Tunisia Country Program Evaluation FY2005 –13 EVALUATION OF THE WORLD BANK GROUP PROGRAM VOLUME 2 | APPENDIXES Tunisia Country Program Evaluation, FY05-13 Volume II: Appendixes April 16, 2014 Contents APPENDIXES ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................... V APPENDIX A. SUMMARY OF WORLD BANK GROUP PROGRAM OUTCOME RATINGS .................. 1 APPENDIX B. GUIDE TO THE INDEPENDENT EVALUATION GROUP’S COUNTRY PROGRAM EVALUATION METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 13 APPENDIX C. STATISTICAL SUPPLEMENT ON BANK ACTIVITIES ................................................. 19 APPENDIX D. TUNISIA DONORS’ COLLABORATION OVER 1990-2013 .......................................... 31 APPENDIX E. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORLD BANK GROUP STRATEGY AND PROGRAM OVER FY05-13 ................................................................................................................................................ 35 APPENDIX F. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ON PILLAR 1 ....................................................... 45 APPENDIX G. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ON PILLAR 2 ...................................................... 71 APPENDIX H. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ON PILLAR 3 ...................................................... 83 APPENDIX I. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ON PILLAR 4 ........................................................ 93 APPENDIX J. ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL MEDIA OUTREACH .............................................................. 101 APPENDIX K. STATISTICAL SUPPLEMENT ..................................................................................... 105 APPENDIX L. GENDER ...................................................................................................................... 115 APPENDIX M. PERSONS INTERVIEWED ......................................................................................... 123 Evaluation Managers Caroline Heider Director-General, Evaluation Nick York Director, IEGCC Geeta Batra Manager Florence Charlier Task Manager iii Abbreviations AAA Analytical and Advisory Activities AFD Agence Française de Développement AfDB African Development Bank ALMP Active Labor Market Program ANETI Agence Nationale pour l’Emploi et le Travail Indépendant APL Adaptable Program Loan ASSP Agriculture Support Services Project BOT Build-Operate-Transfer CAS Country Assistance Strategy CASPR Country Assistance Strategy Progress Report CASCR Country Assistance Strategy Completion Report CDD Community Driven Development CFAA Country Financial Accountability Assessment CFNCE Chambre Nationale Des Femmes Chefs D’ Entreprises CPAR Country Procurement Assessment Report CPE Country Program Evaluation CPR Congress for the Republic CPS Country Program Strategy CSO Civil Society Organization DP Development Partner DPL Development Policy Lending DPR Detailed Project Report EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development FSAP Financial Sector Assessment Program GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global environment Facility GTZ German Organization for Technical Cooperation ECAL IV Fourth Economic Competitiveness Development Policy Loan ESW Economic Sector work EU European Union FDI Foreign Direct Investment GBO Grassroots Business Organization GDP Gross Domestic Product GO DPL Governance and Opportunity Development Policy Loan GOJ DPL Governance Opportunity and Jobs Development Policy Loan GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit HIPC Higher Procurement Commission IBRD International Bank of Reconstruction and Development ICL Integration and Competitiveness Development Policy Loan ICR Implementation Completion Report ICRR Implementation Completion Report Review ICT Information and Communications Technology IDF Institutional Development Fund IDB Islamic Development Bank IEG Independent Evaluation Group IFC International Finance Cooperation IFI International Financial Institution IMF International Monetary Fund v ABBREVIATIONS INS National Institute for Statistics ISN Interim Strategy Notes ISR Implementation Status Report JSDF Japan Social Development Fund LMD License (often called Bachelor) Master Doctorate M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDG Millennium Development Goals MENA Middle East and North Africa MIGA Multilateral Investment Guaranty Agency MOF Ministry of Finance MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MVTE Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment NGO Non-governmental organization NPL non-performing loans NRM Natural Resource Management Project ODA Official Development Assistance OECD/DAC Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/Development Assistance Committee OED Operations Evaluation Department ONAS Office National de l’Assainissement PHRD Japanese Policy and Human Resources Development Fund PBB Performance-based Budgeting PEFA Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability PFM Public Finance Management PPP Public Private Partnership PSD Public Sector Development QAG Quality Assurance Group RCD Constitutional Democratic Assembly SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprise SONEDE Société Nationale d’Exploitation et de Distribution des Eaux TA Technical Assistance TT Tunisie Télécom UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund VAT Value Added Tax WHO World Health Organization vi Appendix A. Summary of World Bank Group Program Outcome Ratings 1. The evaluation criteria for Tunisia are the same as for other Country Program Evaluations (CPEs) conducted by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). CPEs assess and rate the outcomes of World Bank Group country programs relative to their objectives. This differs from rating the country outcomes achieved as part of the relevant government’s planning process, and also differs from rating the actual performance of the government or the World Bank Group itself. The central question underlying the table that follows is: to what extent did the World Bank Group program achieve the outcomes that it set out to achieve? 2. Distinct ratings and sub-ratings are typically assigned to each “pillar” or set of strategic goals set out in relevant World Bank Group strategy documents. For Tunisia, the strategic goals are based on the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for FY05-08, the Country Program Strategy (CPS) for FY10-13 (which was cancelled after the revolution), and the Interim Strategy Note (ISN) for FY13-14, which is ongoing. As the CPS is in train, it is not possible to assess outcomes over that period; instead, the rating for the achievement of outcomes is limited to an assessment of strategy FY05-10. Appendix B elaborates on IEG’s rating methodology. ACHIEVEMENT OF RESULTS WORLD BANK GROUP CONTRIBUTION TO RESULTS WORLD BANK ASSOCIATED WITH WORLD BANK (2005-2013) GROUP RATING GROUP OBJECTIVES (2005-2010) (2005-2013) PILLAR 1: STRENGTHENING THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT, IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS, AND DEEPENING INTEGRATION OF THE TUNISIAN ECONOMY World Bank Group objective: Maintaining macro-economic stability Macro-economic performance was The Bank’s analytical work, especially the development Satisfactory satisfactory. Despite adverse external policy reviews (DPRs), was a useful input into the shocks, there was moderate economic government’s development planning. The Bank made growth and macro stability was several policy-based loans (ECAL4, ICL, GO DPL, GOJ preserved: DPL) that were premised on a mutually agreed upon macro . Inflation was moderate. framework. Fiscal consolidation, development of a medium . Despite the strains in recent years, term fiscal framework, and improved debt management the budget and current account were specific areas of focus in which some progress was deficits remain within manageable made. The Bank’s direct financial contribution to the limits. financing of the budget and the co-financing it attracted . Public debt and external debt, helped maintain macro-stability in times of financial crisis. though high by international standards, were within acceptable bounds. World Bank Group Objective: Deepening integration into the world economy Satisfactory progress was made in The Bank provided support to deepening global integration. Moderately dismantling tariff and non-tariff barriers Policy interventions supported by the Bank focused on 1 APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF WORLD BANK GROUP PROGRAM OUTCOME RATINGS ACHIEVEMENT OF RESULTS WORLD BANK GROUP CONTRIBUTION TO RESULTS WORLD BANK ASSOCIATED WITH WORLD BANK (2005-2013) GROUP RATING GROUP OBJECTIVES (2005-2010) (2005-2013) especially with the European Union reducing tariffs; promoting convergence to EU product and Satisfactory (EU). quality standards; and reducing time and cost to international trade (ICL). Tariffs on industrial imports from the EU dropped from about 100 The Bank supported reforms to open up the telecom sector percent in the 1990s to zero by to foreign and domestic investors through the GO DPL. 2008. The Bank contributed to improvements in trade logistics . The simple average of most and export promotion through two export promotion favored nations (MFN) tariffs was projects. also reduced over the years, though they still remain high. The Bank also produced several high quality analytical studies (including the DPRs of 2008, 2010, and 2013) that In contrast, the agriculture sector highlighted global integration issues and were useful inputs remained largely protected by high to the reform agenda. tariffs and other restrictions on trade. Global integration was strengthened by reducing
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