erations to Be Aired SEE STORY PAGE 2 the Weather , Some rain or snow this af- FINAL ternoon into tonight. Partly 1 Red Bank, treeholtl cloudy tomorrow. [ Long Branch f EDITION 52 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper •v ^ • , f VOL.95 NO. 106 a. RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1972 TEN CENTS iHuinmiiniuiRiaimiiuiHiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHuiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHNiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiin iiiuiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiinuuii iiiiwiiiiiiniuiiiuiiiiiiiifflHUtiiiiinuHiiniiuiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiutiiiMiiimiiiiMiMiitttmnr Administration's School Aid Bill Hits Snag TRENTON (AP) - A Cahill sponsor of a measure to pro- A state moratorium on be to make such institutions However the success of his administration measure to vide (93 million in added state CATV franchising has been in as prisons eligible for federal motion on the Assembly floor provide $40 million in new school aid, or $53 million more effect for almost IB months education aid. The Senate did to return the measure lo com- state school aid Has run into a Mhan that proposed by Gov. and is due to expire ori Dec. not meet yesterday. Both mittee — one of the few temporary roadblock in the WiU'am T. CahiU's Republi- 17. houses are scheduled'to re- Democratic legislative vic- Assembly. can administration. The moratorium would be turn for legislative sessions on tories this year — was ex- Democrats yesterday suc- The other legislative action: extended to Feb. 17 under a Dec. 14. plained by the absence of sev- ceeded in sending the mea- — The Assembly gave final measure approved last Mon- Legislative observers noted eral GOP Assemblymen. sure back to the Assembly passage to a measure setting day by the Senate but not yet that the Education Committee Republicans currently con- Education Committee for pos- up state regulation of the acted upon in the Assembly. has four Republican and three trol 40 Assembly seats to 38 sible amendment by a 35-34 community antenna television — The Assembly also gave Democratic members and for the Democrats with one vote. (CATV) industry. The bill final passage to a proposal to predicted it would reject independent and one vacancy. The vote came on a motion places regulatory powers in establish a school district for Froude's amendment to in- Since the vote on the motion by Assemblyman John H. the Public Utilities Commis- state institutions. The main clude the additional 553 mil- required only the majority of Froude, ^Middlesex, the sion. purpose of the measure would lion. " See School,Page} Announcements Seen UNEMPLOYMENT PAY INCREASED - Gov. William T. Cahill slflned legislation yesterday extending 13 additional weeks of unemployment, WASHINGTON (AP) - work on second-term plans at appointees of his adminis- compensation to an estimated 40,000 |obless persons in New Jersey. At President Nixon is expected his mountain retreat at Camp tration. left Is Charles Marciante, president of the New Jersey AFL-CIO. Right Is to announce more top-level David, Md., and-hoped to Nixon urged the group to Sen. Frank Itallano, R-Camden, sponsor of the bill. administrative personnel "take some time off" with a help recruit additional quali- changes today before he de- long weekend at his home in fied blacks for government parts for a weekend stay in Key Biscayne Fla. posts. Florida. ' Staff Sessions Deputy Press Secretary Ge- Moving his operations back Ziegler said there would be rold L. Warren quoted Nixon Nixon-Thieu Talks to the White House briefly, staff meetings in Florida and as saying the government the chief executive also sched- added that Nixon has instruct- faces competition from "ma- uled a budget conference to ed national security adviser- jor corporations and other continue his efforts to trim Henry A. Kissinger to confer far-seeing organizations" in fiscal 197? spending to $250 bil- with him in Florida Saturday recruiting top black employ- Tuture' Possibility lion and to hold the line for last-minute instructions es. against rising costs in the 1974 before the Paris peace talks In his second day of cabinet WASHINGTON (AP) - meeting to reinforce the South private talks in Paris between budget. resume on |ilonday. reshuffling yesterday, Nixon There Is no plan now for a Vietnamese view that no Henry A, Kissinger and Le Called in for the fiscal talks Nixon returned to Washing- announced a new secretary of meeting between President agreement should be signed Due Tho. The talks are sched- were Secretary of the Trea- ton ^rom Camp David yes- labor, Peter J. Brennan, 54- Nixon and South Vietnamese • that lacks a written pledge for uled to resume Monday. .' sury George Shultz, domestic terday afternoon to meet with year-old leader of a New York President Nguyen Van thie(i, North Vietnam to withdraw But while Due. was thought adviser John Ehrlichman and Nguyen Phu Due, an emissary building and construction but the White House has left all its troops from the South. to have restated his govern- Caspar Weinberger, the of South Vietnamese Presi- trades council and a lifelong open the possibility of such a When asked if Due had pro- ment's view about the troop present budget director whom dent Nguyen Van Thieu. Democrat. summit conference "some- posed a face-to-face meeting situation, Nixon and Kissinger Nixon has nominated as the That session, with Kissinger Brennan would succeed time In the future." for the two chief executives, were described by other U.S. new secretary of health, edu- and South Vietnam's am- James Hodgson, a former ex- Nixon met for V/i hours yes- Zleglor, who was not at yes- officials as convinced they cation and welfare. bassador sitting in, ran 2% ecutive with the Lockheed terday with Nguyen Phu Due, terday's meeting, said not to can obtain a satisfactory set- ;. Press Secretary Ronald L. hours, instead of the sched- Aircraft Corp., who had President Thleu's personal his knowledge. o tlement on this point. Ziclgler said the President uled hour, and held up a meet- served as labor secretary representative, for n first- However, he also explained Whether they convinced has been engaged in intensive ing Nixon called with 37 black since July 1971). hand account of Saigon's view that Due Was Thiwi's special Due of this isn't being com- of the effort to reach a Viet- representative and indicated mented on by the officials. nam settlement. The South it could be assumed he would The American position Is Vietnamese requested the pass along the Saigon leader's said by sources to be pretty Kawaida Sponsor Acts meeting. It was originally views to Nixon. Ziegler re- well in place, an assessment scheduled to last one hour. peated an earlier statement underlined by the fact that Ronald L. Ziegler, the White that no Nixon-Thieu meeting Kissinger ta scheduled to have House spokesman, said the Is planned "at this time." But, only'one more meeting with session was "a very detailed he added, "obviously I can- Nixon before departing for To Gut Off Its Funding discussion, and a very frank not... rule out a meeting be- Paris on Saturday. discussion," but he refused to tween President Nixon and That will be at Key Bis- NEWARK (AP) - Assem- LeUoi Jones, was a partici- dare he compare the lead- disclose the substance of the President Thleu sometime in cayne, Fla., where the Presi- blyman Frank Megaro, who pant in the corporation build- ership of this intelligent com- talks. the future," dent will spend the rest of the last year sponsored the Kai- ing the project. munity with them? That's a This attitude has marked Earlier Meetings week, Megaro's bill would also re- hell of a comparison." ' AP Wlr«ptiolo waida Towers housing project the administration's responses When he-made this state- Due Staying NOMINEE — Union leader Peter J. Brennan, who in the Newark city co'incil, quire any project sponsored To Redden's assertion that to all questions recently about ment before yesterday's ses- In the meantime, Due will will be nominated by President Nixon to be secre- has introduced a resolution in by the state Housing Finance the Kawaida controversy the state of the peace negotia- sion, Ziegler volunteered that remain In Washington until tary of labor/talks ot news conference in New the state Assembly proposing Agency to have municipal could turn Newark into a tions, and South Vietnamese the two previous NIxon-Thleu Sunday to talk to other Ameri- York yesterday. a cutoff in state funds for the planning board approval. No "dungheap," Impcriale said, sources have indicated the conferences, In l!)(ilt at Mid- can officials, including a controversial project. such approval was required "Newark has been that since White House has demanded si- way Island and Saigon, were working luncheon today with Megaro, a Democrat who from the Newark Planning 19tJ7." referring to the city's lence on their part. useful. Secretary of State William P. sits on the City Council, called Board for Kawaida Towers. racial disturbance of that To Ask Meeting Rogers. year. The question of Hanoi's "Automobiles '73' yesterday for an investigation No Secret Nevertheless, diplomatic troop levels below the demi- Ziegler said there would be into the project by the Assem- "There's no secret the back- However, Imperialc said lie sources In Saigon said Due litarized zone has been the no further NIxon-Duc meet- bly Municipal Government ground of Kawaida Towers See Acts, page 2 would propose a Nixon-Thieu major sticking point in the ings. And 'The Big M' Committee by next Jan. 2,9, has prompted this legisla- In sessions with newsmen and a suspension of funds un- tion," Megaro said. before and after yesterday's, - "Automobiles '73" is the name of a special 32-page tabloid til the probe is completed.
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