INDEX TO VOLUME 51 Only leading articles are set in boldface type. Abdel-Gawad, A. M. X-ray spec- Analcime and wairakite, cation trographic determination of exchange properties of hafnium-zirconium ratio in (Ames) 903 zirconium minerals +64 Analcite in the Newcastle coal Absorption corrections, computa- measure sediments of the tion of, and the significanceof Sydney Basin, Australia end effect (Burnham) 159 (Loughnan)... 486 Acmite-diopside,the system, and Analcite solid solutions, the melt- its bearing on the stability ing of, in the system relations of natural pyroxenes NaAlSiOr-NaAlSiaOs-IfzO of the acmite-hedenbergite- (Peters,Luth,Tuttle).... 736 diopsideseries (Yagi). .. .. 976 Analysisinstrumentation ( Fowler, Adelpholite (:Samarskite) Eanes,Kehoe) (Book review) 945 (Vorma, Hoffren). 1553 Anderson, A. T., Jr., Mineralogy Aegirine-augite, zincian, and jef- of the Labrieville anorthosite, fersonite from Franklin, New Quebec. 1671 Jersey (Frondel, Ito). 1406 Anderson, D. D. and Reynolds, Albite, metamorphic, optical R. C. Umiat bentonite : an un- propert iesof ( Crawford) 523 usual montmorillonite from Alexander, J. B. and Flinter, Umiat, Alaska... l4+3 B. H. 1551 Anderson, O. L. An approximate Alkalic rocks and carbonatites of method for computing the the Arkansas River Canyon, isotropic sound velocities us- Fremont County, Colorado. 3. ing refractiveindex data. 1001 The Amethyst carbonatites Andersen,S. with Semenov,E. I. (Heinrich, Shappirio). 1088 Gerassimovsky,V. I. Maksi- Allen, W. C. An r-ray method for mova, N. V. and Petersen, defining composition of a o. v.. 1547 magnesinmspinel. 239 Anorthoclase for Antarctica, phys- Alluaudite, Palermo "huhnerko- ical properties of (Boudette, belite" is (Fisher) 935 Ford) 1374 Aluminum hydroxide-montmoril- Anorthosite, Labrieville, min- lonite complexes, the nature eralogy of the, Quebec (An- of (Brydon,Kodama). 875 derson,Jr.).... 167I Aluminum silicates, thermody- Aoki, K. Phenocrysticspinelifer- d5'namicproperties of (Hokn, ous titanomagnetites from Kleppa) 1608 trachyandesites, Iki Island, Americangem trails (Pearl) (Book Japan. 1799 review). 543 Apatite, carbonate-bearing, from Ames, L. I-., Jr. Cation exchange Faraday Township, Ontario, properties of wairakite and Canada (Gulbrandsen, analcime... 903 Kramer,Beatty,Mays)..... 819 Amphiboles, monoclinic, relation- effects of magnesiumon ships between cell param- the formation of (Simpson) 205 eters and chemical composi- fluor, manganese- and tions of (Colville, Ernst, Gil- strontium-bearing, from the bert).. 1727 Peerless pegmatite, South 1829 1830 INDEX TO VOLUME 51 Dakota (Young, Sheridan, from Ambrosia Lake uranium Munson) 1516 district.. 929 fluor-chlor-oxy, ild Barite-quartz phase in the Fire- sphene from Crystal Lode sand River Carbonate, pegmatite, near Eagle, Colo- Wawa, Ontario (Heinrich, rado (Young, Munson). 1+76 Vian) (abs.) 1562 Arnold, R. G. Mixtures of hexag- Barker, D. S. Application of Plas- onal and monoclinic pyrrho- tic peel techniques to the tite and the measurement of study of silicate rocks 1541 the metal content of pyrrho- Barytolan'rprophyllite (Peng, tite by r-ray diffraction. 1221 Chang). 1549 Attakolite (Attacolite) (Gabriel- Basalts, petrology of the Karroo, son,Geijer).. 534 of Basutoland (Cox, Hor- Augite, an unusual hourglass nung).. .. 1114 structure in (Preston) 1227 Bayer, G. ar.rdHoffman, W. Com- Aumento, F. Stability, lattice plex alkali titanium oxides parameters, and thermal ex- A*(BtTis-y)Oro of the q- pansion of B-cristobalite. 1167 MnOz structure-type. 511 Axinite, manganoan, from the Beatty, L. B. with Gulbrandsen, Mesabi Range, Minnesota, R. A., Kramer, J. R. and short-range chemical varia- Mays, R. E. Carbonate-bear- tionsina(French)(abs.).. 1561 ing apatite from FaradaY Babcock, L. I. The manganese Township, Ontario, Canada 819 bearing minerals of Charn- Bentonite, Umiat: an unusual pion Mine, Champiorr, Mich- montmorillonite from Umiat, igan (abs.). 1560 Alaska (Anderson, Reynolds) 1443 Babefphite (Nazarova, Kuznet- Berger, K. C. (Book review). 543 sova, Shaskirr) r547 Berman. R. (Book review) 941 Babushkin, V. L, Matveev, G. M. Berndtite (Moh) 1551 and Mchedlov-Petrosyan Berrl'l1g (Nuflield, Harris) 532 O.P.(Bookreview)..... 251 Beryl in a Montana tactite body Bachet, B. with Cesbron, F. and (King). 502 Oosterbosch,R. 1815 Beus, A. A. (Book review) 1559 Badgley, P. C. (Book review). 943 Bezsmertnaya, M. S. and Sobo- Bailey, S. W. with Bradley, W. F. leva, L. N.. 531 (Book review). 1556 Biedl, A. Scandium borate, with Shirozu, H. Crystal scBoe' 521 skucture of a two-layer Mg- with Frondel, C. and Ito' vermiculite 112+ New type of ferric iron 'W. J. Baker, E. An x-ray diffraction tourmaline. 1501 study of synthetic members Binocrrlar microscope for orienta- ofthepyromorphiteseries. 1712 tion of single crystals, use of Ballman,A A. with Wood, D. L. the (Robinson). .. 1243 Blue syntheticquartz 216 Blake, R. L., Hessevick, R. E., Banno, S. with Forbes, R. B. Zoltai, T. and Finger, L. W. Nickel-iron content of perido- Refinement of the hematite tite inclusion and cognate structure 1,23 olivine from an alkali-olivine Blanchard. F. N. Thermolumines- basalt.. 130 cence of fluorite and age of Barczak, V. J. Schroeckingerite deposition. .. 474 INDEX TO VOLUME 5I 1831 Bloss, F. D. Suggestedterminol- Mason) 198 ogy for interstratified clay Burnham, C. W. Computation of minerals. 855 absorption corrections, and with Robinson,P. D. and the signigicanceof end effect 159 Fang, J. H. Cell dimensions -- with Prewitt, C. T. The and spacegroup of tamaru- crystal structure of jadeite, gite... .... 1905 NaAlSi:o0...... 956 Borate, scandium,ScBOr (Biedl) 521 Burns, R. G. and Fuerstenau, Bottinga, Y. Kudo, A. and Weill, D. W. Electron-probe deter- D. Some obserrations on mination of inter-element re- oscillatory zoning and crys- lationships in manganese tallization of magmatic nodules...... .. 895 plagioclase. 792 Burri, G., Graeser,S., Marumo, Boudette,E. L. and Ford, A. B. F.andNowacki,W...... .. 531 Physical properties of anor- -with Marumo, F.. S3Z thoclasefromAntarctica.. 1374 Burvanova,E. A., Strokova, G. S. Boyer,R. E. (Bookreview). 943 and Shitov,V. A.. 1548 Bradley, J. with Mandarino, J. A. Buseck,p. R, and Keil, K. Meteo- andHarris,D.C..... 533 riticrutile..... 1506 Bradley, W. F. and Bailey, S. W. Bystrdm-Asklund, A. M. Sample (Book review). 1556 cupsand a techniquefor side- Bredigite, Iarnite, and 7 dicalcium ward packing oI x-ray diffrac- silicatesfrom Marble Canyon tometer specimens.. 1233 (Bridge). 1766 Bykova, A. V. with Semenov, Briartite (Francotte, Moreau, E. I. and Khomyakov, A. p.. 530 Ottenburgs,Levy). 1816 Cabri, L. J. with Kracek, F. C. and Bridge, T. E. Bredigite, Iarnite, Ksanda, C. J. phase rela- and 7 dicalcium silicates from tions in the silver-tellurium MarbleCanyon. .. 1766 system.... 14 Brindley, G. W. with de Souza Cacoxenite from Arkansas Santos, P. and de Souza (Fisher). .. 1811 Santos, H. Mineralogical Calcite and pyrite, unique inter- studies of kaolinite-halloysite growth of (Zimmer) (abs.) . 1563 clays: Part IV. A platy min- Cameron, E. N. with Ramsden, eral with structural swelling A. R. Kamacite and taenite and shrinking characteristics 1640 superstructures and a meta- Bromellite, S5'nthetic III. Some stable tetragonal phase in optical properties (Newkirk, iron meteorites 37 Smith, Kahn) 1,41 ,,Kamacite and taenite Brovkin, A. A. with Grigoriev, superstructuresand a meta- A. P. and Nekroasov,L Y. 1818 stable tetragonal phase in Brucite in Alpine serpentinites iron meteorites" Correction. lS44 (Hostefler, Coleman,Mump- Campbell, I. Presentationof the ton, Evans). 75 Roebling medal to Adolf Brydon, J. E. and Kodama, II. Pabst.. S4g The nature of aluminum hy- Carpenter, A. B., Chalmers, R. A., droxide-montmorillonite com- Gard, J. A., Speakman, K. plexes. 875 and Taylor, H. F. W. Jennite, Ruergerite, a new speciesof tour- a new mineral . 56 maline (Donnay, Ingamells, Catoptrite and yeafunanite- t832 INDEX TO VOLU.IIE 5I stuffed pyrochroite struc- (Fleischer) 1336 tures? (Moore) 1494 --- by anionic groups (index of Cesbron, F., Bachet, B. and new minerals, discredited oosterbosch,R'. 1815 minerals, and changes of Chabazite, silica-rich, from the mineralogical nomenclature) Barstow Formation, San (Fleischer) 1327 BernardinoCounty, Southern Clay minerals, interstratifi ed, sug- California(Gude, Sheppard) 909 gested terminologY for Chalmers, R. A. with CarPenter, (Bloss).. 855 A. B., Gard, J. A., Speakman' mica-tyPe, weathering K. and Taylor, H. F. W'. Jen- effects on the structures of nite.anewmineral.... 56 (Giiven,Kerr). 858 Chang,C. with Peng,T. 1549 Clays,selected Great Basin PlaYa Charnockite, myrmekite in, from (Giiven, Kerr). 1056 South-West Nigeria (Hub- --- and clay mitrerals-Pro- bard) 762 ceedings of the thirteenth na- Chase,A. B. and Osmer,J' A. tional conference on claYs and Growth of single crystals of clay minerals (BradleY, ZrOzandHfOz from PbFz. 1808 Bailey) (Book review). 1556 Chevkinite and serrierite' Virginia Clifton, R. A. Jr., Huggins, C. W. metamictminerals (Mitchell) 1394 and Shell, H. R' Hollow Chlorites in the sYstem MgO- chrysotile fibers 508 AluO;-SiOz-HzO,Phase rela- Clinopyroxenes, common' unit cell tionshipsof (Fawcett,Yoder) 353 dimensions and ionic sub- Chondrite, Mezij-Madaras' sig- stitutions in (Viswanathan) 429 nificance of iron-rich silicates Ctoke. P. L. (Book review) in the (Dodd, Jr., Van 536, 540, 541, 1821, 1822 Schmus,Marvin). 1177 Coconinoite, a new uranium min- Christ,C L. with Garrels,R. M. eral from Utah and
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