A JOURNAL DEVOTED ·TO . SPIRITUALISM, OCCULT SCIENCE, ETHICS, RELIGION AND REFORM. • • No. 42.-VOL. I. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1888. PRICE ONE PENNY. " MESMERISM, MACNETISM, cI. MASSACE, A Demy 8vo. Pamphlet, bound in Limp Cloth, ..t Weekly Journal of P8'!/chicaJ" Occult, and Myatical Ruearch. Comprising 152 pages, price 2s. 6d., Peautifully illusllrated, containing full concise instructions in " LIGHT I MORE LIGHT I "-Goethe. MESMERISM, MASSAGE. AND CURATIVE MAGNETISM. Ie LIGHT" proclaims a belief in the existence and life of the By D. YOUNGER, spirit apart from, and independent of, the material organism, and in the reality and value of intelligent intercourse between spirits embodied PROFESSOR OF MESMERISM, BOTANY. AND MASSAGE. and spirits disembodied. This position it firmly and consistently The II hove is the first portion of a larger and more comprehensive maintains. Beyond this it h~ no creed, and its columns are open to a full and free discussion-conducted in a spirit of honest, courteous, work, now ready, entitled, The Magnetic and Botanic Family and reverent inquiry-its only aim being, in the words of its motto, Physician and Practice of Natural Medicine, a Demy 8vo. vol. " Light I More Light! " of 534 !,ages, price lOs. 6d., including plain diagnosis of all ordinary diseaAe .. nnd how tu treat them by safe Botanic remedies and Magnetillm. To the educated thinker who concerns himself with questions of Also careful directions for the preparation of various Botanic medicines, an occult character, II LIGHT" affords a special vehicle of information tinctu rcs, oils, liniments, aa.lves, powders, pills, poultices, bathll, toilet and disculBion, and is worthy the cordial support of the most intelli­ requi!lit.e;;, and other sanitary appliances. Also a description of the gent students of Psychical facts and phenomena. medicinal properties of all the herbs used. To be had of the Sub-Editor of this !,aper, and all Booksellers. Published by E. W. ALLEN, 4, Ave Price 2d.; or, lOs. IOd. per annum, post free. Mario. Lane, London. Mr. YOUNGER may be consulted, either personally or by letter, at Office :-16, Oraven S~reet, Ohating Oross, London, W.O. 22, LEDBURY ROAD, BAYSWATER, LONDON. The strictest confidenec may be relied upon. Testimonials NOT solicited. JUST PUBLISHED, 102 PP., FOOLSOAP 8vo, CLOTH, GILT-EDGES. PRICE 2/6. SOLE EUROPEAN AGENCY OF The Ie Banner of Light" Publishing House. Jfrom OOber the cmomb. BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. By A LADY. CONTENTS :-SEOTION I.: Of the Necessities of Salvation. COLEY AND RIC:a: SEOTION II.: Of God's Manifestation to Man and Man's Publish and keep for sale at Wholesale and Retail a complete Nature. SEOTION III.: Of the Teaching and Example of assortment of Christ. SEOTION IV.: Of Duty on Earth. SEOTION V.: Of Spiritual Existence and the State after Death. SPIRITUAL, PROGRESSIVE, REFORMATORY AND MISCELLANEOUS EOOK~. III this very extensive summary of Spiritual Teaching, it is stated that Amongst the authors are Andrew Jackson Davis, Hon. Robert Dale the Lady's husband in Spirit-life communicated it through her hand. Owen, Dr. James M. Peebles, Henry O. Wright, Giles B. Stebbins, D. D. Home T. R. Hazard, William Denton, Rev. M. B. Craven, J. BURNS, 15, SOUTHAMPTON Row, LONDON, W.C. l Judge J. W. Edmonds, Prof. S. B. Brittan, Allen Putnam, Epes Sargent, W. F. Evans, Kersey Graves, A. B. Child, P. B. Randolph, Warren S. Now Ready, 464 pp., cloth board8. Price 66. 6d., by p06t, 76. Barlow, J. O. Barrett, Mrs. Emm~ Hardinge Britten, Mi88 Lizzie Doten SEQUEL TO HAF~~prisi::INCE OF PERSIA: Mrs. Maria M. King, Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond, etc. I. The Evangelical Labours of HERMBB (an Egyptian Priest, after­ Any Book published in America, not out of print, will be sent by post wards a Disciple of Jesus) in Egypt, Abyssinia, Arabia, Persia, AlIJia Minor, Syria, etc., etc. During the absence of Mr. J. J. Morse upon his Lecture Tour in the II. HAFED'S Account of the Evangelical Work of his Two Magian C~lonies, the Business.of this· Agency ~aB been placed in the hands of the Brethren, ANAH and ZITHA, in Arabia, Egypt, Cyprus, Judroa, Asia Minor, Greece, Italy, Gaul, Britain, ·and Northern Europe. undersigned, at the joint request of Messrs. Colby & Rich and Mr. Morse. III. Incidents in the LU'B OF JESUS, not recorded in the Four Ouspelil-given by a Disciple through Hafed. All the Publications of C. & R. are kept in stock, or supplied to order (Spirit Communications th: ough the Glasgow Trance-Pa.inting by their Sole Agent- ~Iediuw, Mr. DAVID DUGUID.) Glasgow: HIlY, Nishet & Co., 25, Jawaicll Street. H. A. KERSEY, London: E. W. Allen, 4, A \'C :Maria Lllue, E.C. MRS. EMltA HAHDINGE BRITTEN'S 3, BIGG MARKET, NEWCASTLE·ON-TYNE. Gm:AT. NEW wonK TEltMB OASH. LIST AND CATALOGUES POST FRER. cttinttc£11th Q[tlltllrn c#lirarl£s : European Agent for the following Spiritual Papers:- . OR, THE BANNER OF LIGHT - _.. - . - .15/- per ann. SPIRITS AND TH EI.R WORK I N EVERY" THE RELIGIO-PHILOSOPHIO"AL JOURNAL 12/6 do. .. Co.UNTRY OF THE ·EARTH. THE . GOLDEN GATE . 12/6 do. THE OARRI£R DOVE (an illustrated .weekl!) - 12/6 do. A Oompltte Hilltor~cal Oompendium of" 11{ode,-n Spir~tuaJ,i6m~" • 4 • • . THE WORLD'S AIlVANOE-TlJOUGHT (monthly) 5/- do. '. Post free for 4/6'; without the illustr~tionB, 3/6· . The a·bove Sub6Criptiom an: Payable in Advance, a~ i1lcltUle ·Poa.tage. PUDLIISUKD BY WILLIAM . BRITTEN, THK LI.NDKNS, HUMP.HRBY . CHXETHAM. Hu.lJ, MAN.CHESTE.R.. SPEOIMEN OQPIES OAl{· BB OBTAINE.D • u•• THE'TWO WORLDS. [August 31, 1888• , . SERVICES FOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, Kentuh Town Road.-~r. Warren's, No. 245, at 7" seance.' , 1~88. Mary/4Jone ..tllociation.-24, Harcourt St., at 11, Mr. ~a~kins. Healing, Mr. Goddard, j un., Clairvoyant; 7: Mr. Clack,-'and A8hingtfm Oolliery.-At 5 p.m. Sec. Mri. J. IW,bimfm, 45, 'l'hird ROw. Mrs. Hawkins. Tuesday, Ml'8. Wilkins, 8, Seance. Saturday, Bacup.-Meeting Room, 2-30, 6-30: Mr. WallIs. Sec. 137, Hartley Ml'8. Hawkins, 8, Seance. Four minuteR from Edgware Road Terrace, Lee Mill. Station, Met. Ry. Sec. Mr. Tomlin, 21, Oapland St., N. W. Barrow-in-Fu1"nU!,-82, Cavendish St., at 6-30. Sec. Mr. J. Kellett, Niw /Vorth, Road.-7 4, N~cholas St., Tuesdays and Idaturdays, Batley Oarr.-Town St., Lyceum, 10 and 6. Sec. Mr. J. Armitage, 2; at 8; Mrs. Cannon, OlalrYoyance, pemlnal messages. Sto'Mjield Houle, Hanginqheaton. North Ktnsington.-The Cottage, 57, st. Mark's Rd., Thursday, 8 : Batley.-Wellington St., at 2-30 and 6. Sec. Mr. Taylor, 8, Flemmg St. , Mrs: Wilkins, Trance and Clairvoyance._ Btuton.-Temperance Hall, 2-30 and 6. Sec. Mr. J. Robinlon, 32, Peckh.am.-Winchester Hall, 33, High St., 11 and 7: Mr. Hopcroft· Danube Terrace, Gelderd Road, Leeds. Belper.-Jubilee Hall, 10 and 2, Lyceum; 10-30,5-30: Local. Sec. Mr. 2-30, Lyceum. 99, Hill St., Monday, Free Healing. Tuesday: Oommittee Meeting, 8. Wednesday, 8, Seance, Mr. Paine. H. U. Smedley, Park Moont, ' Birmingham.-Ladies' College, Ashted Road, 6-45. Healing Seance' Thursday, 8, Miss Blenman, and Healing. Saturday, 8, Discussion Class. Sec. Mr. Long. , ev~ry Friday, 7 p.m., Sec. Mr. A. Ootte:dl. Bi8hop Auckland.-Temperance Hall, Gurney VIlla, at 2, and 6: Local. Primro3e Rill.-SS, Chalcot Cresent,' Regent's Park Rd., Monday, Sec. Mr. E.Thomplon, 3; Sun Street, St. A ndrtw8' Place. ail 7-80, U Shelley" Circle,' Open Meeting. Tuesday, at 2-30 to Blackburn,-Exchabie Hall, at 9-30, Lyceum; 2-30 and 6-S0: Mrs. 4-30, Investigation Circle, Mrs. Spring. 'Craven. Sec. M,.. Robinlon, 12i, Whalley Range. ' Stepney.-Mra. Ayers', 4,5, Jubilee St., Commercial Rd., at 7. Bradfo"d.-Spiritualist Church, Walton St., Hall Lane, Wakefield Rd., Tuesday, at 8. Mediums and Spiritualists specially invited. 2-30, 6: Mr. Schutt, and on Monday. Sec. M,.. Poppleskm, Walworth.-102, Camberwell Rd., at 7-30. Lowutoft.-Daybreak Villa, Prince's St., Beccles Rd., at 2-30 and 6-30. 20, Bengal St. Spiritual Roomll, Otley Rd., 2-30 and 6: Miss Walton. Sec. Mr. Maccl~.-Free Church, Paradise St., at 2-30 and 6-30: Mr. Tetlow. M. Marchbank, 129, Undercliffe St. Sec. Mr. S. Hayes, 20, Brook Street. Little Horton Lane, 1, Spicer St, 2-30 and 6: Mr. Armitage. Sec, Manchester.-Co-operative Hall, Downing St., 2-45 and 6-30. Sec. Mr. Mr. M. Jackllon, 35, liaythorne Road. W. Hyde, 89, Exeter Street, Hyde Road. Milton Rooms, Westgate, at 10, Lyceum; 2-30 and 6: Mrs. Scott. Collyhurst Rd., 2-30, 6-30: Mr. J. Savage. Monday, 8, Discus- Sec. Mr. E. Kemp, 52, Silk Street, Manningliam. sion. Sec. Mr. Horrocks, 1, Marsh St., Kirby St., Ancoat8, St. James's Lyceum, Diamond St., Lyceum, 9-45; 2-30, 6-30: Mrs. Manche8ter. Illingworth. Sec. Mr. Smith, 227, Leeds Road. MexlxYrough.-2-30 and 6. Sec. Mr. W. Warren, Top of Wood St. Ripley St., Manchester Rd., 230 and 6: A Lady Friend. Sec. Mr. MiddlubrOt/{/h.-SJliritual Hall, Newport Rd., 10-80, 6-30: Mr. W. V. Tomlin.-on, 5, Kaye St .. Mancheste1' Rd. W;yldes. Sec. Mr. Stirzakel', 101, Grange Rd., W. Birk St., Leeds Rd., 2-30, 6: Misses Capstick and Bott. Sec. Miss Sidney St., at 10-30 and 6-30. Sec. Mr. T. BenyO'll. Hm'greaves, 607, Leeds Rd. Morley.-Mission Room, Church St., at 6: Mr. Crowther. Sec. Mr. Bow1ing.-Spiritual Tabernacle, Harker St. at 2-30 and 6. Sec. Bradbury, 12, Scotchman Lane, Bruntcliffe.
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