Image of Women in Jamil Butsainah Poetry M. Faisol1, Akhmad Muzakki1 and M. Anwar Mas’adi1 1Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Keywords: Jamil Bustaina, Literature, Women Abstract: Jahiliyah Arabic literature shows high interest in women as objects that must be discussed. Women do not just have aesthetic values, but also become a lure of extraordinary love. Through Alan Swingewood's literary sociology theory, this paper shows that rural background (Baduwi) influenced Jamil's poems against Butsainah. So the picture obtained is a picture of the beauty of Butsainah, a description of the weakness of Arab women's thinking and a picture of pure Arabian women’s love. 1 INTRODUCTION perpetuate faithful activities that they do, including representing their views on themselves and the world Until now, women are often seen as weak. They are around them. always identified with a person who is more In relation to women, jahiliyah Arabic literature (especially poetry) shows high interest in women as emotional than reason. As a result, they are only understood as beings who dwell on domestic matters objects that must be discussed. In Imri 'al-Qais and are not worthy to play a role in the public world. poems, for example, women have been portrayed as extraordinary charmers of love. Likewise, the poems As a result, stereotypes arise against women as a person who accompanies men; they become of Jamil Butsainah portray women as being more than marginalized people (Boiko, Anderson, and Gordon, anything; without which the world will die. Considering that almost every jahiliyah Arabic 2017; Coughlan, 1997). The history of the Arabic literary literature cannot literary work cannot be separated from women's be separated from the female figure. Names like al- themes, the ghazal (love) poetry genre has its own place in the development of Arabic literature, both in Khansa ', Asma' bin al-Harits, and Asma 'al-Murqusy are female poets who are quite colouring in the world the period of jahiliyah and post-jahiliyah. Ghazal of Arabic poetry in the era of jahiliyah. Literary poetry itself is defined as a poem that mentions and describes the female beauty of his poems literature notes that al-Khansa 'is one of the "famous poets" (fuhul al-syu'ara') whose authority is highly (Wargadinata and Laily, 2008). It is through these calculated in the jahiliyah Arabic literary scene. ghazal poems that few or many Arab women are portrayed. Ghazal poetry genre has been a social In literature especially love poems, women don't just have aesthetic value. All words and the space for phenomenon throughout the history of Arabic women's movements are almost identical to aesthetic literature. One of the famous writers with ghazal poetry is values. This is because literature always provides open space for every object discussed. Therefore, Jamil Butsainah. A true love writer who lived during there are many literary works that cannot free the time of Daulah Umaiyah. Jamil's love story for Butsainah became historical evidence of Arabic themselves from women as their theme. And not infrequently, interest in the theme of female writing literature of the past that deserves to be taken into in literary works leads to the impression of perfection account as other love stories in literary history such as the story of Romeo and Juliet or the like. Jamil of female beauty and beauty. Photographing women through jahiliyah Arabic Butsainah's love literature is a record of Jamil's literature (in this case poetry) becomes very important thoughts on his love for a girl from Bani Mudhor. This paper uses the sociology of literature to get a true picture of the jahiliyah Arab woman. Poetry for jahiliyah Arab society is a creative work approach with Alan Swingewood theory, the that bears witness to the events that occur around him. sociology of literature approach here is chosen to see the social picture of women in Jamil Bustainah's In other words, poetry has a function as a medium to poems. Sociology itself is defined as a systematic 569 Faisol, M., Muzakki, A. and Anwar Mas’adi, M. Image of Women in Jamil Butsainah Poetry. DOI: 10.5220/0009912005690575 In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 569-575 ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9 Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation analysis of the structure of social behavior 3 LITERATURE REVIEW (Kurniawan, 2012) as for what you want to see here is the social structure of Arab women in a literary work. 3.1 Alan Swingewood; Literature and Alan Swingewood argues that there are three Social Reflection approaches to literary sociology. First, the approach that sees literary work as a socio-cultural document Literary theory and Swingewood can be said as the that reflects an era. Second, research reveals literature theory of early sociology, it is as expressed by Ratna as a reflection of the author's social situation. Third, that the sociology of literature was born in the 18th research that reveals literature as a manifestation of century, there are three important indicators in historical events and socio-cultural circumstances relation to the birth of a new discipline, including the (Junus, 1983). This research utilizes the second aspect presence of new and interesting problems. solved, the of the literary sociology approach proposed by existence of methods and theories relevant to solving Wallek and Warren, which is an analysis of aspects them and institutional recognition (Ratna, 2003). of the work literature in literary works with the Alan It has been mentioned earlier that research takes Swingewood theory. The starting point of this study the second aspect, namely the analysis of social is how the portrait of women in Jamil Butsainah's aspects in literary works from three aspects expressed poem. by Swingewood namely literature as a social and cultural document and literature as a manifestation of historical events and social and cultural circumstances (Minh-Ha, T.T., 2014; Smith 2016). 2 METHOD From the three things expressed by Swingewood above, it can be concluded that actually literary works Methods are ways to achieve and express a truth in an are socio-cultural documents that can be used to see objective and scientific way. So that without a method social and cultural phenomena in the times that cover of research the truth and scientific scholarship will be them. So that literature serves as a documentation of doubtful. Endraswara provides an explanation of the certain times written by an author. An author method of literary research is a method chosen by surrounded by an age event captures aesthetic events researchers by considering the form, content, and and then writes them in a literary work. nature of literature as the subject of study However, although literature functions as a social (Endraswara, 2013; Faulkner, 2016). In the method, document, an author does not necessarily write an there are techniques and approaches. Thus, the event intact, so that an author will provide certain literature research method will contain the approach imaginations so as to make a literary work more alive. (viewpoint) of science and the analytical techniques So literary work as documentation is not merely used. reportage which is dry and not alive. An author will This research is a literature study or library capture reality and document social events with research using qualitative descriptive methods. This certain images so that literature is not impressed as method according to Ratna is almost the same as the documentation or reportage and makes literature hermeneutic method, which is a method that utilizes more lively. Of course this is what distinguishes interpretive methods and presents them in the form of literary work and social reportage, so that literature description. The material object of this research is will be more alive even if it is read a hundred years poems in Diwan Jamil Bustaina published by Dar later. Shawi Beirut. According to Swingewood the authors, do not This study utilizes the sociology of literature simplify the social universe into terms of a broad approach with Alan Swingewood's theory on the description, but rather on its duty to criticize and second aspect that literature is a reflection and culture create its own 'destiny' in finding social meaning and of a particular society. So that the analysis step in this value (Tri, 2013). So that for Swingewood an author research is; determine the literary work as the object not only captures the socio-cultural phenomenon, but of research, namely Jamil Bustaina's poems, also criticizes the phenomenon. an author gives determine the main problem of the research, conduct esteem assessments so that the reader will be easier to literature study, analyze with a second perspective absorb these values. from Alan Swingewood and draw conclusions in a In this study the expression that literature is a research report reflection of certain social and cultural situations we use to analyse the works of Jamil Bustainah to explore the background of Jamil Bustaianah whose social cultural situation surrounds him. 570 Image of Women in Jamil Butsainah Poetry 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Bustaina, namely the beauty of a village woman or a pure Badawi woman. In addition to the shape of the lips, Jamil also 4.1 Arab Women’s and Beauty described Bustaina's slender body shape as a deer. The selection of majas deer as a beautiful body shape As mentioned earlier in the history of Jamil Bustaina, of Bustaina is of course taken from the natural the love story of the two men began accidentally portrayals that Jamil captured from his village. when they both cursed each other, after that they Bustaina's beautiful body shape besides being loved each other.
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