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Can What you see is not what you 9:30-9:45 Davis lowland forest birds Priddel get: a comparison of the first persist in the palm oil tracking data for both plantations of New subspecies of Gould’s petrel Britain, Papua New with historical observations at Guinea? sea Bird utilisation of Foraging ecology of Gould’s 9:45-10:00 Green biodiversity corridors Kim Petrel during breeding season in a pine plantation landscape. Barriers and solutions How reliable is the use of 10:00-10:15 Freimanis to incorporating Sommerfeld First Passage Time analysis to biodiversity in urban determine areas of restricted development - A pilot search behaviour in Tasman project with the boobies? development industry Guided by the light: Determining dietary shifts 10:15-10:30 Jones exploring urban Fleming caused by at-sea events lorikeet roosts using stable isotope analysis City or the bush? Sea Change for seabirds 10:30-10:45 Davis Habitat usage by an Baird urban parrot assemblage. 10:45-11:15 Morning tea Birds in modified Seabirds: Threats & Chair Freeman landscapes 1 Wilson Conservation Lord Howe Gerygone Seabird islands in French 11:15-11:30 Szabo and other lost birds – Waugh Polynesia the history of avian extinctions in Australia How do the landscape BirdLife International’s 11:30-11:45 Freeman context of Bird Important Bird Area (IBA) revegetation and the programme ecological attributes of bird species affect re- colonisation of rainforest revegetation sites? A case study in the Australian Wet Tropics Uplands. Thursday Crowther theatre Crowther theatre 29/09/2011 A3.1 A3.2 Eucalyptus wandoo New Zealand’s seabird colony 11:45-12:00 Moore crown decline - How Wilson database: a tool for does it influence the conservation foraging resources for woodland birds? Modelling interactions Seabird feather bank: a joint 12:00-12:15 Fletcher between fire regime Carlile initiative of the Australasian and Carpentarian Seabird Group and State Grasswrens to inform museum institutions within a fire management Australia program Assessment of fir Not junk food for dinner 12:15-12:30 Harrington challenge to the Carey again – Intergenerational Carpentarian transfer of plastic debris by Grasswren Short-tailed Shearwaters Critical habitat Estimating marine debris 12:30-12:45 Robinson features for birds in Hardesty impacts on seabirds burnt landscapes 12:45-1:45 Lunch Birds in modified Seabirds and climate Chair Harrington landscapes 2 Congdon change The ravenous ravens Climate change and Little 1:45-2:00 Stevenson of Rottnest Island: Dann Penguins: predictions based nest predation on bush on a long-term demographic birds by the Australian study Raven Corvus coronoides The Black-throated The influence of sea surface 2:00-2:15 Moloney fFinch southern Manno temperature and rainfall on subspecies Poephila breeding success of the Fairy cincta cincta; Declines, Prion (Pachyptila turtur) threats and conservation Surveying the Seabirds in hot water: Linking 2:15-2:30 Adams Southern Alps: Congdon foraging success and Substantial differences oceanography on the Great in indices of kea Barrier Reef (Nestor notabilis) abundance across its range may reflect response to pest management Returning the Balance: Sensitivity of tropical seabirds 2:30-2:45 Maguire managing threats to Devney to El Niño Precursors the Hooded Plover in Victoria.
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