IJR1OCA1.SJRCE .$1.00 NuesPublicLibrary DstrCt 6960 OaktoflStreet NUes, IlHnoS60714 lLES (847) 663-1234 LI.ADERS SINCE1951 PJ?A . s i SPE1 ti - _i_ t:i ;.. : « ,' ( I II4 J. 4 . _: .J ? The Des PLaines Harmonaires suired an afternoon ofmusic at the NUes Ehstoncal Society'sfirst meeting ofthe new year Page 3 PtioIo by Jsiy D.gs For PÑ,noetThou NÉIGHBÓRS Dfl/ERSION$ Parents split over whether White and Red Ball marks Niles East alum writes biology curriculum is too debut of young Polish- Chicken Soup for the specific at Maine South. Americans. American Idol Soul. Page 3 Page 49 Page B3 Gerald Patrick Ot'rO9 11SB1IN Cleary £919 .LSt4Oio O99 Judge of the Circuit Court olCook County A38I1 3I18fljS1I(4 Rated QtJAUFIED by the ChicagoBarAssociation and IWnos Stato Bar Association .LIa 3fl9Çc:SB1I4 Endorsed by the Chcao Regional Council of Carpenters, Chicago m000qo !0038t'94$ Federation of Labor. IBEW and Chicago Fire FightersUnion. !OO-3rjQ1 wwwgeraldclearyforjudge.com 1-3rrc Paid (or by theVoters to Eioct GeraldPatrick Cleary. J Tharsda Jaanny 17,2008 A Pioneer Pinos Publication A Picorer Press Pablioatioo Thursday, January 17,2608 I 3 THY FELONIOUS FEMMES LEMONGRASS Scoot Inborn leamos Quien irai hoc lo cook csvhrl LalitsIl, Siens toton md sod Asian-olyls. tolte Halvns In "Mcd Now, tbousan of Chicagoland Money." NEWS See Food, puge 13 See Dienea)Oru, page e4 Open Houses haveone address Maoagorg Editor Aooe Lundo Sensor Editor-' Nereo: Carol Goddord BN I 0140delbrpiooeorlocal,cocs(847 635-2310 goddordk)pioorerlocol,com I(6) 406-7372 BAIRDoWARNER ¡NEW baírdwarner.com AROUND TOWN This WEEK Maine South parents debate 05*1fOrnir Notre Dame Wrestler ¡sMith,àiyk LUYrur,gdj4,c1ii11° wisdom of teaching birth control s'io, alumni plan teunlDn Cg KIT SUeLES Illinoia Fans'sly Institute (lOI),mediate action involving thetwo other high schools - a Notre Dame High Still 0(0 (nr a Chriotian not-for-profitbiolagy curriculum. Maine East in Park Ridge School's oecood annual 4h53 (off pIerre lion$1.030 group, were also there. The Jahn Derrick, whose childand Maine West in Des Wrestlers' Reunion will be IFI rallied its membershipis in the class this year, saidPlaines. For fall deth or thom held on Jan. lt at the or any sthor Clocagolood horro forselo, Jost coter (frs Ib nr,rrber in ehe Parento pachrd the Maierlast work to atteod and showhe doesn't believe the course In an alert te nFl members ooiek Lcokapr boo as borrdsoarneroorrs school, 7855 W. DempstrrIbwoship Schuol District 202support, while two sets of lo-meets state code, and askedlast week, IFS school issues St., Nifes, Wrestler alumniheard meeting Monday nightcal parents, (es touch with thefor it tobe removed until itodvisor Loro Sor Hausee ron- arr encouraged lo join theirte debate whether the fresh-IFI, had ahnt a separate mail-could meet those standards.tended Maine South's birth ill lii fellow alumni wrestlingman biology curriculum ating to Maine South parente. He also anked why birth eso-conIcal boit encourages stu- Osos and watch the suerontMaine South High School Their effort abc attractedtrot is being taaght to fresh-dents to have neo, wrestlers take on Marionshould continue to inctode athe attention cf parrots whoman biology otadrota. Mark orsandre500 of Park Cattsolio aud St. Viator at aunit on birth roetrol mdb-came te speak in aopport of "It's not a seo educatiossRidge disagreed. "The fact of dual meet at Notre Dame the birth control unit, titledrIsos, it's a biolegy clans," holife is that kids are going to *I0Goo,9Oil NUis,l,r144r5 5459,00 Skok,o $640,930 Parrots opposed to the"Mriosio/l$eproduetioo." The have sex )uoyway)," Ander- Lfrmol,,000d $540,000OlollojOe High School hegioning at 5 $530,000 560kb SSro,300 pm. curriculum unit called it ageconflicting opinions ted te District 207 admiostratorsson said. "Kids doo'l need en- Obllowing the dual meet,inappropriate for their chil-several exchanges in the au-have denied that the Mainerouragement to have sere" refreshments and food,then and some said it doradience. At one point, oneSouth biology curriculum vi- He also said parents of along with same great eon not do enough te encourageman threw bis arlos up in theolates any code, stating thatfreshman biology sladrnta versation, will he served issexual abstinence, air and wathed ont of thethe materials for the rlaosescan ask to hare their children the Library at Notre Dame, ('flirte most of the 17 peo-room io apparent frustratioc.come from a textbook op.do an assignment co a differ- ple who spoke were Park Since the District 237proved by the Illinois Stateent topic instead of thin unit. For more information,Ridge parents, a sign-in sheethoard did not have the issueBoard of Edacatioo which in-But Andor000 said parents please contact Augie Gen-of the close to 65 visitors ovesi at (84?) 778-8649 or on ita moretiog agenda, itscladro a discussiou of ab-cppnordto the class ohoaldo't Ur,ole000d 5440,500 ahowed vari000 oat-of-townmembers declined te earn-staining from sex, The unit is SOrbo $459,000 [email protected]. 000m Cromo $450,000 individauls affiliated wills themeet or commit to coy im-not offered ut the district's Ser 01010100 207, pnor 7 S006ba $440,300 Pork RIdgo 1424,000 3 Sb'm6031.2404.r0,J04, NEXT A JOYFUL SOUND Polling places APCOMIND NEXT WEEK Free throw contest movefor Feb. 5 registers youths 10-14 Sp Kil lIASSES dsowoeoospluintsuboat iI,sac- lIaI 011177 $309,900 erosibilily from nenioso who S006lo $390,000 The aooual Knights of Shoe $400,030 ikadlen Byte cee ries oJoso had touoblereaelsiog the lower Olor $379,000 000rI Plorp00 79,000 Columbus Proc-Throw Coo- 100310719 test far hoyo and girls ages G'O°P0'ol,,0r o,rOcIr544 'lico Riles pouiog placca "We by ta make il as easy 10 ta 14, sponsored by bave beco ebaogeol for the Obb. oc oar votes's an possible," she Council 4338, Riles, will br 3 presidential primary rIco-said of the noo-groand bevel lo. hold Jan. 26 in the St. John boo. ration at the White Regle, Brebraf Gymnasium, 8301 Maine 'lbwersbip Precinct Voters alan have the ability N. Harlem Ave. 59,whirhprevioaslywou locat-to vote early for this election. 000rawillapro at 8:30 ed at Oasis Recreation CenterVarious locations in Cook Couoty haro tecnsopenfoeear. am. Competitions will start at 7077 Mib,aaukor Ave., han SI,040000d been moved this year te they young since Jan, l4aodsoill £200,000 S604jc $204,000 S400jo at 8 am, far lO-ycar-olds; 254,900 S000bo Lone 'live Manor at 7730 N.remain open until Jon. 31. 00 roble, 9136 am. for 11-year-aIds; 13 co $230,400 Milwaukee Ave. The change-Nitro dors oct have an early r417 O0 200 '7 II,e,J, 6r Cobol bbo,m oes. for 12-year-olds; 10:38 r,uuu duo to the fact the Oasisvaticglaratioo,hul segistered am, far 13- and 14-yeas'- Ibocroalion Conter is being ore-votess in the cilkoile run visil aldo, Each group will about oratori and carecotly andreaoy cf Ihr 42 other (oealioos indoprodently and first-, construction. druigcok'd by 0(0e couoty. second- and (bird-place win- Noes Ibovoskip Precinct 1, VirlasOne said the rlosest oreswillbe awardod prioes. psovi005lyatNileaDiabict7l'ocloly va(iog stoats to Niles um South Elemontosy School atthrGleociroevsllagoHull, 1225 First-place wi500rs in t935'lbahyAvr,,rrsonsnovrdloWnulorgao Road; Morton each 000egorywillhave an The White Eag(r BanqaeJs atGsovo hAlkoge Hue, 6061 Ca- WhooF,og $220,000 Gorme, l7000W5IOb0y Or $lrO,500 opportunity to compete io 8839 N. Milwaukee Ave.. polino Avc,; Park Ridge City 6o,, $474,030Oor3000roeo hobo $920,000Skokjo HaIl, 505 Builor Place; Shobie $2,400 the Koighta of Calumbas VoIlage Clerk Ialas'lcnr 'OJo- Dists'ict #7 competiliaa, toAnn Schwips and other members otitis group "Oarmunalres" rom throne said the Riles ele0000.V'ollosge Hull, 5127 Oaktoo St.; he held Obb. 2 at the same Des PlaInes, perlormed at Ihn Riles Historical Society's Twelfth RIgId lacy solcano, which had vctiog (oration starling 069 am, pantyoSJan. 6. Jerry Iteltege/ lee Planase Peses booths in its basement, bad See 60005,0100e 0 A Pioneer PIous Pabhcation Thmoday, January 15,2000I S 4 I Thursday, January 17, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication Nata eEaAte-SPECTATeR conreen as 8 Dems seek three MWRD seats NNo lOi) 500.9122 Six Democrats vie to replace State's Attorney e- 09h 0000020 ay LIZA ROCHE eat or040r@plaeer,alac Ny JOHN HUSTON cals. Collectively, those ac- As 00e cf the largestNo OeOjOj044sOdO0,5,,.eu Sitj Wriirr NoNolNo rol ou-sue SOli Wohiel tions can improve the area'sland owners in the region, leSi) 900,200 aSNo Thusion Olp Iones ils osi, son hOsted phone e lis sol, 55m water supply, he said. the water reclamation dis- Nolan- 547) 405-7495 use- :547) 000-coos Salates said her top pri-trict,' he said, can increase Sieri all Oor00501000a rs loe loes la sie -Oee,i,s, Eight Democrats are sui- orities include completingose-tan revenues by ensur- 000 Es,e,inr4ea5jLsOn5 For the first time since ing in the Pob. 5 primary to Deep Tunnel and a water-ing land is being used in 1940, there is no incumbent be the party's nominees for shed management ordi-nat only the best way envi- Cook County Stale's Alloroey Commissioner, '-l-ru on theballol. three seats on the Metro- nance. About two years ago,ronmenlatly, but also eco- 0,sflterie 547) 292.00:0 politan Water Reclamation Water Reclamation nomically. NSn-M alias Sia Democratic candi- the sanitary district took 004,4, District of Greater Chicago District nf Greater control of stormwaler man- The District oseas about 100750,OOiO dates ace vying for the spot.
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