INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE EFFECTS OF APPLYING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON ANTHROPOLOGICAL STATUS OF CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS December 12th 2018, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Book of Abstracts Editors: Goran Prebeg and Dejan Suzović, Nenad Janković, Marko Ćosić University of Belgrade-Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Belgrade, 2018 MEĐUNARODNA NAUČNA KONFERENCIJA EFEKTI PRIMENE FIZIČKE AKTIVNOSTI NA ANTROPOLOŠKI STATUS DECE, OMLADINE I ODRASLIH 12. decembar 2018, Beograd, Republika Srbija Zbornik sažetaka Urednici: Dejan Suzović, Nenad Janković, Goran Prebeg i Marko Ćosić Univerzitet u Beogradu- vaspitanja Beograd,Fakultet 201 sporta8. i fizičkog Publisher: University of Belgrade-Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Univerzitet u Beogradu- Izdavač: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja For the Publisher / /Dekan Za Izdavača: Saša Jakovljević, Dean Editors / Urednici: DejanGoran SuzovićPrebeg Nenad Janković Marko Ćosić Tehnička obrada / Layout: Marko Ćosić Design and Cover / Dizajn i korice: 3D+ 3D+, Beograd 2018. Printed by / Štampa: 30 copies / primeraka Edition / Tiraž: Organizer / Organizator: University of Belgrade-Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Univerzitet u Beogradu- In cooperation with / U suogranizaciji: Ministry of Education,Fakultet Science sporta and i fizičkog Technological vaspitanja Development of the Republic of Serbia razvoja Republike Srbije Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog Supported by / Uz podršku: Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia Ministarstvo omladine i sporta Republike Srbije Olympic Committee of the Republic of Serbia Olimpijski komitet Srbije SCIENTIFIC BOARD / NAUČNI ODBOR Presidents / Predsednici University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Assoc. prof. Dejan Suzović, PhD, Assoc.Members prof. from Nenad the Institution Janković, PhD, / Članovi sa matične institucije Prof. Goran Nešić, PhD, Assis. prof. Miloš Marković, PhD, Prof. Dušan Mitić, PhD, Assis. prof. Branka Marković, PhD, Assoc. prof. ZoranIvana Milanović,Valdevit, PhD, PhD, Assis. prof. Radivoj Mandić, PhD, Assoc. prof. Ana Vesković Đaković, PhD, Assis. prof. SandraMilinko Dabović, PhD, Assoc. p Assis. prof. Lidija Moskovljević, PhD, Assoc. prof. Dejan Ilić, PhD, Radenović, PhD, rof. Sanja Mandarić, PhD, Assis. prof. Bojan Leontijević, PhD, Assoc. prof. Vladimir Ilić, PhD, Assis. prof. Aleksandra Popović, PhD, Members from other national institutions / Članovi sa ostalih nacionalnih institucija University University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Prof. Dragan Radovanović, PhD, Universityof of Niš, Belgrade, Faculty Faculty of Sport of andPhilosophy Physical Education Prof. Jelena Obradović, PhD, University of Defence, Military Academy Assis. prof. Nikola Petrović, PhD,University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine Assis. prof. Dragan Strelić,Senior PhD, Research Associate, Serbian Institute of Sport and Sports Medicine Assis. prof. Milan Aksić, PhD, Predrag Božić, PhD, International members / Članovi iz inostranstva Prof. Dana Badau, PhD, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mures, Romania University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Slovenia Prof. MilanZoran Čoh,Grgantov, PhD, PhD, University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Croatia Prof. Daniela Daševa, PhD, National Sports Academy „Vassil Levski“, Sofia, Bulgaria Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina Assoc. prof. Borko Petrović, PhD, Universityy of of East Banja Sarajevo, Luka, FacultyFaculty ofof SportPhysical and Education Physical Education,and Sport, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina Assoc. prof. Siniša Karišik, PhD,University Universit of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy, Croatia Amador García Ramos, PhD, University of Granada, Faculty of Sport Sciences, and Catholic University of Most Holy Concepción, CIEDE,Assoc. prof. Faculty Hrvoje of Education Jurić, PhD, ORGANIZATIONAL BOARD / ORGANIZACIONI ODBOR President/ Predsednik Assis. prof. Goran Prebeg, PhD, General secretary of the Conference / Generalni sekretar Konferencije MembersAss. Marko / ČlanoviĆosić, PhD, Assis. prof. IgorMiloš Ranisavljev, Mudrić, PhD, PhD, Assis. prof. Željko Rajković, PhD, Ass. , Ass. Slobodanka Dobrijević,, Ass. Sonja Kocić Pajić, Milan Petronijević Lazar Tomić Gordana Vekarić, Foreign language lecturer, Dear colleagues, participants of the Conference We wish you a welcome to the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, which this year celebrating the anniversary, 80 years since foundation. The first Faculty in this region celebrating anniversary also organizes an international scientific conference, which is traditionally organized on the occasion of the Faculty Day. The conference entitled “The Effects of Applying Physical Activity on the Anthropological Status of Children, Adolescents and Adults” has been organized since 2011 and this year has its 8th edition. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia and the Olympic Committee of Serbia have supported the organization of the Conference as well as in previous years. The conference enables interaction of all participants during formal sessions, presentations and exchange of new knowledge and results of scientific research in order to enrich modern analytical approaches in monitoring and application of physical activities. We also hope that during socializing in an informal ambience, participants will exchange ideas, enrich knowledge, and create new friendships. According to the defined criteria, a large number of papers were reported within the thematic areas, and after the review, the Scientific Committee accepted 79 abstracts in Serbian and English language. The selected abstracts are arranged in 9 sessions for oral presentations and one poster session. In the preparation of the Book of Abstracts, distribution was done according to the thematic areas and the methodological structures of abstracts. It is our great pleasure to inform you that at the Conference in the jubilee year of the Faculty, besides a large number of scientists, professors and students from Serbia, participate very significant number of our respected colleagues and colleagues from a large number of countries in the region and the European Union. A wide range of thematic areas contributed to interdisciplinary work by including research from related scientific fields and institutions. We wish all authors the successful presentation of papers, active participation in the work of the Conference and acquiring new knowledge and exchange of professional and scientific experiences, with a pleasant stay in Belgrade, as well as at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade. Presidents of the Scientific Committee of the Conference PhD, assoc. prof. Dejan Suzović,, PhD, assoc. prof. Nenad Janković 1 Univerziteta u Beogradu koji ove godine slavi jubilej, 80 godina Želimo Vam dobrodošlicu na Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja od nastanka.m: Matični „ fakultet na ovim prostorima slaveći jubilej organizuje i međunarodnu naučnu“ organizuje konferenciju, od 2011. koja ise ove tradicionalno godine ima održava povodom Dana fakulteta. Konferencija se pod nazivo Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine razvoja i odraslih Republike Srbije, Ministarstvo omladine i sportasvoje 8.Republike izdanje. SrbijePodršku i Olimpijski organizaciji komitet Konferencije Srbije. ove, kao i prethodnih godina dali su Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog Konferencija omogućava interakciju svih učesnika tokom formalnih sesija, prezentacija i razmene novih saznanja i rezultata naučnih istraživanja sa ciljem obogaćivanja savremenih prijateljstva.analitičkih pristupa u praćenju i primeni fizičkih aktivnosti. Takođe se nadamo da će se tokom druženjaPrema u neformalnoj definisanim atmosferi kriteri razmenjivati ideje i obogaćivati znanja ali i stvarati nova jumima, u okviru tematskih područja prijavljen je veliki broj pradova, a nakon recenzija naučni odbor prihvatio je 79 sažetaka radova, na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Odabrani radovi raspoređeni su u 9 sesija za usmene prezentacije i jednu poster sesiju. U ripremanjuPosebno Zbornika nam jesažetaka zadovoljstvo izvršeno da jeVas raspoređivanje obavestimo da radova na Konferenciji prema tematskim u jubilarnoj oblastima godini i ujednačavanje metodoloških struktura radova. Fakulteta pored velikog broja naučnika, profesora i studenata iz Srbije učestvuje i izuzetno značajan broj naših poštovanih koleginica i kolega iz velikog broja država regiona i Evropske unije. Širok spektar tematskih oblasti doprineo je interdisciplinarnosti radova uključivanjem istraživanja iz srodnih naučnih oblasti i institucija. kao i na FakultetuSvim autorima sport z elimo uspes nu prezentaciju radova, aktivno uc es c e u radu Konferencije i sticanje novih saznanja i razmenu struc nih i nauc nih iskustava, uz prijatan boravak u Beogradu, a i fizic kog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu. Predsednici naučnog odbora Konferencije Dr Dejan Suzović, van. prof.. Dr Nenad Janković, van. prof 2 CONTENTS / SADRŽAJ INVITED LECTURE 11 POZIVNA PREDAVANJA 11 Santiago Veiga FROM COMPLICATED BIOMECHANICS TO MEANINGFUL PRACTICE 13 Amador García Ramos OPTIMIZATION IN THE PREDICTION OF THE ONE-REPETITION MAXIMUM THROUGH MOVEMENT VELOCITY 14 Pavlin Tomaž FORMATION OF THE YUGOSLAV STATE AND THE
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