Official Results as of 13:11:20 on 3/20/02 Bell County Republican Primary Election - 3/12/02 U.S. Senator U.S. Representative District 11 Governor Lieutenant Governor Attorney General Comptroller of Public Accounts Commissioner of the General Land Office Comissioner of Agriculture Railroad Commissioner Chief Justice, Supreme Court Justice, Supreme Court, Place 1 Justice, Supreme Court, Place 2 Justice, Supreme Court, Place 3 Unexpired Term Justice, Supreme Court, Place 4 Unexpired Term Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 1 Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 2 Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3 Member, State Board of Education, District 5 Member, State Board of Education, District 14 State Senator, District 24 State Representative, District 54 State Representative, District 55 Chief Justice, 3rd Court of Appeals District District Judge, 169th Judicial District District Judge, 264th Judicial District County Judge Judge, County Court at Law #1 Judge, County Court at Law #2 Judge, County Court at Law #3 District Clerk County Treasurer County Commissioner, Precinct 2 County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Place 2 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 2 County Chairman Referendum U.S. Senator Candidates Lawrence Cranberg John Cornyn Douglas G. Deffenbaugh Dudley F. Mooney Bruce Rusty Lang Precinct Total Ballots Cast Party (Rep) (Rep) (Rep) (Rep) (Rep) Precinct 101 14 134 18 3 7 176 222 Precinct 102 13 125 12 7 8 165 201 Precinct 103 12 85 13 6 6 122 157 Precinct 104 21 136 22 7 12 198 243 Precinct 105 5 49 9 2 3 68 91 Precinct 106 17 42 12 1 5 77 96 Precinct 107 3 8 2 1 0 14 19 Precinct 108 7 50 13 0 3 73 90 Precinct 109 21 205 28 4 5 263 320 Precinct 110 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 Precinct 111 12 57 7 1 6 83 101 Precinct 201 15 63 10 3 4 95 119 Precinct 202 24 146 9 7 5 191 225 Precinct 203 30 279 18 8 12 347 458 Precinct 204 4 52 1 3 4 64 74 Precinct 205 7 42 14 4 4 71 99 Precinct 206 22 67 5 3 5 102 123 Precinct 207 6 17 2 2 2 29 37 Precinct 208 12 54 9 3 6 84 105 Precinct 209 10 62 9 3 4 88 113 Precinct 210 6 13 0 0 1 20 26 Precinct 301 16 92 14 4 8 134 164 Precinct 302 16 135 20 4 15 190 229 Precinct 303 19 130 19 4 12 184 234 Precinct 304 4 32 1 0 0 37 55 Precinct 305 13 177 15 5 9 219 253 Precinct 306 6 17 6 1 1 31 41 Precinct 307 4 13 2 0 2 21 23 Precinct 308 7 17 2 0 3 29 42 Precinct 309 5 37 5 0 2 49 65 Precinct 310 2 23 5 3 1 34 43 Precinct 311 10 48 13 1 6 78 95 Precinct 312 4 50 7 0 5 66 94 Precinct 313 19 199 21 1 3 243 290 Precinct 314 14 66 9 4 3 96 128 Precinct 315 0 25 0 0 1 26 36 Precinct 401 5 17 4 3 1 30 34 Precinct 402 11 89 1 8 11 120 169 Precinct 403 14 35 8 0 3 60 75 Precinct 404 18 39 3 1 5 66 87 Precinct 405 15 32 7 6 2 62 68 Precinct 406 12 53 1 5 4 75 102 Precinct 407 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Precinct 408 13 58 13 0 11 95 122 Precinct 409 11 36 5 1 1 54 68 Precinct 410 6 26 1 2 0 35 46 Precinct 411 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 Early Vote 104 1958 92 78 216 2448 2765 Candidate Totals 609 5094 487 199 427 6816 8252 Return to top of page U.S. Representative District 11 Candidates Ramsey Farley Rob Curnock James "Dub" Maines Precinct Total Ballots Cast Party (Rep) (Rep) (Rep) Precinct 101 153 30 25 208 222 Precinct 102 117 31 31 179 201 Precinct 103 101 29 8 138 157 Precinct 104 172 25 24 221 243 Precinct 105 59 15 2 76 91 Precinct 106 58 13 12 83 96 Precinct 107 12 3 1 16 19 Precinct 108 66 9 6 81 90 Precinct 109 226 59 13 298 320 Precinct 110 1 0 1 2 2 Precinct 111 78 15 5 98 101 Precinct 201 70 24 24 118 119 Precinct 202 148 26 31 205 225 Precinct 203 311 60 32 403 458 Precinct 204 50 10 7 67 74 Precinct 205 57 15 10 82 99 Precinct 206 72 25 15 112 123 Precinct 207 22 5 7 34 37 Precinct 208 82 7 15 104 105 Precinct 209 71 18 23 112 113 Precinct 210 16 4 5 25 26 Precinct 301 112 23 15 150 164 Precinct 302 178 25 16 219 229 Precinct 303 176 36 10 222 234 Precinct 304 45 5 3 53 55 Precinct 305 198 33 9 240 253 Precinct 306 30 2 3 35 41 Precinct 307 19 4 0 23 23 Precinct 308 34 3 1 38 42 Precinct 309 43 12 2 57 65 Precinct 310 35 6 0 41 43 Precinct 311 65 11 12 88 95 Precinct 312 60 9 6 75 94 Precinct 313 223 38 17 278 290 Precinct 314 95 18 7 120 128 Precinct 315 26 4 1 31 36 Precinct 401 26 3 5 34 34 Precinct 402 74 23 56 153 169 Precinct 403 51 8 10 69 75 Precinct 404 60 9 5 74 87 Precinct 405 40 13 7 60 68 Precinct 406 53 14 17 84 102 Precinct 407 0 0 0 0 1 Precinct 408 76 19 18 113 122 Precinct 409 47 9 10 66 68 Precinct 410 27 5 8 40 46 Precinct 411 2 0 0 2 2 Early Vote 1900 426 285 2611 2765 Candidate Totals 5637 1181 820 7638 8252 Return to top of page Governor Candidates Rick Perry Precinct Total Ballots Cast Party (Rep) Precinct 101 181 181 222 Precinct 102 151 151 201 Precinct 103 116 116 157 Precinct 104 187 187 243 Precinct 105 73 73 91 Precinct 106 73 73 96 Precinct 107 16 16 19 Precinct 108 78 78 90 Precinct 109 267 267 320 Precinct 110 2 2 2 Precinct 111 79 79 101 Precinct 201 98 98 119 Precinct 202 195 195 225 Precinct 203 349 349 458 Precinct 204 62 62 74 Precinct 205 86 86 99 Precinct 206 98 98 123 Precinct 207 33 33 37 Precinct 208 94 94 105 Precinct 209 99 99 113 Precinct 210 23 23 26 Precinct 301 135 135 164 Precinct 302 194 194 229 Precinct 303 199 199 234 Precinct 304 44 44 55 Precinct 305 197 197 253 Precinct 306 32 32 41 Precinct 307 22 22 23 Precinct 308 37 37 42 Precinct 309 55 55 65 Precinct 310 37 37 43 Precinct 311 78 78 95 Precinct 312 58 58 94 Precinct 313 240 240 290 Precinct 314 102 102 128 Precinct 315 31 31 36 Precinct 401 28 28 34 Precinct 402 135 135 169 Precinct 403 61 61 75 Precinct 404 72 72 87 Precinct 405 60 60 68 Precinct 406 79 79 102 Precinct 407 0 0 1 Precinct 408 105 105 122 Precinct 409 56 56 68 Precinct 410 39 39 46 Precinct 411 2 2 2 Early Vote 2477 2477 2765 Candidate Totals 6935 6935 8252 Return to top of page Lieutenant Governor Candidates David Dewhurst Tom Kelly Precinct Total Ballots Cast Party (Rep) (Rep) Precinct 101 141 41 182 222 Precinct 102 114 40 154 201 Precinct 103 103 21 124 157 Precinct 104 164 50 214 243 Precinct 105 56 17 73 91 Precinct 106 50 23 73 96 Precinct 107 10 4 14 19 Precinct 108 62 12 74 90 Precinct 109 230 55 285 320 Precinct 110 0 2 2 2 Precinct 111 77 10 87 101 Precinct 201 75 19 94 119 Precinct 202 161 31 192 225 Precinct 203 310 55 365 458 Precinct 204 54 13 67 74 Precinct 205 56 18 74 99 Precinct 206 84 19 103 123 Precinct 207 27 7 34 37 Precinct 208 74 21 95 105 Precinct 209 78 22 100 113 Precinct 210 20 5 25 26 Precinct 301 116 26 142 164 Precinct 302 180 32 212 229 Precinct 303 167 25 192 234 Precinct 304 40 6 46 55 Precinct 305 154 30 184 253 Precinct 306 30 3 33 41 Precinct 307 15 5 20 23 Precinct 308 35 4 39 42 Precinct 309 45 5 50 65 Precinct 310 31 8 39 43 Precinct 311 71 12 83 95 Precinct 312 43 23 66 94 Precinct 313 214 37 251 290 Precinct 314 87 13 100 128 Precinct 315 28 1 29 36 Precinct 401 24 7 31 34 Precinct 402 104 31 135 169 Precinct 403 48 15 63 75 Precinct 404 53 15 68 87 Precinct 405 49 13 62 68 Precinct 406 64 12 76 102 Precinct 407 0 0 0 1 Precinct 408 78 22 100 122 Precinct 409 47 10 57 68 Precinct 410 31 7 38 46 Precinct 411 2 0 2 2 Early Vote 2065 440 2505 2765 Candidate Totals 5767 1287 7054 8252 Return to top of page Attorney General Candidates Greg Abbott Precinct Total Ballots Cast Party (Rep) Precinct 101 147 147 222 Precinct 102 122 122 201 Precinct 103 97 97 157 Precinct 104 154 154 243 Precinct 105 45 45 91 Precinct 106 61 61 96 Precinct 107 12 12 19 Precinct 108 58 58 90 Precinct 109 217 217 320 Precinct 110 2 2 2 Precinct 111 68 68 101 Precinct 201 77 77 119 Precinct 202 173 173 225 Precinct 203 285 285 458 Precinct 204 56 56 74 Precinct 205 65 65 99 Precinct 206 85 85 123 Precinct 207 28 28 37 Precinct 208 78 78 105 Precinct 209 84 84 113 Precinct 210 22 22 26 Precinct 301 104 104 164 Precinct 302 162 162 229 Precinct 303 151 151 234 Precinct 304 28 28 55 Precinct 305 187 187 253 Precinct 306 27 27 41 Precinct 307 21 21 23 Precinct 308 33 33 42 Precinct 309 35 35 65 Precinct 310 28 28 43 Precinct 311 65 65 95 Precinct 312 0 0 94 Precinct 313 198 198 290 Precinct 314 79 79 128 Precinct 315 18 18 36 Precinct 401 24 24 34 Precinct 402 112 112 169 Precinct 403 47 47 75 Precinct 404 58 58 87 Precinct 405 53 53 68 Precinct 406 59 59 102 Precinct 407 0 0 1 Precinct 408 84 84 122 Precinct 409 47 47 68 Precinct 410 34 34 46 Precinct 411 2 2 2 Early Vote 2276 2276 2765 Candidate Totals 5868 5868 8252 Return to top of page Comptroller of Public Accounts Candidates Carole Keeton Rylander Precinct Total Ballots Cast Party (Rep) Precinct 101 163 163 222 Precinct 102 132 132 201 Precinct 103 109 109 157 Precinct 104 157 157 243 Precinct 105 56 56 91 Precinct 106 65 65 96 Precinct 107 14 14 19 Precinct 108 62 62 90 Precinct 109 242 242 320 Precinct 110 2 2 2 Precinct 111 64 64 101 Precinct 201 90 90 119 Precinct 202 182 182 225 Precinct 203 320 320 458 Precinct 204 60 60 74 Precinct 205 69 69 99 Precinct 206 91 91 123 Precinct 207 27 27 37 Precinct 208 86 86 105 Precinct 209 89 89 113 Precinct 210 22 22 26 Precinct 301 115 115 164 Precinct 302 181 181 229 Precinct 303 175 175 234 Precinct 304 32 32 55 Precinct 305 200 200 253 Precinct 306 28 28 41 Precinct 307 20 20 23 Precinct 308 34 34 42 Precinct 309 41 41 65 Precinct 310 31 31 43 Precinct 311 70 70 95 Precinct 312 0 0 94 Precinct 313 226 226 290 Precinct 314 94 94 128 Precinct 315 23 23 36 Precinct 401 25 25 34 Precinct 402 122 122 169 Precinct 403 54 54 75 Precinct 404 63 63 87 Precinct 405 59 59 68 Precinct 406 66 66 102 Precinct 407 0 0 1 Precinct 408 96 96 122 Precinct
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