The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2010 Contents A EVERYBODY ARRIVES SMOOTHLY, THE GREEN AND SAFE WAY Contents Contents Comments from the Director-General 4 B 1. The Swedish Transport Administration in brief 6 2. Transport developments 10 Traffic developments on roads and railways 11 Capacity and congestion 11 Traffic and weather 2010 12 3. The Swedish Transport Administration’s operations 2010 14 The Swedish Transport Administration’s efficiency measures 15 Planning for intermodal transports 16 Investments in roads and railways 17 Operation and maintenance of state roads and railways in accordance with the national plan 26 International work 36 Research and innovation 37 4. Transport policy goals 40 Functional objective Accessibility 42 Environment and health 50 Safe traffic 56 5. Employees 60 6. Other feedback 62 7. Financial report 66 Income and expenditure account 68 Balance sheet 69 Appropriation account 70 Statement of source and application of funds 72 Summary of key figures 73 Notes 74 8. Signing of the annual report 80 9. Auditors’ report 81 10. Board of directors 82 11. Management group 83 Comments from the Director-General Comments from the Director-General be solved in the future. When society chairman of the organisation committee changes, then the transport systems must and then elected as Director-General. The also change. This is why the initial focus was to guarantee ongoing Administration’s challenges are closely operations and to maintain contacts with linked to current developments in society. interested parties and the wider world. Climate changes will impact infra- Much effort was spent ensuring function- structure, at the same time as transports ality in the telecom and datacom system, impact the climate. Actions to modernise in particular finance administration sys- the transport system in order to make it tems and the systems to guarantee the climate-neutral in the longer term are operation of our roads and railways, as therefore a major and important challenge well as contacts with local authorities, for us. Our efforts in 2010 have made a sig- regions and the business community. nificant contribution to reducing emis- sions at the same time as growing traffic volume means that total emissions have Winter weather not fallen. We have also helped to reduce and traffic problems the number of road accidents to histori- A few months before the creation of the cally low levels. This work has shown that Swedish Transport Administration, Vision Zero is not a utopia but a working Sweden suffered extreme winter weather strategy towards a system where no one is with large amounts of snow and extremely killed or seriously injured. cold conditions across the country. This Accessibility must be improved in order resulted in major traffic disruption, to live up to the challenges of today and mainly on the railway network, with sub- tomorrow. We are now making significant stantial impact on passenger and freight The Swedish Transport infrastructure investments in metropoli- transports. The Swedish Transport Administration has since 1 April tan regions to improve accessibility and Administration set up an independent meet rising demand for transports. The inquiry into the reasons for the disruption 2010 the unique task of being conditions for freight traffic in Sweden and into suitable measures. Measures that responsible for long-term in- must be improved if Sweden is to meet could be introduced immediately were international competition in the future. implemented, while others that required frastructure planning for the With all due deference to future invest- more time are to be implemented as soon road, rail, shipping and aviation ments today’s systems must meet today’s as possible. demands, and one of our main challenges Preparations ahead of winter 2010/2011 sectors based on an intermo- is to provide a robust infrastructure with were better than for many years. Despite dal transport perspective. The the capacity to meet demand in a growing this, I can only note that the winter economy. Roads and railways must oper- weather has had a negative impact on the Administration is also respon- ate all year round. In a situation where accessibility and robustness of the trans- sible for construction, operation shortcomings in robustness and reliability port system. During heavy snow, wind, have been revealed during a tough and dif- and cold, trains have come to a standstill and maintenance of the state ficult winter, it is easy to forget the sub- and roads have been impassable. There stantial efforts made by staff at the have of course been shortcomings in other roads and railways. Swedish Transport Administration to areas, not controlled by the Swedish ensure that the system operates as well as Transport Administration, but this does Overall transport policy objectives perme- possible. We are now working hard to not diminish our share of responsibility ate the Administration’s social function: gradually reduce vulnerability and raise for traffic problems. The situation will of to ensure a socio-economically efficient quality levels for the services we provide. course be analysed to ensure that we are transport system that is sustainable in the better equipped to meet future extreme long term for citizens and the business weather conditions. community throughout the country. The creation of the Swedish Many passengers and transport pur- Transport Administration chasers have great expectations for the When the Swedish Transport railway system, that it should continue to Strategic areas Administration was created, the Swedish operate without disruption even during Transport is important for the develop- Rail Administration, the Swedish Road severe weather. Railways must also be ment of society. It is a prerequisite for eco- Administration and the Swedish Institute cleared and maintained, which requires nomic growth and the smooth functioning for Transport and Communications access to tracks and facilities, which in of everyday life. Travel creates meetings Analysis were closed down. I myself had turn further reduces capacity on the rail- and provides experiences. At the same the privilege of being part of most of this way. In order to meet requirements for time, it creates problems for safety, health, exciting journey creating the Swedish reasonable accessibility and robustness and the environment, problems that must Transport Administration, initially as for freight and passenger transport, 4 Comments from the Director-General I welcome a discussion about what is a reinvestments to ensure that the average principle in our long-term efforts to socio-economically reasonable level of age of infrastructure does not continue to achieve the transport policy objectives. contingency planning. rise faster than its permitted technical The Swedish Transport Administration’s In 2010, air traffic experienced a sub- lifespan. If operation and maintenance lev- vision, mission, values and strategic chal- stantial decline during the period when els are unchanged, the additional funding lenges have all been drawn up during 2010. the Icelandic ash cloud stopped air traffic needed amounts to SEK 20–25 billion if Our mission offers a brief description in large areas of Europe. Air traffic was in the entire backlog is to be rectified by 2016. of what the Swedish Transport many cases replaced by road and rail traf- We have also carried out a similar analysis Administration does and for whom: fic. Many extra buses and trains were run for road operations. The situation is better We evolve and manage smart transport in Sweden in order to compensate for the here. Measures taken within the frame- networks for the modern society. We are drop in air traffic. The different modes work for bearing capacity appropriations committed to making everyday life easy, of transport could in many cases supple- have had a positive effect. Taken together, collaborating with stakeholders in society ment each other as a result of good crisis this is naturally a situation that impacts and trade and industry. management. work implementing the national plan and We have an important task as commu- opportunities for the Admini stration to nity builders and we plan to use a holistic achieve the transport policy objectives. approach to an intermodal transport National Plan for system . the Transport System The six strategic challenges that we In March 2010 the Swedish government Efficiency efforts have identified are areas where there is a adopted the National Plan for the In order to meet the challenges facing us large gap between the current and the Transport System 2010–2021. The plan is over the next few years, extensive effi- desired situation, in terms of both policy for intermodal transports and includes ciency measures are required at the objectives and user needs. These strategic measures to develop and manage trans- Swedish Transport Administration. There challenges will require special efforts by port infrastructure for all four modes of are substantial infrastructure mainte- the Swedish Transport Administration transport as well as financial frameworks nance needs. The national plan includes and its co-workers if they are to be met in for this. At the same time, the government many investment projects that have the future. adopted financial frameworks for county already begun, which limits space for One area I am pleased to report for 2010 plans for regional transport infrastructure minor measures and other efficiency meas- is transport safety efforts, in particular for for the same period. The Swedish ures in the transport system. Significant road safety, which has noted a drop in inju- Transport Administration is responsible efficiency measures are therefore required ries. According to preliminary figures for for efficiently implementing measures in for operations, at the same time as we 2010, 270 people were killed in road acci- accordance with the plan based on annual must take advantage of synergy gains dents – a reduction by about 20 per cent appropriations. available in the new organisation. Greater compared with comparable data for 2009.
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