Supplementary Material 1: List of scanned specimens per species (N) and their collection number, references for the diet are indicated in the last column. Prey shape is determined by the length/maximal cross-section of the prey: amphibians = bulky, generalist = bulky, fish: depend on the group/species. If several items are present in the diet, the favorite items are indicated by + or ++, and their shape define the “prey shape”. If no preference is noted, the shape of the prey item that requires the more extensive manipulation is considered. Specimen number and Species N Diet Shape References collection 0000.7200, MNHN 0000.5196, MNHN 0000.7201, MNHN Acrochordus granulatus 6 fish (gobiid) long (1–4) 0000.6155, MNHN 1900.0356, MNHN 1900.0357, MNHN 0000.3294, MNHN MS45, Anthony Herrel fish (+) (eels, catfish) Acrochordus javanicus 5 MS52, Anthony Herrel long (4–6) 0000.5370, MNHN amphibians 0000.1145, MNHN 1921.0391, MNHN 1916.0215A, MNHN fish (cyprinid) Afronatrix anoscopus 5 1960.0139, MNHN long (7–9) 1943.0079, MNHN amphibians (tadpoles ++) 1951.0008, MNHN 0000.4252, MNHN R3979, AMNH generalist Agkistrodon piscivorus 5 R46913, AMNH bulky (10–14) R50493, AMNH (40% fish) R64620, AMNH R23488, MCZ R23485, MCZ Aipysurus fuscus 5 R23483, MCZ fish (labrid and gobiid) long (15) R23482, MCZ R23481, MCZ 1990.4513, MNHN generalist fish ( 37% 1990.4507, MNHN Apogonidae, 17% Aipysurus laevis 5 1990.4514, MNHN Pempheridae) bulky (15–17) 1990.4515, MNHN mollusc (Limidae, 1999.6566, MNHN Pelecypod 0000.3519, MNHN amphibians 1946.0064, MNHN Atretium schistosum 5 0000.7000, MNHN fish bulky (18–20) 1999.8089, MNHN crab? 0000.7414, MNHN 229793, FMNH 229795, FMNH 198701, FMNH Bitia hydroides 7 229791, FMNH fish (gobiid) long (21–24) 211898, CAS 211899, CAS 211902, CAS 206912, FMNH 250116, FMNH 250118, FMNH crustaceans (shrimps, Cantoria violacea 7 bulky (21,25,26) 204970, CAS crabs) 204971, CAS 211909, CAS 1996.0258, MNHN 1900.0417, MNHN fish (21,25,27,2 Cerberus rynchops 5 1946.0078, MNHN long 8) 1946.0078A, MNHN crustaceans 1946.0077, MNHN 0000.3280, MNHN fish (eels) 2007.2452, MNHN Cylindrophis ruffus 5 0000.0440, MNHN snakes long (29–32) 0000.3281, MNHN caecilians 0000.6362, MNHN 1988.3768, MNHN 1970.0556, MNHN fish (elongated catfish, Subsessor bocourti 5 1970.0558, MNHN long (21,31,33) eels) 1970.0559, MNHN 1885.0333, MNHN 1911.0014, MNHN 1911.0015, MNHN fish (Carassius, Anabas, (21,25,34– Enhydris chinensis 5 0000.8777, MNHN Cyprinus) bulky 36) 0000.8778, MNHN amphibians (-) 1906.0217, MNHN 0000.3749, MNHN 0000.5567, MNHN fish (Rasbora, Chandidae, (21,25,33,3 Enhydris enhydris 5 1970.0544, MNHN bulky Trichopsis, Trichogaster) 7,38) 1970.0550, MNHN 0000.5528, MNHN 212348, FMNH 212362, FMNH Ephalophis greyae 5 212351, FMNH fish specialist (gobies) long (39,40) 212361, FMNH 212367, FMNH 1970.0564, MNHN 1970.0568, MNHN Erpeton tentaculatum 5 0000.5458, MNHN fish long (21,41) 0000.0924, MNHN 0000.0924A, MNHN 15426, FMNH fish (gobies) 15427, FMNH Erythrolamprus miliaris 5 15432, FMNH amphibians bulky (42) 15433, FMNH lizards (-) 217389, FMNH 0000.7190, MNHN generalist (fishes, frogs, 1996.7897, MNHN turtles, lizards, snakes, Eunectes murinus 5 1996.7898, MNHN bulky (42–44) caimans, birds, and 1994.1539, MNHN mammals) 1994.1538, MNHN 1903.0325, MNHN 0000.3397, MNHN Farancia erytrogramma 5 1991.1666, MNHN fish (eels) long (45–47) 0000.3396, MNHN R128620, AMNH 1974.1331, MNHN 1885.0128, MNHN 1892.0270, MNHN crustaceans (21,25,38,4 Fordonia leucobalia 6 bulky 1885.0545, MNHN (dismembered) 8–51) 217450, FMNH 218887, FMNH 1946.0079, MNHN 1946.0271, MNHN crustaceans (21,25,50– Gerarda prevostiana 4 bulky 204972, CAS (dismembered) 52) 211971, CAS 1996.6644, MNHN 1995.9679, MNHN fish (++) (siluriformes: Grayia ornata 5 1994.3383, MNHN Clarias, Parauchenolaglis) long (7) 1994.8079, MNHN amphibians 1995.9672, MNHN 1998.0603, MNHN amphibians (Xenopus 1995.3401, MNHN tropicalis ++, Ptychadena Grayia smithii 5 1996.6446, MNHN sp, tadpoles) bulky (9,53) 1994.3393, MNHN 1995.3406, MNHN fish (siluriforms, cichlids) 1996.6450, MNHN 1996.6451, MNHN fish Grayia tholloni 5 1988.2341, MNHN bulky (7) 1988.2345, MNHN amphibians 1994.8085, MNHN 0000.3609, MNHN tadpoles (++) amphibians 0000.1542, MNHN (42,44,54,5 Helicops angulatus 5 1997.2097, MNHN fish (Astyanax, Copella, long 5) 1997.2032, MNHN Gymnotus, 1997.2034, MNHN Apistogramma) 0000.5237, MNHN fish (+) (poeciliidae, Helicops carinicaudus 3 1887.0447, MNHN gobiidae) long (55,56) 87097, CAS amphibians 1970.0516, MNHN 1970.0518, MNHN fish (tilapia, lebistes, (21,24,57– Homalopsis buccata 5 1974.1333, MNHN mystus, eels…) bulky 59) 1970.0517, MNHN amphibians 1884.0123, MNHN R86165, AMNH R86166, AMNH Hydrelaps darwiniensis 5 R86167, AMNH small fish (gobiid) long (16,60,61) R86169, AMNH R86172, AMNH 1974.0854, MNHN fish 1889.0398, MNHN Hydrodynastes bicinctus 5 1902.0271, MNHN amphibians bulky (42) 0000.8665, MNHN crustaceans (shrimps) R88401, AMNH 1989.3093, MNHN 0000.A301, MNHN 0000.A302, MNHN fish Hydrodynastes gigas 6 bulky (42,62–64) 1997.2121, MNHN amphibians 1999.8322, MNHN 1997.2347, MNHN 0000.0851, MNHN 1977.0807, MNHN (1,15,16,39 Hydrophis ornatus 5 R66586, AMNH fish (Plotosida, Gobiidae) long ) R66588, AMNH R161770, AMNH 0000.5137, MNHN 1922.0005, MNHN (1,16,65,66 Hydrophis platurus 5 1922.0002, MNHN fish (Clupeidae) long ) 1994.0659, MNHN 1893.0064, MNHN 198586, FMNH 202102, FMNH (1,15,39,67 Hydrophis schistosus 5 202103, FMNH fish (mainly Ariidae) long ) 199488, FMNH 218842, FMNH 0000.4260A, MNHN 0000.4260, MNHN fish (+) (Ophichthidae) Hydrophis spiralis 5 0000.3988, MNHN long (68) 0000.7723, MNHN crustaceans R161772, AMNH 212320, FMNH fish (Opisthognathidae, Hydrophis stokesii 3 213063, FMNH long (15) Batrachoididae) 16774, CAS 1973.0296, MNHN 0000.3438, MNHN fish (+) (Synbranchidae, Hydrops triangularis 5 1978.2500, MNHN Gymnotidae) long (42,55,69) 1986.0565, MNHN amphibians 1989.3052, MNHN 0000.5180, MNHN 0000.7702, MNHN (1,15,70– Laticauda colubrina 5 0000.5881, MNHN fish (eels) long 74) 0000.5766, MNHN 0000.9053, MNHN R18223, AMNH frogs, tadpole Lycodonomorphus laevissimus 2 bulky (75) 156721, CAS fish (Tilapia) 205893, FMNH 205889, FMNH anurans (large tadpoles, Lycodonomorphus rufulus 5 0000.3377, MNHN frogs) bulky (76) 0000.1210, MNHN small fish 0000.0563, MNHN 1897.0006, MNHN 1989.3151, MNHN fish (eels) (42,44,54,7 Micrurus lemniscatus 5 0000.7658, MNHN long 7) 1996.7849, MNHN snakes, lizards (-) 0000.0201, MNHN 1996.7874, MNHN 1978.2312, MNHN Micrurus surinamensis 5 0000.3926, MNHN fish (eels, Gymnotus) long (42,44,78) 1873, Antoine Fouquet 1999.8313, MNHN R86236, AMNH R111790, AMNH fish (+) (gobiid) R111792, AMNH Myron richardsonii 7 R111793, AMNH nudibranch (-) long (15,25) 114105, CAS crabs (-) 135489, CAS 135491, CAS 1967.0455, MNHN 1899.0294, MNHN fish (+) (cichlids of lake Naja annulata 5 1892.0098, MNHN Tanganyika....) long (7) 1967.0452, MNHN amphibians 0000.8222, MNHN 1896.0518, MNHN 0000.6507A, MNHN frogs Natriciteres olivacea 5 1896.0520, MNHN bulky (8,79,80) 0000.6508, MNHN small fish 1994.8215, MNHN 2000.5145, MNHN fish (+) (Cyprinids: Gobio 1989.0698, MNHN gobio, Rhodeus sericeus, Natrix tessellata 5 0000.0641, MNHN Alburnus alburnus, and long (81,82) 1884.0155, MNHN Pseudorasbora parva) 0000.0642, MNHN amphibians 0000.0121, MNHN 0000.3482, MNHN fish (sunfish, bass) Nerodia cyclopion 5 1955.0058, MNHN bulky (83,84) R159217, AMNH amphibians R159218, AMNH R64408, AMNH R72686, AMNH fish (Cyprinidae, Nerodia harteri 5 R72690, AMNH long (83,85–88) Itcaluridae…) R85314, AMNH R162252, AMNH R172664, MCZ R172665, MCZ fish Opisthotropis lateralis 5 R175987, MCZ crustacean (freshwater long (89) R172654, MCZ shrimps) R172653, MCZ 1891.0077, MNHN 1891.0045, MNHN small fish 1891.0046, MNHN Psammodynastes pictus 6 anurans (-) long (59) 128402, FMNH 148906, FMNH crustaceans (prawn) 148926, FMNH 0000.3402, MNHN 0000.3401, MNHN fish (++) (Synbranchus) (42,54,55,6 Pseudoeryx plicatilis 5 0000.3401A, MNHN long 3,90,91) 1962.0423, MNHN amphibians 1978.2550, MNHN crustaceans (shrimps R35067, MCZ Macrobrachium) R140183, MCZ Pseudoferania polylepis 5 R129135, MCZ fish (Megalops, long (21,92) R141689, MCZ Eleotridae) 1937.0082, MNHN frogs (-) 29565, FMNH crayfish (+) (freshly moult 30428, FMNH crayfish) Regina grahami 5 7791, FMNH bulky (83,93) fish (-) 17033, FMNH 17609, FMNH amphibians (-) 3074, FMNH 35881, FMNH 3076, FMNH crayfish (freshly moult Regina septemvittata 6 bulky (94–96) 3077, FMNH crayfish) 35880, FMNH 0000.3492, MNHN 11047, FMNH 22591, FMNH Liodytes alleni 5 48360, FMNH crayfish (hard & soft shell) bulky (97–99) R159307, AMNH R170180, AMNH 0000.1101, MNHN R159322, AMNH (83,84,99,1 Liodytes rigida 5 R159323, AMNH crayfish (hard & soft shell) bulky 00) R160211, AMNH R162319, AMNH amphibians (cricket frog, 53688, FMNH tadpoles, salamander) 53693, FMNH Liodytes pygaea 5 53687, FMNH fish bulky (101) 53691, FMNH invertebrates (earthworms, 95347, FMNH leeches) 1902.0080, MNHN fish (50%, Misgurnus 1989.0215, MNHN anguillicaudatus, Channa Sinonatrix annularis 5 1989.0206, MNHN asiatica) long (102) 1999.9017, MNHN 1999.9016, MNHN anurans (Rana 50%) 1935.0449, MNHN fish (98%, Misgurnus 1935.0449A, MNHN anguillicaudatus, Channa Sinonatrix percarinata 5 1812.0321, MNHN asiatica) long (102) 2007.2443, MNHN 1812.0319, MNHN anurans (Rana 2%) R57421, AMNH R162404, AMNH amphibians (frog, toad, R162405, AMNH larvae, tadpoles, pacific (19,103– Thamnophis atratus 7 212664, CAS bulky giant salamander larvae) 108) 212709, CAS 212720, CAS fish 220684, CAS R57423, AMNH fish (salmonids) R66544, AMNH (103,108– Thamnophis couchii 5 R108191, AMNH amphibians (tadpoles, long 113) R108192, AMNH pacific giant salamander R108194, AMNH larvae) R64376, AMNH R64402, AMNH fish (green sunfish, (103,114– Thamnophis rufipunctatus 5 R68286, AMNH rainwbow trout) long 116) R85996, AMNH amphibians (-) R162440, AMNH 1991.1628, MNHN 0000.7323, MNHN fish 1991.1627, MNHN (31,35,117 Xenochrophis piscator 6 amphibians (toad, frog) bulky 1998.8543, MNHN –121) 1998.8553, MNHN rodents (-) R34085, AMNH References: 1.
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