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Printed in the U.S.A. 8 Remembering Rabbi Mordechai Gifter n:n::i?p•;:~n::ir, RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR A Melamed for All Times, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer EDITORIAL BOARD RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Cha;rman BEING THERE FOR OUR YOUTH RABBI ABBA BRUDNY A Heartwarming Experience With Israeli "Kids at Risk," JOSEPH FRIEOENSON 24 RABBI YISROEL MEIR KIRZNER Gitty Krauss RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN PROF. AARON TWERSKI 27 The Fifth Child: The Child Who Stopped Asking: DR. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER Z"L Founding Chairman A Layman's Guide to Kiruv Kerovim, Rabbi Aaron Brody MANAGEMENT SOARD 3.S Our Children, Our Attitudes, Rabbi Shmuel Gluck AV! FISHOF NAFTOLI HIRSCH Voice From the Fringe, and Beyond ... Coming ISAAC KIRZNER 39 RABBI SHLOMO LESIN Back Again, Anonymous NACHUM STEIN RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING 43 On Talking and T-T-T-Transmissions, Rabbi Yaakov Rosenblatt Managing Editor Published by 47 Middos Instruction: Prerequisite for Torah, Agudath Israel of America Rabbi Shimon Finkelman U.S. TRADE DISTRIBUTOR lSRAELI REPRESENTATIVE Feldheim Publishers lnlnl. Media Placement Our Youth as Spokesmen for Torah, Rabbi Ari Zaidoff 200 Airport Executiv€ Park POB 7195 I 5 Even Israel 53 Nanuet. NY 10954 Jerusalem. ISRAEL BRITISH REPRESENTATIVE BELGIAN REPRESENTATIVE PESACH THOUGHTS M.T. Bi11elman Mr. E. Apter Grosvenor Works Lange Kiev1tstr. 29 Mount Pleasant Hill 2018 Antwerp SS From Slavery to Freedom ... From Darkness To London ES 9NE. ENGLAND BELGIUM Great Light, Yosef Gesser FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE SWISS REPRESENTATIVE Rabbi Bamberger Mr. S. Feldinger 21 Boulevard Paixhans leimanstrasse 36 57000 Metz 4051 Basel BOOKS IN REVIEW FRANCE SWITZERLAND THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not 58 HaRav Yaakov Kamenetzky: His Life and Teachings assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, publication, or service Jeff Bloom advertised in its pages © Copyright 2001 March 2001 VOLUME XXXIV/NO. 3 Remembering Rabbi Mordechai Gifter i1:J1:17j7~i~1:Jl A .Melamed For All Times BIOGRAPI-IICAL NOTES he recent passing of Rabbi Mordechai Gifter, j?'"T~ "Ot he served for close to five years -years marked by intensive Torah ;i:iu7, the Telsher Rosh Hayeshiva, this past 23 Teves/Janu­ study, as before. Su1nn1oned by the Telzer Roshei Yeshiva - Rabbi Tary 18, vvas not only a Eliyahu Meir Bloch 7"~! and time of n1ourning, but an occa­ Rabbi Mordechai Katz 7"'1! -he sion to conte1nplate the many joined them in the fledgling aspects of greatness that marked Yeshiva ofTelshe in Cleveland, this unique Torah personality. Ohio, eventually as Rosh Yeshi­ The me1norial page in the va (with Rabbi Baruch previous issue of The ]eivish Sorotzkin 7"::n) until his passing, Observer listed the salient facts: except for t\\lo years, frotn 1977 born 85 years ago to Reb Yis­ to J 979, when he founded roel and Mrs. Gifter in Yeshiva Telshe-Stone near Portsn1outh, Virginia, later Yerushalayin1. n1oving to Balti1nore, eventu­ He \vas an outstanding ally going to Yeshiva Rabbi tahnid chachan1, as \\/ell as a Yitzchak Elchonon after his bar bold and visionary leader and niitzva. Inspired to learn in the articulate spokes1nan for Kial Telshe Yeshiva in Lithuania, he Yisroel - prin1arily through left America at age 17. lndeed, Agudath Israel of A111erica, after a few arduous years, he \\lhich he served as a me1nber was recognized to be a quin­ of its Moetzes Gedolci Hatorah tessential 'felzer in outlook, in (Council of Torah Sages). re1narkable dedication to Most of all, however, he Torah, and even in 1nanner of made his mark as a dedicated expression. n1ela111ed Torah to his I-le had an unusual affinity talrnidhn ... a teacher of 1'orah to Gedolci Yisroel, and during to generations of disciples, as the years of his youth, he had the article that follows delin­ close relationships with Rabbi eates. Moshe Soloveitchik 7"~!; the He leaves behind his devot­ Telzer Rav, Rabbi Avraham ed Rebbetzin, six children and Yitzchak Bloch ,.-,i1; his even­ their families - Rabbi and Mrs.
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