STUDY ON WATER QUALITY AND HEAVY METALS IN RELATION TO LANDUSE ACTIVITIES OF SELANGOR RIVER MD. SADEK UDDIN CHOWDHURY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA KUALA LUMPUR 2017 STUDY ON WATER QUALITY AND HEAVY METALS IN RELATION TO LANDUSE ACTIVITIES OF SELANGOR RIVER MD. SADEK UDDIN CHOWDHURY DESSERTATION SUBMITTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA KUALA LUMPUR 2017 UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA ORIGINAL LITERARY WORK DECLARATION Name of Candidate: Md. Sadek Uddin Chowdhury Registration/Matric No: KGA120116 Name of Degree: MASTER OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE Title of Dissertation (―this Work‖): STUDY ON WATER QUALITY AND HEAVY METALS IN RELATION TO LANDUSE ACTIVITIES OF SELANGOR RIVER Field of Study: WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING I do solemnly and sincerely declare that: (1) I am the sole author/writer of this Work; (2) This Work is original; (3) Any use of any work in which copyright exists was done by way of fair dealing and for permitted purposes and any excerpt or extract from, or reference to or reproduction of any copyright work has been disclosed expressly and sufficiently and the title of the Work and its authorship have been acknowledged in this Work; (4) I do not have any actual knowledge nor do I ought reasonably to know that the making of this work constitutes an infringement of any copyright work; (5) I hereby assign all and every rights in the copyright to this Work to the University of Malaya (―UM‖), who henceforth shall be owner of the copyright in this Work and that any reproduction or use in any form or by any means whatsoever is prohibited without the written consent of UM having been first had and obtained; (6) I am fully aware that if in the course of making this Work I have infringed any copyright whether intentionally or otherwise, I may be subject to legal action or any other action as may be determined by UM. Candidate‘s Signature Date: Subscribed and solemnly declared before, Witness‘s Signature Date: Name: Designation: ii ABSTRACT The Selangor River is very important from the viewpoint of water supply and multipurpose water use in Malaysia. Rapid development, population growth, urbanization and industrialization are being undertaken in the state of Selangor and the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As a result of these changes, the character of the major pollutant sources may evolve from rural type sources to industrial type sources, which results in many environmental troubles and contradictory interests of water users. This study focuses on a comprehensive water quality assessment and models the impact of point and non-point sources of pollution on the Selangor River water quality. Water quality Index (WQI) consists of six parameters, viz. DO, pH, BOD, COD, AN, TSS and it is used to define the status of river water quality. Thirteen heavy metals viz. Arsenic(As), Aluminum(Al), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr) , Copper (Cu), Cobalt (Co), Iron(Fe), Lead (Pb), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Silver (Ag) and Zinc (Zn) were analysed using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Total coliform and Escherichia coli (E.coli) were analyzed for microbial pollution assessment. In order to predict and assess the water quality status in Selangor River basin, QUAL2K was used as a simulation model. Water quality parameters DO, BOD and NH3-N have been chosen for modeling. In addition, different model scenarios were simulated in order to assess the impact of point and non-point sources on the Selangor River water quality. The results showed that Selangor River is affected in terms of high concentrations of COD, BOD and NH3-N. Most of the stations in these river basins recorded water inferior to Class III. Significantly lower water quality was found in areas downstream from high human impact areas, where urban land was dominant or near point sources of pollution. The water quality parameters exhibited significant variation between built-up and mining sites. The Rawang sub-basin within the study area was identified as the iii main contributor of pollutants. A river pollution level map was developed based on this information for better visualization and spatial indication of the polluted areas. Metals analysis showed As, Mn and Fe exceeded the admissible limit of Malaysian National Standard Water Quality at some of the sampling stations. Heavy metal pollution index (HPI) was below the critical pollution index value of 100. Anthropogenic metal concentrations in the Selangor River water were low, indicating that the Selangor River does not experience extreme pollution. Concentration of ions viz. sodium, potassium, calcium and nitrate were significantly high in some tributaries, whereas forested areas showed low values of these parameters. The highest E.coli was found in the urban area followed by industry, residential and agricultural area respectively. The water quality model presented different scenarios for changes of Selangor River water quality. From scenarios it was found that, the river water quality issue in the Rawang sub basin within the study area is considered crucial to create significant improvement within the sub basin and in the downstream area of Selangor river basin. Key words: Water quality, Heavy metal, Land use, Pollution, Selangor River, WQI, GIS, QUAL2K. iv ABSTRAK Sungai Selangor adalah sangat penting untuk bekalan air dan kepelbagaian penggunaan air di Malaysia. Aktiviti pembangunan yang pesat, pertumbuhan penduduk, perbandaran dan perindustrian sedang giat dijalankan di negeri Selangor dan bandar Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Hasil daripada aktiviti ini, penyebab utama pencemaran berubah dari sumber luar bandar kepada sumber industri yang mendatangkan pelbagai masalah kepada alam sekitar. Kajian ini, memberi fokus kepada penilaian kualiti air yang menyeluruh dan membangunkan model bagi kesan punca tetap dan punca tidak tetap untuk kualiti air Sungai Selangor. Indeks Kualiti Air (IKA) terdiri daripada enam parameter, iaitu DO, pH, BOD, COD, AN dan TSS dan ia digunakan untuk menentukan status kualiti air sungai. Tiga belas logam berat iaitu Arsenik (As), Aluminium (Al), Kadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), tembaga (Cu), Kobalt (Co), Besi (Fe), plumbum (Pb), Magnesium (Mg), Mangan (Mn), nikel (Ni), Perak (Ag) dan zink (Zn) telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan penduaan induktif plasma secara pelepasan optik spektroskopi (ICP- OES). Jumlah koliform dan Escherichia coli (E.coli) dianalisis untuk penilaian pencemaran mikroorganisma. Bagi menjangka dan menilai tahap kualiti air di lembangan Sungai Selangor, QUAL2K telah digunakan sebagai model simulasi. Parameter kualiti air DO, BOD dan NH3-N telah dipilih untuk permodelan. Tambahan pula, pelbagai model senario telah disimulasi bagi menilai kesan punca tetap dan punca tidak tetap bagi kualiti air Sungai Selangor. Sebanyak 132 sampel air telah diambil dari 11 stesen persampelan pada setiap bulan selama setahun. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa Sungai Selangor terjejas kerana kepekatan COD, BOD, dan NH3-N yang tinggi. Kebanyakan stesen di dalam lembangan sungai ini berada di Kelas III, yang menunjukkan bahawa air ini tidak sesuai untuk digunakan sebagai sumber air mentah, terutama di kawasan sungai yang berhampiran dengan pembangunan dan perlombongan. Lembangan Rawang telah dikenal pasti sebagai v punca utama pencemaran. Satu peta tahap pencemaran sungai telah dihasilkan berdasarkan hasil kajian ini untuk visualisasi lebih baik dan petunjuk spatial satu kawasan yang tercemar. Kajian logam berat menunjukkan As, Mn dan Fe melebihi tahap yang dibenarkan oleh Standard Kualiti Air Kebangsaan Malaysia di beberapa stesen. Indeks Pencemaran Logam Berat (HPI) adalah di bawah indeks pencemaran kritikal, 100. Logam antropogenik di Sungai Selangor adalah rendah, menyatakn bahawa Sungai Selangor tidak mengalami pencemaran yang melampau. Kepekatan ion seperti natrium, kalium, kalsium dan nitrat adalah tinggi di sesetengah anak sungai, manakala di kawasan Bandar menunjukkan nilai yang rendah bagi parameter ini. E.coli yang tertinggi dicatatkan di kawasan bandar diikuti kawasan industri, kediaman dan pertanian. Model kualiti air dibentangkan menggunakan senario yang berbeza untuk mengkaji perubahan kualiti air Sungai Selangor. Daripada senario yang dijana dicadangkan bahawa, isu kualiti air sungai di lembangan Rawang dianggap penting untuk mewujudkan peningkatan yang ketara dalam lembangan tersebut dan juga di kawasan hilir lembangan sungai Selangor. Kata kunci: Kualiti air, Logam berat, guna tanah, pencemaran, Sungai Selangor, IKA, GIS, QUAL2K vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I am grateful to my god, ALLAH, who has given me the strength, enablement, knowledge, and required understanding to complete this thesis. Next, I wish to express my unreserved gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr Faridah Othman, for her help. Her constructive criticism and ideas have made this work worth reading. I would like to thank the University of Malaya and the Faculty of Enginnering for providing me with the great opportunity of completing my Master‘s degree. I extend my gratitude to the UMRG (Project FL026-2012D) entitled ―RIVER BASIN NETWORK SYSTEM FOR SUSTAINABLE WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT‖ for the financial support. I am most grateful to all those who have assisted, guided, and supported me in my studies leading to this thesis. Finally, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to my parents and my wife, who have always given me unremitting support during the preparation
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