Karstenia 47: 5–16, 2007 Clavarioid fungi of the Urals. II. The nemoral zone ANTON G. SHIRYAEV SHIRYAEV, A. 2007: Clavarioid fungi of the Urals. II. The nemoral zone. – Karstenia 47: 5–16. 2007. Helsinki. ISSN 0453-3402. One hundred and eighteen clavarioid species are reported from the nemoral zone of the Ural Mts.. Eight of them, Ceratellopsis aculeata, C. terrigena, Lentaria corticola, Pistillaria quercicola, Ramaria broomei, R. lutea, R. subtilis and Typhula hyalina, are reported for the fi rst time from Russia. The material consists of 1300 collections and observations, and according to these, the most frequent species are Clavulina cinerea, Macrotyphula. juncea, Typhula erythropus, T. sclerotioides, T. uncialis and T. variabilis. These contain ca. 23 % of all observations, but only 5 % of all the species. In comparison with the boreal zone of the Urals, the nemoral zone consists less abundant species (1.7% / 14.6%) and an more rare species (47.8% / 38.2%). Species like Clavulinopsis aurantio- cinnabarina, Pistillaria quercicola, Ramaria broomei, R. lutea and Sparassis brevipes are considered to be relicts of Pliocen and Holocen periods. The most favorable habitats for the rare and relict species are discussed. The collecting sites are briefl y described and descriptions of the new and rare species for Russia are given. Key words: Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycetes, clavarioid fungi, distribution, nemoral, relicts, Ural Anton Shiryaev, Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology RAS, 8 March str. 202, 620144, Ekaterinburg, Russia Introduction The Northern subzone of the nemoral zone, like fungi associated mainly with the nemoral zone. also the hemiboreal zone, are widely distributed The delimitation between the southern parts of in Central Europe but in easternmost Europe hemiboreal zone and northern parts of nemoral represented just as narrow strips on the west- zone is often extremely diffi cult, and in the area ern slopes of the South Ural Mountains (Sjörs somewhat vague. However, most of the mate- 1963, Gorchakovsky 1968). Publications from rial treated here is apparently from nemoral zone the nemoral zone in several European coun- or transitional areas between hemiboreal and tries list nearly 200 species of clavarioid fungi nemoral zones. (Pilát 1958, Berthier 1976, Jülich 1984, Hansen & Knudsen 1997, Franchi & Marchetti 2001), The study area but the information of this group from Ural Mountains (later abbreviated as Ural) and Euro- The nemoral and hemiboreal zones in Ural are pean part of the nemoral zone in Russia is frag- characterized by a continental climate. The low- mentary and rather meager (Potatosova 1960, est temperatures are –37.1oC, the mean annual Parmasto 1965, Stepanova-Kartavenko 1967, temperature 2.5 – 3.5°C and the average January Bedenko 1985; Davidkina et al., 1989; Bondar- and July temperatures –14°C and 19°C, respec- tseva et al., 1999; Dunaev & Barsukova 1999; tively. In summer, the temperature rises rapidly, Spirin 2003; Hoshino et al., 2004). Until now exceeding 19°C in the fi rst days of July, and the only 43 species are reported from the European maximum temperature in July may reach 39.6°C. part of Russia, including 11 species from Ural. The annual precipitation in the region ranges be- This paper is the second part of clavarioid fungi tween 500–850 mm, the rainiest seasons being in of Ural (see Shiryaev 2004) and is devoted to summer and early autumn. 6 SHIRYAEV: CLAVARIOID FUNGI OF THE URALS KARSTENIA 47 (2007) The areas studied include all typical natural maple, elm and a few oaks (Quercus robur), and communities of the nemoral and hemiboreal two (No. 3 and No. 5) herb rich oak forests with zones in the Urals (Gorchakovsky 1975). The maple, elm and hazel (Corylus avellana). material was collected in the following fi ve lo- Administratively the study areas belong to calities (Fig. 1; Table 1). The fi rst one (No. 1) the Perm region (hemiboreal zone), Sverdlovsk is a mesic spruce (Picea abies) forest with elms region (northeastern part of hemiboreal zone), (Ulmus laevis, U. scabra), maple (Acer plata- Chelyabinsk region and Bashkiria Republic noides), linden (Tilia cordata) and fi r (Abies (eastern part of nemoral zone) and Orenburg re- sibirica). Two of the localities (No. 2 and No. gion (southeastern part of nemoral zone). 4) are fi r dominated herb-rich forest with linden, Fig. 1. Locations of the research area. Materials and methods The material was collected by the author during ten years (1996–2005). Most of the species were collected in the forests and some were obtained from moist chamber cultures of various substrata, especially from dead herbs and leaves. For each locality an effort was made to examine the main types of microhabitats where fruit bodies of clavarioid fungi might be expected. Nearly one hundred moist chamber cultures were prepared as described by Härkönen (1977) and maintained for one month. The taxonomy mostly follows Hansen and Knudsen (1997) with some modifi cations according to Corner (1950, 1970), Parmasto (1965), Berthier (1976) and Jülich (1984). The genera Typhula Fr. and Pistillaria Fr. are treated according to Berthier (1976), and the genera Clavariadelphus Donk and Macrotyphula R.H. Petersen follow Petersen (1972). The corticioid genera Ramari- cium J. Eriksson, Kavinia Pilát and Clavulicium Boidin are excluded, as well as the cantharelloid genus Gomphus (Pers.) Gray. The nomenclature of vascular plants is according to Czerepanov (1995). The authors of species names are found in that publication and are not repeated here. In this paper the epithets “fi r” refer to Abies sibirica, “spruce” to Picea obovata, “pine” to Pinus sylvestris, “aspen” to Populus tremula, “maple” to Acer platanoides, “oak” to Quercus robur and “elm” to Ulmus spp., respectively. The list of species (Table 2 ) below is mostly based on my own collections and it shows the abundance of each species as well as the substrate(s) in each locality. In the text rare and new species to Russia are described. The specimens are deposited in the mycological her- barium of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Ekaterinburg (SVER). KARSTENIA 47 (2007) SHIRYAEV: CLAVARIOID FUNGI OF THE URALS 7 Table 1. Description of studied localities in the nemoral and hemiboreal zones of the Urals. № loc. Description of localities 1 Sverdlovsk region (57°22′N, 58°42′E ). Shalya area (320 m above sea level). Spruce-rich herb forest with Ulmus, Abies, Acer, Tilia, Sorbus, Betula, Padus. 2 Sverdlovsk region (56°39′N, 59°17′E). Nyzhne-Serginsk area, “Olenii ruchii” Natonal Park (400 m). Fir-rich herb forest with Tilia, Acer, Ulmus, Padus, Pinus. Bashkiria Republic (54o21′N, 57o30′E). Beloretsk area (200 – 700 m). Quercetum herbosum with Ulmus 3 sp., Tilia, Acer, Corylu , Euonymus, Abies, Pinus. Bashkiria Republic (54°20′N, 57°32′E). Beloretsk area, Southern Urals Reserve (250 – 600 m). Moist 4 fi r-rich herb forest mixed with Quercus, Tilia, Acer, Ulmus. Bashkiria Republic (53o10′N, 56o32′E). Meleuz area (300 – 700 m). Quercetum herbosum with Acer, 5 Ulmus, Corylus, Betula, Sorbus near the forest-step border. Table 2. Clavarioid fungi of the nemoral and hemiboreal zones of the Urals. Abun- Locality Species dance 12345 AURICULARIALES Tremellodendraceae Tremellodendropsis tuberosa (Grev.) Crawford RSS CANTHARELLALES Clavariaceae Clavaria argillaceae Pers. : Fr. OSSSSS C. citriceps Atk. RS S C. falcata Pers . : Fr. OSSSS C. fragilis Holmsk. : Fr. RSSSS C. fumosa Pers. : Fr. RS S C. incarnata Weinm. RS C. purpurea O. F. Möll. : Fr. RS SS C. pullei Donk RS C. zollingeri Lev. RSS Clavulinopsis aurantio-cinnabarina (Schwein.) Corner RS C. biformis (G. F. Atk.) Corner OSSSSS C. corniculata (Pers. : Fr.) Corner O S S, ll S S, ll C. fusiformis (Fr.) Corner RSS C. helvola (Fr.) Corner OSSSS C. laeticolor (Berk. et M. A. Curtis) R. H. Petersen OSSSSS C. luteoalba (Rea) Corner Rll ll C. microspora (Josserand) Corner Rlg lg C. subtilis (Pers. : Fr.) Corner RSSS C. vernalis (Schwein.) Corner OSS SS Ramariopsis crocea (Pers. : Fr.) Corner O S, ll ll W, ll S, W, ll ll R. kunzei (Fr.) Corner OSSSSS R. tenuiramosa Corner RS ll Clavulinaceae Clavulina amethystina (Bull. : Fr.) Donk OSSSSS C. cinerea (Bull. : Fr.) J. Schröet C S, W S, ll S, W S, W, ll S C. cristata (Holmsk. : Fr.) J. Schröet C S S S S, ll S 8 SHIRYAEV: CLAVARIOID FUNGI OF THE URALS KARSTENIA 47 (2007) C. rugosa (Bull. : Fr.) J. Schröet OSS S Sparassidaceae Sparassis crispa (Wulfen : Fr.) Fr. RW S. brevipes Krombh. RWW Typhulaceae Pistillaria paradoxa (P. Karst.) Corner R B, ll *P. quercicola (Imai) Ito RBB Typhula abietina (Fuckel) Corner Rll ll +T. anceps P. Karst. Ollllllll T. athyrii Remsberg Olg lglg T. betae Rostrup Rlg T. capitata (Pat.) Berthier Clglglglglg T. caricina P. Karst. Clglglglglg T. crassipes Fuckel. Clglglglglg T. culmigena (Mont.et Fr.) J. Schröet Clglglglglg T. erythropus (Pers. : Fr.) Fr. C ll ll ll ll ll T. euphorbiae (Fuckel) Fr. Olglglglg T. fruticum P. Karst. Rllll T. graminum P. Karst. Olglglglglg T. gyrans Fr. Olglglglg *T. hyalina (Quél.) Berthier Rlglg T. humulina Kuznetsova O lg lg lg lg +T. incarnata Lassch ex Fr. Olglglglg +T. ishikariensis Imai Rlglg lg T. lutescens Boud. Ollllllllll T. micans (Pers. : Fr.) Berthier Olg lglglg T. muelleri (Sauter) Corner Rlglg T. olivascens Berthier Olg lglglg T. phacorrhiza (Reichard : Fr.) Fr. Cllllllllll T. quisquiliaris (Fr. : Fr.) Henn. Olglglglg T. sclerotioides (Pers.) Fr. A M, lg, ll lg, ll ll lg lg +T. setipes (Grev.) Berthier Cllllllllll T. spathulata (Peck) Berthier O B, ll ll ll ll T. sphaeroidea Remsberg O ll ll ll B, ll T. struphiopteridis Corner Olg lglg T. subvariabilis Berthier Rll T. todei Fr. : Fr. Olglg lg T. trifolii Rostrup Olg lglglg +T. uncialis (Grev.) Berthier Clglglglg T. variabilis Riess A S, lg, ll lg, ll lg lg, ll lg GOMPHALES Clavariadelphaceae Clavariadelphus fi stulosus (Holmsk.
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