High Court Refuses Abortion Re-Hearing ' Washington, D.D. (RNS)' — York's liberalized abortion law. The U.S. Supreme Court has He Had charged that the New unanimously refused to recon­ York| law refused equal protec­ sider its Jan. 22 ruling allowing tion of the law to the unborn, a abortion during the first six right [guaranteed by the First a.nd months of pregmancy and also 14th Amendments, sent cases involving anti-abor­ Msgr. McHugh said that by tion laws in 11 states back to refusing to consider the rights of lower federal courts. the unborn in the New York It's A Gas The decision mot to re-hear the case,, the court "reaffirmed the Prodded by Dr. Otto A. Olson, Jr., president of the Central Canada Texas and Georgia cases brought opinion that the child is not en­ an immediate protest from Msgr. titled! to any * legal protection Synod and a member of the Lutheran Church in America's Execu­ James McHugh, who heads the prior to birth." tive Council, the policy-making body of the LCA will consider smoking U.S. Catholic Conference's Fam­ restrictions during future meetings. To stress his point, Dr. Olson donned ily Life Division. He called the He declared that there is no scientific evidence to support the a gas mask — "a Christmas gift from my son who had heard me complain" court's action "a further display court's view and, in fact, "the — at a recent meeting and asked that "at least smoking be limited in pro­ of its obstinate refusal to recog­ nize the existence of human life" sciences of genetics and fetology portion to the number of people who don't smoke." (RNS) during the first six months of document the continuity of hu­ pregnancy. man development from concep­ Curia Changes tion on." . Me said that the court's deci* "At a time . when there is sion will "encourage a life-style widespread sensitivity to the, Guidelines Are Issued Follow Refor^n of abortion on request through-1 rights of minorities and of those out the country." who are unable to defend them­ selves," said Msgr. McHugh, Begun in 1968 IVIsgr. McHughi focused oh one For Lenten Liturgy 'the court has invoked the nar­ of the cases sent back to lower rowest legal understanding of Lenten Worship Letter. o^Page press the ideas in the booklet in Vatican City (RNS)—The Vat­ court for reconsideration in ican has announced the resigna­ the 14th Amendment to deny the By JOHN DASH individual ways. light of the Jan. 22 ruling — protection of the Constitution to tions of three more cardinals ! The booklet is divided into wherein a Fordlham University children prior to bir th." If the. Diocesan Liturgy Com-. from, top posts in; the Roman law professor challenged New mission has its way this Lent, three parts, the first consisting Curia, the Church's administra­ of themes which may be devel­ parishes which follow some re­ tive center. cently issued guidelines for li- oped as homilies. These themes ( include descriptions of liturgy as Resigning are Dutch - born turgies and devotions will be do­ Cardinal Maximilian De Fursten- ing some broad re-write and a bond between the worshiper and God, as a sign of the pres­ berg, 68, prefect of the' Congre­ adaptation. ence of Christ to his people, as a gation for the Oriental Churches; "The thrust of this year's sign of reconciliation' between Cardinal Paolo Bertoli, 65, pre­ booklet is to adapt according to God and man, as a call to and a fect of the Congregation for the circumstances," said Sister Mary response in Faith, and as a srgn Causes of the Saints, and Card­ Mattle, secretary of the commis­ of the New Covenant pacted be­ inal Giuseppe Ferretto, 74, head sion. tween God and Man. of the Sacred'Apostolic Peniten­ tiary, a tribunal that deals with She spoke of a thick, unpagi- Penance services, Bible devo­ 'questions of conscience. nated booklet sent to all the par­ tions and prayer' services con­ ishes and crammed with sugges­ stitute, the second part of the The resignations are in line tions on Lenten worship. "Don't book. with a plan introduced by Pope take them as they are," she Paul, under which all top Vatican urged parishes. The ceremonies of Holy Week officials must have their posi­ and suggestions on their observ­ tions confirmed by the Pontiff It is the hope of the commission ance make up part three of the every five years. The reform that most communities will ex­ commission's guidelines. came into effect March 1, 1968, so top officials in power at that time came to the end of their Senator Urges Protection five-year mandate on March 1, 1973. Earlier, the Vatican announced For Anti-Abortion Doctors the resignations of Italian Card­ inal Paolo Marella, 78, from his Washington, D.C. (RNS) — "Federal money made avail­ post as president of the Secre­ Physicians; hospitals and others able for this purpose has been ex­ tariat for Non-Christians and would be protected "on; the ex­ tended on. the condition that the that of Italian Cardinal Luigi ercise of religious or philosophi­ hospitals shall comply with cer­ Traglia, 77, „ as Chancellor of cal beliefs which proscribe the tain federal regulations. These the Holy Roman Church. performance of abortions or ster­ regulations need not be prescrib­ ilization procedures" under a ed prior to the acceptance of the The department Cardinal joint resolution introduced in the federal grant or loan, but may be Traglia headed, the Apostolic Senate.. stipulated afterwards." Chancery, was eliminated by papal decree on Feb. 27. Its func­ Sen. Frank Church (D.-Idaho), Sen. Church said this means tions, which consisted mainly in in eommjenting on the resolution the requirement that hospitals after he ^submitted it, said the dispatching formal 'church docu­ which receive Hill-Burton funds ments, have been transferred to recent U.S. Supreme Court de- "must prove that charity patients the Vaticani Secretariat of State. ci$ionj)Verturning abortion laws account for not less than 3 per, in most states raises a "serious cent of their yearly operating Pope Paul Jjegan a long- - • • question "as to its possible impact costs, represents a relatively re­ awaited shuffle- in the Roman upon the federal 'government's cent condition laid upon mosf Curia on Feb. 26 when he named extensive involvement in medi­ hospitals after they had obtained 59 - year - old Cardinal Sebas - cine and medical care." the federal money." tiano Baggio of Sardinia' prefect '.I "For example," he said, "thou­ "Once having accepted the of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops. Cardinal Baggio suc­ sands of hospitals throughout the money, the hospitals are subject United States have been built, ceeds Cardinal Carlo Confalo- thereafter to comply with such nierei, 79. remodeled, enlarged, modern­ regulations as the federal admin­ ized or equipped under the pro- istrative agency may choose to The pontiff also named as sec­ .visions of the Hill-Burton Act. impose," he said. "Physicians retaries of the Congregation for who participate, in the medicare the Evangelization of Peoples,-. and medicaid .programs could Archbishop Bernardin Gantin, Elmira Agency find themselves in the same pre- who until 1971 was Archbishop icament. Their eligibility might of Cotonou,; Dahomey; and Arch­ come to be conditioned upon bishop Duraisamy Simon Lour- Names Board, their willingness to perform all dusamy, a former Archbishop of those services p'rescribed by fed­ Bangalore, India. New Director eral regulations."' The lawmaker (who is not affil­ tandy-coafed Elmira — The board of the iated with any denomination) * Dr. Schwandt Catholic Family Service recently continued: "Given this state of elected its officers for 1973-74. the law, I can well understand To Co\ndwct They are Cornelius J. Milliken, the deep concern being express­ jPappagallo •Jr., president: Edward Netski, ed by hospital: administrators, Mass J\4usic vice president; Vernando Bon- clergymen and physicians whose The first Sunday of Lent will '• signore, secretary; and John T. religious beliefs-prohibit abor­ be solemnly observed with a I Gough, treasurer. tions and/or sterilization in most 0Latin High Mass at i the Cenacle $18 * Iii addition, the board named cases, o • - Chapel. The Mass, set for 4 p.m. ! Madeline F. Sullivan to the posi­ "Catholic hospitals, for ex-- ' Sunday, March 11, $vill be cele­ tion of executive director of the ample." he said, "do not permit brated by Tv. Paul McCabe, agency. A native Elmiran, Miss their facilities to be used for the associate pastor of'St. Augus­ It's 6ur delicious soft sandal treit that's Sullivan began working.for Cath- performance of an . abortion tine's- Church and ', Newman' under ordinary circumstances. Chaplain'for the Easijmart School a ifesaver with everything yob wear. 'olio.family Service as a social' Our #1 favorite in fine, smooth worker in 1949. • She. became in­ It is simply contrary to the Cath­ of . Music Music for, the Mass terim "director, in February, 1972. olic * faith, .regardless .of what will be provided by [the Gregor­ Peppermint pink, yellow, whi ElMra.Mayior Edward Conley the civil law may say;" ian Chant dhoir.'urider the di- gresn, navy! McCurdy's Shop for irecejitly^.reseft.ted Catholic Fam­ "Nothing is more fundamental reetion ' of Erich Schwandt, as­ ily Sefvirie €th\a check for to our national birthright than sistant professor of Musieology. Patjpagailo, Second Floor, tyidtowri $10jOOO ' tQi ^ISe i used to continue freedom of ' religion," Sen. The monthly Latin High providing:.'help .for the citizens Church said. "Religious belief Masses are] sponsored by the 6tMmirawJM are, still recover- Eastman" School Newman: Club; must remain above the reach of 1 inglf^m^eM6odSfbf last June.
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