J • I. A rcnge Daily Net Preae Ron The Weather For the W«*b Cxled I' Foroeaat of V. 6. Weather Bnreaa April 7, IHt Clearl>>i;> windy and cooler 13 ,5 0 night. Lovr SS to 40. Tneeday o(la< ManAer of A f Andit ny, breexjr and a little cooler. EBgli In mid SOs. BaraM of Oboatetlaa MancheMter—^A City of Village Clutrm LXXXI, NO. 160 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1962 (OUaelflod Advertialng on Page IS) PRICE nV B CENTS Terr6rism in Algeria AcJenauer’s U.S. Urges Shoes Held Reds Ban Gets Hai;d to FUl War Books BONN, Germany (AP)— GENEVA (AP)—U.S. Del­ Who will eventually succeed egate Arthur H. Dean called Chancellor Konrad Adenauer? on the Soviet Union today to That question It popping up outlaw boohs which dwell on on Syria By DAVID N. MASON ^siced they were bae)ctrtg only his again while Adenauer, M, takes the inevitability of war—in­ Algerian policy. ,a six-week rest in Italy. PARIS (AP)—French vot­ De Gaulle put btfore the voters ' Twof leading possibilities have cluding the works of Marx, ers have overwhelmingly ap­ a two-point proposal.'One called lost part of their political stock Lenin and Stalin. proved President Charles de for conSrmation of the cease-fire recently—Vice Chancellor Ludnig^ He made the demand in a heat­ Gaulle’s peace pact with the signed with the Algerian rebel Erhard and Defen.se Minister ed session of the 17-nation disarm­ i U.S., British command at Evian on March 16. Franz Joseph Strauss. ament conference in which dele­ Algerian nationalists. The Se­ The other asked for blank-check When Adenauer campaigned gates from East and We.st clashed cret Army Organization, powers to make Algeria art inde­ last year, he gave a half-promise on the question of how to elimi­ Resolution fighting to keep Algeria pendent Moslem-ruled nation if— he -would retire before his term nate war propaganda. French, replied with more as everyone expects—the Algeria runs out in 1B6S. Lately, the situa­ Dean reiterated that the United arts faVor independence in a self- tion has reached a point where States believes this problem can terrorist killings and defiant determination referendum later many believe he will stay on. best be dealt with by increasing Voted 10-0 : .1 proclamations printed in th l/ year. exchanges of views across the Adenauer’s Christian Democrats Iron Curtain. newspaper plants occupied at There was no serious organized last, year designated. Erhard as fioriet Delegate Valerian A. Zo­ UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. ’ - E gunpoint. campaign in France agrainst Sun- the eventual successor, although rin contended war propaganda (AP)—The U.N. Security Sixty-flvo per «sent of the 26,- should be made a formal crime Council today censured Israd 083,273 votera In metropolitan (Continued on Page Five) (Continaed ot^Page Three) in ever)' country. He charged Franca endorsed De Gaulle's Al­ American refusal to countenance for an attack on Syrian terri­ gerian policy Sunday In response tory during the night of to his plea for a public show of this indicated the United States Is confidence. Only 36 per cent of the falsely sheltering behind princi­ March 16-17. registered voters felled to cast ples of free expression. By a vote of UM). the ll-naUoa ballots, and 90 per cent of the Six Traffic Deaths Zorin also accused the United council adopted a U.S.-BiiUsh res- valid ballots were cast In favor of States of repressing American olutloq reaffirming a 1956 declp- the peace egreement. clUzcrIs who souglit peace. raUon condemning, retaliatory There was no voting in Algerle^ Dean rejected the contention as raids by Israel against her Arab Itself. European extremists there absolutely false. He said the Unit­ neighbors. France abatalned. killed at least 26 persons and ForState Weekend ed States acts only on the princi­ 'The approved resolutlcrtt brand­ wounded 67. ple that any state has the right ed last month’s Israel attack "a Commando bends raided plants to prevent subversion by force. flagrant violation” of the ooun-' of the pran E)cho and Oran Repub­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS He empha.sized that', the Ameri­ cll’a previous de'claton. It called lican in tho west Algerian oort city A rash of traffic accidents in Onnecticut over the week­ can government prosecutes only upon Israel "scrupuloualy - to re­ early today and forced pressmen end, including two spectacular crashes, resulted in six deaths. those who advocate force for po­ train frbm such acUon in tho at gunpoint to run off thoUeands litical ends. His reference ob­ future.” of copies of the papers labeled A 54-year-old man was killed in South Windsor yesterday viously. was to Communists. A Syrian resoIuUon, specifically “Special Secret Army Edition.” when a car in which he was a passenger struck the center It was at this point that Dean condemning Israel and warning The rightist secret army was divider of Route 6 and rolled overt urged the outlawing of books of possible U.N. sanctions, was dealt a psychological setback, how­ onto its side in the opposite lane. preaching the inevitability of war. withdrawn .before the voting. ever, by the French people’s thun­ State Police identified the vic­ and ho specifically named the Syrian Delegate Salah Tarazi derous endorsemoit of De Gaulle’s tim as retired Chief of Police Ivor wot'k.s of Marx, Lenin and Stalin. declared that the Israeli attack Algerian policy 'even though it W. Clough of Benningt<m, N. H. State News Dean laid down an eight-point was obvious act of aggres­ means the end of the once far-flung His son, Donald, 3 ', also of Ben­ statement on measures to elimi­ sion for which aha cannot go scot French empire. nington, esecaped with minor in­ nate War propaganda. free.” He said, however, that ho Inctpnplete returns from metro­ juries. Police said the sdrt was the Roundup They were; Ship Sent to Bottonu~~lntentionally would not oppose the U.B.-Britlah politan France and Corsica were: driver. 1. Reaffirmation of U.N. resolu­ resoIuUbn even though he felt it T«l — 17.605,473; no — 1,794,553. In Hartland, a pickup truck, > ___ 'The LebaitMA freighter Suerte gx>ea to the bottom at the Atlantic Ocean about 260 miles southeast tions on the subject. of HahCkx v^ere ahe w-as Intentionally sunk. The ship, built in Baltimore In 1944. was badly did not go far enough. A total of 1,102,477 ballots were crashed through a fence and tum­ 2. An affirmation that ignorance' Israeli Ambassador Michael tnvelld. bled halfway down a 1,000-foot In­ contributes to the danger of war. dantUMTwhen it, was grounded In fog off the Nova SooUa coast three months ago. It was towed cline overlooking Barkhamsted Pinel to Study out iS a sunk to prevent bunker oil leaking into coastal watera where it would kill wildfowl and Comay denounced the resqluUon De Gaulle's supporters heralded 3. Recognition that lack of Eaat- d a n is^ beach'ee. Photofax). ______ aa one-olded..He deplored What ho the verdict as a ringing vote of Reservoir. The driver, John J. Went exchanges was a primary called the absence of any rebuke confidence ki all aspects of his Hoffman, 54, Windsor LocHs, was Crash ^ata on cause of Ignorance. to Syria for attacks on Israel four-oresur-old regime. 'Socialists killed. The accident occurred on 4. Acknowledgement of the duty leading up to the March 16-17 in- and Communists, however, empha- Route 20 between Weet Hartland Teen 'iSlEiilers of governments to give accurate $62 Million forXpaptives I Supreme Court cureion. and Hartland Hollow at a scenic information to peoples. roadside observation area. The resolution called upon both HARTFORD ijPn^j|ytt)ree-m an 5. A declaration of opposition Israel and Syria to cooperate with On Saturday night, Mrs. Ida Ra- to In^vltlbiUty of ■war theory. Alert Officer Saves binowltz, 7J, Hartford, was In- panel appotntedjjnMBg^ N the U.N. truce organization in Itz Dempfey ein b aii|)# ^ M on a 6. ’’ An' undertaking to exercise efforta to streng&en border ob- jiuOd fatally when struek by a ear study f t the poaidUi|'i^|U^tai fac restraint in statementa on Inter-'] Exiles Ahk Castro jzervatlon machinery. It also ap­ 3 from Avon Blaze Yfhile crossing a street near her national issues. home. tors in^lVbd wbsn tdenagers have Against NLRB pealed to both to abide by tho motor Vehicle accidents. 7. An undertaking to seek_lm^ cease-fire arranged by Swedish AVON (AP)—A routine check A truck driver, Clayton H. Kert- Members of t^-group are Dr. provement of the exchange .of/BCC by Avon Police OfHc^. .James nodX-Jr« .30, Ashland, Uasa*ijm. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Su­ Maj. Gen. Carl C. von Bom, UJ?: JhMBieHl 3: -Brittriand.-peychiatrist- formaiidfRA- ahiTV-iBiaji*-;, Jfiefweetf truce chief, after last month’s Martino may be nuponsXdt for killed -fin Old Mystic S aturtiy in-chief « t the Institute of Living in peoples. ■" preme Court told* lower federal siving Uves bt the oocupents of the when his vehicle collided with a Hartford; State Mental Health tribunals today they may not clashes. 150-year old DeeroUff House atop car on Route 95. ComihiaidDner .Wilfred Bloomberg MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—Cuban exile^urday night by a five-man mlll- Clomay said he was instructed A 6-year-old Harwinton girl. (ConUnned on Page Thirteen) overrule a National Labor Rela­ to rea/ffrm his government’s ad­ Avon Mountain when the house andState Health Commissioner negotiators will fly to Havana tary tribunal, Havana newspapers was destroyed by fire early today.
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