, Christella dentata, of the aqueous extracts of the six selected ferns; sec- Cyclosorus interruptus, Microsorum punctatum, ond, to determine whether such bioactivities can be * Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected] 397 398 TSUN-THAI CHAI et al. attributed to the contents of phenolics, hydroxycin- used as the positive controls. The effectiveness of namic acids, flavonoids, and proanthocyanidins in myricetin as an inhibitor of yeast and mammalian α- the extracts. glucosidases has been established (23). Acarbose is an oral antihyperglycemic drug with antiglucosidase MATERIALS AND METHODS activity (24). EC50 value, defined as the extract con- centration required for achieving 50% antiglucosi- Plant samples dase activity, was computed by using linear regres- Healthy specimens of six ferns, namely sion analysis. Christella arida (D. Don) Holtt (Thelypteridaceae), Christella dentata (Forsk.) Brownsey & Jermy Phytochemical contents (Thelypteridaceae), Cyclosorus interruptus (Willd.) Total phenolic (TP) content of the fern extracts H. Ito (Thelypteridaceae), Microsorum punctatum was determined by using a Folin-Ciocalteu colori- (L.) Copel. (Polypodiaceae), Nephrolepis acutifolia metric assay (25). TP content was expressed as mg (Desv.) Christ. (Nephrolepidaceae), and Pleocnemia gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g extract, calculated irregularis (C. Presl.) Holtt. (Tectariaceae) were from a standard curve prepared with 0-100 µg/mL gathered from the countryside of Bidor town, gallic acid. Total hydroxycinnamic acid (THC) con- Malaysia, by T.-T. Chai and F.-C. Wong in tent was determined by using the Arnowís reagent February 2013. The species of the ferns were (26). THC content was expressed as mg caffeic acid authenticated by H.-C. Ong. equivalents (CAE)/g extract, computed from a stan- dard curve prepared with 0-0.2 mg/mL caffeic acid. Preparation of aqueous extracts Total flavonoid (TF) content was determined by Fern samples were oven-dried at 45OC for 72 h using an aluminum chloride colorimetric assay (27). and then ground to powder with a Waring blender. TF content was expressed as mg quercetin equiva- Aqueous extracts were prepared by suspending the lents (QE)/g extract, calculated from a standard fern powder in autoclaved, deionized water at a ratio curve prepared with 0-500 µg/mL of quercetin. of 1 : 20 (dry weight : volume). The mixture was Total proanthocyanidin (TPro) content was assessed incubated in a 90OC water bath for 1 h. The extract by the acid-butanol assay (28). TPro content was was then vacuum-filtered and the filtrate obtained calculated with the assumption that effective E1%, 1 cm, was centrifuged at 7830 rpm at 4OC for 5 min. Next, 550 nm of leucocyanidin is 460 (28) and expressed as the supernatant collected was freeze-dried to con- mg leucocyanidin equivalents (LE)/g extract. stant weight. The freeze-dried extract was dissolved in deionized water to prepare aliquots of 50 mg/mL, Data analysis which were then stored at -20OC until further use. All experiments were carried out in triplicates. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS Cytotoxicity and antiglucosidase activity (Version 9.2). Data were analyzed by one-way The cytotoxic activity of the fern extracts was ANOVA test and means of significant differences assessed by conducting a methylthiazol tetrazolium were separated using Fisherís Least Significant (MTT) assay using a human chronic myelogenous Difference (LSD) test or Studentís t test at α = 0.05. leukemia cell line (K562) as previously described Linear regression and correlation analyses were car- (21). Among the six selected ferns, the cytotoxicity ried out by using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. of only C. interruptus was previously investigated (14). The cytotoxic effects of these ferns on a RESULTS leukemia cell line have never been reported in the literature. More importantly, this choice of cell line All fern extracts investigated in this study were was in line with our long-term research interest to cytotoxic toward K562 cells. Statistical analysis identify cytotoxic compounds from ferns which are revealed that the EC50 values for cytotoxic activity useful for the development of therapeutic agents of C. dentata, N. acutifolia, and P. irregularis against leukemia. 5-Fluorouracil (5FU), an anti- extracts were not significantly different (p > 0.05) cancer drug, was used as the positive control. EC50 from that of 5-fluorouracil (Table 1). C. arida was value, defined as the extract concentration required the fern species with the highest EC50 value, which for achieving 50% cytotoxic activity, was deter- was 2.2-fold greater compared with 5-fluorouracil. mined by using linear regression analysis. Concentration-dependent increase in antiglucosi- Glucosidase inhibitory activity was determined dase activity was observed in all fern extracts, as described in (22). Myricetin and acarbose were except C. interruptus, at 200-1000 mg/mL (data not Cytotoxicity and antiglucosidase potential of six selected... 399 shown). The EC50 values for antiglucosidase activi- TF among the six extracts studied. TPro was not ty among the fern extracts, ranked in ascending detectable in M. punctatum extract. N. acutifolia order, were: C. dentata < P. irregularis < N. acutifo- extract had the highest TP content, which was about lia < C. arida < M. punctatum (Table 1). The EC50 3.3-fold higher than that of C. interruptus and M. values of C. dentata and M. punctatum extracts were punctatum extracts. C. interruptus extract had the 1.6- and 25-fold higher than that of myricetin, lowest, detectable TPro content, which was 56-fold respectively. C. interruptus exhibited α-glucosidase lower compared with P. irregularis. stimulatory activity; hence its EC50 value was not Only TP contents of the ferns significantly cor- determined. The EC50 value for acarbose
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