Dartmouth College Commencement & Baccalaureate Exercises S U .V D A Y J l./ .V E T HI R TEEN T H N INETEEN H U XDRED SEVENTY-SIX HANOVER • NEW HAMPSHIRE ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSION AL M usic by The Hartt College Brass Ensemble Roger Murtha, Director So that all can su th~ proc~ssion. th~ audi~nc~ is r~qu~sted 10 remain uaud ~xctpt as th~ flags pass "hen the audt~na rises briejl; The presence of the Brass Ensemble at Commencement each )'tar is made possible b1 the Class of 1879 Trumpeters' Fund. The Fund was established in 1929. at the time of "79's fiftieth reunion II OPEN ING PRA Y ER Warner Raymond Traynham Dean of the T ucker Foundation and College Chaplain III SI NGI NG OF MILTO.\''S PA R A PHRASE OF PSALM CXX X VI tune SUR EM BERG Brass Ensemble Dartmouth College Aires and Distractions Paul Robert Zeller, Director The audience is requested to rise and jotn in the smging Let us "'ith a gladsome mind Pra1se the Lord for He 1s kind. For H 1s mercies a}e endure. E•er fanhful. e'er sure. He v.ith all commanding m1ght 1'1lled the nev. -made v. orld v.ith hght. Let us bla.te His name abroad For of gods He is the God. Let us therefore chorus forth His h1gh majest} and v. orth: for H1s mercies a)C endure. E'er faithful. e'er sure. Follo"·ing the custom starttd by President Twcker. ctrlom •erses of Milton's Paraphrase of Psalm 136 lun·e bun sung to IM sratt/.1' tu-.e Nuremberg at nearlr n otrJ' Dwrtmouth CommtiiCtMent since 1895 IV X CONFERRI.VG OF DEGREE OF CO.VFERRISG OF HOSORARY DEGREES MASTER OF BuSI.VESS ADMIXISTRATIOS The r~ciprrnts ...m be pr~stnted b.1 Leonard .\foos Rt~fi!T Th~ candidat~< ...-ho ha•·~ bun r~romm~nded to the Trustres b, tht- Faculll Via Pre.lldl!fll of thl! Colle~!! and Dean of thr Facult.\ of .-lrl< and SCttna< l<ill be pre<ented by John William Hennnse_1 Jr., · D~an of th~ ..Jmor Tuck School of Business Adnunmration DOCTOR OF HU~1AXE LETTERS Robert Orville Anderson Roswell, New \1exico I ndu~l nahst v Arthur Fiedler Brookline, Massachusetts COXFERRING OF DEGREES OF BACHELOR OF ENGI.VEERISG Conductor AND MASTER OF EXGINEERING DOCTOR OF SCIE CE The candidat~s who ha•·e been recommended to the Trustees hi' the Facult.l l<ill be presented b.1 Carl Ferdinand Long, \lvalsh McDermott Ne" York, e" York Dean of the Thayu School of Enginurmg Ph~ sJctan, Educator DOCTOR OF L.\WS VI Thomas Gorden Murdough '26 Evanston, Illinois COSFERRI.\'G OF DEGREES OF MASTER OF ARTS. MASTER OF Bu,ine-.· E."<ecull• e SC!EVCE. AND MASTER OF ARTS 1.\' LIBERAL STUDIES Pauli M urra) Alexandria, Virginia La.o)er, Edu"ator. Clerg) The candidat~s l<ho ha•·e been recomm~nded to the Trunus b1 th~ Facult.\ of Arts and Scienc~s '<"ill b~ prestnt~d b.1 Joseph Cornwall Palamountain Jr. '42 Saratoga Springs, N e\\ York A ~nar P1 II~. Dtan of Graduate Studi~s Pr~idenl. Sk1dmore Colle!!e XI VII RECOG.VIT/0,\ OF RETIRING FACULTY ASD OFFICERS CONFERRING OF DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE John George Kemeny, President of the College The candidatts l<ho ha•e been recommtndtd ro the Trusttts b1 the Famli.J l<i// b~ presented by Jam~s Cahm Srrickler. Dean of rht Dartmourh Jfedtca/ School XII VALEDICTORY TO THE COLLEGE VIII Jeffre) ~1ark Rieker '76 CONFERRISG OF DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ESGI:VEERING XIII The candidate l<'ill be present~d b1 Dean Long COSFERRING OF THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE Processional Brass Ensemble IX The candtdate.f '<hu ha•·t bun recommended to the Trulltr< b1 CONFERRI.VG OF DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Iht> Faw/11 of Dartmouth College ~<ill be prt>unt~d h) Ralph \ Manut>l. Dt>an of tht> College The candtdates ,.j{{ b~ presemed by Dean Pylle The audience is requested 10 remam seall!d T X IV CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS A DMINISTR ATION VA LEDICTOR Y TO THE SENIOR S President Kemeny AdYani, Dilip Motiram '73, B. Comm. Chamberlain, John Richard '74, A.B. Unil-'ersily of Bombay Colby College Bombay, India Bothell, Washington XV t 'AIIwin, James Michael '74, B.A. Cilley, Lynnette Frances '74, A.B. Yale University Colby College S/,VGING OF MEN OF DARTMOUTH Palm Harbor, Florida Lincolnville, Maine Amsler, Christine Elaine '74, B.A. Clayman. John Bruce '74. B.S. Denison University Words by Richard Hovey '85; music by Harry Wellman '07 Hofstra Uni~·ersity Clarion, Pennsylvania Swampscott, Massachusetts Ashton, Robert Stewart '73, A.B. The audience is requested to dse and JOin in rhe singing 'Cleary. Scott Meils '74, A .B. Saratoga Springs, New York East Hartford, Connecticut \1en of Dartmouth. give a rouse Men of Dartmouth, set a watch Barad, Joel Irwin '73, B.A.; '74, M.A. Cooney, Alicia Marie "74, B.A. For the college on the hill~ Lest the old traditions fail! Tufts University Wellesley College For the Lone Pine abo•·e her. Stand as brother stands b)' brother~ Belmont, Massachusetts Providence, Rhode Island And the loyal sons v. ho love her. Dare a deed for the old Mother! Benedeui, Craig Bingham '74. B.A. Cozad, Douglas Dale '70, B.S.Ch.E. Gt,·e a rouse. gtve a rouse. with a v. ill' Greet the v.orld. from the hills. with a hail ~ University of Rochester University of Minnesota For the sons of old Dartmouth, For the sons of old Dartmouth, North Adams, Massachusctls Edina, Minnesota The sturd} sons of Dartmouth. The lo}al sons of Dartmouth. Berman, Henry David '73. A.B. Dean, Warren Edward Jr. '73, A.B. Though 'round the girdled earth the) roam. A round the "orld they keep for her Hamilton College Rolla, Missouri Her spell on them remains: Their old chivalric faith: New London, Connecticut DeBakker, Robert Leenderl '71, kand. ec. They have the still North in their hearts. The} ha' e the still . orth in their soul. Bettes, Richard Stockwell III '74, A.B. Erasmus Unh·ersity Rotterdam ·The hill-winds in their •·eins. The hill-wmds in their breath: Mountain Lakes, New Jersey Rotterdam, The Netherlands A.nd the granite of :-Je"' Hampshire And the granite of e\\ Hampshue Bilodeau, Thomas Herbert '65. A.B. 'Derr, Richard Martin '74, B.A. In their muscles and their brains. Is made part of them till death. Harvard UniversiiJ• The College of Wooster Milton, MassachuSetts Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Bingbam, Robert Sabin '70, B.S. Dietel, John Wendell ·n, A.B. Trinity College XVI Princeton University Boonton, New Jersey Sunapee, New Hampshire Bowe, Gerald Grant Jr. '74, A.B. BE.VEDICTION 'Dryden, J. William '61, S.B. londonderry. New Hampshire l•fassachusetts Institute of Technolog)' Browar, Margaret Willa '66, A.B. Rabbi Laurence Louis Edwards North Plaue. Nebraska Smith College Fert), William Paul '74, A.B. Associate College Chaplain Tenafly, New Jersey Harvard University ' Brown, Francis Patrick '68, B.S. Waltham, Massachusetts The audience is rt>quested to remain standing Tufts Universit) Fishier, James Stuart Jr. '73, B.S. Belmont, Massachusetts Union College Brown, Jeffrey Lindabury '68, B.A. Poughkeepsie, New York XVII Williams College Forrester, William Thomas II '70. A.B. Boston, Massachusetts Duke Universit) RECESS/0.'\'AL Brownell, Richard James Jr. '72, A.B. Tampa, Florida Middlebury College t•Gardent, Paul B. '70, B.S., B.A. Brass Ensemble and Librar) Bells Needham, Massachusetts University of New Hampshire Brzozowski. Leonard Joseph '74, B.S. Concord, New Hampshire The audience is requested to be seared while the graduates march our Worcester Polytechnic Institute Garity. Paul Joseph '74, B.B.J. Bristol, Connecticut University of Massachusetts Burr, Richard Charles '73, B.A. Quincy, Massachuse!IS Colgate Uni•ersity 'Gasink, Richard Winslow '71, A.B. Yonkers, New York Middlebury College Cable, Stuart Matthew '75, A.B. St. Paul, Minnesota Waban, Massachusetts I . £domrd Tud Scholar t With Dutinction t With High Di.Jtinction I.Jndergraduau atrd gradual~ d~grus from Dartmouth unle.u orh~n.u~ indirated Blue ribbons "Orn by .romt candidatt:s indicate Ed>o·ard Tuc~ Scholarr Gelzer, Gary '70, B.A t·Kendall, Donald Roderick Jr. '74, A.B. ' Me.sina, Richard James '68, B.S.; '74. Ph.D. Schultze. James Kunert '70, B.A.: '73, J .D. .Vorth,..estern l.ini~ersit)" Hamilton College Boston College Unn·ersity of California, Ril'ersidt WClitbury, New York Danen Center, New York Dartmouth College Unn•trslly of California, Los Angtfts Gerth. David Alann '74, B.S. Knud>en, .'\.1ark William '72, A.B. Lynnfield. Massachusetts Los Angeles, Californra Worcester Pol) technic Institute Har>'Ord Lni~ersin \1e}er, Frederick Robert '73, A.B. Schwartz. George Benjamin '74, B.A. Poughkeepsie, 1'\ew York Orinda, Cahfornia 'ashotah, Wrsconsin Vanderbilt Un11ersi11 Gorup. Paul :-licholas '73 B.S ' Kulas. Paul James '74, A.B. Mrller. Bruce Robert '74, B.S Phtladelphia, Pennsylvania L:ni~ersit}' of Kansas College of the Holy CroH Stanford Uni\trSII;;' Sellton. Mary DuBois '71. B.S F.S. Kansas City, Kansas New Bntain. Connecticut Denver, Colorado Georgetot<n Um\·ersit) Gotbeller. Amy Ruth '74. B.A. t' Kulas, Peter John '74, A B. Mood}, Thomas James Jr. '74, B.S.C. South Bend, Indiana l/ni~·ersiry of Pennsylvania College of the Hoi}· Cross Uni~·ersiH· of Louisulle Sher\l.ood, Robert Allan '69, B.A. Ba}side, Ne·~ York Ne"' Brrtain. Connecticut Louisville, Kentuck} Unittr511) of Rochester +'Hamilton.
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