The Municipality of Dysart et al AGENDA Regular Council Meeting March 26, 2012 9:00 a.m. Page 1. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 6-35 4. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 36 February 2012 Cheque Summary. 37 Metered Sewage Report for February. 38-40 Tax Vacancy Rebate. 41-42 s. 357/358 Tax Adjustments. 43-45 Haliburton County Historical Society Re: Request for financial assistance. 46-47 Highland Animal Relief Team (HART) Re: Request for financial assistance. 48 Haliburton OPP - Enhanced Police Visibility Program (EPVP). 2012 Budget Review. 5. DELEGATIONS 10:00 a.m. Greg Baeker, Director, Millier Dickinson Blais Inc. Re: Municipal Cultural Plan Background Report. 11:00 Doug Gray, Pat Dube, By-law 2012-28, Zoning By-law, Lands of 1802367 Ontario Inc., Mountain Street, Township of Dysart. 49-57 11:30 a.m. Jim Wilson, CAO and Jane Tousaw, Director of Planning, County of Haliburton Re: Shoreline Tree Preservation By-law. 6. FIRE DEPARTMENT 58-59 Fire Chief Report. Page 1 of 364 Page 7. ROADS DEPARTMENT 60 Roads Department Update. 61 Haliburton Curling Club Re: Letter of Thanks. 62-67 M. Ross-Beer and D. Beer Re: Green Lake Road Signage. 68 Tender Results Report. 69-74 Dysart et al Speed Limits. 8. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 75 Ball Diamond Proposal. 9. ENVIRONMENT 76 Recycled Material Report - February 2012. 77-85 Landfill Tipping Fees Reports: a) February 2012. b) 2011 Summary. 86-92 West Guilford Landfill MOE Report. 93-95 Illegal Dumping in Landfills. 96 Dumping of Outhouse Sewage. 10. BUILDING AND BY-LAW DEPARTMENT 97 Building Permit Report to February 29, 2012. 98 By-law Department Report - February 2012. 11. ADMINISTRATION 99-102 Glebe Park Committee Re: Minutes of January 24, 2012 Meeting. 103-106 Revised Terms of Reference Re: Glebe Park Committee. 107-108 Haliburton BIA Re: Minutes of January 31, 2012 Meeting. 109-110 Environment and Green Energy Committee Re: Minutes of February 2, 2012 Special Strategy Meeting. 111-113 Housing and Business Development Committee Re: Minutes of February 6, 2012 Meeting. 114-119 Haliburton Highlands Museum Board: a) Minutes of February 9, 2012 Meeting. b) By-law No. 2012-35 - Being a By-law to establish a Museum Board. 120-123 Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Re: Permission to Conduct Field Surveys on Municipal Property. 124 The 4 C's Re: Condition of Building. 125 Ontario Urban Forest Council Re: Support of Resolution - Emerald Ash Borer. Page 2 of 364 Page 11. ADMINISTRATION 126 Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Re: Support of Resolution - Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. 127-128 County of Haliburton Re: Heart and Stroke Foundation Ontario Defibrillator Access Initiative. 129-130 Ontario Parks Re: Approved 2012/2013 Annual Work Schedule - Algonquin Park Forest Management Unit. 131 Minister Responsible for Seniors Re: 2012 Senior of the Year Award. 132-145 Haliburton Highlands OPP: a) Minutes of December 12, 2011 CPAC Meeting. b) Crime Reports. 146 Ontario Provincial Police Re: New Municipal Policing Bureau. 147-148 Aging Well Haliburton County Re: Entrance to LifeLabs at Medical Centre. 149-150 Council Remuneration By-law 12. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 151-215 1. Dysart Municipal Cultural Plan, Key Findings and Directions Report. 216-222 2. By-law 2012-26, Zoning By-law, Lands of Hewitt (Abbey Gardens), Highway 118, Township of Guilford. 223-229 3. By-law 2012-27, Zoning By-law, Lands of 2244587 Ontario Inc., Industrial Park Road, Township of Dysart. 230-239 4. By-law 2012-28, Zoning By-law, Lands of 1802367 Ontario Inc., Mountain Street, Township of Dysart. 240-243 5. Application to Amend Zoning By-law, Lands of Debler, County Road 1, Township of Dysart. 244-247 6. Application to Amend Zoning By-law, Lands of Frybort/Hamilton, County Road 6, Township of Guilford. 248-252 7. Application to Amend Zoning By-law, Lands of TDL Group, County Road 21, Township of Dysart. 253-258 8. By-law 2012-29, Close and Convey Road Allowance on Plan 226, Greif Bros. Canada Inc., Hodgson Road Extension, Haliburton Lake, Township of Harburn. 259-263 9. By-law 2012-30, Close and Convey Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Archer, Drag Lake, Township of Dysart. 264-268 10. By-law 2012-31, Close and Convey Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Bunn, Loon Lake, Township of Dudley. 269-273 11. By-law 2012-32, Close and Convey Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Emms, Loon Lake, Township of Dudley. 274-281 12. Application to Purchase Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of McIlmurray, Pine Lake, Township of Guilford. Page 3 of 364 Page 12. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 282-284 13. Application to Purchase Shore Road Allowance, Adjacent to the Lands of Harris and Paterson, Kennisis Lake, Township of Havelock. 285-295 14. By-law 2012-33, Authorize Severance Agreement, Lands of Grant, Highland Street, Township of Dysart. 296-309 15. By-law 2012-34, Authorize Licence of Occupation Agreement, Lands of Grant, Highland Street, Township of Dysart. 310-313 16. H-011/12, Lands of Pellegrino, Blueberry Trail, Township of Dudley. 314-317 17. H-012/12, Lands of Pellegrino, Blueberry Trail, Township of Dudley. 318-321 18. H-013/12, Lands of Harburn Holdings, Township of Guilford. 322-325 19. H-015/12, Lands of Harcourt Park Inc., Township of Dudley. 326-330 20. Severance Proposal, Lands of Debler, County Road 1, Township of Dudley. 331-336 21. Severance Proposal, Lands of Smith, Kennisis Lake, Township of Havelock. 337-340 22. Severance Proposal, Lands of 1725629 Ontario Inc., Lots 32 and 33, Concession 10, Township of Harcourt. 341-344 23. Severance Proposal, Lands of Mahood, Kennisis Lake, Township of Havelock. 345-348 24. Severance Proposal, Lands of Mahood, Kennisis Lake, Township of Havelock. 349-358 Information, Correspondence and Other Business: 25. Correspondence: County of Haliburton to Municipality of Dysart et al, File 46T-01003, East Lake, Township of Harburn. 359 26. Draft Proposed Source Protection Plan, Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region. 360-363 27. Minutes, Communities in Action, 2012-02-13. Meetings: - Public Meeting: May 7th, 2012. - Percival OMB Hearing: April 13th, 2012. 13. CLOSED SESSION To discuss a proposed pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality located in Industrial Park, potential litigation pertaining to Municipal property and labour relations and employee negotations in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O., as amended. 14. CONFIRMING BY-LAW 364 Page 4 of 364 Page 15. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 364 Dysart et al Council Minutes Monday, February 6, 2012 The Council of the Corporation of Dysart et al convened a meeting on Monday, February 6, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dysart et al Council Chambers with the following in attendance: Council: Reeve Murray Fearrey Councillor Andrea Roberts Councillor Dennis Casey Councillor Steve Pogue Councillor Susan Norcross Councillor Walt McKechnie Staff: Tamara Wilbee, CAO Pat Martin, Director of Planning & Development Absent: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion No. 12-26 Moved by: Councillor Dennis Casey Seconded by: Councillor Andrea Roberts Be it resolved that the Agenda for the Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the United Townships of Dysart et al held on February 6, 2012 be approved as presented. CARRIED DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Steve Pogue declared a pecuniary interest regarding Planning Agenda Item #14, Severance Proposal, Lands of Harcourt Park Inc., Allen, as he is a member of the Board. Page 6 of 364 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Applications and Approvals Application to Amend Zoning By-law, Lands of 1802367 Ontario Inc. (Granite View), Mountain Street, Township of Dysart. Council reviewed the staff report regarding an application to amend Zoning By-law 2005- 120, for the lands of 1802367 Ontario Inc. in the Township of Dysart. Doug Gray was in attendance for the discussion. The owners propose to construct a 24 unit medium density building, which they will call Granite View Condominium Development. Motion No. 12-27 Moved by: Councillor Andrea Roberts Seconded by: Councillor Dennis Casey Be it resolved that Council approves for processing an application to amend Zoning By-law 2005-120, for a portion of the lands of 1802367 Ontario Inc. in Part Lot 16, Concession 8, Lot 1 and Part Lot 2, Block F, Plan 1, in the geographic Township of Dysart. (Ref. 1802367 Ontario Inc. - Roll No. 012-18100) CARRIED Application to Amend Zoning By-law, Lands of Hewitt (Abbey Gardens), Highway 118 and Freedom Fifty-Five Drive, Township of Guilford. Council reviewed the staff report regarding an application to amend Zoning By-law 2005- 120, for the lands of Hewitt in the Township of Guilford. The owner leases land to the applicants, Abbey Gardens, who have long term plans to purchase the property. The applicant proposes to develop a "sustainable community", which will focus on local food production; arts, culture and heritage initiatives; renewable energy initiatives; and tourism opportunities focusing on these activities. Motion No. 12-28 Moved by: Councillor Susan Norcross Seconded by: Councillor Andrea Roberts Be it resolved that Council approves for processing an application to amend Zoning By-law 2005-120, for the lands Hewitt on Part Lot 3, Concession 4, in the geographic Township of Guilford, designated as Part 2, Plan 19R-5425. (Ref. Hewitt - Roll No. 040-67510) CARRIED Page 7 of 364 Application to Amend Zoning By-law, Lands of 2244587 Ontario Inc., Industrial Park Road and Mallard Road, Township of Dysart. Council reviewed the staff report regarding an application to amend Zoning By-law 2005- 120, for the lands of 2244587 Ontario Inc.
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