Interview: Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattaroi

Interview: Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattaroi

Interview: Prime Mini ster Dr. Baburam Bhattaroi Controversy on SRC Report Oil Crisis: Populist Politics Remittance Savings -... ifluun~~fa. ,. NEPAL INVESTMENT BANK LTD. ffru(y a 7Vepafr tBa11{ FiYC years after signing the Comprehensive Peace Agreemc11t, t he proccs'> of Llischarging the '\ laoist eombatann, from their cantonment'> has indeed begun. Over 6,000 combatants ha\'C ;dread} dccickd to lca\e the G1nt011111CntS. rhb is :t good :-.igll in tht: peat:c process. However. it i:-; yet to he seen hm' Nepal', politiLa.l parttcs \\'HI c:ompktc the remai11ing rasl<, the most difficult, in the pnxess, that is, of tntcgr.tuon. \\'c ha\'c clettdcd 11, .maly::e the cnl ire prnces~ of discharge nl thl \lao1sts l:\ lighll'l''> and 1rnpliLtt1ons tn l\cpal's future pc.tec process as a ~·over story l'or this week. (be C:OillprchUlSI\'C an ti)SIS dt'>CU<;Sl'" pro:- antl cons n.:latt·d to thl rc.ttl' proL't''>S and i nsu rgcnt:y in Nepal'-. htstof\ Alnng with regular ~.·nlumns and thoughtful .trtidcs on enntt·mpnrary ts..,ucs, includtng the rnentl) puhlio.;hctl rc.: pN ts nl t ill' St<\tl' Re..,truuuring Ctlmmto.;sion. \\e ha'e .tlsn nwcrcd polit kal dndl'lpml'ntS and project'> which arc <>nv ing the poo r pcopk tll \lepal. \ deadlnd: h,t.., tollo\\ t•d t he det ision nl the gnvt:rnmenl lO lcgali:::e tht· land tk,ll'> cndnrsecJ by the 1\:,)pk'!-. Court \Vc haH Interview: Dr. Baburam Bhattara1 14 OIL PRICES: Skyward 18 tntervu.:wt:d p ri m~.: mi nister Baburam NEWSNOTES 2 Bh,utarai for thi-. issu~.:. nt·spite the ECONOMIC BRIEF 4 )!.0\·ernmcnt 's l'fforr!. to maint.tin tlw OPINION : Dipak Gyawali 5 'illpply llf petrole um rroduCl!-i, St'arcity PM BHAlTARAI: Continuing Lead 6 11! pet rnlcum products b yet w go aw''Y VIEWPOINT: Dr. Tilak Rawal 7 l hat 1s :motlwr top1c fnr this edi t ion. 1-::o llnwing t he p n:s~urc from thl.' SRC REPORT: Burning Issue 8 students, tht: go\'crnmcm rcdu~;cd thl FACE TO FACE : Dr. Madan Pariyar/Lucky Sherpa 9 prices of pctmkum products. As the COMMENTARY : Yuba raj Ghlmire 10 '>Care It y continues and 1he govcrnm~:nt FORUM : Dr. AB Thapa 16 1s in no po,it it)ll to providl' suhsidy to BUILDING NEW NEPAL: Through Aid & Growth 17 I 'Jcpal Oil Cnrpor:ltlon of ow1· Rs J. S ECONOMY : South Asian Trade 18 billion a month Ncp•tlcsc art• certain PROMOTING PEACE: GiZ Experiences 20 to face more ordeals hdorc the CHITWAN NATIONAL PARK : The Road Writ 21 I resum ption ol regular supplic-;. DELHI DIARY : Abijit Sharma 22 TRENDS : Shradha Gyawali/Aditi Aryal 24 GRAVITY ROPEWAY: A Way To Hope 25 I ~~ TRANSffiONAL JUSTICE 26 Kl"shab Poudcl HEALTH : Buddha Basnyat, MD 28 Lditl)T I !editor and Publisher· Keshab Poudel. Senior Editor· Alok Tumbah.1ngphey Senior Correspondent: 5aroj Dahal Corrt5pondent: Uma Kania Khanal. (Jhapa) Abi •I Sharma (New Oelh Reporter. Oebesll Adhlkar Marlleting Manager: Madan Ra1 Poudel Tel. 9841170517, Nabm Kumar'-'.aha~an Tel: 9841291404, Photographer: Sandesh Manandhar Cover Design/layout : Hari Krishna Bastako11 Edrtorial Office: Tel: 977-1-4430250 E·ma.l: spoUightnepal@gmad com. PO.Box 7256 Office : Kathmandu Nepa' Pnnters P,on.,er Offset Pnnters (P) Ltd., Ohapa51, Kathmandu, Ph: 4363624 Kathmandu DAO Regd, N'J. 146/111063184, Postal Regd. No 3610681009 US LlbrayofCollgress CataJogue No 91·905060 ISSN . 2091.0711 (Print).ISSN: 2091·0754 (Online) N:W SPOTLIGHT NEWSMAGAZINE j Feb. 10, 2012j 1 NEWSNOT E Sri Lankan Em bassy Celt:brates hcl ic\'e t hat the p rogress achieved National Day to\\ arcb reintegration and rehabiJjtation I mhas..,y of Sri I anka in Kathmandu of the PI,\ combatants is a signillcanr cdcbrarcd Sri l .mkl's64th \.ational Da) -.tcp to\\·ards bringing about peace, on -J.t h r cbruou-y ~012. The I mha"") held pro,grcs" and prosperity in :-Jcpal" two function.., to n:lchratc the e\'ent in Addres~ing a gathering of :\cpalese Kathmandu. Thc morning cdehr.mon.., JOurnalist.,, mtellectuals and scholar<>. "·ere held .tt the Emhass) premise" with the'c.l Affaires said Pakistan has t h l' hoi -.. t i np. tll Ll11. by ntcnded .ill kind!> of support tn Nepal T hn~.t pala H ~.: \\ age. the \ mbas!->.tdor or in the constitution drafting procec;s mcrnl"Ct'S of the Diplom.ttic m rps. mcmfx·t" Sri L:mka to \.qMI .IIH.l sing in g the includin~ exchange of constitution nrhu:--incs.c, L'Ommunit)' and lllhcr pn lllltnent natinnnl antht· m, ln ll tm cd hr the d rafting experts frnm both sicb,. Hc personalities, includtng Suhas C handr ~l t r,tc.l ittonal I ig hting of the lamp e.xp rcssccl the w i ~ l 1 to sec early Ncmbang, Chairman of ( nnstittll:nl ce remony. Sri l ank.ln c-nmnwnity in cnncl u., inn nf the peace process and t\ s~mbl}'. w ho attended the program. parttcip.tted in the ewm. fi nali=ittion ol thc consLitutioo. i\ccorcling to Sri Ltnkan h 11h .tssy .• ts Rclip.inU <; obscn·.tncv .. by lhKklbist, .J apanese Aiel For Reproductive a British crm~ n colony, Sri l .• tnka wa .... l li ndu.C h r i s t ianan ll lo., l amicl.tith ~wtTt: known as Ct:ylon and it ae hicv<.' d llcalth an im11ort :tnl part ulthcceremony. Vice 19-IS. the year 1971, I he Govc rnme n t1 1 rJ apan has clccicl eel 1 independence in In prc <> ident 1 aramantl .t.J ha \\ '. 1 ~ chi d gu ~.::o; t the ollicial name of the l'tlu ntry \\'ao., to ex tend fi na ncia l assis tance of in .t fl' L'l'ptit)n pn)grammt: nrgnn i=ed at changed lC1 "Rcpuhlic nf Sri I ank.t" and 63'5,16'5liS l)nllars; cqui\·;tlent to lintel Soalr1.'1. ( ' mwn~.· l'la:- a . l\<11 hmandu, in 197R rhc w,1s l h ;tn g~: t l apprn.\ i m.ttdy '51,384 .848.5 1'\cp<tlcsc in the t·nninp.. Prominent pnhttLi<tn '> of rot he yl)cmncratk 'im ialist Rtpuhht nf Rupel's tn the ,\dvcntist Dcvdopml'nt i'.:c rt•sicknt ,\mha .., .., ad or., and Sn I ank a~. and R~.· l id \p,cnC)' (ADRA) .Japan. in J.tpan·.., hsctl 2011undcr the Grant Carter Center I auds EC W ork J.- ashmir dispute. 11K· l"tshmir disput~: \ssi'>t,tnce lnr .J.tpanesc NGO Prnj1.'cts The C.art1.·rCentl'f h.l">eommenckllth~: has not onl)' rcmaint:d .1 stumblmg hh.l< Sd1u11L of the Go\'crnment nf ~ lcction C nmmtssinn lnr rcgist~.·ring in the fricndl)' n:l.ttinns hct" c1.·n \DR \j,tp.m. 111 dn..,e <.:oorclination \\ ith morcth.tniOmtllion \,l·p.tlttitr-:cn'>.lllU Pal<istan and lntlt.t hut it h.ts .tlsn \DR\ 1\, will implement ~.·m:nur.tgcd the 1 ( tn undcrt.tkc fnrest<tllcd thL gre.ttcr tntr.t rcgum tl ~tru1gthen1n~ Rcprodueti\c llc.dth dlnns tn rca~:h nut to those econnmi<: and interl.tee, "ht~:h ,.., C.en 11.e Project thrnugh imprt1\ ing \\'ho hnw yettn parut ip.tte in (he pnx:e'>''>. ..,o' ita! lorthe heuermem nf htl linn plu;, I kalt 1 h .tulttic'> .tnd ry Ruild ing In a I"l'l'l'IH stat1.·ment. the Carter pnpu l ationofthcreginn.~-,aid Pakt..,t.ll1';, hw \ ledtl':tl Sl·n icc \ Vo rkers in Oailckh Center "aid thl' 1 ( had rcgi.'>tcrctl charge'c.l affaire-. Ismail ac.ldres'> tng thl' l)isti'K'l .tpprox illli llcly 9) pl'ITelH nl it., in rc rnal pmgram on l·c I11'Lia ry '5. "Pa Ids t an I1:t'> . 1 1· · 1 1 A (iranr Contract re lating to this t•trget lor this J1 I1:\Se ni t hi.' prncess, hut UI ways CXtCnt IC(. I I[S 111lll'a, ]10 lllt:il Ul1 l . I r I 11 1'0,).\.:Ct has been sh"I11ld and exchanged Ius rcac h ~: tl on ly approxim ately 69 c. Itp omat ic support nr a just ant " · 1· 1 J 1 hl'tWl'cn l..: un in TA KI\ II AS H I, pe r~:cntn l it:-, overall rcgisrrat inn target. peace ru I sn Iutt nn n nc. amm u am · 1· \" 1· Ambassador nf.J..! pnn to Nc11al, and f'vls. ''llnwevcr, this overall rep, istrnritm I< asI11111r c tsputcs. •vl' arc engapp 111 a t<Hgcr should be revisl.'d when 20 II si ncerc and pu rpnsc f' ltl tl ialop;11c with Mai OG/\ W t\ , Project 1\ l..t nagcr, AD RA ~.cns u s data hccnmc1> a\'n ilablc," the lndiaand'mn:ofbox' rhinki ng lnrcsnlvc .J apan. st atcmcnr read. this lo ng ourscandi nj:!, disputes." The gran L wiII he uti li:!cd co improve nct) ll atal and maternal health C;HC Pakistan For Regional Peace, ..,~:rv i ce h)' upgratling heaJ th facili ties Stability and promoting capacity cle\'dopmcnr Charge'd Aflairc1> .1. i. of Pak istan amnng mcdtcal service workers at Ahmar Ismail <,aid t hat Pakistan and f\tilekh Distrin in \lid \Vesrern Nepal. Nepal enjoy cordial relations.

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