Of DR. NOBE AWARD NAMED Reedley Medlc.1 Member.shlp Publication: Japanese Am!!rl'''" Clhlcnle~e 1'lS \\feij"" St., l os Ange1u, C ~li ( 90012; C213) MA 6 .6936 Student Muuy.m. Publls"ed Weekly E.xcc.pt FIf~1 and L.bt Weeh of '~¥e~r- Second Clcls.s Postago Pa,d at Los Angeles, Calif. lIT ItA JII.lIoui IACL .t USC Selected VOL.74 NO.1 The ftIgbt from Salt Lake JANUARY 7-14, 1972 to ChIcago ..... calm and ~ RoY Barano joined me Manlyama. 22. was In ChIcago for the IIlght to the 1971 recipient of CinclnnaU, Ohio. Had a Dr. Mutsumi NIXON-SATO SUMMIT TALKS chance to talk with Shlg Wa- Graduate JACL kam.tau by phone re the He Is the son of TOURNA;\IENT PRIZE - Happy Gardena Valley JACL ISLE HERO SAYS CHICAGO COURT JASP and the Hiltory Proj- Ayako Maruyama, of 17352 E. officials at Art Kudo's Toyota are polishing a '72 Toyota U.S.-Japan 'hotline' established, -' and he Informs me every- Manning. Reedley, Calif. Corolla. a main prize of the 1972 National JACL Bowling tIIIni Is goln, wdl and OIl The Reedley JACL cbapter Tournament award dinner on Mar. 11 at the Queen Mary. VIETNAM WAR RULES OUT TAX III!beduie. nominee is a IIrst year medi­ They are (from le!t) Tak Kawagoe, co-director; PSWDC cal student at USC. wbo was Gov. Helen Kawagoe; Stuart Tsujimoto. co-director; and Okinawa reversion set for May 1S higbly praised by Biology Thomas Sbigekuni, chapter president. The tOUl"ament Ohio Protessor John S. Garth not A 'LOST CAUSE' BREAK FOR ELKS is slated Mar. 6-11 at Soulb Bay Center, Redondo Beach. SAN CLEMENTE - PreSI­ e s e Ambassador Nobublko o n I y for his intellectual dent Nixon and J apanese Cavalier pro basketball achievements but for bls -Pboto by Ken Hutbmaker Ushiba and is retroactive to 'Jbe Dennis Fujii Not P rime Minisler Eisaku Sato, Oct. 1, 1971. Also Ordered to Pay team was boarding the same moral stature as welL Protes­ completing two days of sum­ tlIbt at ChIcago and looked lOr Garth stated: Against Military One provision ot tile pact mil talks J an. 7, agreed to allows either the United $90,000 in Back Taxet lIIre avel1lge sized players be- "Mr. Maruyama worked as Life and Benefits relurn Okinawa to J apaJlese States or Japan to call (or to County Assessor e.u... they were standing all a volunteer at Wadsworth control on May 15 and to es­ prompt consultation if eilhel' _ether. But when Ross and General ao.pltal in rheum a­ Two Japan teams, tablish a Washington-Tokyo government feels its textile J Itood next to lbem. we came tology .......arch and is a very By DOUGLAS WOO j'hot line". industry is being unduly CHICAGO - Circuit Court about to thetr waist-line. A modest Indlvldual and I leam­ harmed by the agreement or Judge Earl Arkiss has upheld few of the players, wilb their ed only .... dually of his out­ HONOLULU -"Our part in No mention was made of Vi etn a m is wrong. We trade concessions the U.S. had by textile exports from any revocation or tax exempt sta­ mod bat and high heeled standiq record and accom­ third country. tus for the Elks' War Mem­ lIboea towered considerably plisbment. I predict a brilliant 1,000 keglers due ..mouldn't be there an d we requested in return for the .houldn't have gotten involv- political measures obtained by Japanese wool and man­ orial, operated by the Bene­ OVer ...ven feet tall. career for him in medical re- made fiber textile exports to volent and Protective Order Gordon Yoshikawa picked search and do not hesitate to 00." the J apanese. GARDENA -Over 1,000 from Gardena Valley JACL, Those words came from war In the joint corrununique, the United States will be ll­ of Elks, and ordered lbe fra­ 111 up at the airport and drove nc:ommend him higbly. Few bowlers (rom lhroughout the P .O. Box 2361 , or from NBA mited to 997.5 million yards ternal organization to pay 111 to the Carrousel Inn at students I have met are more hero Dennis M. Fujii in an in­ Nixon assured the Japanese U.S.A. plus two leams from bowling officials. terview Dec. 21. leader that all American nu­ in lhe year from Oct. 1. 1971, $90,000 in back taxes. CiIclnnati. We freshened up worthy and able." Japan are expected for tbe Coordinating non-bowling ..., later went to the Avis Also, cbairman and ot the "We're trying to help peo­ clear weapons would be re­ to Sept. 30. 1972. The limit is Al'kiss ruled on Dec. 17 that 1972 National J ACL Bowling activities a l' e Tak Kawagoe moved from Okinawa when it increased to 1.04 billion in the the property, at 2750 N. Lake­ Ifotor Inn for tbe Cincinnati- Continaed on Pan 6 ple who are not really try­ Dayton jOint installaUon. ____________ Tournamenl being co-hosted and Stuart Tsujimoto, tourna­ J is returned to Japan. second year and 1.09 billion view Ave.) was not run for by the Gardena Valley JACL jng to help themselves/ he Toastmaster Masajl Toki got ment co-directors. said. Hit's a lost cause." The decision for the May in tlle third year, which ends chaJitable purposes and that and So. Calif. Nisei Men's 15 return date was a com­ Sept. 30, 1974. in any event the Elks were btl cbance this year to needle and Women's Bowling Assn. The l a n k y, 22-year-old past MDC Governor Mas Ya­ made headlines in F ebruary promise in that J apan bad ineligible for 18.'< exempt sta­ Mar. 6-11 at Redondo Beacb's FUZZY SHIMADA ROLLS sought an Aplil I date wbile t u s because their fraternal maaaki, who, I understand, South Bay Bowling Center, wben be won the Distinguish­ may get a chance to get even Dr. Watanabe of ed Service Cross, the nationJs the U.S. originally proposed charter violates the 1970 illi­ according to Don Aoki, tour­ HIS FOURTH 300 GAME July 1. nois Constitution's guarantee next year. .Masajl, as usual, nament chan'man. $econd highest awa.rd for val­ Vo... poking (un at everyone or. He was crew cruet of an The summ.it talk here was Mineta aceu·ses of freedom from discrimina­ IIIId was reall.Y having a ball. Activities will start on Mon. SUNNYVALE - Fuzzy Shi­ Army medical evacuation hel­ the last of President Nixon's tion on the basis of race, col­ Spokane elected day, Mar. 6 with a pre-tow'Il­ Ol'J o=ln£o~:~.ndndcat:y ~ mada chalked up his fow·th icopter which was shot down nine conierences with hjs al­ creed, national ancestry ament mixer cbaired by Shozo 300 game on Dec. 12 in the while helping remove wound­ lies before his trip to Peking legislators of or sex. =~a·T.~ ~l ~~rr~r!::. Hiraizumi, at MishimaJs Res­ Tri-City Nisei tournament at ed trom a Republic of Viet­ and Moscow. T b e Elks' membership i. e taurant, and a fashion show Sunnyvale Bowl. He finisbed restricted to male American Onl" and Kay Longbottom, PNW governor nam outpost six miles inside Cabinct Members '~".ndan:au~et1l8kub~~~t~ dil'ected by Mrs. Etsu Andow with a 234-157 to post a 691 Laos. citizens who are non-Cornmu­ at Bullock's Del Amo. series in the men's singles. Accompanying Sato were nist and white. Tournament play starts on Soldier of Year gerrymandering ~~J;ers~f!~~vs ~~~eUye,Eu~::; SEATTLE -Dr. James Wa­ He rolled his first 300 game foreign minister Takeo Fuku­ Decision Bailed Zaplhart, Gerald and Carol Haw­ tanabe ot Spokane was elect­ Tuesday and will culminate in 1949 at San Carlos Bowl d a, finance ministe.r Mikio kins. Mas and Lily YamasakL with the awards dinner-dance In addition to the Disting­ ed unopposed as governor of at a time when the Ameri­ uished Service Cross, be was M i z uta and international SAN FRAj'<CISCO-Tbe may­ State's Atty. Edward V. Klml Sakada, Kad' and Manny aboard the Queen Mary. DOw or of San Jose complained Hanrahan hailed the decision ::::,na~:ie H~~dan Jea~O~~~~~: the Pacific Northwest JACL can Bowling Congress barred awarded the Silver Star, Pur­ trade aJld industry minister District Council. succeeding berthed at Long Beacb, on non-white m e m b e r s hip. ple Heart, Vietnamese Cross Kakuei Tanaka wbo held pa­ Dec. 27 that state legislators and called it a "precedent­ Tak Kubota, during the dis­ Satw'day, MaJ'. 11. Through eIforts of National rallel discussions with Sec­ in reapportioning assembly setting action" which can be ::1 K~t1e ~~~~r.~r~~oc~r::~ TOUl"ey applications have of Gallanb.,), and the Air Me­ Goru and Yurl Tanam8chl. Bob trict convention hosted by the J ACL and sports luminaries, dal. He was also named as retary of Stale WHiiam Rog­ districts, added chunks of his applied to many other etta.x and Alku Shel'ry. Stogie and TAe local chapter Dec. 5. distributed throughout Nisei tbe all- white clause was re­ the Army's aviation soldier ers and Secrelary o( the Trea­ city's growing population to exempt" properties owned by Tokl. Jem' and Sumt Abbott. During Ule luncheon, Na­ bow 1 i n.g associations and moved and Shimada's other SUI')' their e.xisling districts ratber fraternal groups guilty of dis­ 'Ray Jenkin., Or, Mark Nakaucht.
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