BRIEF HISTORY OF VIDEO ART IN JAPAN 1968 April Toshio Matsumoto makes a film Funeral of Roses in which he uses a TV event of "magnetic scramble' . Katsuhiro Yamaquchi and Yoshiaki Tono produce a video event at a symposium SAY SOMETHING NOW, I'M LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO SAY held at Soqetsu Kaikan . 1969 Kohei Ando and Rikuro Miyai make films using video. Takahiko Iimura and Keigo Yamamoto start making video . 1970 At EXPO'70 in Osaka, many experimental works in audio-visual displays including video were presented . works does not lend itself to an easy and immediate decoding, but rather to a cryptoanalysis, as happens with 1971 the events and Objects the initial objective of which has not been communication. The artist gives account, on many opportunities, of this February Takahiko Iimura's live event Inside/Outside using CCTV and process. It is common to hear that the creator is not telebeam at Asahi Lecture Hall . interested in what happens to the receptions of his Katsuhiro Yamaquchi makes his first videotape Ai:ua et Luce at works, since he searches for expressive forms and not Gallery Videobelisco in Rome . communicational contacts. In a wad, since he tries to May At 10TH CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE ART EXHIBITION, Iimura's Man and put together significant objects, rather man messages Woman and Yukihisa Isobe's Video Documents on Phoenix House conveying information. were exhibited. If we remit ourselves to natural tongues, we shelf October Toshio Matsumoto completes his video work Metastasis using data observe that the communicational and the significative color system . With Autonomy and Expansion completed the follow- qualities are joined together in them, as happens with ing year, the 3 works were shown at Sogetsu Kaikan in June 1972 . numerous semiotic systems. However, by constituting a VIDEO EARTH was organized synthesis of image and sound, video is a paradigmatic by Ko Nakajima . example: through it, art signifies. A traditional sculpture 1972 or painting are charged with meaning. Can it be inferred from this that they communicate with us? Doubtlessly not. But the case of video is singular: in it we meet with February The first video show in Japan "do-it-yourself-kit" VIDEO COMMUNI- objects, conjunctions Of unforeseen events, scenes which CATION organized by Michael Goldberg and several Japanese artists are filled with meaning or alternatively open to all meanings . was held at Sony Building . The participants of the show formed When a semiotic structure is open to all meanings, the a group called VIDEO HIROBA . The initial members were :Katsuhiro result can be apparent nonsense . These real figures of Yamaquchi, Toshio Matsumoto, Fujiko Nakaya, Hakudo Kobayashi, "accumulation" manage to constitute, sometimes, Nobuhiro, Kawanaka, Yoshiaki Tono, Tetsuo Matsushita, :4ichitaka cryptograms for whoever is unfamiliar with the code of Nakahara, Rikuro Miyai, Ma$av Komura_, Sakumi Haqiwara, Keiqo this or that creator. In the -frequent- case of an artist Yamamoto, and Shoko Matsughita . who toys with the technical possibilities of his electronic VIDEO EARTH produces a video event in collaboration with Allen Jones . equipment, the resulting mulfiplioty of effects and June Nobuhiro Kawanaka's audience participation video event Plavback 3 at nuances is fused with the iconic objects presented on the Mozart Salon in Shinjuku . screen, adding to the entire representation an ambiguity belonging Keiqo Yamamoto's video show confirmation by Doing at Gallery 16 in Kyoto to the accumulation of effects, which is added August Hitoshi Nomura's photo series of the 16mm film the images to mat which is already contained naturally in every image. of of himself We may, seen through a surveillance monitor shown at ACTIVE WE Exhibition in Ky therefore, operalonally distinguish two large September Morihiro areas of realization for video-art : the communicational Wada's video show at Tamura Gallery, in which he related the e and the significant . taped on a beach with a space in the gallery enclosed with metal sheets To the former would correspond the works whose October VIDEO WEEK "Open Retina-Grab Your Image" held by VIDEO HIROBA in colla- privileged function is the transmission of one or various boration with American Center . A Video Picnic and a Video Day in Shinj messages . as from the structure which the medium with Public participation. Also, a Video Symposium was held with Arthu normally operates with : testimonial or documentary Ginsberg, Mitsuru Kataoka, John Witney, Ben Konno, Jiro Takamatsu, Taek~ video, based on iconic rhetoric, which is practiced by Tomioka Yusuke Nakahara as pennelists . Latin American and some European artists. Nobuhiro Kawanaka shows his video work at CATASTROPHE ART EXHIBITION in To the signrficat order would belong the works of Milano and Tokvo . formalist video, where the technical processing is Kurni Yoshiroto's video display of the process of rotation of her rotati; privileged, where what acquires relevance is the esthetic sculpture at Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery . development of the presented images . be it on their own or in conjunction with sound: works in which 3 symbolic 1973 rhetoric flourishes and which distinguish the proauction of a large number of United States artists. January Of course, just as the iconic and the symbolical are not Fujiko Nakaya attends the M_NTRIX INTERNATIONAL VIDEO CONFERENCE IN Van- mutually exclusive, the same happens with the couver . Tapes by VIDEO HIROBA members were shown . communicational and the significative. February Symposium with Entzensberger and 4 Japanese artists was held at Asahi Lecture Hall . Kawanaka directs CCTV with multiple monitors and Telebeai Jorge Gluaberg devided spaces were relayed show at Tamura Gallery . 2 separate spaces were Renji Tajima's video show at Runami Gallery . 2 the Kosai Hori's video of camera was displaced slightly during connected by VTR circuits and the articulation of information was by video circuit . The position and composition . demonstraiting the multilateral focus . demonstrated by decomposition 7 days, Works by HIROBA members and the artists March Video research project Methods of Using Video as a Means of Community VIDEO KYOTO 1974 at Gallery Signum . Participation in Urban Renewal , commissioned by Economic Planning Agency, of Kyoto/Osaka area were shown . CONTE14PORARI was newly introduced to the 11TH INTERNATIONAL was conducted by Yamaguchi (collaboration : Nakaya, Kawanaka, Kobayashi . , Video Art Section Fujiko Nakaya, Shigeko Kazuko Enomoto) . ART EXHIBITION . The works by Katsuhiro Yamaguchi, Shoko Matsushita, Yamamoto, Shoji Matsumoto, Masao Komura, Noge area in Yokohama was chosen and video interviews of local people and Kubota, Hakudo Kobayashi, Keigo were exhibited . multi-level feedback were tried . Morihiro Wads Idemitsu Sam Are You Listeni ng work showing the process of multiplying the act At Kyoto American Center, a videotape by Mako May Fumio Takamizawa's video lecture by Yeshiaki Tono on Sam Francis and and recording (2 tapes shot in a studio were reshot in the gallery and was shown in connection with a so on) was exhibited at IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTION . Contemporary Art . INFORMATION CENTER . All of his June (iakudo Kobayashi's video event HELLO VIDEO at workshop NAG . His Lapse Event by K is io bugs was taped by VIDEO deals with the accumulation of gestures by partici- events since then are taped by VIC . Communication Series Corporation and Michael Shamberg pants, in which he explores the arbitrariness of memory with humor . GUERRILLA TELEVISION by Raindance - Sha . Nakaya) was published by Bijutsu-shuppan VIDEO EARTH makes a video document of the campaign of Senate candidate August (translated by Fujiko Shigehide Yonezu's videotape, VIDEO COMMUNICATION SHOW at Art Core Gallery . Akiyuki.Nosaka . by video (he holds out everyday July Nobuhiro Kawanaka's Playback 5 performed at Espace Giraux, using 8 monitor a quest into the nature of communication the screen from inside TV) was shown . delay system . Performance of an actress was overlapped with audience by commodity towards video participation game event VIDEO GAME FESTIVAL produced by VIDEO HIROBA, switcher . public . Sakumi Hagiwara used the same system and showed his media transformation enjoyed by children and general Music Festival, MEDIA in Karuizawa, a contemporary piece First in Question . As a part of NEW MUSIC of the concert . produced a series of videotapes for a video show was held as well as color video relay Research team o VIDEO HIROBA Festival of Suwa Shrine was shown as Community Center of an electric company in Niiqata . Shoji Kaneko's video document of the Kawamura's video show Image On at Tamura Gallery . Using a panto- a part of his LIBERATE THE FIELD show . Etsuro Santa Clara), works of mime, he experimented with the discrepancy of language and gesture and October At the 14,TH ST . JUDE INVITATIONAL VIDEO SHOW (U . of displayed on 3 monitors . HIROBA members were shown . the images were VIDEO were covered August AMERICAN VIDEO SHOW at American Center . John Reiley and Rudi Stern show Shoji Matsumoto's exhibition at Art Core Gallery . The walls by Silkscreens of stopwatch . In his work, video is used their tapes and give lectures . floor to ceiling . September AT EQUIVALENT CINEMA '73 In Kyoto, the works by Keigo Yamamoto (video to create a particular time and space free from the daily environment communication game of viewer seeing the image on a monitor and imitating), Etsuro Kawamura (the discrepancy of the identification by different 1975 the same image), and Fujiko Nakaya ( Ride the Wind and Draw a Line viewers of Videotapes and - an ecological video sculpture of spiders in natural and artificial envi- January FILM MEDIA IN TAMURA '75 presents a special video week . by 7 artists including the artists from Kansai area were shown . ronments) were exhibited . performances sat in Videotapes by VIDEO HIROBA members were shown at International Film Festival March Mitsunori Kurashige's video event at Tokiwa Gallery . The artist showing himself and the electro-magnetic waves of his Pessaro, Italy .
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