REPUBLIC OF BURUNDI MFADC-MAGAZINE Nr 115 of 05th March Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation 2021 New Ambassador of the United States to Burundi: In this edition: page Towards the strengthening of cooperation ties New Ambassador of the ernment has already spoken out in United States to Burun- di: Towards the 1 favor of increased assistance through strengthening of coop- USAID”. eration ties Burundi strengthens its The Head of State His Excellency role at the regional level 2 Evariste Ndayishimiye reassured her of the availability and willingness of CNDD-FDD member the Burundian Government to give authorities called on to new impetus to development coopera- fight against corruption 2 with the utmost energy his Tuesday, March 02, 2021, the tion and diplomatic relations: “Burundi President of the Republic of Bu- T has recently acquired new institutions rundi His Excellency Evariste Nday- Visit of the Kabu 16 in the outcome of the 2020 general (20MW) hydroelectric ishimiye received in audience Madam project in Cibitoke prov- elections and the time has come for 3 ince by the Burundian Melanie Harris Higgins, new Ambassa- the mobilization of all Burundians and Prime Minister dor of the United States of America in our partners for the development of Burundi, who had come to present her our country. We are ready to reflect Burundi celebrates Letters of Credence. and identify together partnerships and African School Food 4 Day actions of mutual interest that will ben- During their exchanges, Ambassador efit our respective peoples”. Morocco and Burundi Higgins welcomed the historic ties of establish cooperation cooperation and friendship between With more than two decades of experi- roadmap for the period 6 Burundi and his country the United 2021-2024 ence in representing the United States States. She informed the Head of State in various spheres, Amb. Melanie Har- that the American Government notes March, a test month to the recent changes made by the State ris Higgins was appointed United improve the collection of Burundi which are likely to promote a States Ambassador to the Republic of of municipal revenue for the 2021 edition 8 revitalization of relations and partner- Burundi when she was sworn in on ships: "I personally commit myself to January 13, 2021 and will have her work to strengthen relations which have residence in Bujumbura. existed for several decades between MEDIA RELEASE NO our countries. I come to Burundi in a 14 CONSECUTIVE TO 10 (Source: www.presidence.gov.bi) THE CABINET MEETING spirit of cooperation, and the new HELD ON WEDNESDAY changes driven by the Government of 03 MARCH 2021 Burundi are creating the conditions for forging new partnerships. The US Gov- Page 2 MAECD-MAGAZINE Nr 115 of 05th March 2021 Burundi strengthens its role at the regional level community agenda. I seize this opportunity to congratu- late the new President of the Summit of Heads of State of the EAC, His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta and the new Secretary General of the EAC, Honorable Dr. Peter MATHUKI and assure them of our support”, said President Ndayishimiye proud to see his country repre- sented at the highest summit of the Court of Justice by a Burundian citizen by the name of Nestor Kayobera. “We are happy to see that neighboring countries are asking to join our Community. he President of the Republic His Excellency This is a telling sign that, once again, as a community, T Evariste Ndayishimiye participated for the first we are doing our best to promote it. We must maintain time in the Ordinary Summit of Heads of State of the this course, this direction and this pace to reach the high- east African Community (EAC), which appointed among est stages of integration”, insisted the President of the others the Honorable Kenyan Dr. Peter MATHUKI as Republic of Burundi, who did not fail to thank various or- Secretary General and the Burundian Mr. Nestor Kayobera, to the presidency of the Court of Justice of gans of the Community for the progress carried out with the EAC. regard to the execution of the programs and projects of the said Community during this period from February “I am delighted to be with you my peers, Heads of State 2019 to February 2021. and Government to help guide the advancement of the (Source: www.presidence.gov.bi) CNDD-FDD member authorities called on to fight against corruption with the utmost energy commune in Gitega Province. In his welcome address, the Provincial Secretary of the CNDD-FDD in Gitega Honorable Georges Nshimirimana underlined that the choice of the Buraza commune was motivated by the fact that this commune was ranked first by voting the CNDD-FDD party with more than 97%. Ac- cording to Honorable Georges Nshimirimana, this com- mune is also among the first communes in the country which voted for the CNDD-FDD and occupies the 2nd place at the national level. The Secretary General of the Party in power, Honorable he President of the Republic HE Mr. Evariste Reverien Ndikuriyo for his part, thanked and congratulat- T Ndayishimiye and President of the National Com- ed the Bagumyabanga of Buraza commune for having mittee of the Wise of the CNDD-FDD party in the com- voted overwhelmingly for the CNDD-FDD. It is an honor pany of the Secretary General of this party in power for the municipality, he added. He then asked the faithful Honorable Réverien Ndikuriyo enhanced with his pres- of his party in Buraza commune to materialize the victory ence on Sunday, February 28, 2021, the ceremonies of they have received by preserving peace and security and celebration of the victory of the CNDD-FDD at the com- by going about their development work. munal level which took place in the chief town of Buraza Speaking, the Head of State HE Mr. Evariste Nday- Page 3 MAECD-MAGAZINE Nr 115 of 05th March 2021 ishimiye asked the authorities of the country, mem- Before the ceremonies, the President of the Republic bers of the CNDD-FDD party to fight with the last and his spouse HE Madam Angéline Ndayishimiye energy against corruption, economic embezzlement joined the Christians of the Ndava Parish in Buraza and to avoid any form of ethnic discrimination. commune in the Sunday Prayer of the 2nd Sunday of And to thank the Bagumyabanga of the CNDD-FDD Lent. The Prayer also saw the participation of the Sec- of Buraza, the President of the Republic promised retary General of the CNDD-FDD, Honorable Réverien the rehabilitation of the roads in bad condition which Ndikuriyo accompanied by of his spouse and his Depu- connect the areas of this commune as well as the ty Honorable Joseph Ntakarutimana as well as other electricity. Nevertheless, he urged the population to authorities of the native country of Gitega. gather in villages to facilitate the implementation of the Government's development projects. (Source: www.rtnb.bi) Visit of the Kabu 16 (20MW) hydroelectric project in Cibitoke province by the Burundian Prime Minister Thus, he urged the AIL company to double their efforts and increase their employees to complete the remain- ing activities without exceeding this time allotted for the third extension. To achieve this, an activity program must also reach the Prime Minister in ten days to verify the feasibility while a technical committee of the Government will monitor these activities on a daily basis with the super- vision of the Minister in charge of energy. 15-month extension period requested by the A Indian Company "Angélique International Lim- Note, however, that failure to comply with this exten- ited" (AIL) to the Burundian Government, was grant- sion period will result in penalties for the company An- ed on Tuesday March 2, during the descent of the gélique International Limited, in accordance with the Burundian Prime Minister, CPG Alain Guillaume contract. Bunyoni, in Cibitoke province, to visit the Kabu 16 hydroelectric project. Note that the total amount with amendment is estimat- ed at 86,457,478 USD while the end of the work is In this work descent, the Prime Minister, accompa- scheduled for June 30, 2022. nied by five members of the Government, began with a guided visit which preceded a closed meet- (Source: www.abpinfos..com) ing, to agree on what to do to complete the work and put this hydroelectric center in service. In an interview with journalists, the Prime Minister said that the work should be completed after four years, since May 2017, and that there is a delay of almost a year. He specified that this delay was due to three con- straints including problems caused by the altered geology on part of the land; flooding of the dam site; and the Covid-19 pandemic which caused a tempo- rary halt to these activities. Page 4 MAECD-MAGAZINE Nr 115 of 05th March 2021 The “Good Action-Umugiraneza” Foundation helps the parish of Kibumbu from the materials used in the construction of its head- quarters to help this Parish. It was the occasion to grant the parish priest of Mwaro Parish seven hundred metal tubes for frameworks worth 32,550 million BIF in order to contribute to the rehabilitation of this parish. The President of “Good Action-Umugiraneza” Fonda- tion seized this opportunity to ask the population of Mwaro and all Burundians to contribute in a substantial way in order to also equip this Parish with suitable chairs or benches and to complete the rehabilitation of fter the misfortune that befell the Kibumbu this Parish as soon as possible. "You will have built A Parish in the Province of Mwaro on February your houses in the sky where rust and moth do not 18, 2021 and which swept away the roofs of the destroy and you will have amassed inexhaustible buildings of this Parish, the President of the “Good treasures in heaven, instead of attaching yourself to Action-Umugiraneza” Foundation HE Madam An- the things of the world", insisted the First Lady.
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