Regular Council Meeting Town of Daysland Monday, October 28, 2019, 18:30 Council Chambers, Daysland Town Office 2. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Organizational Meeting 2 - 3 2.1 Agenda and Council Committees 3. CALL TO ORDER 3. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 4. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 4 - 5 4.1 October 28, 2019 Agenda 5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 6 - 7 5.1 28 Oct 2019 Regular Council Minutes 6. CAO REPORT 2019-10-20 CAO Report 8 - 15 6.1 16 - 133 6.2 Attachments to the CAO Report 134 - 167 6.3 Correspondence 7. COUNCIL REPORTS 168 - 170 7.1 Mayor Kusalik 171 7.2 Deputy Mayor Candlish 172 - 176 7.3 Acting Mayor Fisher 177 7.4 Councillor McLeod 178 - 180 7.5 Councillor Robertson 8. IN CAMERA 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 180 ._.o<<z O." _u><m..>zU o_3>z_~>4_oz>_. _<_mm._._zm >mmzo> o2o_um_. Nm.8:. P 9.. no032 ~. >aou:o:2 >mm..Em w. mango: 9. Oman?_<_m<o«magom...9. 02.8 P m_mn:o:2 >n::m_<.m<oqman9:. 2 038 m. wmzw_uon:3m:$ I m_m:_:m>c=.o:~< m. >u_uo=:_.:m:$ m. 28 Qim? H no33§mm >uuo_:»3m3m m. mx.83m_ 25. _:.B3m_ moma>uuo_:.3.m:.a ~o$-~So m. amnionno::n=.<_mm::mmn:mn:_m P o._m=§_o= xm<.m<< Ho. Page 2 of 180 2of Page Page 3 of 180 TOWN OF DAYSLAND AGENDA REGULAR MEETING October 28, 2019 1400 hrs – 2:00 p.m. Daysland Council Chambers Call to Order Adoption of Agenda Adoption of Minutes 2019-09-30 Regular Meeting Minutes CAO Report 1. Delegation – Walking Trail Committee 2. Urban Systems presentation 3. ATB Roof 4. Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework (ICF) 5. Community Standards Bylaw 2019-650 6. CAO Meeting 7. FIP Operation and Transition Plan for Proposed Amalgamation 8. Public Works Report 9. Financial Reports 10. Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste 11. Equitable Policing Costs for Municipalities 12. Municipal Indicators 13. Community Peace Officer 14. Parkland Regional Library 15. Alberta Health Services 1 Page 4 of 180 16. Correspondence The Governance Zone A Council Guide to Navigating Council-Staff Relations AUMA President – October 10, 2019 Flagstaff Intermunicipal Partnership considering deep changes WIMacTel Canada Inc. – removal of Telus Payphone at Daysland Hotel Village of Forestburg – FIP Management Town of Sedgewick – FIP Management Town of Killam – FIP Management Town of Killam – Council Committee List Town of Sedgewick – Council Committee List Battle River School Division – September Meeting Highlights Pastor Ben Kellert – Taking Back Flagstaff Prayer Tour Rural Municipalities of Alberta – Draft Fall Convention Program Parkland Regional Library Draft Board Minutes – September 12th Village of Lougheed – FIP Management Village of Lougheed – Committee Representatives 2019-2020 Steady the Wheel – Daysland Ag Society Christmas Party 17. Public Works Shop Break-In 18. Closed Session Section 27(1)(a)(2) – Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Kusalik 2019-10-08 Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework 2019-10-10 BRAED Executive Board Meeting Deputy Mayor Candlish 2019-10-01 Flagstaff Regional Housing Group Acting Mayor Fisher 2019-09-23 Parkland Regional Library Conference 2019-09-24 AUMA 2019-10-01 Daysland Public Library 2019-10-10 Parkland Regional Library Advocacy Meeting Councillor McLeod 2019-10-08 Daysland Business Association Councillor Robertson 2019-09-30 Flagstaff Regional Waste 2019-10-08 Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework 2019-10-09 Rural Crime Watch Camrose ADJOURNMENT 2 Page 5 of 180 Town of Daysland Regular Meeting Minutes – September 30, 2019 Mayor: Councillors: Mayor Ed Kusalik Murray Candlish James (Butch) Robertson Allan McLeod Jeanny Fisher Staff: Rod Krips, CAO Brenda McDermott, Director of Legislative Services Cody Mayne, Director of Maintenance and Infrastructure Guests: Ernestine Ferris Arlene Anderson Mayor Kusalik called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 2019-09-01 MOVED by Councillor McLeod to approve the agenda. CARRIED MINUTES 2019-09-02 MOVED by Councillor McLeod to approve the August 26, 2019 Regular Council minutes. CARRIED 2019-09-03 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Candlish to accept the September 12, 2019 Public Auction Minutes as presented. CARRIED CAO REPORT Fortis Franchise Fee 2019-09-04 MOVED by Councillor Robertson to keep the Fortis Franchise fee at 7%. CARRIED COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Kusalik 2019-08-21 BRAED Plant Protein Tour 2019-09-19 FIP 2019-09-12 BRAED Executive Board Meeting Page 1 of 2 ______ 2019-09-30 Regular Council Meeting Page 6 of 180 2019-09-23 AUMA Deputy Mayor Candlish 2019-09-11 FFCS 2019-09-24 AUMA Acting Mayor Fisher 2019-09-11 Daysland and District Aging in Place 2019-09-12 Parkland Regional Library Councillor McLeod 2019-09-10 Daysland Business Association 2019-09-12 RCMP Community Advisory Committee 2019-09-23 AUMA Councillor Robertson 2019-08-26 Flagstaff Regional Waste Mayor Kusalik called for a recess at 3:19 p.m. The meeting resumed at 3:20 p.m. 2019-09-05 MOVED by Mayor Kusalik to move to Closed Meeting at 3:20 p.m. In Attendance: Mayor Kusalik, Deputy Mayor Candlish, Acting Mayor Fisher; Councillor McLeod, Councillor Robertson, CAO Rod Krips, Brenda McDermott, Director of Legislative Services 2019-09-06 MOVED by Mayor Kusalik to return to Open Meeting at 3:37 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:37 p.m. Next Regular Meeting: October 28, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. _______________________________ MAYOR _______________________________ CAO Page 2 of 2 ______ 2019-09-30 Regular Council Meeting Page 7 of 180 CAO Council Report Prepared for: Mayor and Council October 28th, 2019 Prepared By: Rod Krips Chief Administrative Officer I present my report as follows: 1. Delegation – Walking Trail Committee Members of the Walking Trail Committee will present a discussion paper for Council’s consideration. 2. Presentation Christina Hopkins, Shannon Quale and Anton Bester from Urban Systems will address Council on a road map for implementing Asset Management in Capital Planning Process 3. ATB Roof The roofing company Boa Nova Contracting is on site and preparing for the upcoming roof replacement project, setting up guard rails and bringing tools to the roof etc. Materials will be arriving early next week (Tuesday October 8) and craned to the rooftop. The crew will need a few parking spots at the rear of the building to be used as the staging area. This area will be fenced off. Most of the demolition/removal of the old roof will be done prior to the staff arriving and the bank opening. There will be some noise and smell as this is inherent in replacing roofs and the crew will do their best to minimize impact to your day to day operations. Weather permitting the crew may work through the following weekend. There will be no need to access the interior of the building. Schedules will be updated as received. The attached e-mail was received from Richard Lucid Garland Canada Inc. October 15th, 2019: 1 | P a g e Page 8 of 180 Good morning Rod Trust everyone had an awesome weekend Kathy, as per the discussion we had on Friday while onsite, the crew was able to complete the work over the weekend They will be onsite today to remove the tools & equipment The metal flashings will need to be measured and fabricated prior to installation which may take a couple of weeks I'll keep you informed If there are any questions, don't hesitate to contact me - thank you ᐧ 4. Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework (ICF) The initial meeting of the Daysland/Forestburg/Flagstaff/ Municipal Planning Services meeting took place Tuesday October 8th at 1800 hours in Daysland Council Chambers. Attached is material which was distributed and discussed at the meeting. Appendix C – Inventory of Services is being updated as per discussions. The next meeting of the Committee is slated for Monday November 18th – 1800 hours in Council Chambers. The CAO’s and Municipal Planning Services will meet Wednesday November 6th at the County office. 5. Community Standards Bylaw No. 2019-650 As per the motion from the September 30th, 2019 Council minutes, the Community Standards Bylaw No. 2019-650 was left for Council to review. If there are no changes for this Bylaw, Council has the following options: (1) Council amends the Bylaw as per written comments provided to Administration. (2) Council agrees with the Bylaw as presented at the August 26th, 2019 Council meeting and gives 3 reading to the Bylaw. (3) Council may take no action at this time. 6. CAO Meeting The CAO’s met October 7th, 2019 – attached are the meeting notes from that meeting. The future of FIP was discussed extensively and the attached letter from FIP Coordinator Debra Moffatt is attached and a decision from Council is required for the November 4th, 2019 meeting. For your information, attached are the Terms of Reference for the Beaver Regional Partnership. 2 | P a g e Page 9 of 180 Administration Observation: It is important to come up with a solution to FIP that includes Flagstaff County, as it is important to have all municipalities represented at the table. All municipalities need a vehicle for the Subdivision Appeal Board and the Assessment Review Board – no municipality can take these tasks on by themselves. Council has the following options: (1) Council accept the recommendation presented by Mayor Perry Robinson September 6th FIP meeting; OR (2) Council bring forward other options for the operation of a Flagstaff Intermunicipal Partnership organization; OR (3) Council may take no action at this time. 7. FIP Operation and Transition Plan for Proposed Amalgamation As noted in the Item 6 – this matter was discussed at the October 7th, 2019 meeting.
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