FROM THE EDITORIAL STAFF the houghton SOUTH PARK AND SEX: CENSORSHIP AT HOUGHTON | OP/N/ONS, P. 7 PURPLE AND GOLD BASKETBALL I 0 4 1/. ' . SPORTS, P. 4 CD STAR ARTIST OF THE WEEK: MACKLEMORE | ARTS, P. 4 LINDSAY BURGHER FEATURES, P. 8 Houghton College's Student Newspaper Since 1909 A February 8, 2013 Vol. 109, No. 14 *r Unauthorized Jars of Clay's Matt Odmark Houahton Survey Students Attend Causes Lectures at Houghton Calvin Questions Conference EMILY MORROW STEPHEN HILL On January 28,2013, a survey was Fifteen Houghton students and two sent out concerning the performance of professors attended the eighth-annual Greg Bish, the Director of Student Pro- Faith and International Development grams, which was approved by neither Conference at Calvin College in Grand the college nor the Student Govern- Rapids, Michigan, last weekend. ment Association. The conference, subtitled "From Ultimately, the technology services Here to Shalom: Participating in God's determined that the survey was sent Plan for Universal Flourishing," was in- out by a student, who has since deleted tended to inform students of current de- the survey, according to the maker of velopment issues around the world, and the survey. Concerning the availabil- to supply them with new perspectives ity and approachability of Bish, "The on how to address them. For conference questions themselves didn't seem . attendees it was also an opportunity to biased in any obvious way," said Dr. interact with potential employers. Pool, Vice President of Student Life, "It was a great chance to network who thought that the survey was con- with NGOs (Non-Governmental Orga- nected to an academic class upon first nizations), some that I would possibly reading it. like to work with in the future," said WWWHOUGHTON.EDU The student did not use a Hough- Moeun Sun, sophomore. Matt Odmark visits Houghton College ton email address to send out the sur- Approximately three hundred and creative listening and what it means to vey; however the email seemed official MEGAN SPECKSGOOR thirty students from thirty colleges and genuinely and actively absorb, process and legitimate. Unsuspecting students universities attended the conference. It On Tuesday, February 29, Grammy and attend to a song. could easily assume that it was simply was organized by Calvin students with award winning, Gibson guitar titlist of "He talked about what it means to re- another survey concerning any num- the assistance of their International De- 2005 and platinum recording artist Matt ally listen to music, something so deeply ber of programs or offices on campus, velopment Studies faculty, and featured Odmark arrived at Houghton, not to personal that it should be treated with which are not at all uncommon, and representatives from twenty-five differ- stage a show or book a gig, but to teach extreme respect," said Jackson. Odmark many probably took the survey without ent NGOs. It lasted four days, during a class. Odmark came to campus of his addressed the importance of "under- realizing its illegitimacy. which attendees were able to enjoy the own volition and at his own financial ex- standing the weight of music" and that In regard to the content of the sur- full extent of Calvin's snow-covered pense to lecture during one of Houghton the practice of "listening in that way is vey, Colin Belt, sophomore class presi- campus and ventured into Grand Rap- professor Kevin Jackson's Pro Tools ses- a sacred act." dent, said, "It seemed like the sort of ids. sions, and the student response was over- Odmark challenged students to "vi- thing that could really illicit a certain The conference was constructed whelming. sualize" and internalize the music in a kind of information." Belt was sus- around a number of general plenaries "The place was packed," said Jack- unique way, imbuing it with meaning picious upon reading the email as it for all to attend, which were inter- son, including attendance by his students, specific to the individual. He urged the was sent around 3 A.M. by "Willard J spersed with smaller sessions, in which students from other disciplines, and even students to respect a body of music by Houghton." representatives of various NGOs gave three area high schoolers. The question interacting with it in full. Belt then notified the VP for Stu- presentations on the nature and goals and answer segment in particular was so "Now... more and more, people use dent Life of the unexpected survey, of their organizations. These presenta- engaging that it lasted one hour beyond songs for playlists or background music, and Dr. Pool soon determined that it tions ranged the full spectrum of de- the designated stopping point without instead ofabsorbing the full collection or was not approved by any college au- velopmental issues, including peace- Jackson ever having to resort to his writ- album as a complete work of art," said thorities. He then contacted IT ser- making, healthcare, advocacy, and the ten stack of preconceived prompts. Od- Jackson. "We break music into pockets See SURVE¥page 3 mark's main focus was the concept of See ODMARKpage 3 See CALVIN page 3 Performance Evaluation of Gregory Bish (Director of Student Programs) 55 Willard J. Houghton <[email protected]> #*45%&*,3*= .4 :- Willard J. Houghton [email protected] ! 1 Houghton College m.--- self to bea leader on Houghton St lued by Houg»ton College and c 1 tlill Houghton College serves it Add to Contacts Emails El i fy and vital part of any organizat eAL.epuuri. iuu, uluuy,HZ uuU, iu -= - r In this way, we would ask you to please click on this link and fill out a performance evali Programs. Your input is greatly appreciated ard will be taken with figh regard. Please krow make sure to arswer each question truthfully Here is the link: http://www.surveymonkey.corn/s/6QLCXSR This should take only 3-4 minutes of your time, Sincerely, Willard J. Houghtor WWW.GMAIL.COM DEREK SCHWABE A screenshot of the email containing the illegitimate survev Students andfacultv at Calvin College, not pictured, Alice Browning WWW.HOUGHTONSTAR.COM I EDITORLHOUGHTONSTAR.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM WWW.TWITTER.COM 2 I NEWS FEBRUARY 8,2013 SGA / NEW SEMESTER NEW OPPORTUNITIES , funds. If you are part ofa Christian life Board for their hard work on Purple Moving through this semes- club or a general student club on cam- and Gold Week! ter, be assured that SGA wants to pus, we still have funds available. While As a fellow Highlander and member represent your concerns well. The I'm discussing clubs, I should point out of the Student Government, I pose an- Senate is working with the Office that our student clubs have been very other set of questions for you. What do of Student Life to improve commu- . successful this semester-with a vari- you think of SGA? How can SGA bet- nication regarding changes on cam- ety of activities hosted by Black Heri- ter represent the whole student body? pus. Thanks to the work of Senator =1 9® 1 tage Club, MercySeat, Global Christian How can SGA be a group in which you Wynn Horton and others, there will Fellowship and Runnymede Pre-Law want to participate? The Senate wants soon be a page on the Current Stu- Society-just to name a few. to know what you think about these dents section of the college website This spring offers you a great op- questions, as we are looking at our cur- for you to submit your feedback on portunity for community service, just rent structure to find what would be the any student issues to be reviewed as Make a Difference Day did last fall. best way to encourage student involve- by individuals from SGA and from Each year the college sponsors MLK ment and representation through SGA. Student Life. Service Day in the spring, and this Also concerning participation, SGA What are you going to make of year's event will take place on Satur- election plans for next year are already your time at Houghton for spring LUKE LAUEF day, April 13. Keep this event in mind, underway, and Wynn Horton will be 2013? Let us know how we can help JOEL ERNST and look for ways to get involved in spearheading these efforts as Election by contacting your senators or con- Here we are; a new semester is service to our surrounding communi- Commissioner. Contact Wynn if you tacting [email protected]. Happy upon us! I present you with a ques- ties. want to run for an SGA position for Purple and Gold Week, Highland- tion: What are you going to make On the topic of service, the SGA next year. ers! of your time at Houghton for spring is working to expand opportunities to 2013? Our new Vice President for reach out to international students at Student Life, Dr. Rob Pool, recent- Houghton Academy. One way you can ly challenged the Senate to reach start right now is by taking time to sit our "Big Hairy Audacious Goals" with Academy students who come to (BHAGs), and he explained that our dining hall on the weekends. And the Office of Student Life exists to have you heard of the Highlander Com- facilitate students' working toward mission? This is a student group work- 5 =]1:11[ s their goals. In the words of Dr. Pool, ing to promote school spirit by instating I encourage you as students to attain traditions including the Scottish High- your "BHAGs" this semester! (You lander mascot and our school colors of don't have to call them BHAGs Purple and Gold.
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