j .1 S, * & ?•"<.•*•*• -•"*=--*• — - - State, FSM ,,^"^ #£& FSM Congress convened in its 4th Regular Session PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- (Chuuk), Wagner Lawrence (Pohnpei) the FSM is fast approaching. Fisheries MATION SERVICE) - FSM Congress and Moses Mackwelung (Kosrae) as development was believed to be the Speaker Jack Fritz presided over the members. way to achieve economic self-suffi- opening day of the Fourth Regular Ses- The Committee informed the Presi- ciency and large sums were invested in sion of theEighth Congress, with eleven dent that Congress was in session and this area. But, "... our investments in- members present, and three were ex- would entertian any issue, legislation or vestments are going down the drain," he cused. matters that the President might wish lamented. Adding that he's beginning FSM President Bailey Olter, Vice Congress to consider. to agree with Deputy Secretary John President Jacob Nena and Acting Chief In his remarks during miscellaneous Mangefel who told the state and Na- Justice Andon Amaraich attended the business, Speaker Fritz reminded his tional Leadership Conference partici- opening day and were introduced for colleagues that this was the last regular pants that, ".... all this talk about fish recognition by Senator Redley Killion, session of this Eighth Congress thus it may turn out to be another fish story." from the State of Chuuk. must start with a clean slate. Congress He said the FSM has put all its eggs into The Invocation was given by Rev. must also accept its share of FSM suc- a basket full of holes. Dakio Syne, from the Church of Christ. cesses and its failures as part of the FSM Regarding the external debt of the The National Anthem was sung by leadership, said Fritz. government through government bor- Nanmand Youth Choir. He said he is duty bound to focus on a rowing, the Speaker said the FSM has Speaker Fritz appointed a Commit- matter of grave concern, the FSM also rung up a reckless rate of expen- tee to wait on the President consisting of economy which is not developing as ditures. In 1993, FSM borrowed more Floor Leader Joseph Urusemal (Yap) as expected while termination of the than $10 million against future Com- Chairman, and Roosevelt Kansou Compact and its financial assistance to (See CFSM, Page 2) THE NATIONAL UNION PEACE • UNITY • LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 15 Palikir, Pohnpei October 30, 1994 Number 6 Fourty'-Fifth Anniversary for China celebrated in Pohnpei PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- TION SERVICE) - Vice President Jacob Nena represented the FSM at the 45th anniversary of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) hosted by Ambassador Chen Young-cheng at the" China Res- taurant in Kolonia, September 30,1994. Vice President Nena expressed heart- felt congratulations and best wishes from the FSM Government and thg people of the FSM to the government^ and the people of China on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Nena praised the diplomatic achieve- ments of the past five years between the A TOASTFOR THE 45TH ANNIVERSARY FOR PRC-Ambassador Chen Young-chen two countries based on shared values toasted with Vice President Jacob Nena during the 45th anniversary for the People's and common interests, and having a pr Republic of China celebrated at he China Restaurant in Pohnpei. Left is Ambassador (See CHINA, Page 2) Chen and Right is Vice President Nena. China (Continuedfrom Page 1) still a developing country due to the fact bility. In 1993, China signed economic promise of closer and stronger future that it is a huge country. and technical assistance agreements with relationships between FSM and China. Speaking of the end of Cold War he said more than 60 countries. We know that the Since the FSM is less than a decade old, that new developments indicate that China aid we can give is limited, but we commit Ithere is much to learn from China's more is in a transition period towards a multi- ourselves to it with sincerity. We attach than 5,000 years of history, with its expe- polar world, pursuing an independent no strings to whatever we can do for riences in economic and social develop- foreign policy, aimed at obtaining world them, and we never press for payment of ment. In this regard, the FSM looks to- peace and universal development. It is thedebtOurforeign trade is alsodynamic wards a closer working relationship in working for friendly and cooperative and I hope our trade partners in the de- vital development areas. relationships with all countries in the veloping countries will also bebenefitted He reiterated FSM's desire for contin- world on the basis of the five principles of by doing business with us. In the last ued commitmentand confidence between peaceful coexistence. couple of years, our trade volume with Ambassador Young-cheng said China South Pacific Island countries is on the ithe FSM and China, and concluded by stands for complete prohibition and thor- increase." proposing a toast saying, "I raise my ough destruction of nuclear weapons The Ambassador said, "I thank you for glass to the good health of President J. W adding, that recently China and Russia joining us this evening in celebrating our Zemin, to the friendly relations between X have signed an agreement by which both National Day. I also wish to take this the two Nations, and to the prosperity and sides would not target their strategic opportunity to express my appreciation success of the government and people of weapons at one another. At the same and to extend my cordial greetings to the China." time, China made a proposal to the other The Ambassador of China to FSM Chen President the Vice President, the tradi- nuclear powers to conclude an interna- Young-cheng in his remarks welcomed tional leaders, and all those who have tional convention, under which all nuclear worked together with me, for the various the guests and thanked them for honoring powers would undertake not to use nuclear his country by their presence and said that cooperation they'veextendedtome since weapons first. This draft proposal has I assumed my office here. Now, may I China has been engaged in economic been presented to nuclear countries for reform for more than ten years and is propose a toast to the good health of the discussion. President and the Vice President, to the building up the market economy struc- On foreign assistance he said, "we ture, which means that China's economic prosperity of the FSM, to the well-being maintain that all countries, the bigger and of the people of the FSM, and to the ever reform has entereda new stage. He added the smaller, the stronger and the weaker, that China has achieved high rate of eco- growing friendship between our two should play their part in the international nomic growth over the recent years, and countries." affairs as equal partners. Although China Attending the anniversary celebration the economic expansion is gaining mo- is not a part of the rich world, we look at mentum. Experience is showing that a were officials from both the FSM and the mutual assistance and cooperation Pohnpei State and Municipalities, tradi- market economy is compatible with the with other developing countries in Socialist System. With the economy tional leaders, members of the diplo- building up their respective national matic corps, private sectors and citizens rapidly developing, people's living stan- economy as our international responsi- of both countries. dards have also been improving, China is CFSM———————— (Continuedfrom Page 1) over," warned the Speaker. pact funds in addition to the $90 million The Speaker ended his remarks, by borrowed in the years 1990 and 1991, urging the Congress, his colleagues, to putting the FSM current debt at $130 work together with other leaders to solve million. In contrast, Fritz said in 1989 the economic problems confronting the the FSM had a surplus of 11.6 percent of FSM, reminding them that they must its Gross Domestic Product. But, in carry out their responsibilities until May 1993, the FSM has a negative 13.8 per- 1995, the end of their term. And then cent. He said the JTPA News painted a abide by the wishes of the voters. Mean- more"horror-filled scenario" which has while, Fritz said,"... we must give that gotten the point across. What shall we last breath to this duty- our last full do? he asked. measure of devotion." Speaker Fritz suggested FSM take Among the nearly 50, people observ- stock, revisit priorities, reassess its ing the session were officials of the course of action, and study what has National, State and Municipal govern- WORLD CLEANING DAY-Above is Vice ments, traditional leaders and the Am- President Jacob Nena cleaning outside his gone wrong and figure out how it can be office during the World Cleaning Day. In improved. The time to act is "NOW," he bassador of the Peoples Republic of the background are Martin Hagilmaiand China, government employees and the declared. "The days of lip service are Abraham Roby, both working at the general public. President's Office. SrdPITC andE&CC held in Guam PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- ties in the event of a natural disaster. MATION SERVICE) - The 3rd Annual In this connection, DOI/OTIA has $7 X Pacific Islands Training Conference million in Hazards Mitigation Funds followed the Earthquake and Hurricane available which can be used to match Conference also sponsored by the Fed- FEMA funds in lieu of local junds. a eral Emergency Management Agency Project applications filed by insular i> (FEMA).
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