The Great Lakes RED BOOK 1928 A list of over 1200 Vessels of the Great Lakes, together with the name of Owner, Captain and Engi­ neer of each Vessel, Shipbuilding, and Repair Yards Compliments of The Hardy & Dischinger Co. Oils and Supplies Toledo Ohio 3 W h it l o c k PAT’D AUG. 3,1926. REG. U.S. PAT OFF WATERFLEX C o r d a g e Fuel Dock Thoroughly water-resisting Clayton, N. Y. Permanently lubricated Super-Service Easy to handle and splice—wet or dry Does not swell, harden or kink Always remains flexible Consaul-Hall Co., Inc. Lasts longer — Serves better Agents—Vacuum Oil Co. Costs no more Carry bigger cargoes with less Write for descriptive folder bunker coal thru the canals this year. Get fuel service at W h i t l o c k Co i n a g e Co * Clayton and your earnings will 46 South Street, New York be larger. Branches Factory and Warehouses Chicago, Boston, Kansas City No long waits No short weights Jersey City. N. I. and Houston 5 THE ROOT & McBRIDE CO. A LIST Wholesale Dry Goods OF OVER 1200 VESSELS We make a study of your special OF T H E requirements and know how to GREAT LAKES provide what you need in the with the name of following lines. OWNER, CAPTAIN and E N G IN E E R of EACH VESSEL For Passengers and Crews Bleached Linen Damasks for Table Cloths Colored Damasks for Table Cloths Complete Port Directory Cotton. Part Wool and All Wool Blankets Complete Shipyard Directory White and Colored Sheets Mosquito Netting Curtain Materials Face Towels Rugs ' Bath Towels Carpets Copyrighted 1928 Roller Towels Linoleums The Penton Publishing Co. Dish Towels Cocoa Mats Bed Spreads Wash Cloths Pillow Cases Oil Cloth Pillows Cheese Cloth S eason of 1928 Mattresses Combs Ducks and Canvas Soaps Comforters Brushes To find the name of owner, captain or engi­ Laundry Bags — made from duck neer refer to the name of the vessel in the alphabetical list. Following the name of We are always prepared to submit each vessel is a number. The number refers samples promptly. to the fleet to which the vessel belongs, and will be found preceding owner’s name in Phone or write us when you are ready. fleet list. Shipyard Directory follows Capacity of Ore Carriers. Telephone Main 4405 Published by THE ROOT & McBRIDE CO. Marine Review Wholesale Dry Goods CLEVELAND 1250 West 6th St. Cleveland, Ohio 7* 1 Index to Lake Fleet ■' t Vessel Fleet No. Vessel Fleet No. Aberdeen ............... 159 A m ericana ............ 35 Abernethy, John.. 232 A ndaste ................. 81 Acadia ...................... 97 Anderson, John .... 413 Acadian ................. 42 Andrews, M atthew 365 Ace ............................. 249 Angeline ................. 70 Acme ........................ 116 Anglin, R .................. 80 A. D............................. 251 Ann Arbor No. 3.... 8 Adams, Cuyler .... 381 Ann Arbor No. 4.... 8 A driatic ................. 295 Ann Arbor No. 5.... 8 A driatic ................. 358 Ann Arbor No. 6.... 8 Advance ................. 42 Ann Arbor No. 7.... 8 A etna ...................... 244 Anticosti ................. 42 Affleck, B. F 300 A rabian ................. 42 Agassiz, R. L 152 A ragon .................... 182 Agoming ................. 181 Arctic ...................... 136 A labam a ................. 136 A rcturus ................. 295 A labam a ................. 145 Argenteuil ............. 248 Alaska ...................... 257 Argo .......................... 262 Alaska ...................... 355 Ariel ........................ 307 Albatross ............... 7 Arizona .................... 286 A lberta .................... 47 A rlington ............. 236 A lert ........................ 26 Arnold, Fanny .... 37 Alfred W .................. 109 A rthur .................... 355 Algoma .................... 230 Arvida ...................... 42 Algomah ................. 191 Ashbay .................... 393 Alice A shcroft ................. 42 (see Hibou) Ashland ................... 347 Alice ........................ 305 Ashland .................... 355 Allan, Glen ........ 13 Ashley, J. S 198 Allan, Sir Hugh.. 159 Ashtabula ............. 145 Allan No. 2 ........ 37 A shtabula ............. 288 Aloha ........................ 354 Aspen ...................... 408 Alpena ...................... 145 Assiniboia ............. 47 Alpena .................... 432 A thabasca................... 47 A m aranth ............... 408 Atlas ........................ 194 Amazon ................. 176 Atterbury, W. W. 146 Amberg, W. A 157 A tw ater, Wm. C. 426 Am erica ................. 14 Aube ........................ 231 America ................. 145 Aubrey ...................... 7 America ................... 332 A ugustus ............. 355 America ................. 404 Augustus, A. A... 176 \ 8 Vessel Fleet No. Vessel Fleet No. Aurelia ...................... 418 Bell, Sir I. L 300 A urora .................... 76 Bellechasse ............. 248 Austin H .................. 160 B'elleville .................. 42 136th Year Belvoir .................... 182 Aviso ........................ ^18 Benm aple ............... 304 Back Bay ................. 369 Bennet, F. R 221 “America’s Oldest Fire and Bacon, Melvin S... 98 Bennington ............. 369 Marine Insurance Company’’ Badger ...................... 260 B erryton .................. 236 Badger State ........ 141 B ertier ...................... 248 FOUNDED 1792 Bailey ...................... 214 Berwind, Ed. J 273 Bainbridge ............. 18 Bess, Earl ............. 230 Baird, Frank B 24 Bessemer, Sir H... 300 Baker, GeorgeF... 300 B'essie M.................... 127 Insurance Company of Ball Brothers.......... 381 Bethalm a .................. 159 Ball, Frank C. .. 381 Bethlehem ............... 19 Baltimore ............... 26 Betty D ....................... 125 Barge ........................ 137 Bielman, C. F 327 North America Barkhamstead ...... 312 Bielman, Jr., C. F. 20 Barlum, John J... 11 Bienville PHILADELPHIA Barlum, Thomas.... 11 (nee McKie) .... 213 Barnum, G. G 385 Billings, Frank .... 176 Barrallton ............... 122 Binning, J. R 160 Capital - $7,500,000 B arrie ...................... 42 Birch ........................ 407 Barth, L. L ............. 76 Birchton ................. 236 Bartelm e Black, Clarence A. 300 Place your business in (nee Central Black Diamond .... 146 W est) .................... 69 Black Diamond .... 299 a company that has Batavia .................... 212 Black, H. F 153 Batchawana .......... 89 Block, Joseph ...... 175 proven its dependability. Battle, James ...... 93 Block, L. E 175 B axter Block, Philip D... 176 (see Colbert) Bluebell .................... 360 Exceptional Marine Baxter, Dick ........ 260 Boardman, J. W. 174 Facilities. Bayfield .................... 12 B'oeckling, G. A 14 Bay State ............. 82 Boland, John J... 23 Bayton .................... 236 Bos, C. J . 414 B'ay View ............... 55 Bowden, W. A 89 Western Marine Department Beaverstone .......... 16 Bowers, L. M 379 Beaverton ............... 42 Bowman, A. F 98 209 W. Jackson Boulevard Beauvais, Ernest Bradley, Carl D 28 E ................................. 133 Bradley, Charles Chicago, 111. Becker, W. H ........ 17 H ................................... 22 Bedell ...................... 264 Bradley, M. A 32 Beechbay ................. 394 Brailey, James E. 203 Belgium ................. 144 Brainard, Katie.... 418 11 Vessel F leet No. Vessel Fleet No. Brandon ................. 369 Butler, Jr., Jos. B rant ...................... 43 G.................................. 176 Brazil ...................... 177 Buttercup ............... 122 Brentwood ............. Butterfield ............... 263 Bricoldoc ............... 282 Byers, A. M 329 Brightie ................. 22 Brighton ................. 42 ...................................... 363 Brighton ................. 326 C. A. B*..................... 149 B'rignogan ............... Cadillac .................... ^7 B ritannia ............... 92 Cadillac .................... B rittanic ................. 252 Cadwell. C. W 277 Briton ...................... 34 Cahill, Jam es F... 337 B ritt Cahill, Walter .... 141 (nee G. N. Wil­ Calcite ...................... son) ...................... 412 Caldera .................... 256 Britt, Thomas .... 413 Calgadoc .................. 282 Britten, Fred A... 83 C algarian ............... 42 Join and Save Brockton ................. 369 California ............... 145 Brockville ............... 197 Calkins, Bertie .... 224 Bronson, H. F 98 Callender, D. E... 413 Become a member of B’rookton ................. 236 Calum et .................. 141 Brower, Henry F. 148 Calum et .................. 295 our Marine Savings Club Brown Brothers .. 164 Calverley, Jr., Brown, Fayette .... 32 W. D....................... 176 and save money each pay Brown, Harvey H. 32 Cambria, ........ 19 Brown, J. J. H. 30 Campbell, J. A... 295 day through your Captain. Brulin ...................... 320 Cam rose ........... 42 Bruxelles ............... 230 Canadian ............... 42 Bryn M awr .......... 309 C anadiana ............... 35 B\ S. L. No. 1.... 230 Canadian Gunner C e n lra l-i Buckley, Ed............. 287 (see Canatco) Budd, Ralph ........ 146 Canadian Har­ Buffalo ...................... 145 vester Buffalonian .......... 78 (see Dalwarnic) Buffington, E. J. 300 Canadoc .................. 282 Bug .......................... 107 Canatco Bunce, E. M. (nee Canadian C entral (nee Mountfau- Gunner) ............. 41 con) ...................... 244 Canm ore .................. 42 Bunsen, R. W. E. 300 Canopus .................. 295 National Bank Burger .....................
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