Election Summary Report Date:08/21/12 Time:12:04:51 Official Results Page:1 of 4 August 14, 2012 Volusia County, Florida ** Does Not Include County Council 4 Recount Results** Registered Voters 319206 - Cards Cast 78223 24.51% US Senator REP REP US Representative District 7 DEM DEM Total Total Times Counted 37585/111153 33.8 % Times Counted 4710/31316 15.0 % Times Blank Voted 1765 Times Blank Voted 324 Times Over Voted 1 Times Over Voted 3 Connie Mack REP 19815 55.32% Jason H. Kendall DEM 2884 65.80% Mike McCalister REP 5293 14.78% Nicholas Ruiz III DEM 1499 34.20% Marielena Stuart REP 2720 7.59% Dave Weldon REP 7991 22.31% State Attorney UPC Total US Senator DEM DEM Times Counted 75262/319206 23.6 % Total Times Blank Voted 7565 Times Counted 28224/122583 23.0 % Times Over Voted 3 Times Blank Voted 713 R.J. Larizza REP 31523 46.57% Times Over Voted 5 Stasia Warren REP 36171 53.43% Glenn A. Burkett DEM 6147 22.35% Bill Nelson DEM 21359 77.65% State Representative Dist 27 REP REP Total US Representative District 6 REP REP Times Counted 9888/33629 29.4 % Total Times Blank Voted 572 Times Counted 29402/83307 35.3 % Times Over Voted 1 Times Blank Voted 1110 David Santiago REP 6055 65.00% Times Over Voted 8 George Trovato REP 3260 35.00% Richard Clark REP 2633 9.31% Fred Costello REP 9202 32.53% State Representative Dist 24 DEM DEM Ron Desantis REP 9833 34.77% Total William Billy Kogut REP 287 1.01% Times Counted 1808/6359 28.4 % Craig Miller REP 4751 16.80% Times Blank Voted 207 Alec Pueschel REP 285 1.01% Times Over Voted 0 Beverly Slough REP 1293 4.57% Doug Courtney DEM 661 41.29% Milissa Holland DEM 940 58.71% US Representative District 6 DEM DEM Total Clerk of Court REP REP Times Counted 23514/91267 25.8 % Total Times Blank Voted 2405 Times Counted 37585/111153 33.8 % Times Over Voted 2 Times Blank Voted 2007 Heather Beaven DEM 16845 79.81% Times Over Voted 0 Vipin Verma DEM 4262 20.19% Steve deLaroche REP 14382 40.42% Diane M. Matousek REP 21196 59.58% US Representative District 7 REP REP Total State Committeeman REP REP Times Counted 8183/27846 29.4 % Total Times Blank Voted 65 Times Counted 37585/111153 33.8 % Times Over Voted 0 Times Blank Voted 7769 Sandra "Sandy" Adams REP 2782 34.27% Times Over Voted 0 John Mica REP 5336 65.73% Alan H. Burton REP 13760 46.15% Robert Fortner REP 9302 31.20% Tom McGurn REP 6754 22.65% Election Summary Report Date:08/21/12 Time:12:04:51 Official Results Page:2 of 4 August 14, 2012 Volusia County, Florida ** Does Not Include County Council 4 Recount Results** Registered Voters 319206 - Cards Cast 78223 24.51% State Committeewoman REP REP County Court Judge Group 4 Total Total Times Counted 37585/111153 33.8 % Times Counted 75262/319206 23.6 % Times Blank Voted 7885 Times Blank Voted 9224 Times Over Voted 0 Times Over Voted 14 Dana Dougherty-Swans REP 9701 32.66% Steven R. Burk 11032 16.71% Virginia E. Hewett REP 9292 31.29% Dustin M. Havens 9100 13.78% Beth James REP 10707 36.05% Alan Holt 8336 12.63% Christopher Kelly 20980 31.78% Pct Cmteman 217 DEM DEM Adam Warren 16576 25.11% Total Times Counted 394/1563 25.2 % County Court Judge Group 8 Times Blank Voted 17 Total Times Over Voted 0 Times Counted 75262/319206 23.6 % Vonzelle Johnson DEM 188 35.14% Times Blank Voted 8071 Jeffrey D. Shepherd DEM 92 17.20% Times Over Voted 1 David H. Staples DEM 175 32.71% Bryan A. Feigenbaum 34003 50.61% Thurman Thomas DEM 80 14.95% Michael McDermott 33187 49.39% Pct Cmtewoman 220 DEM DEM School Board 2 Total Total Times Counted 261/975 26.8 % Times Counted 16654/61347 27.1 % Times Blank Voted 49 Times Blank Voted 2112 Times Over Voted 0 Times Over Voted 2 Jessie S. Harris DEM 85 40.09% Al Williams 7594 52.23% Gail S. Pasley DEM 127 59.91% Ida Wright 6946 47.77% Pct Cmteman 417 DEM DEM School Board 4 Total Total Times Counted 86/661 13.0 % Times Counted 17562/63736 27.6 % Times Blank Voted 12 Times Blank Voted 1552 Times Over Voted 0 Times Over Voted 5 Salvador Guzman DEM 39 52.70% Judy Conte 5389 34.48% Robert Sepa DEM 35 47.30% Linda G. Costello 6568 42.03% Walter Fordham 1616 10.34% Pct Cmteman 716 REP REP Charles F. King 2055 13.15% Total Times Counted 616/1470 41.9 % Supervisor of Elections Times Blank Voted 70 Total Times Over Voted 0 Times Counted 75262/319206 23.6 % Miro S. Cater REP 326 28.67% Times Blank Voted 3221 Walter Hanford REP 422 37.12% Times Over Voted 8 Edward A. Marusa Jr. REP 103 9.06% Teresa Apgar 7204 10.00% Cody Mills REP 286 25.15% Beaulah Blanks 3845 5.34% Andy Kelly 13263 18.41% Ann McFall 47721 66.25% Election Summary Report Date:08/21/12 Time:12:04:51 Official Results Page:3 of 4 August 14, 2012 Volusia County, Florida ** Does Not Include County Council 4 Recount Results** Registered Voters 319206 - Cards Cast 78223 24.51% County Council Chair County Council 5 Total Total Times Counted 75262/319206 23.6 % Times Counted 10195/62706 16.3 % Times Blank Voted 5748 Times Blank Voted 446 Times Over Voted 3 Times Over Voted 1 Jason Davis 22902 32.95% Rich Gailey 2961 30.38% Ted Doran 18618 26.78% Patricia Northey 4728 48.50% Carl G. Persis 27991 40.27% Stony Sixma 2059 21.12% County Council 1 Daytona Beach Mayor Total Total Times Counted 14434/61412 23.5 % Times Counted 9171/35919 25.5 % Times Blank Voted 863 Times Blank Voted 218 Times Over Voted 0 Times Over Voted 1 Jeff H. Allebach 3271 24.10% Gwen Azama-Edwards 1688 18.86% Terry Dilligard, Sr. 1005 7.41% Derrick L. Henry 3054 34.12% Missy Kelly 2832 20.87% Fred Hoffmann 660 7.37% Ronnie Mills 1834 13.51% Edith Shelley 3550 39.66% Pat Patterson 4629 34.11% Daytona Beach Commissioner Zne 1 County Council 2 Total Total Times Counted 1642/5930 27.7 % Times Counted 17423/63157 27.6 % Times Blank Voted 71 Times Blank Voted 1142 Times Over Voted 0 Times Over Voted 6 Dale Heuermann 166 10.57% Ken Ali 2991 18.38% Carl Lentz, IV 723 46.02% Nancy Epps 5984 36.77% Ruth Trager 682 43.41% Joshua J. Wagner 7300 44.85% Deltona Commissioner District 6 County Council 3 Total Total Times Counted 1430/8834 16.2 % Times Counted 16007/68928 23.2 % Times Blank Voted 69 Times Blank Voted 935 Times Over Voted 0 Times Over Voted 0 Michael Carmolingo 305 22.41% Deborah "Deb" Denys 5364 35.59% Christopher Nabicht 438 32.18% James W. Hathaway 5468 36.28% George Ronald Watral 283 20.79% Justin Kennedy 4240 28.13% Michael Wycuff 335 24.61% County Council 4 Holly Hill Mayor Total Total Times Counted 17203/63003 27.3 % Times Counted 1579/6637 23.8 % Times Blank Voted 1891 Times Blank Voted 20 Times Over Voted 1 Times Over Voted 0 Doug Daniels 5736 37.46% Big John 444 28.48% Shannon McLeish 3976 25.97% Roy Johnson 624 40.03% Damien Richards 1650 10.78% Roland Via 491 31.49% Jay M. Young 3949 25.79% Election Summary Report Date:08/21/12 Time:12:04:51 Official Results Page:4 of 4 August 14, 2012 Volusia County, Florida ** Does Not Include County Council 4 Recount Results** Registered Voters 319206 - Cards Cast 78223 24.51% Holly Hill Commissioner District 2 Port Orange Council District 3 Total Total Times Counted 1579/6637 23.8 % Times Counted 9124/37640 24.2 % Times Blank Voted 97 Times Blank Voted 665 Times Over Voted 0 Times Over Voted 1 Loretta Arthur 624 42.11% Drew J. Bastian 2640 31.21% Penny Currie 858 57.89% Ted Noftall 2386 28.21% Bob Pohlmann 3432 40.58% Holly Hill Commissioner District 4 Total South Daytona Council Seat 1 Times Counted 1579/6637 23.8 % Total Times Blank Voted 504 Times Counted 2966/7613 39.0 % Times Over Voted 0 Times Blank Voted 266 Elizabeth Albert 926 100.00% Times Over Voted 0 Jean M. Klune 971 35.96% New Smyrna Beach Commissioner Zne 4 Brandon L. Young 1729 64.04% Total Times Counted 4356/16951 25.7 % City of South Daytona Referendum 1 Times Blank Voted 536 Total Times Over Voted 0 Times Counted 2965/7613 38.9 % Ed Bidault, Jr. 643 16.83% Times Blank Voted 80 Steve Casserly 1170 30.63% Times Over Voted 1 Kirk Jones 2007 52.54% YES 1789 62.03% NO 1095 37.97% Ponce Inlet Council Seat 2 Total City of South Daytona Referendum 2 Times Counted 1272/2785 45.7 % Total Times Blank Voted 39 Times Counted 2965/7613 38.9 % Times Over Voted 0 Times Blank Voted 240 Scott Meacham 559 45.34% Times Over Voted 0 Bill Milano 674 54.66% YES 1607 58.97% NO 1118 41.03% Ponce Inlet Council Seat 4 Total City of South Daytona Referendum 3 Times Counted 1272/2785 45.7 % Total Times Blank Voted 55 Times Counted 2962/7613 38.9 % Times Over Voted 0 Times Blank Voted 192 Joseph V.
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