Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 26 AUGUST 1969 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Address in Reply [26 AUGUST) Questions 171 TUESDAY, 26 AUGUST, 1969 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. QUESTIONS ALLOCATION OF SCIENCE BLOCKS, STATE HIGH SCHOOLS Mr. Davis, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Education,- With reference to the allocation of science blocks at State high schools from finance from the Commonwealth Government- ( 1) What is the number and location of science blocks in each of the financial years since the implementation of the scheme? (2) What is the value of the buildings and equipment provided in each case? (3) What schools will be provided with science blocks by the end of the present triennium? ( 4) What is the estimated cost of build­ ings and equipment in (3)? (5) What is the value of equipment supplied to schools not mentioned in ( 1)? Answers:- ( 1) "I table a list of the number and location of Commonwealth Science Blocks undertaken in each financial year since the implementation of the scheme." (2) "The value of buildings and equip­ ment is shown on the list referred to in (1) above." (3) "I table a list of the schools included in the present triennium. It should be noted that work has commenced on six of these blocks." (4) "$3,164,100 is the total allocation from the Commonwealth for the present triennium from July 1968 to June 1971." (5) "$237,491." Papers.-Whereupon Mr. Fletcher laid upon the Table of the House the papers referred to. 172 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions ESTABLISHMENT OF BUREAU OF WITHDRAWALS FROM TRUST ACCOUNTS REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF GERIATRIC PATIENTS, TOWNSVILLE Mr. Davis for Mr. Wright, pursuant to GENERAL HOSPITAL notice, asked The Premier,- Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked The In view of the suggestion of the Vernon Minister for Health,- Committee of Economic Enquiry that the ( 1) Further to my Question of October selection of a limited number of centres for 18, 1968, what was the collective amount accelerated growth would increase the withdrawn from the trust accounts of effectiveness of decentralisation- people who occupied beds in the geriatric (!) Have such centres been selected in ward at the Townsville General Hospital Queensland? at any time during the period November 1, 1968 to August 15, 1969? (2) If so, what are the names of these selected centres? (2) What was the collective amount withdrawn for the period January 1, 1968 ( 3) If not, does he intend to select such to November 1, 1968? centres and, if so, when? ( 3) What number of people was ( 4) What is the progress of the plan to involved in each period? establish a Bureau of Regional Develop­ ment? Answers:- ( 5) Will the already established Regional ( 1) "$4,974.03." Promotion Bureau be incorporated in the (2) "$5,658.64." proposed Bureau and, if so, will they be fully financed by State funds? (3) "In respect of the period Novem­ ber 1, 1968 to August 15, 1969, twelve Answers:- persons were involved and for the period January 1, 1968 to November 1, 1968, (1) "No. I would point out however that the Queensland system of subsidies fourteen." for capital works, not found in other States. is an incentive to providing the AusTRALIAN EQUITY IN UTAH necessary conditions to help decentralisa­ CoNSTRUCTION eo. tion." Mr. Tu~ker, pursuant to notice, asked The (2) "See Answer to (l) ." Minister for Mines,- (3) "No." Is he aware that before the 1969 General (4) "Staff has been authorised to com­ Election Utah Construction, the company mence the study of regional development controlling the Goonyella coal enterprise, in the State and to develop regional plans. announced that it would make a local This staff will work in the Co-ordinator­ share issue? If so, what are the details of General's Department and initially under this issue and what percentage of shares "The State Development and Public Works will be available to Australians and at Organisation Acts, 1938 to 1964." what face value? ( 5) ''The ex1stmg Regional Develop­ Answer:- ment or Research and Promotion Bureaux will not be incorporated into the State " I am aware of this announcement. I organisation." am informed it is still the company's objective to bring Australian equity partici­ pation into its Queensland coal activities." OIL-DRILLING OPERATIONS, REPULSE BAY AREA Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked The RAIL TRANSPORT OF CATTLE, FORSAYTH Treasurer,- AND MUNGANA LINES ls he aware that during an election Mr. Wallis-Smith, pursuant to notice, meeting in Cairns on April 28, 1969, he was reported as saying that, as far as he asked The Minister for Transport,- was concerned, there would be no drilling How many cattle were trucked in 1967, for oil close to the Great Barrier Reef? 1968 and 1969 to date, from Forsayth, If so, how does he reconcile this with Einasleigh, Mt. Surprise, Mungana and the Government's decision since the Almaden? elec';on to permit J apex to drill near the Refl off Mackay? Answer:- Answer:- "Financial Years ended 30th June "1 suggest to t~1e Honourable Member that he read the Cairns Post newspaper as it is printed-not as he desires to inter­ 1967 1 1968 1969 pret it. In reference to drilling near M:1ckay the Honourable Member knows that a commitment was made by the ~;;~~-~~~~- ~:m ~~-~1:gg~ -1j:m Mount Surprise . 11,388 4,476 7,704 (Jovernment five years ago and that the Mungana . 10,861 14,693 10,988 Government does not repudiate agree­ A1maden . I 672 1,004 620" ments." Questions (26 AuowrrJ Questions 173 ReMOVAL oF TAiLINGS, Il<YtNEBANK STATE 'IREATMENT Wmu:s 'WaiU.&··Smltil, pursuant to notic:e, Minister for Mines,.... \..';_/ rny ir1g to r.he rcfnov~d Louden Dam--- ( 4-) How n1UCl1 has suc.cessful ten~· to Department for the ./ltLS'YJJers:--·· rnisderneanours---~ (4) "$2.000 Hausss F<"'' AnoP:IGlNES RiVER_ ;\ND ED\¥"AJ0) H1VEft Mr. Wailhl·Sn::,ti:!Jt, to notice, n.sked The Ministe,_- for LarHJB,-w·"· With at (a) River-- on August 20 ( ) have bt..en resident staff January indicated medical (2 How many new houses :ve. the staff of for not provide>d wtth nev/ ::wmes since the 1964 cydone? (3) Hcnv since have bcxon and remain to be with asked to th-e evidence of serious rnisdcmeanours. is Answers:-- assumed that the Honourable Member's ( 1) '' (a) Seven and three others under enquiries are dire,·ted circumstances construction. (b) Seven and three others of these I am under construction." advised that Sup~rintendent of Townsvil!e reported to the (2 and 3) "A survey has indicated that Townsville Board that he had there is a need for more homes on both asked the two resident medical officers to Mitchell River and Edward River and as I resign and reiated to the Board the reasons have already made known, specifications he had dune so. The chairman of the are in the course of preparation to provide Hospitals Board. who is a senior a further fifteen homes for Mit;;:hell River stipendiary magistr:1te, has advised that and ten homes for Edward River. When the Board regarded both incidents as being these are completed the position will again of a domestic nature and falling primarily be reviewed, but as I have indicated to the within the province of the Medical Super­ Honourable Member, the needs of Mitchell intendent. There was no need to c:all a River and Edward River must be con­ special Board meeting to deal with the sidered in the light of existent circum­ problem, nor any need for any judicial stances and equally pressing needs at many enquiry. The resident medical officers An.Jwer·-- tations aga1nst fact that Answer."-- have not vears but I am concerned that th~ the Honourable Member accused the tion and can onlv on behalf of an some\ information · candidate-accusations shown of my particular responsi­ publicly to be false, of course, to tlw bility for the Torres Strait Area, and his embarrassment of the l,eader, Let me responsibility as a dtlzen of the Common­ say that the Director is esteemed, not wealth and a Member of this House, I only by the Government which respects feel I must invite him to furnish me with him as an impartial and loyal officer, but det&ils so that the allegations can be fully had the Honourable JVIember been aware investigated and appropriate action taken of the feelings of his electorate, particularly through the relevant awhorities." amongst Islanders and Aborigines, he would realise that during nearly thirty lViJN!STERlAL V!STT TO CAPE YORK years close association, the Director h:~; earned the respect of Aborigines and PENINSULA Al'ID TORRES STRAIT ISLANDS Islanders becau:><:: of his imparti<:lity and Mr. P, Wood for Mr.. It WMd, pursuant the fact that on every occasion he has to notice, asked the Mimster for Lands,--- been requested to advise on party political matters he has deliberately insisted that ( 1) Further to his An-;wer to my party politics are matters for personal choice Question of August 21, if he and the and judgment. The Honourable Member Director, Department of Aboriginal and will no doubt recall that at Aurukun when Island Affairs, were carrying out their the Honourable Membrr and a Country responsibillties, what was the reason for Pmty candidate joined me on a public plat­ the presence of the Countrv Party ;;andi- form to address the Aurukun people, on my date for Cook? - invitation to join the the Director As I have been ad·;ised ckclined.
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