Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] [email protected] Art Cat # Artist Title Format Status Label Genre Kit UPC/EAN Price THE COOL FEEDBACK 1: PREORDER Jazz / Ambient MIL-REC003 Dash My Mind LP Milano Records PRO KIT 3770008722019 10,40 € QUARTET (2021/10/04) / Experimental THE COOL FEEDBACK 1: PREORDER Jazz / Ambient MIL-REC009 Soul Overdrive LP Milano Records PRO KIT 3770008722064 10,40 € QUARTET (2021/10/04) / Experimental 1: PREORDER Reggae / Soul STIX053LP VARIOUS Disco Reggae Vol.4 LP Stix Records PRO KIT 3760179356533 11,70 € (2021/10/04) / Disco Library / LP (Dlx, w/ 1: PREORDER Transversales TRS22 BERNARD PARMEGIANI Mémoire Magnétique Vol.2 (1966-1993) Electro / PRO KIT 3760179356496 14,50 € OBI) (2021/10/09) Disques Experimental 1: PREORDER Hip-Hop / 45L-H MOAR H / HH 7inch 45 Loves PRO KIT #N/A 7,80 € (2021/10/11) Disco / Edits Jazz-Funk / 1: PREORDER DIALP922 SPIRALE Spirale (Except Italy & UK) LP (Gatefold) Dialogo Fusion / PRO KIT 8018344399225 16,00 € (2021/10/11) Reissue ROBSON BANDA & THE 1: PREORDER Nyami Nyami NNR012 Soweto LP Afro / Reissue PRO KIT #N/A 11,70 € NEW BLACK EAGLES (2021/10/24) Records K. FRIMPONG & HIS LP (Dlx, Tip- 1: PREORDER Hot Casa Afro / Highlife HC72 Me Da A Onnda PRO KIT 3760179356441 15,60 € CUBANO FIESTA On sleeve) (2021/10/26) Records / Reissue 1: PREORDER STIX055LP TAGGY MATCHER Push Push LP Stix Records Reggae / Soul PRO KIT 3760179356540 11,95 € (2021/10/29) Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] info@thepusher,fr Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] [email protected] 1: PREORDER Disco / Italo / FTR1008 I COCCODRILLI Sabato Italiano 7inch Futuribile PRO KIT #N/A 6,50 € (2021/11/02) Boogie Electro / 3LP 1: PREORDER Betino's BR06 PLAYIN' 4 THE CITY The Music & The Rhythm 1997-2003 House / PRO KIT 3760179356557 19,00 € (Gatefold) (2021/11/05) Records Reissue Deviation D-RCDS001- SUPER BITON DE 2LP 1: PREORDER Afro / Jazz / Afro-Jazz-Folk Collection Vol. 1 Records & PRO KIT 3770015731059 13,00 € 002 SEGOU (Gatefold) (2021/11/12) Folk / Reissue Mieruba 1: PREORDER UR835141 THE BUTTSHAKERS Arcadia LP Underdog Soul / Funk PRO KIT 3516628351419 10,40 € (2021/11/13) LP (Dlx, Tip- 1: PREORDER Favorite Jazz-Funk / FVR179LP ALDORANDE Deux PRO KIT 3760179356021 12,50 € On sleeve) (2021/11/19) Recordings Fusion 1: PREORDER Favorite Jazz-Funk / FVR179LP ALDORANDE Deux CD PRO KIT 3760179356038 8,50 € (2021/11/19) Recordings Fusion TONY ALLEN & AFRICA 2: BACK IN Afrobeat / COMET076RP Hustler (Disco Afro Reedit Vol.1) 12inch Comet Records PRO KIT 3760179353754 7,15 € 70 STOCK Edits 2: BACK IN Afrobeat / COMET082RP TONY ALLEN Black Voices 2LP Comet Records PRO KIT 3760179354256 14,30 € STOCK Electro Afrobeat / TONY ALLEN & AFRICA LP (Dlx, Tip- 2: BACK IN COMET096RP No Accomodation For Lagos Comet Records Highlife / PRO KIT 3760179355635 14,30 € 70 On sleeve) STOCK Reissue Afrobeat / TONY ALLEN & THE LP (Dlx, Tip- 2: BACK IN COMET097RP No Discrimination Comet Records Highlife / PRO KIT 3760179355642 14,30 € AFRO MESSENGERS On sleeve) STOCK Reissue Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] info@thepusher,fr Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] [email protected] 2: BACK IN Favorite Disco / Funk / FVR101LPR VARIOUS French Disco Boogie Sounds (1975-1984) 2LP (Gtd) PRO KIT 3760179353129 12,95 € STOCK Recordings Reissue 2: BACK IN Favorite Afro / Disco / FVR132LPR VOILAAA Des Promesses (Repress) 2LP (Gtd.) PRO KIT 3760179353983 13,25 € STOCK Recordings Funk 2: BACK IN Favorite FVR165LPR MR PRESIDENT One Night (Repress) LP Disco / Funk PRO KIT 3760179355543 12,15 € STOCK Recordings 2LP 2: BACK IN Favorite Afro / Disco / FVR170LPR VOILAAA Voiciii (Repress) PRO KIT 3760179355956 13,25 € (Gatefold) STOCK Recordings Tropical DJEUDJOAH & 2: BACK IN Hot Casa Afro / Electro / HC57 LIEUTENANT El Nino 7inch PRO KIT 3760179354560 7,15 € STOCK Records Pop NICHOLSON 2: BACK IN Hot Casa HC59LP VAUDOU GAME Otodi 2LP Afro / Funk PRO KIT 3516628274114 15,60 € STOCK Records Experimental / LP (w/ 4 2: BACK IN IBLP02RP NYSSA MUSIQUE Comme au Moulin Ici Bientôt Leftfield / PRO KIT 3760179356137 14,30 € pages insert) STOCK Reissue 2: BACK IN La Munai Asian / Funk / LMR004 HARRY ROESLI Titik Api (Except JAPAN & ASIA) 2LP (Gtd.) PRO KIT #N/A 16,00 € STOCK Records Jazz / Reissue 2: BACK IN Reggae / Funk STIX054RP MATO Summer Madness / Use Me 7inch Stix Records PRO KIT 3760179356465 6,50 € STOCK / Soul Hip-Hop / 2: BACK IN TVLP21 MOAR Remix Herbs (a MF DOOM Tribute) LP Trad Vibe Beats / PRO KIT #N/A 11,70 € STOCK Instrumental Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] info@thepusher,fr Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] [email protected] LP (Dlx Tip- 2: BACK IN Transversales TRS15 PHAROAH SANDERS Live In Paris (1975) (Last Repress) Spiritual Jazz PRO KIT 3760179355390 14,95 € On Gtd.) STOCK Disques Score / Stage LP (Dlx, w/ 2: BACK IN Transversales TRS18RP FRANCOIS DE ROUBAIX Les Secrets De La Mer Rouge & Screen / PRO KIT 3760179355918 14,30 € OBI) STOCK Disques Reissue Jazz-Funk / 2: BACK IN UR000161RP JANKO NILOVIC Soul Impressions LP (180g) Underdog Library / PRO KIT 3516628241611 12,35 € STOCK Reissue 2: BACK IN Library / Memoire Magnetique, Vol. 1 (1966 – Transversales TRS08RP BERNARD PARMEGIANI LP (Dlx) STOCK Electro / PRO KIT 3760179354584 14,95 € 1990) - Repress Disques (2021/10/06) Experimental All Nations Reggae / ANR1201 AMELIA HARMONY Lessons Learned 12inch 3: NEW PRO KIT #N/A 6,50 € Records Electronic MARIJAH & UNLISTED All Nations Reggae / ANR7005 Consciousness / Conscious Dub 7inch 3: NEW PRO KIT #N/A 4,75 € FANATIC Records Electronic Hip-Hop / LP (Yellow Electro / PAPLFLP02 GASOLINE Snap Your Neck Back 3: NEW Beatsqueeze PRO KIT #N/A 15,60 € colored) Abstract / Reissue Zouk / Jazz / BM1803 DIGITAL CARESSE Digital Caresse LP 3: NEW Beaumonde PRO KIT #N/A 13,00 € Reissue CHUWANAGA Disco / Boogie LATITUDE Léo / Attitude 12inch 3: NEW Chuwanaga PRO KIT 3760179356489 7,80 € 010 / Funk Afro / Electro / COMET100 VARIOUS Afro Rhythms Vol. 1 LP 3: NEW Comet Broken-Beat / PRO KIT 3760179356199 11,05 € Reissue Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] info@thepusher,fr Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] [email protected] Afrobeat / LP (Dlx, Tip- COMET102 TONY ALLEN Nepa 3: NEW Comet Highlife / PRO KIT 3760179356298 14,30 € On) Reissue Jazz-Funk / LP (Dlx Tip- Favorite FVR172LP ESPERANTO Esperanto 3: NEW Fusion / Latin PRO KIT 3760179356311 12,95 € On gatefold) Recordings / Reissue Favorite Electronic / 12inch DIMITRI FROM PARIS / A LA FRENCH (1987-1992) Recordings - House / FVR176-JC15 (Printed 3: NEW PRO KIT 3760179356373 8,50 € VARIOUS THE BALEARIC SESSIONS VOL. 2 Jazzy Balearic / Innersleeve) Couscous Reissue Favorite Electronic / 12inch DIMITRI FROM PARIS / A LA FRENCH (1987-1992) Recordings - House / FVR177-JC16 (Printed 3: NEW PRO KIT 3760179356380 8,50 € VARIOUS THE BALEARIC SESSIONS VOL. 3 Jazzy Balearic / Innersleeve) Couscous Reissue Funk / Soul / FNKMNTL01 SPACEBOYS Sonic Fiction (Except Portugal) 2LP 3: NEW Funkamental PRO KIT #N/A 17,00 € Electronic Happy Milf Disco / Funk / HMR011 TONY COOK The Lost Tapes Vol.1 12inch 3: NEW PRO KIT #N/A 8,45 € Records Boogie 12inch (Ltd. Happy Milf Disco / Funk / HMR011LTD TONY COOK The Lost Tapes Vol.1 Purple 3: NEW PRO KIT #N/A 9,10 € Records Boogie Colored) FLORIAN PELLISSIER LP (Dlx, Tip- Hot Casa HC69 Rio 3: NEW Jazz PRO KIT 3760179356175 14,30 € QUINTET On sleeve) Records Hot Casa HC70 VAUDOU GAME Bella 7inch 3: NEW Afro / Funk PRO KIT 3760179356175 5,85 € Records Hot Casa HC71CD VAUDOU GAME Noussin CD 3: NEW Afro / Funk PRO KIT 3760179356243 7,15 € Records Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] info@thepusher,fr Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] [email protected] LP (Dlx, Tip- Hot Casa HC71LP VAUDOU GAME Noussin 3: NEW Afro / Funk PRO KIT 3760179356236 14,30 € On sleeve) Records Broken-Beat / JAZZEGO002 MINUS & MRDOLLY Broken Hearts Make Broken Beats 12inch 3: NEW Jazz Ego Electronic / Nu- PRO KIT #N/A 9,75 € Jazz Brazil / MPB / KOS010LP ÉVÉ Canto Alberto LP 3: NEW Komos PRO KIT 3770014204257 11,70 € Reissue "Power Of Soul", The Music Of CTI KOS013LP JULIEN LOURAU LP 3: NEW Komos Jazz PRO KIT 3770014204264 14,95 € (Except France) Indonesian / THE PANTURAS & La Munai LMS002 Lasut Nyanggut / Dedare Tanjung 7inch 3: NEW Pop / Garage- PRO KIT #N/A 7,15 € SUNDANCER Records Rock Afro / Electro / MWB017 MAWIMBI Bubbling LP 3: NEW Mawimbi PRO KIT #N/A 9,50 € House Paint A Picture Funk / Soul / PAP001 REFLEX Funny Situation 7inch 3: NEW PRO KIT #N/A 6,50 € Records Reissue Afro / Reggae SEC012 BLACK SO MAN Tout le monde et personne LP 3: NEW Secousse PRO KIT #N/A 13,00 € / Reissue Funk / Jazz- ST020 TRUE FLAVAS BAND True Flavas LP 3: NEW Stereophonk PRO KIT #N/A 13,00 € Funk / Breaks RAASHAN AHMAD & Trad Vibe TVLP22 Black Koala LP 3: NEW Hip-Hop / Rap PRO KIT #N/A 11,70 € RITA J Records Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] info@thepusher,fr Distribution Contact: Promo Contact: [email protected] [email protected] Score / Stage LP (Dlx, w/ Transversales TRS19 PHILIPPE SARDE César Et Rosalie 3: NEW & Screen / PRO KIT 3760179356212 13,00 € OBI) Disques Reissue Live in Paris (1974) (Lost ORTF LP (Tip-On Transversales TRS21 ARCHIE SHEPP 3: NEW Jazz PRO KIT 3760179356427 14,95 € Recordings) Gatefold) Disques Turbo Reggae / TURBO002 MALI-I Fallow Tales EP 12inch 3: NEW PRO KIT #N/A 7,50 € Guidance Electro UR834151 JOHN MILK Don't Blame The Hammer 12inch (Ltd.) 3: NEW Underdog Soul / Funk PRO KIT 3516628341519 11,05 € Zoe's Nu-Jazz / Soul ZS007 ZOE'S SHANGHAI Lala Love LP 3: NEW Shanghai PRO KIT 843563142585 11,05 € / Funk Records ¡Ya Basta! Jazz / Folk / YAB087CD PHILIPPE COHEN SOLAL Mind Food CD 4: IN STOCK PRO KIT 3760179355567 8,50 € Records Electronic ¡Ya Basta! Jazz / Folk / YAB087LP PHILIPPE COHEN SOLAL Mind Food LP 4: IN STOCK PRO KIT 3760179355550 11,70 € Records Electronic PHILIPPE COHEN SOLAL ¡Ya Basta! YAB091 FEAT.
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