mm K Women Celebrate the Victory of Suffrage SUMMARY OF NEWS See What Poor Bean Soup Did THE » OYER é I IMPORTANT NEW8 OF BOTH HEMISPHERES BOILED DOWN m . TO LAST ANALY8IS. ARRANGED. FDR QUICK READING Brief Notes Covering Happeninge In This Country «nd Abroad That Are of Legitimate Intereet - to All the People. Irish Patriot Fasted—Dies. OORK.—The first death among the hunger strikers in Cork jail occurred 1 Sunday. Fitzgerald died, having fast­ ed 68 days. Unfurling the suffrage Rug at the headquarters of the National Woman’s party m Washington was the occasion Making Aerial Map of Arizona. for a Joyous demonstration by party workers. Miss Alice Paul, chairman, is on the balcony. The flag has 36 Stars, Ten thousand square miles, of Ari­ the last added representing Tennessee. zona’s mountains and deserts are b^ ing mapped by aprial photographers of our army. J 6,000,000 marks, a large portion of which belongs to the state, is also rep- American Fleets to Cruise. sented on the board of the Govern­ WASHINGTON.—-Extensive foreign German Works ment Holding company. The Bavar­ cruises for the Atlantic and Pacific ian Lloyd held a commanding position fleets next summer were announced In transport work on the Danube and In a tentative itinerary made public neighboring rivers, but lost the great­ this week. Run By State er part of Its vessels at tWe end of the Reducing Cost, Costs. war. Negotiations are, however, pro­ WASHINGTON. — The government Because they objected to the bean soup that was served them, 59 convicts ceeding between the different govern­ drive against the high cost of living, Economic Bureau Looks After output of 100.000 kilowatts and,’ be­ at the Maryland penitentiary at Baltimore rioted, and the photograph shows, ment departments and others Inter­ abandonment of which has been set sides,' running tbe nitrogen plant, sup­ ested to put the company once more some of the havoc wrought by them. Guards and policemen fought for hours Electric, Steel and Alum inum for November 1, has cost approxi­ plies current to the Berlin Electric on a commercial footing. The German and could not subdue the prisoners, who had barricaded stairs and doors works, and will shortly extend this mately $600,000. P l a n t s . ship-salvage company “Odin,” Berlin, with steel doors from cells, mattresses and springs and tables. Finally the supply of energy to Lefpsic and the with a capital of 5,000,000 marks, was Seaplane Mall Contract Let. fire department was called out and subdued the prisoners wltlv powerful province of Saxony. The Central Ger­ originally formed to carry out work WASHINGTON.—Edward Hubbard streams. man Power Works company comprises In connection with the salvage of of Seattle was recently awarded a BUT EXTENSION IS DELAYED the central power station at Senften- transports and other shipping in the contract by the postoffice department berg, formerly belonging to the Alum­ Baltic. The company was not very for transportation of mail by sea­ inum works, Lauta, with an output of successful owing to the unsuitable plane between Seattle and Victoria, WASHINGTON NEWS NOTES Nationalization of Coal Mines May 00,000 kilowatts; and the Niederlau- methods of salvage adopted. It Is now B. C. Have to Walt Change In Makeup sltxer Power plant, near Spremberg, proposed to divert the company's ac­ Recent Happeninge In This 8tate of Reichstag—Holding Com­ with adjacent lignite mines, and with tivities to towage and lighterage work. Russ Order 6000 Engines. an output of 20,000 kilowatts. Up to BERLIN.—Negotiations opened by Given In Brief Items for pany Formed. According to a resolution adopted by Busy Readers. the present the electric energy devel­ the German Metal Economic league, representatives of soViet Russia in oped by these two plants has been util­ Germany have resulted, according to OF C O « DEAD Washington.—Sliice the conclusion reported by the Wolff Telegraph Bu­ of the Spa conference, at which Ger­ ized In the manufacture of aluminum reau, the export of 50 per cent of all the Red Flag, in an order for 6000 Eggs advanced from 90 cents to many agreed to Increase its coal out­ and nitrogen. In the future It will also pig metals coming from German mines railway engines and a large number $1 a dozen Monday in Spokane re­ END COMES IN LONDON PRISON put In order to bring the deliveries to be employed to supply electricity for during May, June, July and August of turbines. tail markets. the surrounding Industrial districts. CELL EARLY MONDAY Franco up to approximately 2,000,000 is to be permitted. No limitais placed Champion Waffle Eater. E. H. Newton has sold his farm of MORNING. tone per month, there has been re­ The East Prussia central station, upon the export of all partly manu­ 206 acres on Spring flat, three miles which was recently erected to provide NEW YORK.—The title of cham­ newed agitation among the miners for factured metal products, provided they pion waffle eater of the world is from Colfax, to J. C. Upshaw for the nationalisation of the mining In­ the province of East Prussia with are not sold at prices under the do­ $250 an acre. electric power. Is controlled, as also claimed by Private Paul Francis dustry In the hope that better work­ mestic rates. German manufacturers Jones of the marine corps, after eat­ ing conditions and pay may be ob­ is the Alz works, Munich, which was may Import raw metals, !f they do George C. Boyd, alias D. Pereefull, HAD FASTED FOR 7 3 DAYS ing twenty-six and one-half of the has been identified through photo­ tained under sych a condition than formed In 1918, In conjunction with not pay more than the standard prices corrugated pastries in 30 minutes. the Dr. Wacker Alexander company, graphs as the man who held up and with the mines owned and operated by In the world market. German export Sentenced for Sedition, He Refused Hugo Stlnnes and his few associate for electrochemical manufacturing, to prices on semi-manufactured Iron and Red Cross Active. robbed the Union Park bank of Spo­ coni barons. Other sections of Ger­ utilize the water power of the lower steel products have been materially WASHINGTON.—More than 15,000 kane recently. Steadfastly to Take Nourish­ man Industrial life are also likely to Alz. The output Is, roughly, 20,000 lowered during the last few months. American communities received, aid Wenatchee Apples for China. ment—Pardon Denied Him he ultimately ran by the state, al- kilowatts. The Württemberg Rural Bar Iron selling at 8,336 marks In during the year ended last June from WENATCHEE. — Thirty-five thou­ —High Sinn Feiner. {thongh It will probably be necessary Electric company was reorganized m April bas been cut to 4,000 marks per the Red Cross in the adoption of pre­ sand boxes of extra fancy Wenatchee for the German people to elect a more 1919 to enable the state, with the con­ ton for export to Holland and Switzer­ cautionary methods against disease Winesaps and Yellow Newton apples radical relchstag to effect these sent of the Württemberg government, land and to 3,050 to Denmark, the lat­ and di8aste ror In mitigating suffer­ will be shipped to Shanghai, China, LONDON. — Terence MacSwiney, changes, as the present cabinet is p o t to take a dominant interest in the ter being the same as the domestic ing caused by either. this fall for the oriental markets. • lord • mayor of Cork, died at Brixton pledged to any great extension of the supply of electricity to tbe province of rate In Germany. The Iron Industry I prison Monday morning following a Body of William 8tarr Found. principle of public ownership and op­ Württemberg. is protesting against further payment UNITED STATES AND JAPS hunger strike of 73 days. Great efforts were made during the of export duties. EVERETT. — Searchers Saturday eration. QUIT TALK OVER LAND The lord mayor's death occurred at In the meantime, however, as the re­ war to put the manufacture of alum­ found the body of William H. Starr inum on a Arm footing, In order to All Communications Off Till After of Seattle, missing 10 days, at the 5:40 a’clock this morning. Father sult of earlier agitation for govern­ BLAME DISASTER TO CARL ment control and operation of the lead­ make Germany Independent of foreign foot of a cliff over which he had Dominic, his private chaplain, and his Elections.—Wait On Decision fallen, near Lake Serene, four miles ing Industries, the national economic supplies. Plants were erected and the of California People. brother, John MacSwiney were with manufacture started at Horrem, Bit­ Austrian Collapae Charged to Emper­ from Index. bureau of the German treasury de­ or's Conflicting War Orders, him at the time. MacSwiney never partment has quite a few Important terfeld and Rummelsburg, each factory No Rest for Jurors. regained consciousness. 8aya Commission. WASHINGTON.—Conversations be­ government controlled Industrial having an output of 3,000 tons of alum­ Jurors in King county may no The story of the self-starvation of plants to look after, according to a inum per annum. In 1916 the Erft- tween the state department and the Terenece MacSwiney, lord mayor of Vienna.—Chief blame for the col­ Japanese embassy regarding the pro­ longer be put to bed in the jury dor- summary of its activities recently pub­ werk company was taken over by the mitories before agreeing on a ver­ Cork, probably will become one of government and reorganized with a lapse of the Austrian forces on tbe posed anti-Japanese land legislation lished In the German press and quoted Plave river, In the Austro-Itallan cam­ dict, according to a ruling signed by the most moving chapters of the cen- from In commerce reports.
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