CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE THE ORIGIN OF THE HERMAPHRODI'l'E \.1 IN GREEK ART A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Naster of Arts in Art by Irene Marcella Adrian Czako _./ June, 1980 The Thesis of Irene Harcella Adrian Czako is approved: Albert R. Baca, Ph.D. Jeahne L. Trabold, Ph.D. DonaldS. Strong, Ph.D., Cha1rperson California State University, Northridge ii. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis may not have been undertaken or concluded without the aid and the collaboration of my committee chairman, Dr. Donald·S. Strong. His expert guidance, detailed ctiticisms, helpful suggestions along ·with his sensitiveness to problems of typology and his skilled editorial judgment were invaluable to me in the development of this study. I also owe a vast indebtness to the other members of my thesis committee, Dr. Jeanne L. Trabold and Dr. Albert R. Baca who were kind enough to take time from their own work to read the manuscript critically and offer helpful suggestions. Finally, I am particularly grateful to my husband, Adam Czako, who generously assisted me in foreign transla·tions, editing and assembling the rough drafts and final copy. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABBPEVIATIONS . vi LIST OF PLATES viii ABSTRACT .xxii INTRODUCTION. • 1 Chapter 1. THE MOTHER GODDESS AND HER PAREDROS FROM PRE-HISTORIC TO CLASSICAL GREECE. • . • 9 Shows the uninterrupted continuity of - ·- the androgynou~ Mother Goddess cult. 2. THE ANDROGYNOUS APHRODITE OF CYPRUS AND OTHER ANALOGOUS NEAR EASTERN DEITIES 2 3 Discusses and· gives support for identi­ fying the Priest With a Dove sculpture as the bearded Aphrodite of ancient testimony ••. compares and explains the bisexuality of Tutankhamun, Sesostris I, Queen Hatshepsut and the bearded Venus Mylitta. 3. ANDROGYNOUS HIEROS GAMOS FESTIVALS AND THEIR BISEXUAL EFFIGIES . • . • • • • • • • 52 Shows how widespread these festivals were which incorporated a bisexual deity ... similarities and differences •.. suggests the course the bisexual Aphrodite took to come to Athens from.the Near East. 4. HERMAPHRODITE 81 Discusses the Carian legend of Hermaph­ rodite .•. why Hermes was chosen as Aphrodite paredros .•. cult documentations and monuments of Hermaphrodite. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page 5. SUMMARY OF THE ANDROGYNOUS THEME IN CLASSICAL GREEK ART . • . • • • • • 114 Surrunary •.• demonstrates how embedded the androgynous theme was in classical Greek art. PLATES 124 BIBLIOGRJ>..PHY 170 APPENDIX 184. v ABBREVIATIONS A.J.A. American Journal of Archaeology. c.c.F. Cretan Cults and Festivals, R. F. Willetts, (London, New York: Barnes and Noble, 1962). C.G.S. The Cults of the Greek States, Lewis R. Farnell, 5 Vois., (Chicago: Aegean Press, 1921). C.M.G. The Cult of the Mother Goddess, E. 0. James, (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1957). G.F.R.B. Griechische Feste von Religioser Bedeutung, Martin P. Nilsson, (Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1957). H.M.R. Hermaphrodite - Myth and Rites of the Bi­ sexual Figure in Classical Antiquity, by Marie Delcourt, trans. Jennifer Nicholson, (London: Studio Books, 1961). H.R. D'Histoire de l'Religion, Charles Picard, Vol. XCVIII, n. 4, (Paris: Universitaire de France, 1928). H.R.D.P. Hermaphroditea- Rescherches sur l'~tre double promoteur de la fertilit~ dans le monde classique, Marie Delcourt, collection, Latomus, Vol. LXXXVI, (Bruxelles: Revue D'Etudes Latines, 1966). I.M.G.T. The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek Texts; Leonard R. Palmer, (London: Oxford ClarendGn Press , 19 6 3 ) . K.G. Kingship and the Gods, Henri Frankfort, (London, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965). M.A.G.S. Manuel d'Arch~ologie Grecque la Sculpture, Charles Picard, T. 4, (Paris: Auguste Picard, 1935). M.H.A.S. Manuels d 1 Histoire de l'Art la Sculpture Antique, Charles Picard, (Par1s, Libra1rie Renouard 6, 1926). vi ABBREVIATIONS , 1-l.M. Mycenaeans and Minoans, Leonard R. Palmer, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1963). M.M.R. The Minoan Mycenaean-Religion, Martin P. Nilsson, (Lund: W.W.K. Gleerup, 1950). N.L.E.M. New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology~ ed. Fel1x Guirand, trans. Richard Aldington and Delano Ames, (London, New York, Sydney, Toronto: Prometheus Press, 1973). O.G.R. The Origins of Greek Religion, B. C. Dietrich, (Berlin, New York: Walter De Gruyter, 1974). P.S.G.R. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, Jane Ellen Harrison, (Cleveland, New York: World Publishing, Meridian Books, 1966). P.W. Pauly Wissowa - Paulys Real Encyclopadie der Klassischen Alterturnswissenschaft. Neue Bearbeitung unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen herausgegeben von Georg Wissowa, (Stuttgart: Alfred Druckenmllller Ve~lag, 1912) . R.L. Roscher - Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griech­ ischen und romischen Mythologie, von W. H. Roscher, (Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1965). R.P.G.R. R~pertoire de Peintures Grecque et Romaine, Salomon Reinach, (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 19 22) . R.S.G.R. R~pertoire de la Statuaire Grecque et Romaine, Salomon Reinach, (Paris: Ernest Leroux, - Vols. 1 and 2, 1897; Vols. 3 and 4, 1904; and Vols. 5 and 6, 1924). T. Themis - A Study of Social Origins of Greek Religion, Jane Ellen Harrison, (Cleveland, - New York: World Publishing, Meridian Books, 1952). T.O.L. The Tree of Life - An Archaeological Study 1 E. 0. James, (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1966). vii LIST OF PLATES AND SOURCES Plates Page 1 Frontispiece - A marble, standing nude Hermaphrodite from Pergamum rendered in the version of the schools of Skopas and Praxiteles. Early third century B. C. Height, including plinth, 1.86 m. Museum of Constantinople. • . xxv Charles Picard, Manuels d'Histoire de l'Art la Sculpture Antique (Paris: Librairie Renouard, 1926) , Figure 94. 2 Map - The Near East and Greece ca. 1400 B. c. 124 Atlas of World History, ed. R. R. Palmer, (New York, Chicago, San Francisco: Rand McNally, 1965), p. 22. 3 Map - The Homeric World. 125 T. B. L. Webster, From Mycenae to Homer, (New York: Praeger, 1958), Frontispiece. 4 Map - Classical Greece and the Athenian Empire about 450 B. C ............. 126 Atlas of World History, ed. R. R. Palmer, (New York, Chicago, San FrancisCOi Rand McNally, 1965), p. 26. 5 Map - The Roman empire .. 127 Dr. S. De Vries, T. Luykx and w. 0. Hen­ derson, An Atlas of World History, (Camden: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1965), p. 14. 6 Figure 1. Clay sculpture of a goddess in sta~ding position with phallus-shaped head and folded arms. New Nikomedeia, Western Macedonia, Greece. ca. 6000 B. C. or earlier. Height 17.5 em. 128 Harija Gimbutas, The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe 7000 to 3500 B. C., (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1974), Figure 138, p. 133. viii Plates Page Figure 2. Terracotta figurine with phallus- shaped head and pinched-up nose, slit eyes; deep incision near the top. ca. 6000 B. c .. Height 4.7 em .. Regional Museum in Pri~tina .. 128 Gimbutas, Figure 139, p. 133. 7 Figure 1. A small, terracotta, Vin~a figurine with female breasts, birds beak and male genitals. Height 5.5 em. Vin~a Vasic collection .....•.. ' . 129 Marija Gimbutas, The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe 7000 to 3500 B. c. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1974), Figure 111, p. 153. Figure 2. Marble figurine with long phallic neck and pronounced buttocks. Proto-Sesklo, Attica, Greece. Height 22.5 em. Museum of Elet1sis. 129 Gimbutas, Figure 112, p. 153. Figure 3. Terracotta figurine of a strongly built youthful goddess from Hacilar, central Anatolia. ca. 6000 B. C. Height 10.2 em. (From J. Mellaart's Excavation at Hacilar.) .. 129 Gimbutas, Figure 99, p. 156. 8 Figure 1. Marble figurine from central Bulgaria. ca. 4000 B. C. ,Height 10 em. Plovdiv Archaeological Museum ...... 130 Marija Gimbutas, The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe 7000 to 3500 B. C. (Berkeley an.d Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1974), Figure 147, p. 160. Figure 2. Cycladic marble figurine. Syros. Mid-third millennium B. C. Height 21.6 em ... 130 Gimbutas, Figure 148, p. 161~ Figure 3. Elongated schematized, terra­ cotta figurine with large pubic triangle. Fourth millennium B. c. Height 15 em. Archeological Museum of the Institute of History, Kishenev, Soviet lfu1davia ....... 130 ix Plates Page Gimbutas, Figure 149, p. 161. Figure 4. Terracotta figurine with folded arms from late Neolithic. Lerna, eastern Peloponnese. Height 18.2 ern. Argo Museum. • . • . 130 Gimbutas, Figure 152, p. 161. Figure 5. Flat, schernatized, terracotta figurine with large incised pubic triangle. Hole on top for insertion of a goddess head. Vin~a .... .............. 130 Gimbutas, Figure 153, p. 161. 9 Terracotta sculpture of Goddess and young god. From Hacilar, Anatolia. ca. 5400 B. C. Lenght 0.12 rn. Ankara, Hittite Museum. 131 George Hanfrnann, Cl.assical Sculpture - ~History of Written Sculpture, (Greenwich, Conn.: New York Graphic Society, 1967), Plate 1. 10 The Gurnelnita 'lovers'. A conjoined female and male terracotta statuette which is supposedly connected with ritual of sacred marriage. East Balkan civilization. Late fifth millennium B. c. Height 6.8 ern. 01 teni ta Archaeological Museum. .. 132 Marija Girnbutas, The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe 7000 to 3500 B. c. I (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1974), Figure 243, p. 228. 1.1 A standing Priest With a Dove sculpture. Archaic Cypriot style. From Paphos, Cyprus. ca. 500 B. c. Limestone. Height 7'1~". Metropolitan Museum of Art,· New York City ... 133 John L. Hyers, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Handbook of the Cesnola Collection of Antiquities from Cyprus, -(New York: Metro­ politan ~-1useum of Art, 1914), Figure 1351, p. 215. X Plates _Page 12 Figure 1. Antenor Kore. Found near north­ west Erechtheum on the Acropolis in Athens. ca. 530 B. C. Marble. Height, including plinth, 2.155 m. (8'4~"). Athens Acropolis Museun1 • .•.••••••.•••...••.• 134 G.M.A. Richter, Korai - Archaic Greek Maidens, (London, New York: Phaidon, 1970), Figure V.2, pp.
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